Jewish Terror Attack in West Bank - Politics | PoFo

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Not good. Predictable given the encouragement of Settlers to wantonly break the law by this Israeli Government. ... ack-410734 ... ans-410737

"Netanyahu forcefully condemned the attack in Duma Friday morning, saying he was shocked by the “horrible” act, and calling it a “terror attack in every way.”"

Sp we can expect the perpetrators homes to be demolished and the victims to paid compenstation?
As a Jew and a someone who is very pro Israel but anti Settlements, I am totally ashamed this morning. The animals that did this do not represent me as a Jew. I hope they are hunted down and dealt with using the full weight of the law. If that includes demolishing their house then yes go for it.

This has the potential to ruin so many lives on both sides. I guess that was the intention like all these acts that so shame us all on both sides (Yes Both Sides)

Same as the Fogel murders a few years ago this is nothing but a terrorist attack.

Thoughts with the family...

It would seem some in the Jewish Ultra Orthodox community arent so different to the likes of Hamas. Sad day
It was bound to happen sooner or later, will the politicians start taking price-tag attacks seriously at last?

Particularly since the perpetrators consider it retaliation for the demolition of structures in Beit El as demanded by the Israeli Supreme Court.
wat0n wrote: will the politicians start taking price-tag attacks seriously at last?


Although I doubt that will ever happen.

This guy who torched the family's house is also responsible for stabbing a number of people at the gay pride parade yesterday?

For the latter, if the stabber was a Palestinian man, this story would be breaking news everywhere and have at least 3 pages on this forum by now. Oy.
wat0n wrote:Particularly since the perpetrators consider it retaliation for the demolition of structures in Beit El as demanded by the Israeli Supreme Court.

I thought the Israeli government had promised to build hundreds of new housing units in response to the Supreme court ruling to demolish two illegal settlement buildings in Beit El?

A quick bit of Google-Fu later... an article from The Guardian: Announcing the new settlement building, Netanyahu’s office said: “After consultations in the prime minister’s office, the immediate construction of 300 homes in Beit El has been authorised.” It added that planning for another 504 homes in occupied east Jerusalem had also been approved.
Tailz wrote:I thought the Israeli government had promised to build hundreds of new housing units in response to the Supreme court ruling to demolish two illegal settlement buildings in Beit El?

A quick bit of Google-Fu later... an article from The Guardian: Announcing the new settlement building, Netanyahu’s office said: “After consultations in the prime minister’s office, the immediate construction of 300 homes in Beit El has been authorised.” It added that planning for another 504 homes in occupied east Jerusalem had also been approved.

The other structures were still demolished, and the settlers say they don't trust Netanyahu's announcements because years can elapse between them and the actual building, if there is an actual building at all, and because he's actually building less than in the past.

In any event, their protest cannot be stopped by Netanyahu because they are also sick of the Israeli High Court actually ordering structures to be demolished anyway. That's another reason for this so-called price-tag attack.
The problem appears to be worse then previously reported;


Settler Terror Underground Seeks to Overthrow Israeli Government, Say Investigators
Assailants have more ambitious aims than in the past, such as destabilizing the country and establishing a new regime to be based on Jewish law.

Investigators into Friday’s murder-by-arson of a Palestinian infant increasingly believe in the likelihood that the extreme rightist operatives responsible for the attack are affiliated with the same ideological group that  has torched mosques, churches and Palestinian homes over the past year.   
The group's core consists of several dozen people whose operations are centered in West Bank outposts but wander all over the country, including within the Green Line.

Unlike in the past, the understanding is that these assailants are no longer attempting to deter the government and security forces from evacuating outposts and settlements. Nowadays they have more ambitious aims, like destabilizing the country and overthrowing the government to establish a new regime to be based on halakha, Jewish law. They plan to use violence in a systematic, continuous manner irrespective of police conduct in the territories, investigators said.

