Former Attorney-General kills cyclist with car - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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By QatzelOk
Montreal is blessed then

Not blessed. God or a messiah didn't build the bike paths. The city government did.

And the main reason Montreal has decent mass transit and close-together neighborhoods is because Quebec was usually too poor to buy the latest fads in urbanism. Western Canadian cities used all their fresh money to build cities that will soon be torn down.

And the road rage and suburban obesity epidemic are telling signs that this culture is finito. Fat, miserable slobs tearing all over the place in a rage is an apt caricature of The Love Affair With the Automobile that lead to global weather AIDS and cities that are basically open sewers for automobiles noise and pollution.
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By Godstud
QatzelOk wrote:And the main reason Montreal has decent mass transit and close-together neighborhoods is because Quebec was usually too poor to buy the latest fads in urbanism. Western Canadian cities used all their fresh money to build cities that will soon be torn down.

Absolute rubbish. Any proof of this happening or is this one of your 'theories'? I only see cities expanding even more, not being torn down. You're making up stuff now.
QatzelOk wrote:And the road rage and suburban obesity epidemic are telling signs that this culture is finito.
Obesity is linked to food, not cars. Obesity is actually diminishing out west here, how would you explain that?

QatzelOk wrote:Fat, miserable slobs tearing all over the place in a rage is an apt caricature of The Love Affair With the Automobile that lead to global weather AIDS and cities that are basically open sewers for automobiles noise and pollution.
AIDS? :lol: How do you come up with that gem?

The love affair with the automobile has come mostly from the freedom it gives people. This is often seen by most people as a fair tradeoff for the negative factors. Of course, now with people becoming more aware of the environment, people are slowly changing to more environmental methods of transportation, when possible.
If you don't like the noise and pollution then move to the country, or would you need a car then to get to work? Your preaching is just that.
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By Thunderhawk
And the main reason Montreal has decent mass transit and close-together neighborhoods is because Quebec was usually too poor to buy the latest fads in urbanism.

Subways are hugely expensive. If Montréal was poor they wouldnt have built a subway.

noise and pollution

I live in a condo apartment, I experiance both of these from my neighbours routinely. However, when they get in their cars and leave I dont experiance their noise (yelling, screaming) or pollution (smoking).
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By QatzelOk
Subways are hugely expensive. If Montréal was poor they wouldnt have built a subway.

Subways are used by the poor. They are the cheapest way to move around large groups of people, other than trains-on-the-surface and bicycles.

I favor the other two options. I hate subways because they are too fragile (a single incident closes down an entire line) and because they are a way to bury working class people in a hole every day.

But one great thing about subways is that they leave the surface clear for car traffic, like in Manhattan which has no tramways but millions of crawling vehicles. Brilliant.

This is the kind of planning that a mafia would love. And the kind that empowers drivers by giving them the power to kill if they sneeze the wrong way.
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By Thunderhawk
They are the cheapest way to move around large groups of people, other than trains-on-the-surface and bicycles.

The cost to build a subway like Montréal's metro costs around 200 million dollars per km. If Quebec was "too poor to buy the latest fads in urbanism" Montréal would not have a subway.
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By QatzelOk
Construction costs are not that important for something as long-term as a subway tunnel.

It was started in the 60s, so that price has to be divided by 50 (amortized). Likewise, it carries a million people per day.

Figure out how much it would cost to build any other transport alternative to carry that volume of people and you'll understand why relatively poor Eastern European countries had excellent transit. It's a lot cheaper than cars or even buses in the long term, and it forces you to concentrate housing along corridors, instead of flattening all your farmland.

All of this is cheaper than suburban sprawl and cars.

And I'm not even including the cost of road kill like that unfortunate bike courier.
By Huntster
The bike courier ended up grabbing onto the Saab drivers side and not letting go.

Why did he end up grabbing onto a speeding car?

It seems pretty clear to me. From the article:

The Globe and Mail reported that the cyclist involved in the collision had been drinking, and had been investigated by police earlier in the evening when an ex-girlfriend called police. The Globe said the man was not charged in connection with the drinking

The cyclist was drunk and belligerent. Somehow, he and the former AG got into an "altercation", and the cyclist attacked the car. Probably because the AG wasn't properly armed (like Canadians normally aren't, because Ottawa has taken away their firearms rights), he used his automobile very effectively as a weapon, which can be done quite easily. Motor vehicles can be wonderful weapons.

