Do you think the world would have been a better place if ... - Politics | PoFo

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The Second World War (1939-1945).
Forum rules: No one line posts please.
Seeing as everyone else has beaten me to being negative I'll try to be positive for a change.... ummm... well, if the Nazis had one I guess we wouldn't have to put up with the endless treadmill of "The Nazis would have won if they had more [whatever]" or "Glorious Super Germany would have won if they had/hadn't [something]".

Quantum wrote:Better the Nazis than global capitalism, IMO. The worst outcome under Nazism is physical death but globalisation is death of the soul and of culture.

Because Nazism was so tolerant of other cultures :eh:
Smilin' Dave wrote:Because Nazism was so tolerant of other cultures :eh:

I never said they were. I just said that it was better to be destroyed by the Nazis than to be slowly destroyed and corrupted under the current system. Plus, I'm pretty sure that if the British and American soldiers knew what was going to happen to their countries after the war, they wouldn't have fought against the Germans.

Also this:

Political Interest wrote:American popular culture is absolutely revolting. The above sample posted by Quantum is an example of this. To be conquered by the Nazis is physical death but to be conquered by Americans is the death of the soul. I detest such songs and videos as those. It is beyond me why Americans tolerate such a popular culture in their country.
A heartfelt YES on my part.

It depends who you're referring to. Of course, for America and its internationalist Wall Street class, it'd have been undesirable, but for the common European, especially the eastern one who lived under the threat of looming Stalinism in their country, Fascism was pretty much the only way they could have seen their country thrive without the multicultural liberal ills that democracy, or degenerate Marxist ideology that kills the nation's soul, bring.

KlassWar wrote:No, the world would suck way more than it currently sucks (unlikely as that sounds) had the Allies not won WWII. The world would be a much better place if the Soviets had won the Cold War, though.

You're pulling that out of your ass and you know it. The worker would be no more oppressed in National Socialist Europe than in Liberal EU Europe.
Quantum wrote:I never said they were. I just said that it was better to be destroyed by the Nazis than to be slowly destroyed and corrupted under the current system.

You seem to be under the misapprehension that Nazis only physically destroyed cultures. Aside from it being a bit silly to say its better to be immediately obliterated then to be slowly undermined, slow erosion of cultural institutions and corruption to suit the Nazi Party was also on the menu. Even cultures that Nazis notionally respected tended to be bent into shape to suit their purposes, which included German culture.

Quantum wrote:Plus, I'm pretty sure that if the British and American soldiers knew what was going to happen to their countries after the war, they wouldn't have fought against the Germans.

Yeah I'm sure American soldiers would have universally hated the idea of becoming citizens of a superpower. Or the roaring economic boom their country experienced post-war. :roll:

Quantum wrote:Also this:

1. I don't give a fig what Political Interest thinks generally.
2. PI in the whole time he has been on this forum hasn't demonstrated any deep understanding politcs or culture. You've missed out on such antics as his belief that Gaddafi's Green Book actually reflected how Libya was run.
So, I don't respect his opinions and I don't think he has any factual/logical basis for his beliefs. Why would you show me this? Am I to be overwhelmed at the possibility that there are multiple people saying foolish things on this forum?

Preston Cole wrote:for the common European, especially the eastern one who lived under the threat of looming Stalinism in their country

I'm sure all the Poles, Russians etc. that died under Nazi occupation or in their camps weren't really looking forward to a Nazi future...

Eisleben wrote:And, like most of our wars, we really gained nothing by taking part.

See above re. becoming a superpower. And saying the US stood to lose nothing by allowing an anti-capitalist, anti-democratic etc. power to conquer all of Europe is ridiculously short sighted.
Smilin' Dave wrote:I'm sure all the Poles, Russians etc. that died under Nazi occupation or in their camps weren't really looking forward to a Nazi future...

Russians were slated for subjugation, yes, but Generalplan Ost still intended to deport many of them beyond the Urals. Furthermore, it's highly likely that the Ukrainians would be given their own state following Hitler's demise, though I wouldn't expect them to be too excited about it because of Babi Yar and all that.

Smilin' Dave wrote:See above re. becoming a superpower. And saying the US stood to lose nothing by allowing an anti-capitalist, anti-democratic etc. power to conquer all of Europe is ridiculously short sighted.

What exactly did it have to gain? A cold war with a system far more detrimental to its interests (communism)?

Yeah I'm sure American soldiers would have universally hated the idea of becoming citizens of a superpower. Or the roaring economic boom their country experienced post-war.

Think he's referring to the pro-immigration, more melting-pot politics that America eventually adopted post-war. Not to mention Britain... holy shit, don't even get me started.
Yes, without question. From the soil beneath the feet of the masses to the stars above, unequivocally yes.

