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We all know the root cause IDP "A LAND GRAB' vast majority of land in rural Colombia rich soil and blessed with an abundance of natural resource , futile farm lands, shipping can access the Atlantic &Pacific oceans. the land IDP has been inhabited by Indigenous,Afro-Colombians, peasants,farmers for decades,some instances centuries

The majority of IDP is the result of years of organized chaos,murder,massacres,disappearances,kidnappings,threats,beating, orchestrated by evil people,death squads,paramilitaries,para politics on behalf of Multinational corporation,,oligarchies/wealthy land owners,US government Latin America doctrine,complicity corruption betrayal of Colombian government,I will assign portion of IDP to the FARC,&ELN, however the FARC hasn't lasted 60 yrs by abusing the very people they need & FARC consist of almost 100%peasants the disaster taking place now with impunity by Colombian authorizes is not new, The Colombian Government refusal to treat peasants,farmers,workers with equality access to basic services service.To be clear,the rural poor,peasants,groups involved including the guerrillas never ask or felt entitled to receive ,money welfare,special attention People only wanted access to services,opportunities,fairness,,which an argument can be made that Bogata capital decided peasants have no choice bo need for daily service of life The treatment,in rural Colombia was the reason FARC (Revolutionary armed forces of Colombia) was formed in 1966, primarily to defend farmers)land ,Another irony Colombian government like Dr Frankenstein created the FARC US Government assign them label of the time, First just peasants, followed Communist,Marxist, Socialist,Narco guerrillas, now Terrorist,does anyone really believe that young uneducated peasants believed or understood any of the doctrines,or were the peasants just tire of living on their knees& decided to stand up express dignify unfortunately the election process was not an options

Stops the bleeding NOW, everyone know the truth, time for Colombia to behave like a country in the western hemisphere,wealthy nation,,chief benefactor in every conceivable way,ally of Worlds superpower USA,.strategic partner in protection of pro,trade, foreign aid,plus hundreds of billions in one form or another with all that Colombia is a ":Democracy' why then, out side of Urban area(Bogotá, Cali, Medellin,,etc Colombia acts,thinks,looks, treats their rural areas like a THIRD world country no infrastructure,no access to supplies,no schools, shortages of everything except violence no hospital,ER ,specialist no medicine one needs to rive 3-5 hrs ,difficult without a car and no roads except one highway,technology,transportation ,roads,power plant,water treatment

Sad fact,,explains why the people have no faith,no trust in their Government,hence do not side or help Government troops & anther rean why he conflict has lasted 60 yrs A Along time companion of mine 7 a friend said reminds him of Cubs,whenever the peasants had a choice, never did they side with Batista causing a perfect storm,those who supported Batista ran away to Miami,the ones who remained ,did not help or joined CASTRO, who rolled into Havana cheered like a rock star. I know it's the last time we'll witness two of history great characters who went from nobodies in 1957 to become world-wide legendary icons Castro a Lawyer& Che Guevara CHE an Argentinian Doctor,Mexican jail where they met 7 rest is history lead by a successful revolution,the FARC guerrillas provided services school,medical treatment,sense of safety ,protected women children, little things the government choose not to care
over years the FARC was not the enemy the Colombian Government wasn't the their enemy,but they weren't friends like FARC had become. The moral being without the 'people"on your side supporting you the revolution is doomed
Plenty of blame over the past 50 years, everyone is part of past problems Blame does not begin to move forward,,Politics never works Santos &Uribe are definitely part of problem ,Colombia last two Presidents,they don't even talk or like each other,Reason being A Uribe who promised to defeat the FARC militarily he FAILED

,Santos&Uribe had been joined at the hip prior to Santos initiating a peace process with the FARC. Uribe now a Senator continues believing Colombia's can militarily wipe out the FARC ,even though every creditable military expert,US ambassadors, US DOD,Observer of struggle & armed insurgencies uniformly agree, there will never be a victory on the battlefield , Imagine these two in political strategy meeting Strategy ,what makes them sound important they see IDP as a prop making them sensitive

US apparently is too busy with Middle East, China, Russia Emails to initiate change in rural Colombia,,however the US can be big stick behind the scenes.
My point is someone has to be the adult .after all,Colombia belong to Colombians,hence outside world of dot org,blue ribbon committee, OAS, United Nation,nor any Corp,organizations, Individual,etc who have invested not,interested, Colombia can put a panel of respected leaders, activist,,I'm sure their community Business,social ,who would be fair &balance Uribe & Santos are just two Colombians who will be unemployed.

