Scariest thing a soldier could hear on the battlefield? - Politics | PoFo

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Military vehicles, aircraft, ships, guns and other military equipment. Plus any general military discussions that don't belong elsewhere on the board.

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Essentially this is an indulgence in curiosity.

Imagine yourself as a soldier on the frontlines of a relatively contemporary conflict (let's say anywhere from 1914 to the Present day).

What's the scariest thing imaginable that you could hear in terms of enemy (or even your own) hardware that would just absolutely break any sense of your individual discipline and training, and likewise for your unit's cohesion?

Please bear in mind that there's no need for bias in these scenarios to only be from the perspective of troops from developed countries. Put yourself in a myriad of shoes if you can. Anything from an Afghan to a Nigerian.

I'll kick things off with two vids of hardware, one old the other new, I think are fine examples.

The MG-42 Machine Gun

And a "Danger Close" fire mission from an A-10 Thunderbolt in Helmand from a few years ago:

Basically i'd like to try and compile a list of military hardware that have rightly proven themselves to put the "fear of god" into anyone that happens to be on the opposing side, and have earned foreboding reputations as a result.

Edit: The hardware doesn't necessarily have to be an "active" weapons system that shoots or fires something either. It could be something more passive like a sensor or an agent of some kind.
Last edited by Piano Red on 10 Jun 2011 16:25, edited 1 time in total.
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By U184
The NLOS-C firing staggered rounds of cluster and napalm munitions.
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By Oxymoron
getting caught, and hearing the canadian accent.
By Piano Red
Thought of another one. Rocket artillery:



Come on people, I know there's more.
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By U184
The voices of the teams in the night..
Click.......Image"shit" Image
By Xbow
The pop of any bullet or projectile hitting flesh and bone close to you.
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By Godstud
Katyusha rocket launcher (Stalin's Organ)
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By Typhoon
It could be something more passive like a sensor or an agent of some kind.

Was trying to think of somthing along this lines, its a bit off topic and not so applicable today but active sonar for a submarine must have been a pretty scary sound for the crew of a submarine or the depth charge, is this one the one that gets you...


Otherwise artillery is the God of war.
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By Godstud
Actually, artillery is the Queen of Battle. :D
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By Igor Antunov
The gurgling sounds of a fellow soldier and friend chocking to death on his own blood after his throat and half his skull have been removed by a bomb fragment, all the while staring you in the eyes trying to say 'help', eyes already starting to roll back into the head.

Or the wheezing last breaths of a child the soldier accidentally shot in the chest blowing it's major organs out in front of it's mother who is screaming for her baby while the soldiers friends make light of the situation then proceed to rape the mother in front of the other children.
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By War Angel
What's the scariest thing imaginable that you could hear in terms of enemy (or even your own) hardware that would just absolutely break any sense of your individual discipline and training, and likewise for your unit's cohesion?

Someone speaking French behind me.
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By War Angel
In your case war angel, I'd be more worried about hearing German.

"I'd rather have a German force facing me, than a French force backing me." - General Patton
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By Igor Antunov
That's cute, considering his country exists in great part due to french backing. Must have skipped his history lessons.
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By U184
The French loans were great, as for the rest....One action does not erase all the other actions that one does and that one redeeming act does not and should not define you.

I have a hard time respecting a people who will not finish what they start and can not even be expected to fight for their own freedoms.
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By Godstud
Yeah! The US has Freedom fries because the French are such pussies!!! USA! USA! USA! (Couldn't do red, white and blue, sorry).
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By Godstud
Not much :)

I actually agreed with you, but was taking it that one step further.
By Piano Red
Thought of a new one.....being on the receiving end of a main battery salvo from one or more modern-era Battleships:



Watching that kinda makes you sad that the era of the big gun "Dreadnought" is all but gone. :hmm:
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