What political party would I fall into? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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I'm really just trying to find my place in politics! I live in the United States, you could narrow it down to Republican or Democrat if you want, or you could be more detailed in your explanation... Or both! These are some of the stances I've taken;

  • I believe in the right to Healthcare and believe in a Universal Healthcare system.
  • I believe in investing more money into Education and educating our youth for a better future
  • I believe in a progressive tax system, the rich should be taxed more to be put towards infastructure that they used to gain their wealth in the first place.
  • I'm against abortion unless the monther's life is at risk, or the child is from a case of incest, or rape.
  • I believe that big wallstreet investment banks should be broken down by legislation, seeing as it's very risky to have 6 corporate banks who's assests are 3/4's the countries GDP.
  • I believe there should be more regulations on these wallstreet banks (Derivatives, where they are investing, etc.)
  • I believe these banks shouldn't have anymore bailouts.
  • I believe the Federal Reserve should have more transparency and there should be no conflic of interest (CEO of JP Morgan being on the NYFR)
  • I believe in gay marriage
  • I'm for competitve alternative engergy sources.
  • I'm against the war in Iraq and conflicts with Iran, there are diplomatic solutions there is no need for threats of war against Iran and unless there is a clear
  • threat of them using nuclear weapons (if they even create them) then we should not interfier with them.
  • I'm for gun control to a certain degree, no assult rifles, etc.
  • The only "drug" I would tolerate being legalized is anabolic androgenic steroids, not any others, that includes marijuana.
  • I believe Military spending shouldn't increase or decrease drastically, we need a strong Military to defend ourselves incase of emergency.
  • I believe firmly in not censoring the people's freedom of speech or limitations on assembly as long as the group is not causing harm or trashing public land.
Yea, straight up Democrat. I'm not sure why you're compromising on abortion, military spending, or drugs. A lot of Democrats favor the secretive Federal Reserve as well since it centralizes monetary policy and keeps it in the hands of people who understand it.

With a name like McMurray, do you come from an Irish cop family?

We had a member called Bolduca a while back you might want to search for. He's fairly similar, and he served in the military. When I grilled him, a lot of his positions turned back to conservatism though.
Yea, straight up Democrat. I'm not sure why you're compromising on abortion, military spending, or drugs. A lot of Democrats favor the secretive Federal Reserve as well since it centralizes monetary policy and keeps it in the hands of people who understand it.

With a name like McMurray, do you come from an Irish cop family?

We had a member called Bolduca a while back you might want to search for. He's fairly similar, and he served in the military. When I grilled him, a lot of his positions turned back to conservatism though.

Well, I only compromised on abortion because of a rather personal experience with my own mother and I could never imagine her dead. So that position could never be budged. I believe in a strong Military and there are certain useless things in there they could cut spending on and use that money towards things they may want to try or need. I don't support the secretive Federal Reserve and I do believe in keeping it in the hands of people who understand - but I don't support those who understand it and abuse their powers due to their own personal interests..

I am part Irish, but my grandfather was a chef at a Hotel - not a cop. He is a security officer now, though! Haha

I'll check into that member, thank you!
What's your methodology or social action programme for actually creating a situation where those things you listed in your first post can be actualised?

It is not possible to know what ideology you really are unless that is made clear. One often hears middle class people of all stripes saying things like, "Oh I support the death penalty", "I oppose the death penalty", "I support licorice allsorts being handed out for free to kids in preschool", "I oppose the bill called CMD6758", "I support national self-determination", "I support your mother". No, you can't be said to actually support anything if we can't see how you plan to get there.

What I am wanting to hear from you - in the order listed - is:

  • 1. A clear narrative about the current crisis based on some socio-economic class analysis.

  • 2. Fundamental principles on which actions are based.

  • 3. A path for community organisation which leads to a framework in which a programme may develop to address the contradictions at the root of the crisis.

Without that, it's just a number of half-baked conceptions with no sign of an anchor in anything.

Don't interpret this post as being rude or abrasive, I ask this question of everyone who does what you've done in your first post in this topic.
The opinion to single issues can change over time, without the political conviction changing.

My own conviction hasnt changed much, but the opinion to different issues has changed a lot over time. I talked with people, I informed myself about issues, I learned new facts, etc.

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