The Workers People's Party - Politics | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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By NewDawn
The Workers People's Party/The National Integralist Movement is a completely British orientated nationalistic, patriotic political party. TWPP/NIM absolutely rejects any type of unacceptable extremism in any form except when it comes to restoring our nation to its rightful place and prosperity. TWPP/NIM is here to struggle for all the people of the United Kingdom with a caring, considerate heart and a sympathetic ear backed by strong policies coupled to having the balls to implement what we say we shall, unlike the major political forces at work in our country today.

A key point to stress is that we are a fundamentalist party in a good way because we zealously believe in social justice, liberty and freedom of expression and the pursuit of right. However we completely believe in putting our own inhabitants and native soil first while respecting others who wish to do the same. We are passionately and completely committed to grass roots activities and campaigning, engaging and interacting with local peoples and dealing with everyday matters that shape all our lives.

Fascists or not?
Fascists or not?

You missed out the word 'Freedom' from your party's name.

The Workers People's Freedom Party.

There, that's better. Now you're a proper fascist party. No need to thank me. :)
going through the site didn't get a real feel for what they specifically want to see happen, but i did get a little bit of a nazi vibe out of it :eh:
You missed out the word 'Freedom' from your party's name. The Workers People's Freedom Party. There, that's better. Now you're a proper fascist party. No need to thank me. :)

Sorry I have to ask how did you derive your answer just from name? So by your logic that would have made the former DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) a thriving democracy then in it time. Or perhaps the National Socialist Party of the NS-Zeit was actually a Socialist Party, not a race based ideological party. For the life of me what was Stalin doing fighting the expansion of Socialism for. The communists don't have a copyright on the words workers or people. Our name represents our views nothing more nothing less.
Last edited by Cartertonian on 06 Feb 2012 11:13, edited 3 times in total. Reason: Formatting
mikema63 wrote:going through the site didn't get a real feel for what they specifically want to see happen, but i did get a little bit of a nazi vibe out of it :eh:

A Nazi vibe, how and where? I don't recall any talk about rounding up Jews, Gypsies and Homosexuals, or rants about European domination or living room.
mikema63 wrote:going through the site didn't get a real feel for what they specifically want to see happen, but i did get a little bit of a nazi vibe out of it :eh:

Nazism should never be confused with fascism. The two ideologies are often much more different than they are made out to be.


Despite my largely liberal background, I'm finding that I identify myself with integralism more and more. I don't think that this party is fascist though.
Nazism should never be confused with fascism. The two ideologies are often much more different than they are made out to be. Despite my largely liberal background, I'm finding that I identify myself with integralism more and more. I don't think that this party is fascist though.

You are very right many people just bunch the two together.
Last edited by Cartertonian on 06 Feb 2012 11:12, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Formatting
i wasn't talking about their specific ideology i really couldn't figure it out. it just the general rhetoric made me think of it, mabye just because nazism is so despised when you usually encounter anything from them they say a lot of empty platitudes about togetherness and freedom without anything strait or specific, i had no idea how to describe the feel of it other than that. sorry if i confused you.

anyway what i think is that if they don't want to strait up say what they want policy wise, then its probably not pretty.

All spheres of society must ultimately account for the interests of Britain.
The function of the state is to enhance and act in the interests of its own citizens.
The British people need national unity, comradeship, and close knit communities, restored within wider society.
Britain must be strong, self sufficient, industrious, and militarily capable of defending its interests.

i went to the site again and still cant figure out what their about, like above lots of words but not specifically what they want to see happen. i dont trust it :eh:
nucklepunche wrote:Whoopee! Another far-right splinter party. This time I'm sure they will start to win elections.

Hmm how are we a far right splinter group? Also what is far right according to you? We don't see ourselves as far right.
mikema63 wrote:i wasn't talking about their specific ideology i really couldn't figure it out. it just the general rhetoric made me think of it, mabye just because nazism is so despised when you usually encounter anything from them they say a lot of empty platitudes about togetherness and freedom without anything strait or specific, i had no idea how to describe the feel of it other than that. sorry if i confused you.

