The new, American, world order - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the USA and Canada.

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As a right of centre right poster, with the stereotypical ideas of pro-death penalty, anti-abortion, pro-globalisaation, pro-govt regulation, anti-social welfare and pro-immigration, my blood is probably way too blue for most of the posters here.:) That said (and yes, I do regard myself as bordering on the far right), most people don't actually have an idea what the 'far right' is.

Pim Fortyn, a Dutch politician, was reviled as being a 'far right' man and ' a neo-Nazi'. This despite the fact that he was gay, openly in support of gay rights, and pro-immigration, wanting more rights for non-Arab foreigners. In Holland, Arabic people have caused enough trouble to justify some form of screening of any potential Arab immigrants. Fortyn was shot by a left wing environmentalist from a group with a mostly communist ideology.

The far right also has a lot of support in parts of Europe. Britain, France, Austria, Holland all have right wing Govts (Tony Blair is no more a socialist that I am a gorilla). If you think 'far right' is a euphemism for racist, skinheaded, beer drinking louts with a Hitler tatoo on their arms, then you're fairly wrong. Even in Nazi germany, the thugs were stamped out before the real evils of the Holocaust got started.

Now that I mention the dreaded H-word, let's discuss it in a bit more detail. (Maybe I am that intelligent right winger somebody mentioned). The Holocaust refers to the Nazi genocide carried out during the time of WW2. 6 million Jews died in that time period. 10 million non-Jews were also killed. These include gays, homeless people, unemployed, elderly, dissenters, single parents etc etc. For the time, the Holocaust symbolised one of the most brutal acts of sustained depravity in human history.

This depravity could have spurred efforts to prevent such future acts. The UN was created, the IMF and World bank were established. As The Economist put it, at Bretton Woods, the most violent period in human history was settled by the Allies, who sought to create a new world order. Sadly, that world order seems to have favoured Europe and America over the rest of the world. The UN, WB and IMF are mostly extentions of the US govt. While globalisation is a force for great good, it has been uncontrolled, so creating an ever expanding sphere of influence that centres on Washington.

Washington can now, effectively, seal the fate of an entire country, as in the case of forcing the Irish Govt to break our constitution not once, but twice, over arms smuggling by America. Yemen paid a massive price, due to lost aid from the IMF. THis withdrawal of aid was at the behest of Washington, in return for Yemen's insulting behaviour in standing up for their rights and not becoming a puppet of America. Saudi Arabia went that way, into dictatorship, corporate prostitution and effentually, the excuse that the fanatics needed to carry out the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington. (and PA, let's not forget that one in the rush to give CNN higher ratings with simple imagery)

In this new world order, America's interests are seen as being good enough for the rest of the world. This is one of the reasons why Israel is left to gleefully dictate terms to the Arabs. President Bush is now suggesting that Iraq enters a free trade area with America. This could be very good, as globalisation of resources and trade would help eradicate poverty in Iraq. No other option exists for dragging the third world out of the gutter. In that regard, globalisation is a good thing. Now, however, it is on American terms that the world enters a period of globalisation.

One wonders just how much power the US govt really has over it's big business. Recent revelations (allegations? media hysteria?) about the oil industry suggest that Washington may not be in a postiion. to control such companies. Moral bankruptcy is not just the preserve of the oil industry. Other than Enron and the other usual suspects, Wal-Mart are questionable in certain key areas.

Let's look at censorship, the bane of free-speech supporters. Wal-Mart influences much of the US population. As the world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart can, effectively, halt the spread of a particualr ideology, as seen by their recent banning of .... ahem, men's magazines. Playboyesque paperwork today, socialist manifestos tomorrow???

Let's take the rant back to knowledge. Censorship of ideologies is not just an option for retailers. The media, schools, governments; all seem to buy into this image of America as a supreme nation, capable of no wrong. Anybody who questions America is seen as a traitor, or a communist/ al-qaeda supporter. For whatever reason, this influence is becoming increasingly pervasive.

So, we don't just have a situation where America thinks one way, but where the world agrees with America. Hence the acceptance of the Holocaust as a Jewish event. The Holocaust could have united the world, in disgust at the evils of Nazism. Instead, it's used to justify war in the Mid-East.