No, indeed, it hasn't been a popular viewpoint to hold for quite a while. Yes, I do believe with earnest excitement in a time after my death and the passing of all those now writing here that the current history will be completely meaningless, and the sons and daughters of Germania, Europe, and this beautiful world from Bose's steadfast Indians to the Arabs who rose up in support of such a vision, will be hailed as martyrs of this past age and forerunners of a new dawn.
Not for minorities, Communists, and Russians. Everyone else would have been fine and would be studying German. It would have transformed into the EU a continental bloc where everybody acknowledges the political and economic superiority of Germany without the liberal political correct baggage associated with it today.
Preston Cole wrote:Russians were slated for subjugation, yes, but Generalplan Ost still intended to deport many of them beyond the Urals.

The percentages given here show that it wasn't just the Russians that were supposed to be deported.

Just while we're on the topic of Generalplan Ost, Quantum might like to take note that also a percentage of the remaining population of these nations were to be subject to 'Germanisation'. Because Nazi Germany was so repectful of other cultures. :roll:

Preston Cole wrote:Furthermore, it's highly likely that the Ukrainians would be given their own state following Hitler's demise, though I wouldn't expect them to be too excited about it because of Babi Yar and all that.

Given double dealing by the OUN during the war, and we can assume in a German victory they would have had the same problems 'mopping up' experienced by the Soviets post war, that might not have stuck.

Preston Cole wrote:What exactly did it have to gain? A cold war with a system far more detrimental to its interests (communism)?

Heaps of stuff. Security in Europe = markets for US products. Political capital (and more material indebtedness) that could be used to press for decolonisation, opening more markets in the former colonial possessions etc.

And reinforcing that the US had a lot to lose from letting the Nazis win. As of Hitler's 'Second Book' he was essentially outlining a cold war or third war with the US anyway so I'm not entirely convinced this would have been a better outcome.

Preston Cole wrote:Think he's referring to the pro-immigration, more melting-pot politics that America eventually adopted post-war.

Which didn't have a lot to do with WWII. Really if we want to take a pretty abstract view the Nazis were doing 'garden variety racists' a great 'diservice'. Had it not been for their extremism perhaps more moderate racists etc. would have had more of a future. ;)

Far-Right Sage wrote:No, indeed, it hasn't been a popular viewpoint to hold for quite a while. Yes, I do believe with earnest excitement in a time after my death and the passing of all those now writing here that the current history will be completely meaningless, and the sons and daughters of Germania, Europe, and this beautiful world from Bose's steadfast Indians to the Arabs who rose up in support of such a vision, will be hailed as martyrs of this past age and forerunners of a new dawn.

Hmmm... utopian future.... historical inevitability... union of all peoples. Sounds like Communism with the serial numbers filed off FRS.

Travesty wrote:It would have transformed into the EU a continental bloc where everybody acknowledges the political and economic superiority of Germany without the liberal political correct baggage associated with it today.

The idea that Nazi Germany would have morphed into the EU is pretty silly. The Nazis tended to favour bilateral treaties, particularly with nations that were intended to be 'subjects' rather than allies. It's pretty hard to imagine them committing to a fixed system that extended beyond borders when it suited them to make up whatever suited them at the time and to use the borders as useful administrative designations.
I'm curious to know what was the German agenda for the rest of the world. Surely they can "germanize" Europeans and Caucasians in north america and Australasia, but what about us brown people? The Japanese campaign had the objective of removing all European colonial outposts in Asia and replacing them with puppet regimes loyal to the emperor. Speaking of which, does anybody know the historical developments that caused the deep animosity between the Japanese and the Chinese people?
No it would not have been a better place. The simple reason is that they planned to exterminate the Slavic peoples of Europe and colonise their lands with German settlers. The Balts were to be Germanised. In general it would have resulted in German hegemony in Europe, complete rule by Germans and for Germans alone. Such a situation would be a disaster. The UK, Spain, France, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Holland etc would not be able to exercise any independent decisions.
Sounds Like A Bird wrote:Do you think the world would have been a better place if Nazis had won the war?

It's a difficult question to answer, because alternative history is necessarily speculative. Naturally, it'd have been bad for most Russians and Poles, though they would still persist, in smaller numbers, in Siberia. However, exactly how it effected the rest of the world would be based in which departure point you took. Would Germany win the Battle of Britain, or would they win by continuing to have pushed past Al-Amin and holding armistice? Would they have victory before America entered, would we have already signed the land-lease and would it be respected, how would German victory influence the war in the pacific, etc...

Hitler had no interest in ruling Britain or their Empire, nor would they have the manpower, so how the conflict ended would determine what concessions Germany would draw. I think Germany would have left most of their empire alone, restoring a few colonies and that being about it. Hitler's admiration of the British is well known.

I do believe many third-worlders would view their position as having been better if Germany won, particularly if they were colonies at the time. Even those that weren't, such as Mongolia, is landlocked between Russia and China, which possess about half of Mongolian (ethnic) territories. Many of them may have been better off with a German victory, allowing them more autonomy. The same can be said for labor within Europe., and some Latin American countries.
Political Interest wrote:In general it would have resulted in German hegemony in Europe, complete rule by Germans and for Germans alone. Such a situation would be a disaster. The UK, Spain, France, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Holland etc would not be able to exercise any independent decisions.

What a coincidence.

You've just described the E.U.

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