Used coffee grounds - Politics | PoFo

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By Rainbow Crow
Does anyone here have experience with using recycled coffee grounds as fertilizer, or perhaps to grow mushrooms?

I've been reading that you can pick them up from Starbucks and it sounds as if they have multiple uses :)
I used to sprinkle used coffee grounds on my garden because it seemed reasonably effective at keeping away the neighbour's cats which would poop everywhere. It had the advantage over store-bought repellents of being better for the environment, my garden and having no additional cost to me.

The effect didn't last more than a few days, but I drank ground coffee every day so that was no problem.
I thought you were British and therefore drank tea, Siberian Fox.

It actually sounds like a decent idea. I know my grandfather, when he owned his resturant, would take the extra coffee at the end of the day, water it down and water the plants. It makes sense that coffee grounds would be decent fertilizer.
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By Stormsmith
Siberian Fox wrote:it seemed reasonably effective at keeping away the neighbour's cats which would poop everywhere.

I empty my grounds onto a flower bed that has heavy rich soil (Its basically composted horse manure which is almost as heavy as clay) The coffee grounds give the soil tilth. I never thought about it, but now that you mention it, the cats never 'used' that bed. They both died this spring/summer, at 15 years so that's a fairly reasonable test of time, me thinks.

For the record, every year at Christmas I run all my egg shells through a blender, and sprinkle that over the beds. It also improves the tilth, and helps sweeten the soil, as coffee's a tad acidic. The shells make it look like there's been a light frost, kinda Christmassy.
Figlio di Moros wrote:I thought you were British and therefore drank tea, Siberian Fox.

These days I drink far more tea than coffee.

Stormsmith wrote:every year at Christmas I run all my egg shells through a blender, and sprinkle that over the beds. It also improves the tilth, and helps sweeten the soil, as coffee's a tad acidic. The shells make it look like there's been a light frost, kinda Christmassy.

I used to put down crushed eggshells sometimes to deter snails. I never gave much consideration coffee affecting the soil's PH balance but will remember that for the future.
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By Stormsmith
Today was my annual sprinkling of the eggshells for Christmas event, followed by tea but no shortbread. Must bake something soon.
We have plenty of fall oak, mullberry ,etc. leaves we rake up onto large plastic tarp and drag to composter. Add coffee grounds and those two ingrediants provie all the nutrients you'll need. We also put in eggshells. We have plenty of eggs from our 8 free range barred rock hens.

We are getting old and hubby is disabled but we seem to keep up.
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