Week of action against new technology. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Moderator: PoFo Political Circus Mods

April 21-27, 2013

The money that the United States government is currently spending on new technology should be spent on helping the poor. The United States spends more money on the development of new technology than any other country in the world. In 2012 the United States government spent $125 billion on the development of new technology. The United States government is giving billions of dollars, our tax money, to universities and corporations for the development of new technology. Tell Congress to decrease funding for new technology and increase funding for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, health care, disability benefits, retirement programs, unemployment benefits, welfare, aid to the poor, food stamps, food pantries, charities, homeless shelters and affordable housing. Call, email, contact your senators and representatives in Congress between April 21-27. Organize or attend a protest, march or rally against new technology between April 21-27. Don't buy anything from companies that sell new technology like Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Best Buy, Walmart and Target between April 21-27. Donate your money to charities, food pantries, homeless shelters and other organizations that help the poor between April 21-27. Go to the website http://weeknotech.blogspot.com/ to learn more about the week of action against new technology.

This week of action was organized by Low Tech.
Low Tech's website is:

In the United States the number of homeless people is growing.
http://news.yahoo.com/hunger-homelessne ... 12758.html

In the United States the number of people living in poverty is growing.
http://news.yahoo.com/us-poverty-track- ... nance.html

Around the world the number of homeless people is growing.
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/200 ... /?page=all

Around the world the number of people living in poverty is growing.
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= ... i0zYhypiTs

Around the world the number of unemployed people is growing.

Around the world the number of starving people is growing.
http://www.irinnews.org/Report/87006/In ... production

In 2012 the World Health Organization predicted that the number of starving people will continue to rise in the future.
http://content.usatoday.com/communities ... OSXrWB5EzU

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, health care, disability benefits, retirement programs, unemployment benefits, welfare, aid to the poor, food stamps, food pantries, charities, homeless shelters and affordable housing are social programs.

The amount of money that the United States government is spending on social programs is decreasing.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/2 ... 90838.html

The amount of money that governments around the world are spending on social programs is decreasing.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/2 ... 90838.html

The United States government plans to decrease spending on social programs in the future.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/1 ... 13259.html

Governments around the world plan to decrease spending on social programs in the future.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/ ... BH20121007
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2012 ... 952134.htm
http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/ ... 6S20121223
http://www.houseofjapan.com/local/japan ... om-fy-2013

Anything that was invented after the year 2000 is new technology. Anything that was invented before the year 2000 is not new technology. Anything that is invented now is new technology. Anything that is invented in the future is new technology.

Research and development or R&D is another term for the development of new technology.

The United States spends more money on the development of new technology than any other country in the world.
http://news.thomasnet.com/IMT/2012/02/0 ... e-in-2012/

In 2012 the United States government spent $125 billion on the development of new technology.
http://news.thomasnet.com/IMT/2012/02/0 ... e-in-2012/

The United States government plans to increase spending on the development of new technology in the future.
http://www.scientificamerican.com/artic ... nce-debate

In 2012 governments, companies and other organizations around the world spent $1.4 trillion on the development of new technology.
http://news.thomasnet.com/IMT/2012/02/0 ... e-in-2012/

The amount of money that governments, companies and other organizations around the world are spending on the development of new technology is increasing.
http://news.thomasnet.com/IMT/2012/02/0 ... e-in-2012/

Governments, companies and other organizations around the world plan to increase spending on the development of new technology in the future.
http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/ ... rd_edpicks

In 2011 Americans spent $144 billion buying new technology like electronics.
http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-573771 ... b-in-2011/

American consumers spend more money on new technology than any other country in the world.
http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2008 ... aphic.html

In 2012 people around the world spent $2.1 trillion buying, using and maintaining new technology.

The money that people spend on new technology should be spent on helping the poor. Instead of using their money to buy new technology people should donate their money to charities, food pantries, homeless shelters and other organizations that help the poor.

Tell everyone you know about this week of action. Pass out flyers for it. Email people about it. Tell people on Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo and other websites about it.

