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Any other minor ideologies.
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By mikema63
I have found a political test that i like, they are actually what made me first start thinking about politics and i still take internet tests for no good reason. this one has personality profiles instead of the normal grid system most tests use so i thought it was really interesting.

just google political personality test and it will be the first one

my results

DSIRW - Anti-Nationalist
this is one of the political personality types of the PPQ

Not anarchists but something like it, anti-nationalists are sincerely disappointed by the current political world order. These thinkers care much more about quality of life than they do about patriotism, and are likely willing to make do with far less centralized/state power, if it makes empowering the individual more likely. Anti-nationalists take a transformative view of government, favoring anarchism or democratic reform. They are likely to develop plans for a new world order?.

This personality type combines these five perspectives
democrat,small state, individualist, rationalist, wide focus

Likes and dislikes
the “wisdom of crowds”.
less interference in the free market
not accepting limits to the upper end of their success
competition, and facing challenges
quality of life
governments working from a set of logical rules.
being bound by scriptures, loosely defined rights, or old conventions.
single issue politics
a program of incremental changes.
temporary fixes.
identity politics?
territorial behavior

Philosophy: Independence Democrat
Alternate Nicknames: (suggest a different nickname for this type)
Post-Nationalists (like Postmodern Politics)

the global citizen?s

Issues to visit:
The following issues may be of interest to you. Visit and edit these pages to reflect your beliefs.

same sex marriage UN entrepreneurship social capital productivity unemployment corruption debt relief for poor countries electoral system International Court of Justice? narcotics trade? rural development political reform space exploration World Bank climate change privacy intellectual property rights research funding monetary reform

(please add/remove an issue)

Famous Anti-Nationalists
Linus Torvald - Quote: ''"Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow" if the source code is available for public testing, scrutiny, and experimentation, then bugs will be discovered at a rapid rate.
Black Bloc
Herman Daly
Emma Goldman - Quote: Patriotism assumes that our globe is divided into little spots, each one surrounded by an iron gate. Those who have had the fortune of being born on some particular spot consider themselves nobler, better, grander, more intelligent than those living beings inhabiting any other spot. It is, therefore, the duty of everyone living on that chosen spot to fight, kill and die in the attempt to impose his superiority upon all the others.

also if anyone does mbti and knows their type i would like to know, its not exactly political im just curious im INTP.
I took this test and got Marxist (DBCRN). :eh:

This test isn't very accurate (or at least the terminology needs to change/become more specific). I never scored beyond center-left on any of the six parameters, yet it is associating me with non-proprietarian ideologies.

Here would be the five parameters I would use if I were to make a test:
  • Social: a measurement of the social regulation that one seeks to establish within a state (ranges from libertarian to authoritarian)
  • Economic: a measurement of the economic regulation that one seeks to establish within a state (ranges from left to right)
  • Political: the amount of citizen participation that one seeks to establish within a state (ranges from democratic to autocratic)
  • Cultural: the degree to which one wants to preserve the cultural heritage within a state (ranges from multicultural to ethnocentric)
  • Foreign: the degree to which one wants to intervene in the affairs of other countries through any means (ranges from isolationist to interventionist)

If it were to range from -10 to 10 on each parameter, I would probably score something like: -5, -3, -2, 1, -1.
According to the test, I am a Secular Centrist.
PPQ wrote:ABCLW - the Missionaries

Based on your answers, you are a strong supporter of a "planned society".


Missionaries combine strong leadership with a firm commitment to an overarching ideology, either religious, or nationalist, or ideological. This commitment is expressed by contributions or voluntary service to the group. The best qualities of this type are the ability to practice self discipline, determination and commitment to one's beliefs.

Philosophy: Statist

Alternate Nicknames: Fundamentalists, Guardians, Missionaries

This personality type combines these five perspectives:
authoritarian, big state, collectivist, idealist, wide focus

This type is just one away from:

Likes and dislikes
  • the "wisdom of experts".
  • expanding the range of public insurance programs (employment insurance, old age pensions, medicare and disability programs)
  • enjoy public celebrations
  • decrying public "vices"
  • looking to scriptures, rights, or treaties.
  • advocating that society needs a "paradigm shift"

  • self determination for minorities
  • tax cuts, particularly on high income individuals or corporations.
  • putting too much trust in statistics or science
  • addressing the symptoms rather than the "root causes".
One interesting thing that I did learn about myself from the test is that I have collectivist tendencies; this explains why I cannot reconcile my political leanings with the inherent individualism of social-liberalism. So I'm effectively stuck between three or four political ideologies. :hmm:
By Andropov
Highest ranking dimension: Autocratic