Now, some people are going to say that israel has the right to own land that it owned thousands of years ago. The Jews held this land before the Arabs, even if they had to wait almost 2,000 years to get this land back. Well..... by that logic, Canada, Alaska, Pennsylvania, Maine, Ohio, New York and Conneticut are Irish, as they were populated by the Celts. England was colonised by the Celts, as was north-western Russia. The Scotti, a Celtic clan, build the pyramids of Egypt, and the cities of Northern Italy, Switzerland, Fraqnce and Germany. How many Americans would hand the land New York stands on back to it's original Celtic owners???

How many Americans would hand back New York to the Celts if the Celts were bombing American cities? How many Celts would be prepared to lsiten to America if America had a nuclear superpower in its back pocket, ready to bully any oppostion into submission?

Neither the Holocaust or the Mid-East are as clear cut as much of the American media would have us think. Nor is the right wing as 'evil' as some people think. In extremus, the ultra right and the hard left (neo-Nazis and Stalinist communists) are both fanatics.

Ironically, the headline news in Ireland this morning is that the British Govt, a bastion of decency (ostensibly), hired 'Stakeknife', one of the IRA's most bloody killers, as an informant. Stakeknife was allowed to kill certain people, just to protect him in his role as an informant. Methinks the British were playing at God, deciding who lived and died. It's not just the fanatics who have a bloody history.
By Switters
God bless the Celts! Master race of us all!

are you the irish version of Talonius?
By Il Porko
The Celts are hardly the 'master race'. I never said that. I made what I hoped was an unusual arguement regarding the Israeli claim to own land in the Mid-East.

Who is this Talonus??? I've seen a few posts by them, and they seem to have been.... unpopular :D

We'll see just how many responses there are to my post. I expect there to be none at all. So much for open discussion with right wingers (of any kind, not just neo-Nazi fanatics)
By Proctor
I liked Talonius. He added a, shall we say, flavour to the forum.
By Il Porko

Whuile that seems to have been true, I've noticed that nobody has yet actually debated any of the several points I've made, although each one is specifically intended to oppose a point made by many people on this forum.

If it's really a political forum, and most of you are communists, then surely a right wing perspective adds to the flavour of the discussion?

Or is it that one line put downs are acceptable, despite being hate mail and against the guidelines for the forum? Maybe they are alright if directed to a non-communist person? Well, if that's true, this forum has created one aspect of Communist Russia: the option to obey the party or be ignored by the party. That's not a forum, and it's not discussion.
By Gothmog
Il Porko wrote:Proctor,

Whuile that seems to have been true, I've noticed that nobody has yet actually debated any of the several points I've made, although each one is specifically intended to oppose a point made by many people on this forum.

If it's really a political forum, and most of you are communists, then surely a right wing perspective adds to the flavour of the discussion?

Or is it that one line put downs are acceptable, despite being hate mail and against the guidelines for the forum? Maybe they are alright if directed to a non-communist person? Well, if that's true, this forum has created one aspect of Communist Russia: the option to obey the party or be ignored by the party. That's not a forum, and it's not discussion.

-Hmmm...I disagree with you. This is a very pluralistic forum, and people here are usually educated (including you). I personally like to have discussions with you, despite the fact I define myself as a democratic marxist (close to far left as you are close to far right). Unfortunately, I have no time to answer all of your opinions. I will read your post and place a anwer latter. Diversity is always welcomed.
Il Porko wrote:As a right of centre right poster, with the stereotypical ideas of pro-death penalty, anti-abortion, pro-globalisaation, pro-govt regulation, anti-social welfare and pro-immigration, my blood is probably way too blue for most of the posters here.:) That said (and yes, I do regard myself as bordering on the far right), most people don't actually have an idea what the 'far right' is.

-Sorry, you Europeans right wingers are not enough right wingers. You must go to some forum with large numbers of American conservatives to see what is really a right winger. You seems to be a centrist to me.....

Pim Fortyn, a Dutch politician, was reviled as being a 'far right' man and ' a neo-Nazi'. This despite the fact that he was gay, openly in support of gay rights, and pro-immigration, wanting more rights for non-Arab foreigners. In Holland, Arabic people have caused enough trouble to justify some form of screening of any potential Arab immigrants. Fortyn was shot by a left wing environmentalist from a group with a mostly communist ideology.

-He is really an atypical right winger, but being a gay don´t make you more or less progressive, does it?

The far right also has a lot of support in parts of Europe. Britain, France, Austria, Holland all have right wing Govts (Tony Blair is no more a socialist that I am a gorilla).

-As I said, the traditional European rigth wing parties are usually to the left of the Democratic party in USA. But there is a diference between traditional right wingers like Chirac, and far right wingers like the Freedom party in Austria, or Jean Marie Le Pen.