All the beneficiaries of government sanctioned mayhem,US Latin America doctrine, corrupt Colombian government should be made to pay Money can't bring the dead back nevertheless the reality real money is required,.Charities,NGO Volunteers, Churches, are fine and should continue however we need more than "feel good" will never accomplish what is needed in rural Colombia ,too big,too much,too long,i cant think of project equaling this since WWII.

BP Petroleum could be excellent template.BP had to pay billions,,its on going not one fat check.BP oversaw allot of damage to environment,wild life,property,life and death,BP guilty of negligence on the sea,drilling,equipment,people,answers,,BP cost is on going not including reclamation's, improvements, rebuild towns, waterfront, settlements for businesses who had to close,BP own lost of business,,settlements caused destruction,a payment to all residents who were affected by BP negligence Select a committee,find out who benefits both directly and indirectly
.#1 Campaign attract Corporations in the western hemisphere,especially US &Colombia neighbors in Latin America want commitment,not a token check 'WE participate A plan involving corp X targeting their expertise in what they do best whether a building,construction, food processing, water treatment ,I don't believe topic like this will be seen as: ::pie in the sky" I believe there responsible Corp leaders( Harold Schultz Starbucks) who will see this as helping humanity, not profit &loss..EXAMPLE GE can certainly figure out a way to-be involved GE earned net 15 billion& payed NO taxes
#2,Bought land ,doing business will be doing Business corporation,trusts,individuals, LL C, any one currently or in the future operating LEGALLY R ILLEGALLY will be taxed a substantial amount consequences of your choices .A definitely a must do levy a IDP tax on the FARC,tax the drug cartels, figure out what they get in return it doable don't want BS, their criminals we cants prosper from their illegal gains that is total bullshit.of course we can The US government claims they don't negotiate with terrorist, they do: see Taliban/Sargent Bergdal,Colombia Govt was in Oslo,& now in Havana negotiating with the FARC who is on Terrorist list..DEA claims FARC is a cartel,OK tax them for Drugs,I'm sure Colombia ,DEA knows who runs the Cartel

FARC,Drug Cartels, are business men,there is always a win-win situation to propose,it above my pay grade to figure what;,Ask yourself \would make a deal that benefits everyone or continue for decades doing what has failed for decades, Cartels will sell drugs weather you ask propose one time gral and on going in return deal for something, no extradition,families safe something.

#3 Corporations who employed Death squads as Corp security like chic banana,mMonsanto levy one time IDP tax,then IDP annual tax,annual tax to ALL foreign ,off shore corp at higher rate than Colombian Corp
4 Instead of spending million on legal fees ,build each family IDP a home on their land or similar eliminating all legal ,political BS#
\5 End fumigation of Coca, Marijuana weeds just grow back, Coca was destroyed Peru&Bolivia ,cartel moved to Colombia who now controls every aspect growing to transport, ONE IS WEED NO POINT,ONE IS NATURAL TO LAND IN COLOMBIA, IT NOT A SUPPLY PROBLEM IT A DEMAND PROBLEM, Subsidize the farmer ,infrastructure roads,highways,ports, bring the archer Daniels of the world teach train,farmers,provide technology,an equipment at favorable term,hence can pay back, and his crops will be a profit at the market due improvements Colombia time to be notice positive,outside the box,,there ;s no problem, only solutions, imagine rural Colombia notwithstanding the amazon connected by highways, Hospital MD on staff, Er's,,running hot&cold water, local jail&courts ,rule of law child care ,Medicine .pharmacy ,diasese free immunization shots,supermarkets,school district ,trusted local police ,combined with State Sheriff dept I want a mobile,educated healthy well feed, A best hope is for Colombia at peace, Colombia can do all above if Colombia has the will and truly is Democracy where people, vote, constitution matter cycle of an illusion of Democracy with 2% of the people Oligarchy dependency on US foreign aid,special trade deals, trump up terrorist charges on civil war participants the country all the rest is a charade that needs to end

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