It sounds like the cyclist was fucking around with the wrong hombre and he got dead.
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By QatzelOk
the cyclist was fucking around with the wrong hombre and he got dead

It sounds like you learned right and wrong watching the Road Runner/Coyote series, Huntster.

This makes me hate media even more.
By Huntster
the cyclist was fucking around with the wrong hombre and he got dead

It sounds like you learned right and wrong watching the Road Runner/Coyote series, Huntster.

Do you think I learned about the hereafter from the same cartoon, since the Coyote never died?

Sorry. My version of "right and wrong" holds that somebody that attacks me gets his ass whipped or more, depending on his desire for punishment.

It looks like the cyclist wanted the full Monte. He got confronted by police after his girlfriend called them, then he went out and picked a fight with the former Attorney General of the province, who killed his dumb ass after he jumped on his car.

Looks like a Darwin Award recipient to me.
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By QatzelOk
My version of "right and wrong" holds that somebody that attacks me gets his ass whipped or more, depending on his desire for punishment.

Jesus would have been killed by a car while trying to cross the street and give water to a thirsty orphan.

On his death, Huntster would be all: "Darwin's ass in your face, Christ-man!" Which is a cartoon version of the message of Christianity distorted through the lens of modern science as new messiah-provider.
By Huntster
My version of "right and wrong" holds that somebody that attacks me gets his ass whipped or more, depending on his desire for punishment.

Jesus would have been killed by a car while trying to cross the street and give water to a thirsty orphan.

1) Jesus didn't attack any automobile drivers while drunk

2) Jesus' death was pre-ordained by God to be at the hands of the Pharisees, Scribes, and Sadducees.

On his death, Huntster would be all: "Darwin's ass in your face, Christ-man!"

Nope. Christ's sacrifice was well defined before he surrendered Himself to the cross.

This cyclist? He had plenty of warning that he was fucking up that very evening before he "met" the AG, and he didn't learn his lesson.

He got himself killed foolishly.
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By QatzelOk
This cyclist? He had plenty of warning that he was fucking up that very evening before he "met" the AG, and he didn't learn his lesson.

Jesus was also "warned."

Your double standard is a product of celebrity culture, and not of faith.
By Huntster
This cyclist? He had plenty of warning that he was fucking up that very evening before he "met" the AG, and he didn't learn his lesson.

Jesus was also "warned."

As were the Pharisees, Scribes, and Sadducees with many references from the prophets.

And Christ didn't need the "warning". He knew exactly what he was doing and why.

Your double standard is a product of celebrity culture, and not of faith.

How would you know? I happen to believe fully, which is faith.

What do you believe regarding this dead cyclist? That he was a complete victim of the AG?
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By QatzelOk
I happen to believe fully, which is faith.

You believe fully in what?

That a dead cyclist deserved what he got for playing with tyrannical and coke-addled yuppies?

If you could just imagine Jesus witnessing this tragedy, you must know - in your faith-filled heart - that he would no react as matter-of-factly and equivocally as you are. You are reacting like the soldiers who killed Jesus, which is normal, because you're part of the Roman-Jewish cabal that hated philosophy and loved power.
By Huntster
I happen to believe fully, which is faith.

You believe fully in what?

Many things, but in particular:

Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God, He died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of man, and that if you accept His sacrifice as the redemption that He told us it was, you will be redeemed to God.

That a dead cyclist deserved what he got for playing with tyrannical and coke-addled yuppies?

No. That a dead cyclist really screwed up, it appears that he was drunk, he got aggressive, he didn't "deserve what he got", but he damned sure got it anyway, and he got it because he really screwed up.

If you could just imagine Jesus witnessing this tragedy, you must know - in your faith-filled heart - that he would no react as matter-of-factly and equivocally as you are.

That is clearly true.

That's why He is perfect and I need His salvation.

You are reacting like the soldiers who killed Jesus

No, I'm not.

