Fascist failings - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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Democracy was unable to resolve the issue slavery in 19th century USA.
Libertarianism seems ill equipped to prevent pollution or environmental degradation.
What are fascisms shortcomings?
Also other ideologies/ political structures.
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I assume technocracy will be swiftly abandoned as it cannot function with scarcity. A natural or human disaster will lead to its abandonment or at least temporary suspension.
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By starman2003
AFAIK wrote:Democracy was unable to resolve the issue slavery in 19th century USA.

To cite just one, past example. Never mind 19th century stuff, look at environmental degradation and deficits. You don't win elections by attempting to force people to limit family size, benefits or consumption.

Libertarianism seems ill equipped to prevent pollution or environmental degradation.

I'll say, and the same goes for democracy.

What are fascisms shortcomings?

Fascism was destroyed in the mid 20th century, in part because of the errors of its leaders but mainly just because the fascist nations just happened to be too small in relation to potential enemies to make a quest for hegemonization a great idea. In other words it wasn't authoritarianism that led to defeat; indeed it is remarkable that such relatively small countries as Germany got as far as they did, at first.
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Is there a risk that nationalism will develop into xenophobia and racism? This would be very damaging for those who wish to be internationalists.

Won't those who don't have corps to represent their interests feel disenfranchised? They may aggravate for change. Do the idle rich have a corp? I would like one.

What happens if the population wants more free time and consumer goods? Conscription was/ is massively unpopular in the USA.

I get the impression fascism is elitist and fascists would prefer to terminate disabled children than waste resources providing for them. Wouldn't a society that advocated seeing people solely as "human capital" be emotionally and psychologically scarred or stunted?

You may be better equipped to achieve feats of engineering but can you create beautiful poetry or literature? Do you have a healthy balance between all human needs and desires?
starman2003 wrote:To cite just one, past example. Never mind 19th century stuff, look at environmental degradation and deficits. You don't win elections by attempting to force people to limit family size, benefits or consumption.

Deficits aren't a problem w/ a sovereign currency; if we actually utilized our currency properly, we wouldn't have debts in the first place.

AFAIK wrote:I get the impression fascism is elitist and fascists would prefer to terminate disabled children than waste resources providing for them. Wouldn't a society that advocated seeing people solely as "human capital" be emotionally and psychologically scarred or stunted?

Yes, we support the ability to terminate defective fetuses. There is a vital difference between preventing the existence of those who would be a burden to society, and seeing people solely as "human capital". The latter dynamic exists in our current society, and it's one we seek to change; we want to see man as man, and not merely a tool to be utilized. However, we cannot overlook human capital either, and ought to seek to enhance it.

You may be better equipped to achieve feats of engineering but can you create beautiful poetry or literature? Do you have a healthy balance between all human needs and desires?

Yes- Fascism is notable for it's style. One subject concerning our cultural policy is correcting the materialistic, undisciplined and "feel-good" crap that passes itself off as art today.
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By starman2003
AFAIK wrote:Is there a risk that nationalism will develop into xenophobia and racism? This would be very damaging for those who wish to be internationalists.

I don't think that's likely here. Nationalism is ultimately passe and just a tool to be used to help forge an international or global order, like great hegemons of the past.

What happens if the population wants more free time and consumer goods? Conscription was/ is massively unpopular in the USA.

Of course the masses want consumer goods and lesiure! The whole raisen d'etre of authoritarianism is to ensure better priorities however unpopular.

I get the impression fascism is elitist and fascists would prefer to terminate disabled children than waste resources providing for them. Wouldn't a society that advocated seeing people solely as "human capital" be emotionally and psychologically scarred or stunted?

It's true that the primacy of the Whole, the State, means there's no place for those unable to make any contribution--in sharp contrast to the present system where the individual is supreme and preserved no matter how worthless and costly. But basically, it's the present system that's psychologically damaging. Without any higher purpose, people are aimless and often get screwed up on dope (and booze .