This ideological shift among this gang of violent young Jewish fanatics once referred to as “price tag” activists or “hilltop youth” was identified by the Shin Bet security service and the Israel Police late last year. The terrorists came to the conclusion that mosque fires were old hat, and that a broader approach was needed.
Some of these ideas were expressed in a document confiscated from Moshe Orbach, 24, of Bnei Brak, who was charged last week in the torching of the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes on the Kinneret shore. He had written the document, titled “The Kingdom of Evil,” which lays the ideological foundation for escalating the attacks against religious sites and Arabs, and offers practical suggestions for how to avoid surveillance and questioning.
Similar ideas about the need for harsher measures against Arabs and battle against the state were expressed by another right-wing extremist, Meir Ettinger, on the Jewish Voice website. Ettinger, 23, a resident of the Givat Ronen outpost in the northern West Bank, is a grandson of Rabbi Meir Kahane. Earlier this year the Shin Bet sought to put Ettinger in administrative detention, but State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan denied the request. Eventually, he was forbidden to live in the West Bank and now resides in Safed.

The term “price tag” was first attached to West Bank settler acts of violence in 2008, but at the time they were mainly aimed at deterring any further outpost evacuations. The targets were generally cars and homes in Palestinian villages, with no clear intention to cause bodily harm. By 2013 these attackers were causing more extensive damage to mosques and churches, both in the West Bank and in Israel proper, while also making their first attempts to harm Arabs physically. (Organized terror against Palestinians by other West Bank settler groups, though, goes back to the 1970s.)

The number of attacks defined by the Shin Bet as Jewish terror actually dropped from 30 in 2011 to 17 in each of the next two years, and to only 10 in 2014, but the acts themselves were more serious. Moreover, as the Shin Bet and the police began to arrest suspects and charge them – in the arson at an Umm al-Fahm mosque, for example – the militants became more secretive and compartmentalized. They’ve also become familiar with the security services’ interrogation techniques.
It's a typical situation in a settler colony, where the cycle of violence continues to escalate as the violence becomes increasingly brutal. The Israeli government decided to treat these Jewish extremists as terrorists subject to indefinite detention for the first time, which may send a strong signal towards potential troublemakers in the West Bank. After Japan's Kwantung Army colonised Manchuria, the Chinese engaged in terrorist activities against Japanese settlers. In what is known as the Tongzhou Incident in 1937, the Chinese 29th Army brutally massacred some 260 civilians living in Tongzhou. Only around 60 Japanese civilians survived and the Chinese set fire and destroyed much of the city. Occupying Palestinian territories gave rise a violent resistance movement similar to what we saw in China in the 1930s and Israel is accused of illegally colonising the West Bank, which is Israel's Manchukuo.

The security cabinet said it viewed the arson at the Dawabsha family home on Friday, allegedly by Jewish extremists, as a “terrorist attack in every respect.” It directed the security services to take “all necessary steps” to find those responsible for the assault and to prevent similar attacks, including the use of administrative detention, which allows law enforcement officials to detain suspects indefinitely without a trial or access to an attorney. The process is typically used against Palestinians in Judea and Samaria who are suspected of involvement in terrorism. The security cabinet instructed parliamentarians to advance draft legislation known as the “anti-terror bill,” which it said also should be applied to Jewish extremists who engage in terrorism against Jews. ... sts-410916
Those settlers need to be kicked out of the West Bank because they are there illegally and their presence means the 2-state solution is dead (even though that's obvious regardless, for anyone who's paying attention to this so-called conflict).

The Israeli government is as responsible for this and all settler/military attacks, for allowing them into the West Bank in the first place. The government's condemnations are full of crocodile tears, considering some MKs openly call for genocide against the Palestinians and indulge in Operation Ethnic Cleansing every few years.

Still, have you ever met a group who are as arrogant as these settlers? Being shipped and bribed into the West Bank from other countries, attacking the inhabitants and their property regularly, their mosques and churches, and even their government itself.

How Israel protects its settlers who burn Palestinian children alive
No different from the yanks in America or the Prods in British occupied Ireland. This is how genocidal empires behave. It isn't anything out of the ordinary.
Decky wrote:or the Prods in British occupied Ireland.
I think you mean liberated Decky. Liberated from Papist tyranny.
B'Tselem - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories wrote:A burned infant was only a matter of time in view of policy to not enforce law on violent settlers

The killing of a one and a half year old infant, 'Ali Sa'ed Dawabshe, and the serious injury of his mother Riham, his father Sa'ed and his toddler brother 'Ahmed, after a suspected arson attack by Israeli civilians burned their home, was only a matter of time. This, due to the authorities' policy to avoid enforcing the law on Israelis who harm Palestinians and their property. This policy creates impunity for hate crimes, and encourages assailants to continue, leading to this morning's horrific result.

