59 pupils burn to death in school attack by Islamists - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of Africa.

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How is this right in the year 2014? What reason could there be that justifies the burning of innocent sleeping children to ashes? Would Mohammed support this? Does Allah support this? Are there Koranic verses that command this, or is it just a bastardization of what the Koran says?

What other religion besides Islam would do something like this unprovoked?

(Reuters) - Gunmen from Islamist group Boko Haram shot or burned to death 59 pupils in a boarding school in northeast Nigeria overnight, a hospital official and security forces said on Tuesday.

"Some of the students' bodies were burned to ashes," Police Commissioner Sanusi Rufai said of the attack on the Federal Government college of Buni Yadi, a secondary school in Yobe state, near the state's capital city of Damaturu.

Bala Ajiya, an official at the Specialist Hospital Damaturu, told Reuters by phone the death toll had risen to 59.

"Fresh bodies have been brought in. More bodies were discovered in the bush after the students who had escaped with bullet wounds died from their injuries," he said.

Rafai, who had given an earlier estimate of 29 killed, said all those killed were boys. He said the school's 24 buildings, including staff quarters, were completely burned to the ground.

President Goodluck Jonathan called the attack "callous and senseless murder ... by deranged terrorists and fanatics who have clearly lost all human morality and descended to bestiality".

The Islamists, whose struggle for an Islamic state in northern Nigeria has killed thousands and made them the biggest threat to security in Africa's top oil producer, are increasingly preying on the civilian population.

Militants from Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is sinful" in the northern Hausa language, have frequently attacked schools in the past. A similar attack in June in the nearby village of Mamudo left 22 students dead.

They have killed more than 300 people this month, mostly civilians, including in two attacks last week that killed around 100 each, one in which militants razed a whole village and shot panicked residents as they tried to flee.

That attack prompted U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to condemn Boko Haram for "unspeakable ... acts of terror".

The failure of the military to protect civilians is fuelling anger in the northeast, the region worst affected by the four-and-a-half-year insurgency. An offensive ordered by Jonathan in May has not succeeded in crushing the rebels and has triggered reprisals against civilians.

A military spokesman for Yobe state, Captain Lazarus Eli, said "our men are down there in pursuit of the killers", but gave no further details.

Addressing a news conference on Monday, Jonathan defended the military's record, saying it had had some successes against Boko Haram. He said Nigeria was working with the Cameroon authorities to try to prevent militants from mounting attacks in Nigeria and then fleeing over the border.

The military shut the northern part of the border with Cameroon on the weekend.

The insurgents mostly occupy the remote, hilly Gwoza area bordering Cameroon, from where they attack civilians they accuse of being pro-government. They have started abducting girls, a new tactic reminiscent of Uganda's cult-like Lord's Resistance Army in decades past.

http://in.reuters.com/article/2014/02/2 ... GE20140225
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/2 ... 52306.html
What other religion besides Islam would do something like this unprovoked?

I don't know, what about the million iraqis dead because the very christian W. Bush decided they do not matter
Noelnada wrote:I don't know, what about the million iraqis dead because the very christian W. Bush decided they do not matter
Indeed you don't know. Are you suggesting that Bush went to war under the banner of Christianity? Even you will admit that is not a very smart response.

The question is: What other religion... I didn't say what other nation, or what other president. Reading comprehension is is not exactly your forte is it?

I find it interesting you support Boko Haram. Do you care to explain to us why?

BTW, all democrats and liberals in America are pro Islamic terrorism. They only attack Christianity, as exemplified by Noelnada and his lapdog - Decky, while giving the bloodthirsty Boko Haram that kills children a pass. This is why they viciously attacked Bush for his war on terror.

For those around the world who don't know who American democrats and liberals are, here is a low-down about them...

- They push for gay marriage.
- They support abortion 100%.
- They push for government tyranny on its citizens.
- They are anti-business.
- They raise taxes on everybody.
- They encourage people not to work, but rather encourage dependency on government.
- They defend Islamic terrorism.
- They do not allow the country to tap into its natural resources.
- They are generally anti-God, and anti-religion. Except for Islam.
- et cetera, et cetera.
The question is: What other religion... I didn't say what other nation, or what other president. Reading comprehension is is not exactly your forte is it?

Spin it the way you want but being responsible as a leader of a powerful nation for the death of a million human beings while pretending to be Christian gives a bad name to Christianity.

BTW, all democrats and liberals in America are pro Islamic terrorism. They only attack Christianity, as exemplified by Noelnada and his lapdog - Decky, while giving the bloodthirsty Boko Haram that kills children a pass. This is why they viciously attacked Bush for his war on terror.

I'm not liberal, not democrat nor American.

I root for Christian values which is the very reason i'm outraged by hypocritical and heretical Christian stances such as Bush's one.

I find it interesting you support Boko Haram. Do you care to explain to us why?

Why would i support violence and blood crimes?

It is only regretful that you exploit this kind of dramatic incident to attack Islam. My previous comment was made to illustrate how it is unfair to exploit the behaviour of unforgivable sinners (such as Boko Haram followers or W. Bush) to attack a faith.

Your attitude is totally unchristian. You should repent yourself.
I am not a liberal, a democrat or an American (thanks be to god).

- They push for gay marriage.

I do not push for anything of the sort. I don't belive in state recognised marriarge for anyone, gay or straight. It is the right that is obsesed with pushing the state into people's personal relationships.

- They support abortion 100%.

I think people have a right to have a choice about stuff being inside their own bodies, an odd voew I know but there you go.

- They push for government tyranny on its citizens.

I belive in a government of and for the working class, I don't really care about the intrests of anyone else one iota.

- They are anti-business.

I belive people have the right to the fruits of their own labour so yes I am anti bussines.

- They raise taxes on everybody.

Taxing bussineses for redistrubue weath is ineficent. It is much better to give the bussines to the employees rather than the parasitic owning class.

- They encourage people not to work, but rather encourage dependency on government.

Nope, I belive in full employment, capitalism is the system where some people are not allowed to work since the bussines ownders will not employ them, is a socialist system eveyone has a right to a job and they also have a responsibility to work.

- They defend Islamic terrorism.

When have I ever done this?

- They do not allow the country to tap into its natural resources.

When have I ever done this?

- They are generally anti-God, and anti-religion. Except for Islam.

I am very anti Islam, it is a middle eastern poison with no place in Europe or America or Africa just like Christianity and Judaism.

Actually, given that Decky is a Stalinist, I'm pretty sure that Decky's stance on Boko Haram, is "arrest all the insurgents and throw them into a giant detention facility until they die".

I am sure that 20 years in a Gulag would do wonders for Boko Haram. I am sure that telling the other prisoners that they are in for burning children would make sure that they have a particuly warm welcome from their fellow inmates.
This isn't about religion. It is about humans.

The atheist Pol Pot had no issue massacring 1/5th of Cambodia's population and specifically destroying the entire Buddhist ascetic population and, essentially, the laiety... Religion is not even a part of this but rather this is something that manifests itself when humans are fighting for an objective and are fueled by an ideology.

It is human nature at fault.
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