Negativity in Media - Politics | PoFo

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By SpaceCadet11
Hello. I feel that there are not enough of the 'good' guy stories in the media. Also, I know there are wars going on..but the subtext of a lot of media is
about basically how 'all' countries are in competition with each other. That if one country becomes successful that it could very well spell 'bad' news for others.

Any way of changing such a thing? Or is it just my experience/

It's okay to have such ideas...but it seems to be a lot of the context of what I have read or heard over the years.

Hmm..I wonder if countries actually worked together..what they could potentially accomplish? Hmm....are the good guys really in the majority in most countries?

Hmm. I wonder......

Any and all comments welcome
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By redcarpet
I guess if it's sort of joint medical research, etc, there will be positive coverage. Trouble is that most 'news' that addresses Nation-State's policies, there are always vested interests and so on. The un-dramatic stuff isn't regarded as newsworthy and other silly considerations
In regards to the newspapers, it's the number of newspapers sold that is important. Negative stories are popular so the tendency is for press to capitalise on negativity. The same goes for TV, but it is the number of viewers that count. The problem with the media is that they set the agenda, regarding what subject is in the spotlight.
SpaceCadet11 wrote:Hello. I feel that there are not enough of the 'good' guy stories in the media. Also, I know there are wars going on..but the subtext of a lot of media is
about basically how 'all' countries are in competition with each other. That if one country becomes successful that it could very well spell 'bad' news for others.

Any way of changing such a thing? Or is it just my experience/

It's okay to have such ideas...but it seems to be a lot of the context of what I have read or heard over the years.

Hmm..I wonder if countries actually worked together..what they could potentially accomplish? Hmm....are the good guys really in the majority in most countries?

Hmm. I wonder......

Any and all comments welcome

It doesn't work, because all countries are doctrinally self-interested.
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By Nautilith
Well, people always love to worry, to think negatively. So many people think that the world is decaying- that "these days" it is worse than it used to be. People love to think negatively when the issues are big, but when the issues are small things, things that people have problems with personally- they want to avoid them.
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By QatzelOk
Part of the way commercial media brainwashing works... is to provide the viewer with a lot of stressful situations: police car chases, devious killers, plotting tyrants, social dystopia, problems, distress, hate... And then, every few minutes, the viewer is treated to a calm, stress-reducing advertisement for one of the sponsors of the stressful programming.

This makes the viewer's mind "feel" positive about the products as a "solution" to world problems.

This is how we are manipulated by entertainment. Most news qualifies as propaganda and entertainment mixed together.
What room there is for good news in the US media seems to be taken up by the religious broadcasters, when they're not invoking the end of days & God coming in glory to judge the living & the dead. In the secular broadcast media, it's been tried; but I don't think there was enough interest to keep the audience, which meant that advertisers weren't interested either.

In the print media - I'm not sure if happy news has been tried there. It's kinda counter-intuitive, I think.
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By Noelnada
There's still social medias, independant medias, alternative medias.

I don't read newspapers or watch tv, it's a waste of brain resources.
In regards to the news. Usually there is a "cuddly" story at the end of the news program. It is so predictable.
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By Iron Ant
There is a way to change it, but it's very difficult because they ave a lot of power and influence.

First, you pretty much have to get into a position of authority.

Then start getting rid of the bad reporters.

or hire an army, read thousands, of lawyers and sue and harass them in every single way, hurting their money. it is ONLY money and ratings they listen to, and absolutely NOTHING else.

That's how you've got to hurt them.

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