You may be better equipped to achieve feats of engineering but can you create beautiful poetry or literature? Do you have a healthy balance between all human needs and desires?

Nietzsche once said in effect that the arts don't thrive in times of political/state activism. But people will still produce music, literature, poetry--and probably more inspiring than certain lyrics heard recently...
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By Poelmo
AFAIK wrote:Democracy was unable to resolve the issue slavery in 19th century USA.
Libertarianism seems ill equipped to prevent pollution or environmental degradation.
What are fascisms shortcomings?
Also other ideologies/ political structures.

Fascism has all the classical problems of dictatorship: slow adoption of new ideas and knowledge, palace revolutions, succession struggles, monsters on the throne, no accountability, no exposure of corruption and failings, the government falling out of tune with the will of the people, things like that.

In addition fascism breeds discontent and tensions through its treatment of women and minorities, not just inside its borders but also between the fascist country and another country that's the home of some ethnic minority that's present in the fascist country.
Poelmo wrote:Fascism has all the classical problems of dictatorship:

Oh, please enlighten us....

slow adoption of new ideas and knowledge...

You mean like properly financing infrastructure, R&D, healthcare and education in the '30s? Or do you mean incorporating science into social standards, such as dual-inheritance theory, EvPsych, psychological and biological studies of interethnic differences, MMT, etc? Because, from where I'm standing, not only did Fascism adopt new technologies and better standards above and beyond liberal-capitalism at the time, but our lib-cap hegemony consistently ignores and even demonizes sound science that runs contrary to their ideological goals. This is an assumption that's not only quickly refuted by facts, but the hyprocrisy of the assumption itself laid bare.

... palace revolutions, secession struggles...

Such as the attempt to overthrow FDR, or are we talking filibustering? Again, it's a completely false notion, as there's no indication of "palace revolutions" or Fascist state's being less stable at all.

... monsters on the throne...

Right, such monsters as Pinochet, or are we talking Lincoln's suppression of the writ of habeas corpus, Reagan's Iran-Contra affair, Clinton bombing the Balkans, Obama bombing Libya? Furthermore, the consistent, ongoing destruction of languages, cultures, and heritages throughout the world in the incessant clamor for global markets?

... no accountability, no exposure of corruption and failings, the government falling out of tune with the will of the people, things like that.

I'd take more stock in this if liberal democracy wasn't an inherently corrupt system that protects the politics-finance racket with an increasingly worn vaneer of legitimacy. We "elect" our politicians in little districts organized to guarantee certain politicians victory, providing no oversight for the "campaign contributions" (aka bribes) they receive from "lobbyists" (aka, business interests) and no protection against abuse of their power, such as insider trading protections allowing them to invest based on laws they haven't announced yet.

Furthermore, the majority of this country supports gun rights, preventing illegal immigration, and accessible healthcare. What has been our government's reaction? To ignore them and continue on supporting policies that only favor the haute-bourgeoisie, and feign concern "for the will of the people" by telling them what they ought to support and simply pretending they do.

If that isn't "no accountability, no exposure of corruption and failings, and the government falling out of tune with the will of the people", I don't know what the fuck is.

In addition fascism breeds discontent and tensions through its treatment of women and minorities, not just inside its borders but also between the fascist country and another country that's the home of some ethnic minority that's present in the fascist country.

Yeah, I'll let Rei handle this.
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I am asking about structural flaws inherent to the system.

Suspending haebus corpus during a civil war isn't the issue; the issue is being unable to solve your problems democratically and fighting the war to address them.

Are there checks and balances within the corporate system that prevent abuses of power? What happens if groups feel marginalised?
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By starman2003
Poelmo wrote:Fascism has all the classical problems of dictatorship: slow adoption of new ideas and knowledge,

Technically our system continues to advance but ideologically we're bogged down in the 18th century...Fascism meant in part an incorporation of new ideas like darwinism into political thought, and fascists sure made better use of new technology c 1940.

palace revolutions, succession struggles, monsters on the throne, no accountability, no exposure of corruption and failings, the government falling out of tune with the will of the people...

