Is it possible to be a conservative and an atheist? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Pants-of-Dog, if you've something you want to say, please say it. That is, unless you think your current method is working so well.

Now, onto Dr.Lee, the man who pretends to be a conservative:

Your silly "statistic" is interesting in one regard.

Amazing. I present statistics from the CDC, and the reaction, instead of trying to disprove them, is to put the term statistics in quotes in an attempted slight against statistics in general.

You freely admit that 1/2 of the new HIV infections are NOT caused by homosexual behavior.

Right. That's because 90%+ of the populace is not homosexual; when 90%+ of the populace, the heterosexual, represents (roughly) 1/2 of new HIV infections they are "under-represented" statistically. When 4% of the populace (queer men) represent 1/2 of new infections, they are over-represented.
The odd thing is that you do not understand that you are simply proving your homophobia. You see hop, this is my job. Tell me sonmething. I will give you a statistic. You tell me what it means.

50% of HIV cases are confined to the gay community. What does that mean? You tell us.

I hate bigots. I especially hate bigots who think that everyone else is to stupid to peek their bags. I hope you are not one of those.

Would you like to debate public health issues with me? :muha1:
And you are wrong. And bigoted. There IS no "homosexual lifestyle" anymore than there is a white lifestyle. The idea is idiotic and bigoted. Why are you so frightened of homosexuals?

Please tell us how it is that you conclude that homosexuals are "antisocial"? That is also an idiotic claim.

Your ideas are a disgrace to anyone wishing to call himself a conservative. They are unusual for an atheist. Most of the atheists I have known, though annoying, possess a farily well developed sense of right and wrong.
hip hop bunny hop wrote:Pants-of-Dog, if you've something you want to say, please say it. That is, unless you think your current method is working so well.

When you say this:

hip hop bunny hop wrote:The HIV infection rate is an indication of how unhealthy & antisocial the homosexual lifestyle is. I oppose unhealthy & antisocial lifestyles because they damage the community as a whole.

...what does it mean? You seem to be saying that gay men have a high HIV infection rate because they have an "unhealthy lifestyle".

That is vague and sounds like nothing more than blatant homophobia. What is an unhealthy lifestyle? Can you define that?

Do you think we should get rid of the homosexual lifetsyle? What do you propose to do?
Pants-of-Dog, I am not implying that homosexuality is unhealthy, I'm flat out stating that when 4% of the populace represents 50%+ of new AIDs cases, that's indicates (1) they've an unique lifestyle that causes them to be much more at risk, and (2) a lifestyle that produces such wildly out of proportion results is obviously unhealthy.

Now, Dr.Lee, do you've anything to contribute, or do you think calling someone bigoted on the internet accomplishes anything?
Now, Dr.Lee, do you've anything to contribute, or do you think calling someone bigoted on the internet accomplishes anything?

I don't like bigots. I don't like people who do like bigots. It is a fine accomplishment IMO to point out bigotry and ignorance every time I see it lest others be deceived.

You are fooling no one. This is not the first post you have made like this.
hip hop bunny hop wrote:Pants-of-Dog, I am not implying that homosexuality is unhealthy, I'm flat out stating that when 4% of the populace represents 50%+ of new AIDs cases, that's indicates (1) they've an unique lifestyle that causes them to be much more at risk, and (2) a lifestyle that produces such wildly out of proportion results is obviously unhealthy.

So, you are saying that gay men have a high HIV infection rate because they have an "unhealthy lifestyle".

What is an unhealthy lifestyle? Can you define that?

Do you think we should get rid of the homosexual lifetsyle? What do you propose to do?

Also, to get back to the OP, why do Christian conservatives focus so much on homosexuality when Jesus focused so much on poverty?
Also, to get back to the OP, why do Christian conservatives focus so much on homosexuality when Jesus focused so much on poverty?

Very good question.
I have much more trouble to imagine a truely religious person that is conservative. Conservatives seem to cling to religion just as a means to an end, not because they genuinely try to be moral, improve themselves, or find and live the truth.

Lets look at the core messages of the christian bible:

"Revenge is mine, says the lord." Yet who wants a juridicional system that is based on revenge, such as death penalty, three strikes rule, economic exploitation of convicts, etc ? Conservatives.

"Dont judge others, so you wont be judged". Yet who are the most judgemental people ? Conservatives.

