Casey Anthony: Found Not Guilty - Politics | PoFo

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This was an interesting decision, I think most people thought it was going to be a slam dunk for the prosecution. Perhaps the prosecution is paying the price for charging her with first degree murder with special circumstances as opposed to lesser crimes such as second degree murder or wrongful death. Proving premeditated murder is a rough row to hoe for the prosecution.

A cop buddy of mine said to me a long ago that the prosecution was reaching too far and that a conviction for first degree murder was a fantasy. He said that a conviction for child abuse/ endangerment resulting in death would be very obtainable especially since Casey Anthony didn't report her daughter missing for thirty days, lied numerous times to the police and was having a party when her daughter was no longer a concern.

While I think Casey Anthony was a stupid, worthless, self absorbed little bitch that cop put the doubt in my head about the sluts ability to execute a plan. Perhaps Anthony just didn't want to be bothered with the responsibilities of motherhood and came up with some methods of keeping her baby quiet and immobile when she was out and around town or entertaining male guests at her abode. In that case her actions were deplorable, neglectful, cruel and disgusting but not necessarily murderous in intent. For the systems failure to bring Anthony to justice I blame the overreaching of the prosecution.

Be that as it may I feel the bimbo should be put in a crows cage and left to rot for what her neglect caused...the death of an innocent baby.

I don't watch much Fox news but have a look at:
Bill O'Reilly On The Anthony Verdict, trial
Geraldo vs O'Reilly on the Anthony Verdict.
Last edited by Xbow on 06 Jul 2011 23:09, edited 1 time in total.
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By U184
I had to change the channel after the verdict, all those people crying and blithering over a case they had no information on...stupid people make me change the channel on the quick.
By Xbow
Yeah especially now that all the talking heads have switched over to the view that the state had a weak case...even though before the verdict many were sure she was going to get a hot shot. Now I expect Casey Anthony is going to have some ghost writer tell her side of the story. 'Casey's Kamph: Andevtures In the Criminal Justice System and Exploring the Realm of The Unfit Mother'. The whole thing makes me sick except for the prosecution who acted in good faith but made an error in their overreach.

Be nice to get that bitch strapped to a plank and have a jug of water and a towel handy to have a truthful Q&A session with her.
Last edited by Xbow on 06 Jul 2011 23:10, edited 1 time in total.
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By SecretSquirrel
actually, Shep Smith on Fox was saying that the prosecutions case was week for a few weeks before the verdict and said he would be surprised if she actually got convictions on the felony counts

The fact is the prosecution were a bunch of moronic amateurs who didnt even make the barest excuse of a case for murder. I have some legal training and let me tell you, the prosecution on this case made me sick to my stomach. Their pandering and speculation enraged me. This trial was a boondoggle, a three year and many-million-dollar waste of time -- pure theatre.
By Xbow
They never should have tried for Murder 1. They didn't have a case. But they could have gotten a conviction for child neglect that ended in death. Lying to the police, not reporting a missing child (30 days) her concocting the story about the nanny were all bombproof. So yes the prosecution dicked it up pretty badly.
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By SecretSquirrel
I think that the chief prosecutor deserves a sanction for his performance and his colossal waste of Florida taxpayer money. He should definitely lose his job in my opinion.
By Wolfman
Perhaps Anthony just didn't want to be bothered with the responsibilities of motherhood and came up with some methods of keeping her baby quiet and immobile when she was out and around town or entertaining male guests at her abode.

Or maybe she was innocent?
By Xbow
Wolfman wrote:Or maybe she was innocent?

Anything is possible UFO's, Atlantis, the 2012 apocalypse and all that stuff. But the fact is when a child (especially a baby) comes up missing for most parents its panic city and THEY CALL THE POLICE. Casey didn't for 30 days. And innocent folks also don't tend to tell one story after another, they tend to stick to one story...the one they believe is true. The bottom line for me is that the investigators, psychologists and detectives that interviewed her numerous times think she is a liar. And those boys are pretty damn good at detecting evasion. But I do believe she is innocent of 1st degree murder. She dosent appear to be that cold or calculating...she looks like a shitty neglectful parent to me. But that's water under the bridge now. So Join her fan club if you want bro...its a free country.

SecretSquirel wrote:I think that the chief prosecutor deserves a sanction for his performance and his colossal waste of Florida taxpayer money. He should definitely lose his job in my opinion.

No argument there, he prosecuted her for the wrong crime and that AINT good.
By Wolfman
I'm going to be honest with you: Unless you were at the trial for every minute, you don't know what all was presented in the case. The defense was saying that the child accidentally drowned in the pool. Maybe the defense brought up something that showed the child did drown. Were you there? No? Then I'm inclined to just go with what the jury found.
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By Takkon
I just don't see pre-meditated murder in the evidence. This was a fuck-up in the first degree on the part of the prosecution's office. I think it was probably a bit political, the DA or someone else thinking they could score political points in what they assumed would be a slam-dunk case.
By Xbow
Wolfman wrote:I'm going to be honest with you: Unless you were at the trial for every minute, you don't know what all was presented in the case. The defense was saying that the child accidentally drowned in the pool. Maybe the defense brought up something that showed the child did drown. Were you there? No? Then I'm inclined to just go with what the jury found.