I am not really sure what it is you can't figure out if you read our manifestos and points we make it clear really what we want to see happen and what we would like to achieve and do. Maybe the problem is that our ideology is not typical and is a hybrid of several political theories, which at first look may appear as right wing looking but we have very liberal social ideas.
Last edited by Cartertonian on 06 Feb 2012 11:49, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Formatting
Hmm how are we a far right splinter group? Also what is far right according to you? We don't see ourselves as far right.

Let me guess - you're the 'radical centre'? :)
Potemkin wrote:Let me guess - you're the 'radical centre'? :)

No we are radical realists, things need to change. I know it's been said by everybody time and time again but we really are on the point of no return. To be blunt the left has had a good run and look what a fine mess we are all in today PC and everybody should have unchecked freedom to do as one pleases has left us all in a big pile of horse S%¤", all people need to start doing is just admit it to themselves instead of continually trying to flog a dead horse, and keep justifying this failed lefto-liberal system.

Admin note: I'd be grateful if you would make yourself more familiar with the 'quote' function, so I don't have to keep editing your posts for you.
Last edited by Cartertonian on 06 Feb 2012 15:02, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Formatting
how about you link me to the page that says we support x policy, the creation/destruction of y program/department, or that you should set up z system. a lot of the things ive read have been things i could imagine coming from a variety of different groups that advocate very different things, and about which i have very different opinions.

Our goal is a nation based on the ideological principles of what is right, traditional values and common sense; a nation in which all individuals are governed, and govern their lives by or on the principles of Integrity, meritocracy, equality, common sense and logic, while not doing only for oneself “individualism”, but the collective as a whole.

what ideologies principle? what do is considered right? what do are you obligated to do for the collective? how do you wish to achieve equality? whose common sense? the manifestos have a lot of words in them but they dont seem to be saying anything
what ideologies principle? what do is considered right? what do are you obligated to do for the collective? how do you wish to achieve equality? whose common sense? the manifestos have a lot of words in them but they dont seem to be saying anything[/quote]

The ideological principles set down by our ideology. To make it short and basic a meritocratic-authoritarian government, rather socialist inspired welfare with all the trapping a corporatist economy with a Gentilian/British civic ethos. How would we achieve equality by educating and influencing our people that there is more to life that material gain and absolute self destructive individualism, we would enforce meritocracy in all spheres of life and society from birth to death. You and I both knew we are mostly all born with what we would call common sense and we mostly know right from wrong , for us or me at least it is with a western slant my ideas of what right and wrong are. Maybe it is over wordy the manifesto but it does make clear our objectives. Before you say it yes this is very brief answers and it would be much more complex to achieve that it looks like I am trying to make out. So in reality our objective is to change society from the inside out and call it how it is today the PC gloves soften the blows that is why we have become soft and weak as peoples and nations in Western Europe. Not that I need to tell you this, but this would not happen overnight it would be a gradual change over decades.
so corpratistic socialism with top down government control on who deserves what, based on merit (and probably corruption), with the eventual goal of creating a socialist man who doesn't work for himself or his own gain and only works for society?
mikema63 wrote:so corpratistic socialism with top down government control on who deserves what, based on merit (and probably corruption), with the eventual goal of creating a socialist man who doesn't work for himself or his own gain and only works for society?

Actually no that is not it, my my you paint a gloomy picture. I would not wish that on anybody. Hmm that sounds a lot like now don't you think.
Your ideology seems to be something like the worst aspects American Republicanism: exclusionary collectivism and libertarian rhetoric without a definition of liberty (for example the republican freedom rhetoric is undefined so you can pass the patriot act without getting flack for selling out your ideals)
Social justice. What is that other than code for mob rule/democracy where ideology rules over anybody understanding what real remains all the time?

Offering a new definition of the same tactics to honoring character's rights at the expense of gender liberty. Old world thinking. Self fulfilling prophecy in the making to repeat history again for another generation denying now is Eternity and the home of eternal results of what Earth remains here so far.

Know what physically self contains the contents of this planet balancing constantly in this relative universal position balancing as a whole moment of never duplicated details. Stop making the world a stage.

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