Rob Ford Forever - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

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By Lexington

It may be the best 90 seconds I ever spent in Photoshop.

Again, for your viewing pleasure, 39 Breathtaking Photos of North America's Most Photogenic Mayor

Credit goes to Bulaba for the words, with permission.

Gawker wrote:As we've spent the last several months covering crack-smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, and the videotape in which he smokes crack, we've come to deeply appreciate one thing about him: He gives good face.

The in-house Gawker chat room is filled with photos of Rob Ford, and for one reason: Rob Ford takes a good goddamn photo. Maybe it's his near-spherical shape, or his Mercator-projection head-face relationship, or his full-body laugh. Maybe it's his astroturf hair or the heart-disease skin tone. Maybe it's just that certain je ne sais quois that separates timeless beauty from the flavors-of-the-day. Whatever the case: He's the most photogenic mayor in North America. Evidence below.
Rob Ford is a great man. Unlike others who find themselves addicted to alcohol and abuse it, Rob Ford finds liberation through libations, and has shown us how to be ourselves no matter if pot, booze, and crack are involved. Where others falter, Rob Ford soars, proudly, through the skies upon wings of strength of character. He is a virtue of paragon, a man among kings, a sinner among saints.

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By Lexington
I could not have possibly expressed it better, Bulaba, which is why I shamelessly took your words and sig'd it. No ode, no paean, no poetry, no art in words or in theater, dance, opera, music or even illicit drugs can give proper respect to the magnitude of this great man, who can move us to words and tears and laughter and tears while laughing by the mere sight of his immaculate face/body.


RON PAUL 2012.
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By Brio
I absolutely LOVE this sig, Lexington.


More people on Pofo need to catch the Rob Ford spirit! Your signature is an shining ambassador to this end.

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