I'm not killing anybody. I'm commenting on an idiot who fucked up big time and got himself dead.

you're part of the Roman-Jewish cabal that hated philosophy and loved power.

1) I have no use for "philosophy" because I have God and He has blessed me

2) I don't love power

3) That written, I respect power

4) Finally, I'm not afraid of power...........the VC and a general review of history taught me that guerrilla warfare/resistance is very efficient against even the greatest "power"..........
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By QatzelOk
Is it:
I'm commenting on an idiot who fucked up big time and got himself dead

or is it:
He died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of man, and that if you accept His sacrifice as the redemption that He told us it was, you will be redeemed to God.


There seem to be two messages going on in your head at the same time. A moral story which is full of olde English vocabulary and Christian icons, and a real-life amorality that's all about power and might.

There's a separation in your mind between morality and the real world, and this makes "religion" just a style for a form of entertainment/denial.
By Huntster
Is it:
I'm commenting on an idiot who fucked up big time and got himself dead

or is it:
He died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of man, and that if you accept His sacrifice as the redemption that He told us it was, you will be redeemed to God.


It's both.

What, do you want me to throw myself to the floor, kick and scream in agony, and otherwise lament over an idiot who got his ass drunk, got in trouble with his girlfriend and the police, then promptly went out and attacked the former provincial attorney general and his car with nothing but his bicycle and defective brain just because I'm a sinner and Christ came to redeem us?

An idiot is an idiot. Not only can I not save him, Christ might not either (if he rejects Christ).

There seem to be two messages going on in your head at the same time. A moral story which is full of olde English vocabulary and Christian icons, and a real-life amorality that's all about power and might.

It's the same message, Qatz. It's called "reality".

There's a separation in your mind between morality and the real world

No shit?

Don't you see the fucking difference between "morality" and "the real world"?
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By QatzelOk
an idiot who got his ass drunk, got in trouble with his girlfriend and the police, then promptly went out and attacked the former provincial attorney general and his car with nothing but his bicycle and defective brain

Right after the "accident," the former attorney-general called a PR agency, who compiled all the information you regurgitated for them in your post.

Imagine what the Roman PR agencies must have said about Jesus in order to protect Pontius Pilate and the anti-philosophy Roman Empire he represented. Imagine the lies and distortions the responsible must have to tell themselves at night, and tell other people during the daylight hours.
By Huntster
an idiot who got his ass drunk, got in trouble with his girlfriend and the police, then promptly went out and attacked the former provincial attorney general and his car with nothing but his bicycle and defective brain

Right after the "accident," the former attorney-general called a PR agency, who compiled all the information you regurgitated for them in your post.

1) I was going by the news article posted

2) If you find more current information that differs, I'll gladly review it

3) That is yet another illustration of the AG being smart, as opposed to the drunken, belligerent bicyclist being stupid

Imagine what the Roman PR agencies must have said about Jesus in order to protect Pontius Pilate and the anti-philosophy Roman Empire he represented.

Pilate was the procurator in an occupied outpost. He didn't need a PR agency or any protection. Christ didn't even resist. No lawsuit, no lawyers, no resistance.

And Christ wasn't drunk, nor did he attack anybody.

Imagine the lies and distortions the responsible must have to tell themselves at night, and tell other people during the daylight hours.

Are they really any different than the lies and distortions the irresponsible need to tell themselves and others?
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By QatzelOk
Huntster, it seems that your "morality" is just a cartoon book of slogans and historical contexts that you can't really put together into anything meaningful or useful in living a good, moral life.

You would have killed Jesus yourself and called him a loudmouth loser faggot. Same with Socrates.

And yet you spout out rehashed Middle English and archaic prose to sound like you have something to believe in that is more sophisticated than "might makes right." But in practice, you have no real developed moral guide. Your morality has been put on ice. It's not just you, most supposedly "religious" or "rational" people are really money-worshiping power accumulators because they're afraid anything else will doom them to suffering.

So it's better to let cyclists get squished under the wheels of power. It takes less effort than defending the less aggressive which - in this case - means the less wealthy of the two.

That former-attorney-general has enough money and connections to buy the police and the media. But you're only to happy to go along and bash someone who "died because of our violent, power-worshipping society."

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