Gillard announces election date 8 months in advance.... - Politics | PoFo

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I don't understand the logic behind calling an election this far out. While it may give Labor an advantage in that it forces Abbott to be more than a "Dr No" the Coalition could simply dump Abbott if his popularity has an effect on the Coalition's poll ratings. Also what happens to Labor's chances of being re-elected in the possible but unlikely occurrence of another major economic crisis within the next few months - wouldn't this strengthen the position of the Coalition?
Some context:

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced that this year's federal election will be held on September 14.

During a speech to the National Press Club this lunchtime, Ms Gillard took the unusual move of announcing the timing of the election several months out from polling day.

"I do so not to start the nation's longest election campaign - quite the opposite," she told the audience.

"It should be clear to all which are the days of governing and which are the days of campaigning.

"Announcing the election date now enables individuals and business, investors and consumers to plan their year."

Ms Gillard says she will advise Governor-General Quentin Bryce to issue writs on Monday, August 12 to dissolve the House of Representatives.

As part of her agreement with independent MPs Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor, Ms Gillard had agreed to hold the election in either September or October.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has welcomed the election date announcement and declared the Coalition ready to lead.

Mr Abbott says the Coalition is offering "positive plans for a stronger economy", including scrapping the carbon and mining taxes.

"As I've often said, we are a great country and a great people let down by a poor government," he said. ... on/4491118

Surprising, but really no big deal. Some people are saying its to blind-side Rudd supporters, but I don't really see how that could be. I think this is pretty much as Gillard and Swann describe it - take away the silly games oppositions always play with election calling - and allows labor to focus on their strength, and Abbott's weakness - policy.
I think this move is a good thing. I say this because I don't live in Australia at the moment and won't have to put up with all the constant point scoring between now and then. Now that the date is set, the potential reality of a Coalition government is more defined in people's minds. It puts pressure on the Coalition to present itself as an actual (alternative) federal government entity, not just an opposition with its agenda being some theoretical thing that may come into play at some time not sure when.
Swagman wrote:It would appear that she has been forced to act early with the Craig Thomson affair emerging today and hitting the news stands.

In other words why have a bi-election for Thomson's seat when the election has already been called?

Not to mention Ashby's appeal is being assessed on February 6th....

It's the same old stupid pre-emptive politics that has dogged this government since they stabbed Rudd in the back, then called a stupidly early election that resulted in a damn minority government, and not the sort of stable minority government we got for Victoria under Bracks in 1999, but the other damn type where the Inds form their own "union" and proceed to lord it over the Government of the day.

Now they've called an election stupidly 8 months early.

P.S. Told you he'd get charged with fraud Gandalf!
I now firmly believe it was to try and put Rudd on the back foot, it is becoming more and more apparent that Rudd will challenge soon, look at his comments on the mining tax not making any money. The move was good for Gillard in that it may have scared some jittery undecided back benches into backing her due to how bad a leadership change would look during an election 'campaign', however I think the open hostility to her by some of her party members shows it hasn't worked.
AVT wrote:I now firmly believe it was to try and put Rudd on the back foot, it is becoming more and more apparent that Rudd will challenge soon, look at his comments on the mining tax not making any money. The move was good for Gillard in that it may have scared some jittery undecided back benches into backing her due to how bad a leadership change would look during an election 'campaign', however I think the open hostility to her by some of her party members shows it hasn't worked.

Rudd's waiting for the election loss in my opinion, and he always was....

He seems more interested in taking over the party again once they're out of office.
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