This depravity could have spurred efforts to prevent such future acts. The UN was created, the IMF and World bank were established. As The Economist put it, at Bretton Woods, the most violent period in human history was settled by the Allies, who sought to create a new world order. Sadly, that world order seems to have favoured Europe and America over the rest of the world. The UN, WB and IMF are mostly extentions of the US govt. While globalisation is a force for great good, it has been uncontrolled, so creating an ever expanding sphere of influence that centres on Washington.

-The so called globalization is just another period of imperialit epansion. Capitalism imperialism and "globalization" are strongly interlinked, because capitalists must get access to foreign markets to improve their profits. To get that access, they usually have the help of their respective national states, which don´t hesitate on using violence and blackmail to achieve its objectives. On the "golden age", the period of prosperity for capitalism (and socialist) countries from 1948-73, I don´t have an explanation on why this golden age happened and why it is over.

Washington can now, effectively, seal the fate of an entire country, as in the case of forcing the Irish Govt to break our constitution not once, but twice, over arms smuggling by America. Yemen paid a massive price, due to lost aid from the IMF. THis withdrawal of aid was at the behest of Washington, in return for Yemen's insulting behaviour in standing up for their rights and not becoming a puppet of America. Saudi Arabia went that way, into dictatorship, corporate prostitution and effentually, the excuse that the fanatics needed to carry out the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington. (and PA, let's not forget that one in the rush to give CNN higher ratings with simple imagery)

-Those are the rules. In the capitalism system, the stronger and the richer give the orders, the others obey. However, sometimes we have little disagreements among the rich countries (and sometimes not so little-remeber WWI and WW2?). A period of disagreement may be starting because Europeans (even right wingers like you) are starting to feel discomfort with US hegemony.

In this new world order, America's interests are seen as being good enough for the rest of the world. This is one of the reasons why Israel is left to gleefully dictate terms to the Arabs. President Bush is now suggesting that Iraq enters a free trade area with America. This could be very good, as globalisation of resources and trade would help eradicate poverty in Iraq. No other option exists for dragging the third world out of the gutter. In that regard, globalisation is a good thing. Now, however, it is on American terms that the world enters a period of globalisation.

-The terms of globalization are always dictated by the most powerful countries. If the US becomes unable to impose his own terms this implies they are not so powerful.

ders just how much power the US govt really has over it's big business. Recent revelations (allegations? media hysteria?) about the oil industry suggest that Washington may not be in a postiion. to control such companies. Moral bankruptcy is not just the preserve of the oil industry. Other than Enron and the other usual suspects, Wal-Mart are questionable in certain key areas.

-Governments don´t control big business. Big business control the governments.

ook at censorship, the bane of free-speech supporters. Wal-Mart influences much of the US population. As the world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart can, effectively, halt the spread of a particualr ideology, as seen by their recent banning of .... ahem, men's magazines. Playboyesque paperwork today, socialist manifestos tomorrow???


. Censorship of ideologies is not just an option for retailers. The media, schools, governments; all seem to buy into this image of America as a supreme nation, capable of no wrong. Anybody who questions America is seen as a traitor, or a communist/ al-qaeda supporter. For whatever reason, this influence is becoming increasingly pervasive.

-Don´t it menas the US people is experiencing some sense of vulnerability? A sign of weakness instead of power?

we don't just have a situation where America thinks one way, but where the world agrees with America. Hence the acceptance of the Holocaust as a Jewish event. The Holocaust could have united the world, in disgust at the evils of Nazism. Instead, it's used to justify war in the Mid-East.


Now, some people are going to say that israel has the right to own land that it owned thousands of years ago. The Jews held this land before the Arabs, even if they had to wait almost 2,000 years to get this land back. Well..... by that logic, Canada, Alaska, Pennsylvania, Maine, Ohio, New York and Conneticut are Irish, as they were populated by the Celts. England was colonised by the Celts, as was north-western Russia. The Scotti, a Celtic clan, build the pyramids of Egypt, and the cities of Northern Italy, Switzerland, Fraqnce and Germany. How many Americans would hand the land New York stands on back to it's original Celtic owners???

-Agree too...

Neither the Holocaust or the Mid-East are as clear cut as much of the American media would have us think. Nor is the right wing as 'evil' as some people think. In extremus, the ultra right and the hard left (neo-Nazis and Stalinist communists) are both fanatics.