Go here to download a flyer for the week of action against new technology:

Go here to find out how to contact your senators and representatives in Congress:

Go here to see a list of some events related to this week of action:
http://weeknotech.blogspot.com/p/some-e ... ction.html

The Facebook page for this week of action is:

To join the email list for this week of action send a message to:

To contact Low Tech send an email to lowtech1980@gmail.com
Obviously new technology never helps anyone, no one lives in houses, requires medical attention, eats factory farmed food or wears clothes made with anything more advanced than a loom. Governments investing in R and D are insane and not a penny of that money helps anyone in any way (there are certainly no jobs created in those areas).

Good first post. :up:
Are you for real? Ive never actually heard anyone advocating the position that we should not invest in new technologies that make all our lives better in so many different ways.

How many scientists and engineers would become unemployed if the government suddenly stopped investing in R&D?
I'm not one for government spending but we spend almost nothing on tech compared to the rest of the budget and its about the most useful thing the government could actually do to help people.

this is the absolute worst thing to cut and a terrible idea. :eh:
You guys are being harsh on this individual. Think about it, this may be the result of long hours preparing a Luddite parody. Just in case it does get traction - some of you do seem to be faddish - I'm starting to buy all the cave real estate I can find. I'm going to give you the opportunity to dress in pelts and spend your vacation chewing old bones and being chased by wolves. It's going to make you so home sick you will probably want to move in permanently.
Social_Critic wrote:You guys are being harsh on this individual. Think about it, this may be the result of long hours preparing a Luddite parody. Just in case it does get traction - some of you do seem to be faddish - I'm starting to buy all the cave real estate I can find. I'm going to give you the opportunity to dress in pelts and spend your vacation chewing old bones and being chased by wolves. It's going to make you so home sick you will probably want to move in permanently.

Someone's going to need to come up with a way to encrypt smoke signals. Can't lose proprietary information to signal interceptors, you know.
Anna, you will be living in cave people's paradise. This means all intellectual property and copy rights will belong to your designated commune, err .. clan. The incentive for you will be to figure out a way to make your clan survive. This means smoke signals, which can evidently seen by other clans, will be against the law (I'm starting to warm up). Hell, I'll make it so that any of you who even thinks beyond party ...huh...clan leadership instructions is going to find him or herself spit roasted.
Social_Critic wrote:Anna, you will be living in cave people's paradise. This means all intellectual property and copy rights will belong to your designated commune, err .. clan. The incentive for you will be to figure out a way to make your clan survive. This means smoke signals, which can evidently seen by other clans, will be against the law (I'm starting to warm up). Hell, I'll make it so that any of you who even thinks beyond party ...huh...clan leadership instructions is going to find him or herself spit roasted.

Hmmm...who are you then, the cave cadre leader? As part of the conservative insurrection, my job will be to covertly oppose you at every opportunity. Scrap smoke signals; moving to carrier pigeons.
Be careful, there are advocates of technocracy lurking. Otherwise, Great post. Obviously I doubt you want to stop technological advancement altogether- just economize better?
J Oswald wrote:The OP's post is one of the stupidest things I've seen on PoFo.
I skimmed over his statistics, but if he doesn't want to stop all technological advancement- I wouldn't say he lacks a point. I wouldn't say it is the stupidest thing you've seen on PoFo. I'm sure we've all been guilty of posting rash things

There is the Conspiracy threads afterall.
I have to disagree, given how little we spend on R&D. We should really be spending a lot more, and improving infrastructure to allow for a more economical distribution of wealth. Attacking R&D to up social spending is a bit... self-destructive.
Figlio di Moros wrote:I have to disagree, given how little we spend on R&D. We should really be spending a lot more, and improving infrastructure to allow for a more economical distribution of wealth. Attacking R&D to up social spending is a bit... self-destructive.

Scientific and technological progress is good, rampant consumerism with disregard for the future is not.

I'll quote McKenna on this:

We have the money, the power, the medical understanding, the scientific knowhow, the love and the community to produce a kind of human paradise. But we are led by the least among us, the least intelligent, the least noble, the least visionary.
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