Given the irresponsibility of the masses, I wouldn't consider the latter a problem. Elected leaders like shrub jr screwed up big time; as for fascists, adolf was very nearly assassinated in March 1943 and July 1944 after his failings.
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By Poelmo
starman2003 wrote: Technically our system continues to advance but ideologically we're bogged down in the 18th century...Fascism meant in part an incorporation of new ideas like darwinism into political thought, and fascists sure made better use of new technology c 1940.

Fascism is stuck in time, like any dictatorship: future leaders have to rise through the ranks of the party and existing members of the party control that process, it's like an old boys network. New insights won't be tolerated or even punished.

starman2003 wrote:Given the irresponsibility of the masses, I wouldn't consider the latter a problem. Elected leaders like shrub jr screwed up big time; as for fascists, adolf was very nearly assassinated in March 1943 and July 1944 after his failings.

After it was clear they were losing a world war that had already killed millions of their own dissidents who were not fascists tried to assassinate the fascist leader and failed, that doesn't really seem a very efficient way to punish failings.
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By starman2003
Poelmo wrote:Fascism is stuck in time, like any dictatorship: future leaders have to rise through the ranks of the party and existing members of the party control that process, it's like an old boys network. New insights won't be tolerated or even punished.

Fascism was of too brief duration to make such a claim, though it may apply to communism. And talk about stuck in time, ideologically we're bogged down in 18th century drivel.

After it was clear they were losing a world war that had already killed millions of their own dissidents who were not fascists tried to assassinate the fascist leader and failed, that doesn't really seem a very efficient way to punish failings.

Mussolini was certainly dumped and adolf was at least twice very nearly killed. A minor technical glitch in a bomb saved his life in March 1943.
Well let's be clear that neither faced assassination attempts by "dissidents" in the way contemporary history seems to enjoy trying to archive it as. Mussolini was executed by U.S. and British-backed partisans - Italian communist militants - and those who cooperated with von Stauffenberg's clique were not some libertine anti-statists as is often re-imagined, but old fashion Prussian conservatives who didn't consider the continuing sacrifices worth it (along with a few SPD men and liberals to give a presumed future governing coalition some international "legitimacy").
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By starman2003
Far-Right Sage wrote: Mussolini was executed by U.S. and British-backed partisans - Italian communist militants

Sure but he was already irrelevant by then. Mussolini was dumped by his own fascists in '43.

and those who cooperated with von Stauffenberg's clique were not some libertine anti-statists as is often re-imagined,

Of course not. But they wouldn't have tried anything unless adolf screwed up, and nearly got rid of him after he did.
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I feel the discussion is getting too focused on details.
What are the flaws and weaknesses of fascism in a general sense?
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By Fasces
That answer is variable - it depends on your own values and what you hope to see in your ideal society. Fascism is authoritarian - is this a strength of a weakness? Fascism promotes esoterism - is this beneficial or negative?

Your question is meaningless. Learn comprehensively about the ideology, and determine the weaknesses for yourself.
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By starman2003
AFAIK wrote:I feel the discussion is getting too focused on details.
What are the flaws and weaknesses of fascism in a general sense?

Basically fascism, or authoritarian rule by the greatest man, is about as effective as human government can be. But IMO the term fascism and some of its 20th century ideas are passe and should be abandoned in favor of something newer.
starman2003 wrote:Basically fascism, or authoritarian rule by the greatest man...

That's not the definition of Fascism...
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By Husky
starman2003 wrote:Basically fascism, or authoritarian rule by the greatest man, is about as effective as human government can be. But IMO the term fascism and some of its 20th century ideas are passe and should be abandoned in favor of something newer.

Starman, if I [dare] ask, who are your ideological heroes?

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