Call to Papers for PoFo ePub - Politics | PoFo

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As many of you know, HoniSoi, Cheesecake_Marmalade, others and I are working on producing a trial ePublication by and for Pofoites. I’d like to thank everyone who has submitted pieces so far. If you have or could write a piece that might be of interest to PoFo, don’t hesitate to send it to Honi, C_M or myself. We’re accepting articles on current affairs and theory, opinion pieces, reviews of books and the arts, satire and more. If in doubt, run it past one of the editors.

In addition to regular pieces, each issue will have several pieces on particular theme. In the trial issue we are looking at the topic of geopolitics, or international relations with an emphasis on the interplaying roles of power and geography.

We are therefore inviting submission of articles on this subject. They could be more theoretical pieces on the history of geopolitics or the nature of the current international system (get your I.R. jargon out: unipolar, multipolar, apolar…). They could also deal with contemporary states and whether their foreign policy is “geopolitical” (for example, Iran/U.S.A. competing for influence in oil-rich areas, Israel’s needing land for “strategic depth” for security). It could also discuss emerging powers like China or the European Union and discuss the nature of their international presence.

This should not discourage submissions on other topics. The PoFo ePub is an experiment so we’re very open to original ideas.
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By Muslimanka
Oh, I can't wait to read it! There are lot of users who post here, who I agree and disagree with, who I would like to read writing by when they get to write it without it being part of a debate - to just sit, write, and create something that is a complete statement by itself. I think a lot of our discussions here are like watching an interview with a famous author - it's excellent and enjoyable, but it's still nice to read the book too and get a better understanding of that person and their views. A good, good idea, bravo!
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By HoniSoit
And just a remainder of our editorial policy on the length of submission: we are quite flexible and would gladly accept articles of various length as long as they are of good quality. For shorter pieces, it could be anywhere between a few hundred to a couple of thousand words. For longer and more substantive pieces, a few thousand words and more are very much welcome. So don't be hesitant to submit your writing, even if you think your pieces may be too long or too short.

Muslimanka wrote:I think a lot of our discussions here are like watching an interview with a famous author - it's excellent and enjoyable, but it's still nice to read the book too and get a better understanding of that person and their views.

I cannot agree more. :)
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By MB.
How do you format your paper?
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By Verv
This is good.

I also look forward to seeing it.
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By Rancid

call for papers, not call to papers....
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By MistyTiger
I look forward to seeing the first issue.

Will it be on something like a blog or will it be like in pdf form?
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade

As for format, article format, I guess? It doesn't really matter, if it's good it's good.
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By MistyTiger
Great! I was thinking that PDF would be the best format.

I hope it's good.

I'm beginning to think that the article I submitted might not be all that good. Is it too late to make at least one addition? I feel like kicking myself.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
It's not too late but I mean we're going to be editing articles better. You get to read the final edit before we put it to print (so to speak), but if it gets that far it was usually good in the first place.

But yeah, send Honi, Ombregeux or me whatever additions you want.
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By HoniSoit
Just so that everyone knows, this project is still alive and kicking. We've received a number of submissions already while others are presumably in the process of writing theirs. We are also writing some of the articles ourselves. But it will still be some time before we publish the e-pub. So any submission now or a little later are very much welcome.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
Yep. I'm still looking over all the articles that were sent in and I have to say we have some very intelligent people giving us some very good articles. Keep it up, guys. :)
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By War Angel
I'm writing one, but have hit a little writing block. It shouldn't take too long - I'll have it ready soon enough. :)
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By ThereBeDragons
Revision III incoming by this time tomorrow.
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By Kaspar
I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys have to say.

Maybe I'll write one myself if you put another publication together.
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By HoniSoit
C_M wrote:I have to say we have some very intelligent people giving us some very good articles.

I'd have to agree. We've got some really high-quality submissions so far that have well exceeded our initial modest expectation.

War Angel - thanks. Looking forward to reading your article.

ThereBeDragons - no worries. Thanks for the revisions.

Kaspar wrote:Maybe I'll write one myself if you put another publication together.

That'd be great.
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By W01f
Has anyone submitted anything on the Ukrainian election yet? If not I might try to write something on that. Although it would be preferable to wait until the final results of the second round to submit it (Feb. 7) even though the results are predictable.
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By PredatorOC
Is there a due date and what areas have received less attention at this point? I'd hate to write about a subject that has already been covered by someone else.
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