According to B'Tselem statistics, in the past three years since August 2012, Israeli civilians set fire to nine Palestinian homes in the West Bank. Additionally, a Molotov cocktail was thrown at a Palestinian taxi, severely burning the family on board. No one was charged in any of these cases. The ISA suspects two were related to the perpetrators of June's arson attack on the Church of the Loaves and Fishes, but it is doubtful these cases would have been solved independently of the effort put into the church arson inside Israel.

In recent years, Israeli civilians set fire to dozens of Palestinian homes, mosques, businesses, agricultural land and vehicles in the West Bank. The vast majority of these cases were never solved, and in many of them the Israeli Police did not even bother take elementary investigative actions.

The fact that the Samaria and Judea (SHAI) Police and other law enforcement bodies have failed to solve these attacks isn't fate. Rather, it is the result of a policy expressed throughout all levels of the law enforcement system, in particular the political echelons, up to and including the Prime Minister. In light of this, official condemnations of this attack are empty rhetoric as long as politicians continue their policy of avoiding enforcement of the law on Israelis who harm Palestinians, and do not deal with the public climate and the incitement which serve is backdrop to these acts.

In light of this, the clock is ticking in the countdown to the next arson attack, and the one after.
Last edited by skinster on 03 Aug 2015 20:48, edited 1 time in total.
Not really. You might have heard of this thing called the American war of Independence? Maybe not, I am kinda good at historical trivia compared to most.
So it seems the Israeli politicians are going to start taking these extremists seriously at last.

It's a shame that it took someone to die for this to finally happen. Though on the other hand, some in other circumstances refuse to take terrorism seriously when someone dies because, well, the casualties are not big enough for them. Thankfully, it seems this isn't going to happen in this case
Most Wanted Jewish Terror Suspect Arrested by Shin Bet


The Shin Bet arrested on Monday right-wing activist Meir Ettinger, who tops the Shin Bet security service’s list of most-wanted Jewish terror suspects.

According to intelligence, the 24 year old grandson the late right-wing extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane escalated his activity in 2014 and started planning a series of attacks against Palestinians. These were meant to stir up unrest among the Palestinians and thus bring about the overthrow of the Israeli government.

According to the Shin Bet, Ettinger was arrested with the aid of the special police force in the Judea and Samaria District and has been taken for interrogation for his suspected role in an extremist Jewish group.
Last year the Shin Bet sought to place Ettinger under administrative detention, but State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan denied the request. Instead, a restraining order was issued that prohibited him from being in Jerusalem and the West Bank, and he moved to Safed.

Following the deadly arson attack in the West Bank village of Duma, which killed an infant and wounded three of his family members, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon asked the Shin Bet to place several right-wing activists under administrative detention, including Ettinger.

Though Ettinger is currently under arrest, should he refuse to cooperate with his interrogators he could face administrative detention, pending the approval of a district court judge.

A big boy arrested. Possibly to be administratively detained in the future. ROUND THEM UP!
wat0n wrote:It's a shame that it took someone to die for this to finally happen.

What's the status of the killers of the kid that was burnt alive in East Jerusalem last year after being beaten and forced to drink gasoline?

Israeli politicians are pretending to give a shit for pr purposes.
skinster wrote:What's the status of the killers of the kid that was burnt alive in East Jerusalem last year after being beaten and forced to drink gasoline?

Captured, currently facing trial. The security establishment did its job there, it's now up to the Israeli legal system to hand out proper punishment.
Trial of Abu Khdeir killers 'a sham', says family

What about this little girl who died not that long ago, after a settler hit her and her friend with his car and drove off? What happened to her killer?

I could go on and on considering a Palestinian child is killed every 3 days by Israelis.

The settlers shouldn't even be in the West Bank / East Jerusalem. Why doesn't Israel take them?

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