You believe in strong leadership. You may have felt that what the country really needs is for someone to really take charge and break out of the inertia. This may be because you have strong opinions of which you are confident, and like to see political leaders who are like you. It may also be because you are suspicious of the ability of groups, especially large groups to make tough decisions. Others may disagree with you because they trust people less than they trust the "rules of procedure", because they have issues with authority, or because that they feel that "government just doesn ’t listen." When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they try to fit a simple solution on a complex problem.
Second highest ranking dimension: Individualist

You believe in the right of an individual to "be themself" in thought and deeds. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a politician with the nerve to tell people when it comes to controlling others, they should mind their own business. This may be because you enjoy a diversity of experiences and don ’t get offended easily. It may also be because you’ve seen people be persecuted. Others may disagree with you because they feel a right to protect what they see as community values. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they underestimate people’s need for sta bility and safety.
Combined statement:

Based on your answers, your ideal government is a "strong and silent" type that quietly protects individual liberties.

ABILW - Hollywood Republican
this is one of the political personality types of the PPQ


Strong, even "visionary" leadership with a populist bent, this type tends to spend more on public services and public safety, while playing to big business and social conservatism. Hollywood republicans play on patriotism in their foreign policy.

This personality type combines these five perspectives
authoritarian, big state, individualist, idealist, wide focus

Likes and dislikes

trust in the judgement of experts/ hand picked individuals
prefer clear lines of authority.
cutting red tape
the idea that society needs a "paradigm shift"

distributing powers to other jurisdictions.
spending cuts
putting too much trust in statistics.
addressing the symptoms rather than the "root causes".

Interesting. Not what I expected. I'd say Rei Murasame's result fits more with my worldview, but this does too to a degree. I like this test more than the regular political compass test, since this analyzes the roots of opinions and beliefs rather than the opinions and beliefs themselves.
By mikema63
its probably not so accurate if your opinions tend toward the center, i was pretty far in each of the scales, the test does say to look at the other groups near yours if you dont like it.
apparently im an anti-nationalist which is "like anarchist but different"

I assume that they consider terrorist bomb-throwing crazies to be "anarchist" so thats why I'm not in their opinion.
By mikema63
i think you may have assumed to much ;)

from what i see they dont seem to put you in an ideology but rather your tendencies, they seem to be trying to predict which ideologies you might tend towards. that's why they didn't ask direct policy questions. im not an anarchist as im not convinced its a workable system but im certainly attracted to the idea of no government.
To my surprise, I retook the test and got 'American liberal' (DBILN). I guess I'm more of a centrist than I thought, because it is easier for me to shift on non-economic issues.

EDIT: Shit, this is getting plain weird. I took it again and got 'Taylorist'. I think that the questions are too sensitive to the larger picture; skipping questions or slightly changing answers has an overly large effect.
Last edited by Fraqtive42 on 05 Feb 2012 23:04, edited 3 times in total.
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By Fasces
ABCLN - Traditional Communitarian

Famous Traditional Communitarians
Mao Tse Tung
Kim Jong Il

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Highest ranking dimension: Collectivist
You believe that community and tradition are what holds this society together. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a politician who will pay more than lipservice to the importance of protecting communities. It may also be because you feel that modern society is making everything consumable or disposable. Others may disagree with you because they ’ve seem people being persecuted for "doing their own thing" When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because that which they would try to banish just "goes underground".

Second highest ranking dimension: Autocratic
You believe in strong leadership. You may have felt that what the country really needs is for someone to really take charge and break out of the inertia. This may be because you have strong opinions of which you are confident, and like to see political leaders who are like you. It may also be because you are suspicious of the ability of groups, especially large groups to make tough decisions. Others may disagree with you because they trust people less than they trust the "rules of procedure", because they have issues with authority, or because that they feel that "government just doesn ’t listen." When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they try to fit a simple solution on a complex problem.

Combined statement:
Based on your answers, your preference is for stability and order, with strong communities and institutions.
By mikema63
well if i remember correctly you did say your particular ideas and policies put you a little out of step but near a few different parties.

maybe your just super special and unique :D
DBIRW - Rousseau Democrat

Rousseau was the original proponent of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, and the intellectual architect of the French revolution. Poor for most of his life, his was the original statement of radical egalitarianism.


This personality type combines these five perspectives
democrat, big state, individualist, rationalist, wide focus

Likes and dislikes


working to get a “wise decision” even if it takes longer.
aware that nations and civilizations go through stages of development like individuals do.
governments working from a set of logical rules.
expanding the range of public insurance programs (employment insurance, old age pensions, medicare and disability programs).


investing too much power in individuals.
a program of incremental changes.