The defense was saying that the child accidentally drowned in the pool. Hmmmmmm..ok fine, an accidental drowning it was! Cool beans Wolfman, but what happened to that 911 call? Who buried the kid in an unmarked grave? Who prepped the corpse for interment? How did evidence of human remains get in Casey's car? Who had the best opportunity and access to that kid? Shit, I think even you can see that something wasn't right...or am I giving you WAY too much credit? And by the way Wolfie Were you there? No?

Takkon wrote:I just don't see pre-meditated murder in the evidence. This was a fuck-up in the first degree on the part of the prosecution's office. I think it was probably a bit political, the DA or someone else thinking they could score political points in what they assumed would be a slam-dunk case.

I agree and I don't see murder in the first either. But with that said, I do think something nefarious happened to that kid...but the prosecution blew the case straight out of their asses with a big BANG! Maybe they over charged her out of righteous indignation and just decided to take a shot or maybe it was because of those political points you mentioned. But all that is history now. So maybe it was the Butler, or that mysterious Nanny, it could even be like Wolfman says an accidental drowning that Casey just forgot to report. Shit not reporting an accidental death and even concealing it is just a fucking misdemeanor in most states. Why all the lies, evasion and the concocted stories?
California Penal Code Section 152 wrote: (a) Every person who, having knowledge of an accidental death,actively conceals or attempts to conceal that death, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) nor more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment.

(b) For purposes of this section, "to actively conceal an accidental death" means any of the following:

(1) To perform an overt act that conceals the body or directly impedes the ability of authorities or family members to discover the body.
(2) To directly destroy or suppress evidence of the actual physical body of the deceased, including, but not limited to, bodily fluids or tissues.
(3) To destroy or suppress the actual physical instrumentality of death.

Criminal Profiler Dr. Deborah Schurman on Casey Anthony
Did Casey Kill Caylee? : A Forensic Psychologist Comments

I'm not even saying these two clowns are right. All I'm saying is something happened to that kid that just wasn't right and I suspect that Casey knows exactly what that something is.
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By Takkon
Off-topic: Criminal profiler, forensic psychologist. :roll: This is what happens when you let people make up their own specialties.

On-topic: I can't help but feel that Casey was given special attention because she is white, pretty, and irresponsible. I mean, sometimes the former two can put you at a disadvantage, since this became a high-profile case of sub-conscious sex appeal. Were all things the same and this woman was black and fugly, or hispanic and fugly, the prosecution would have charged them with something that they could have actually proved beyond a reasonable doubt, rather than swinging for the fences and popping out. I think Geraldo (unintentionally) touched on a big issue here: the woman is a pretty philanderer that's white, and for those transgressions + the actual crime that could have been proven that she was facing a PREMEDITATED murder charge.

It just seems highly irregular to try to make a case for forethought without even knowing the circumstances behind the death.
By Wolfman
The defense was saying that the child accidentally drowned in the pool. Hmmmmmm..ok fine, an accidental drowning it was!

I didn't say that it was, I said that unless you were at the trial for every moment you have as much reason to think that it was an accident as it was a murder. As for the rest, innocent people have 'covered up' accidents. Sometimes otherwise good and smart people do incredibly stupid things. It happens. Such is life.
By Xbow
Wolfman wrote:I didn't say that it was, I said that unless you were at the trial for every moment you have as much reason to think that it was an accident as it was a murder. As for the rest, innocent people have 'covered up' accidents. Sometimes otherwise good and smart people do incredibly stupid things. It happens. Such is life.

I don't really disagree with that statement. But suppose...just suppose that Caylee was 'unattended' when she died as the result of an accident. At her age Caylee was an infant in the eyes of the law and required protection (the state demands this). In that case her death would not be a simple accident it would be death as a result of child neglect/ endangerment, a wrongful death...a felony and any and all attempts to obscure the facts of the case are also felonies.

A mother that leaves her kid locked up in a car for ten minutes while she goes shopping for a few things at 7/11 she is guilty of child neglect/child endangerment...a felony☼ even if the child is unharmed as a result of that neglect. That's just the way it is and the way it should be.

☼A 1st offense is normally adjudicated as a misdemeanor and punished by probation, community service, fines, mandatory parenting classes and possibly foster care for the kid until CPS is satisfied.

No Casey Anthony isn't a cold blooded killer like Susan Smith but there is plenty of evidence to believe that she was a piss poor mother who's neglect may have caused the death of her child. Don't you find it strange that in her shopping spree's at Target with stolen checks and debit cards not one item that she purchased would be something normally associated with the maintenance of a child?

Takkon wrote:On-topic: I can't help but feel that Casey was given special attention because she is white, pretty, and irresponsible.

Good point, I wonder what the verdict would have been if she had been the spitting image of Aileen Wuornos?

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