-The far right today are mainly the USA conservatives (Bushites) and the Muslim fundamentalists. We have very few Nazis

Ironically, the headline news in Ireland this morning is that the British Govt, a bastion of decency (ostensibly), hired 'Stakeknife', one of the IRA's most bloody killers, as an informant. Stakeknife was allowed to kill certain people, just to protect him in his role as an informant. Methinks the British were playing at God, deciding who lived and died. It's not just the fanatics who have a bloody history.

-Agree too...
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By LeviticusWheat
Well, from what this American Libertarian (a Liberal in the Classic sense) can tell from these forums, anyone who strays from the Marxist dogma ofclass envy and victimization is a "far Right winger".
By void
You're claiming the Nazis executed 16 million people?

Even Stalin didn't achieve that.
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By Fouad Shoubaki
Oh , a load of shit . Lets select some nice pieces of it :

Pim Fortyn

' a neo-Nazi'

He did call a cold war against Islam .


Actually he wanted the borders closed .

wanting more rights for non-Arab foreigners. In Holland, Arabic people have caused enough trouble to justify some form of screening of any potential Arab immigrants.

First of all there are hardly any Arabs in Holland . Your problemmakers (from a fascist racist western perspective) would be mostly Maroccan Berber youth if you talk about Muslims (they also have lots of problems with the youth from the colonies like the Antilles ) , they are 3rd and 4th generation peoples who have been ghetto'd and , oh its along story that deals with social and economical inequality , racism and assimilation forces .

It has little to do with screeing ANY immigrants , its not some "terrorist" question dealing with this issue directly and specifically , and in the way its bothering the Dutch .

So you're pretty much totally off on this on . I would really hope peoples would actually read before they write , sort of speak .

Fortyn was shot by a left wing environmentalist from a group with a mostly communist ideology.

He was a animals' right activist , the entire communist ideology has little to do with this entirely , dont you say ? Also , his motives were that he felt him to be a danger to the nation . Im sorry he shot him , I would rather have him and all his fascist buddies slaving in the Gulag

Holland all have right wing Govts (Tony Blair is no more a socialist that I am a gorilla).

Actually by the time you posted this they didnt have a government , they've been governmentles quite a while now , as the dead-guy Kabinet fell .


Skinheads as a culture originate in the workers of England with the immigrants from Jamaica (yes BLACKS) into a musical culture in the 60's , ever heard of skinhead reggae ?

So ..... lets not talk stereotyping , we all know its far to irellevant these days .

Even in Nazi germany, the thugs were stamped out before the real evils of the Holocaust got started.

Oh yes , thugs are those who go from street to street without uniforms , while non thugs have uniforms ...... what a laugh

The Holocaust refers to the Nazi genocide carried out during the time of WW2. 6 million Jews died in that time period. 10 million non-Jews were also killed.

Actually the idea is 10 million in total meaning 4 million non-jews .

No other option exists for dragging the third world out of the gutter. In that regard, globalisation is a good thing.

No other option exists period defined by the existence of the first world . You're vary naive if you think that globalization means equalization

The Jews held this land before the Arabs

Thats a totally wrong perspective , or context . And its incorrect as well factual . Let me give you a hint . The Jews living in Palestine before the Europeans came , the Mizrahim...... are ethnically no different from Arabs , and they spoke Arabic and upheld the Arabic culture , just like the Christians there . There is no jewish peoples , there is Ashkenazim European Jewry that doesnt even have any relations with ancient Hebrews .

The Scotti, a Celtic clan, build the pyramids of Egypt

What ? Who told you that ? LMFAO

Hotep !! :lol:

How many Americans would hand the land New York stands on back to it's original Celtic owners???

What ? What are you , some Celt-created planet earth loony ?

But you do make some nice valid points , and you end up beautifully :

It's not just the fanatics who have a bloody history.

My friend , its never the fanatics , they are just the played charcaters . Its masses of peoples , especially nowadays . But everybody keeps blaming Hitler ...... you know . Always forgetting about his millions that supported him , that benefited from him , his peoples .

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By Gral. Stamelin
You know, I think my fellow comrades of Soviet Empire do not have anything against the plurality of this new forum. and the fact that far right ideas are placed here is not considered by us as something bad, but good.
It's important to notice everyone's political ideas and have many different solutions for common problems; eventhough some of us are leftists and otherones are rightists, we are all political analysers, worried about our dear world.
Let's work together to reach those solutions.
"Peace, bread and land."[quote][/quote]

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