Philosophy: Liberal Democrat

for: democratic reform, civil rights, separation of church and state, public health care, kyoto protocol, economic development, tax reform, freedom of information

against: affirmative action, racism,corporate welfare?

Famous Rousseau Democrats

Jurgen Habermas
Jean-Jaques Rousseau
Noam Chomsky

This makes some sense to me but from what I know of Chomsky he is to my left. Maybe I should start reading up on Rousseau. That being said I looked at other personality types and some of them were stupid. Like "Hollywood Republican." What the hell is that supposed to be? And I would not put Hamilton under libertarianism, it is probably closer to more of an American version of red toryism than libertarianism.

Here would be the five parameters I would use if I were to make a test:
Social: a measurement of the social regulation that one seeks to establish within a state (ranges from libertarian to authoritarian)
Economic: a measurement of the economic regulation that one seeks to establish within a state (ranges from left to right)
Political: the amount of citizen participation that one seeks to establish within a state (ranges from democratic to autocratic)
Cultural: the degree to which one wants to preserve the cultural heritage within a state (ranges from multicultural to ethnocentric)
Foreign: the degree to which one wants to intervene in the affairs of other countries through any means (ranges from isolationist to interventionist)

If it were to range from -10 to 10 on each parameter

If I had to guess...

Social: -8
Economic: -5
Political: -5
Cultural: -5
Foreign: -10

On your test I am a libertarian, left-wing, democratic, multiculutral, isolationist.
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By Dr House
ASCRW - Owenite or Fabian Socialist

Robert Owen a successful industrialist, was an early “socialist without the class struggle” his basic conception was that human beings were moulded, for better or worse by their society and community, as such the powerful held a responsibility for the human development of the people under their influence.


George Bernard Shaw and Winston Churchill were adherents to the Fabian socialist movement, which had much the same idea.

In Canada the somewhat unique Red Tory perspective was strongly influenced by these views.

Unlike most collectivists, advocates tended to try to reform right-wing politics rather than join left-wing movements.


The Liberal Party of Canada favours this view by default, as it has never seriously challenged the bulk of state power remaining with the provinces of Canada, nor sought to create large military or other apparatus that would imply a large central state. Liberals in power have tended to favour lateral agreements among the provinces and territories, though applying strong top-down rationalist authority. Pierre Trudeau behaved in ways that might be defined as ASCRW though his rhetoric tended to the human rights and natural justice and classical liberal.

future forms

In green politics the role of central authority is minimized in favour of more local organizing, leaving the small central state in charge of scientifically identifying a wide range of constraints on human activity, some of which require strong authoritarian controls. The geolibertarian? perspective is individualist on social and cultural matters but strongly collectivist on ecological questions.

In Canada in particular, some have noted the convergence of Red Tory beliefs with Four Pillars constraints imposed by global conditions, influencing both the Green Party of Canada - especially the GPC platform, 2004 - and the Liberal Party of Canada. Preston Manning wrote an influential essay on the blue-green perspective, suggesting that the Conservative Party of Canada could likewise learn from this view, and that it had to acknowledge the limits of individualist and neoclassical? views and embraced "full cost accounting".


This personality type combines these five perspectives
authoritarian, small state, collectivist, rationalist, wide focus.

Likes and dislikes


  • a strong sense of social responsibility.
  • identify strongly with religious, ethnic or cultural groups
  • people who "make do" on their own
  • competition, and facing challenges
  • advocating that society needs a "paradigm shift"
  • advocating change at the national or international level


  • rebellion for the sake of rebellion
  • challenges to authority
  • complex decision making processes

mikema63 wrote:also if anyone does mbti and knows their type i would like to know, its not exactly political im just curious im INTP.

I'm ENTJ, though by dichotomies I'd be some sort of exxp -- probably ENFP.

But I don't like MBTI much. The dichotomy version is too simple, and the function breakdown (which is more faithful to Jung's original system, though not by much) is rife with false dichotomies. In Big 5 I'm SLUAI, primary Inquisitive.
Last edited by Dr House on 06 Feb 2012 07:31, edited 1 time in total.
mikema63 wrote: also if anyone does mbti and knows their type i would like to know, its not exactly political im just curious im INTP.

I'm INTJ (100%, 62%, 62%, and 2% respectively). I often identify with both the INTJ and INTP types because I am juts in between J and P.
By mikema63
i got rcuai with inquisitive as the major i haven't seen that one before thanks

ive always been interested in personality and how it relates to political leanings so the more that want to chime in with this kind of things and their political leaning ill get all exited thanks :D

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