"Love others as much as you love yourself". Yet who are the people who spread hate and fear ? Conservatives.

"Dont do to others what others shouldnt do to yourself." Yet who opposes human rights, or just equal rights for everybody in the world, the most ? Conservatives.

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Yet who makes sure the rich keep getting rich and richer ? Conservatives.

And so on. This arent exotic parts of the bible that are questionable in their interpretation. These are the core messages. Conservatives routinely do the opposite of what the bible demands.
I see your point but I don't think those are all key issues for Christians.

For Christians the real core is this. Tha apostles asked which is the greatest commandment:

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

So the other versus you quoted were fine to make your point but are not basic Christian beliefs.

By the way, Ghandi said:

As soon as we lose the moral basis, we cease to be religious. There is no such thing as religion over-riding morality. Man, for instance, cannot be untruthful, cruel or incontinent and claim to have God on his side

That is about right.
When it comes to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Britain and Canada, Conservative politicians are all for free-enterprise or free-enterprise coupled with welfare. There are no socialists among Conservatives. They are either right-of-the center, Right , Centre or center-left. They hate socialist liberals as opposed to centrist liberals or Right wing liberals like my God-saved company bosses.
Decky wrote:"Restriction of firearms in the UK has been led by the Labour Party, not by the tories. It's very wide of the mark to describe the planks of UK conservatism as the Crown and gun-control."

You misunderstand me.

I wasn't sating that those are the two most important views of the Tory party and I'm aware that there is a cross party agreement on gun control. I was just pointing out how arbitrary the term "Conservative" is. It litteraly means nothing, two people could both be conservatives and not share a single political view.

There isn't even that!

Labour are suspicious of firearms and have consistently acted to keep them out of the hands of even responsible individuals. The tories are more rooted in the countryside, many themselves owning and using firearms.
Speaking strictly of American conservativism, I say: No, it is increasingly not possible to be a conservative and an atheist.

While in the hypothetical, I can see the possibility of someone agreeing with the Republican and even the Tea Party line and be an atheist, the on the ground reality is that the Republican party is a social institution that is demanding ever increasing levels of conformity to ideas that are becoming more and more regressive as time goes on. Those ideas exclude everyone who is not a conservative Christian (and much, much more).

As for the comment of homosexuality being an unhealthy lifestyle, I can also play the game of selecting out a stray bit of data that "proves" Conservative Christianity as also an unhealthy lifestyle. In the small community of Jesup in the south of the state of Georgia (the one in the USA), people routinely are grandmothers at the age of 40 and the median age of death is in the 50's and 60's ... well below the national average for the United States. Let's hear you also condemn these people in as harsh tones as you have already condemned homosexuals. They are uniformly Christian and conservative; they are also subscribers to the Southern food groups: fat, sugar, salt, and caffeine.

Let's even do one better. Let's hear you condemn Dick Cheney who has had umpteen heart-bypasses and suffers from severe ill-health in general. Let's hear you call for him to be brought up on charges for that accidental shooting of his OR even for breaking the rules of the US Constitution when he said nothing as the rulers of United States made torture of people they don't like the national doctrine in order to "keep people safe". Show him no mercy -- you are good at it.
Conservatism is one thing in most countries, and something completely different in the far as I can tell.

Example: I am a regular conservative voter here in Canuckland.
I like the way the Harper government has been running things up here, and have few complaints.
But a conservative up here, is a Democrat down in the States.
Why is that?

My theory is that US conservatives have historically been "hawkish" and proponents of free enterprise.
They like lower taxes and smaller government.
This is "normal".
But they are really extreme in their views.
They will insist on cutting back on government services, knowing that it will be a detriment to society.
That's the loony part.

American conservatives also like to sound-off about their Gawd.
They LOVE their Gawd...and if you don't...they have a problem with you.
An Atheist conservative would not be viewed as a real conservative by most.
What I'd like to know is...why is belief in something that is unprovable...a per-requesite for being a proper member of a political party?
Aren't politics and religion supposed to be separate?
CC-Green wrote:I get confused..... It seems that the two are incompatible.

i.e. "It is my God given right" etc etc.

Q: Was Thomas Carlyle, the atheist, a conservative?
A: More of a conservative than any living human being in the USA.

So, yes.

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