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OK, I think I found a better idea than immigrating to another country.

How about I just apply for funding online?
If you remember, my ultimate goal was to start my mobile app business. All this moving to another country was so that I can start my business- why do you think I didn't apply for asylum before? I didn't have this business idea on mind. So I didn't think I deserved asylum.
I still don't deserve asylum- as it turns out- but maybe I qualify for some funding for my app.

Now I could apply for funding locally in the GCC, but that wouldn't be a good idea.
1- Because if I make any success, I would have to support my government in what it does. Most financing organizations here are directly related to the government.
2- Because the nature of my app is so liberating, there is no way anyone would support me in this here. Hell if my app succeeds, you can be sure that my government would try to shut me down. In fact, some big corporations might try to shut me down too, eventually.

So seeking funding in Saudi is not an option. (If it were an option, I would have never thought of immigrating.)
But what about seeking funding online? There are lots of charity organizations out there that fund people who don't have access to funding. Do you think I qualify? I think it doesn't hurt to try.
I hate to do this, but I think I am going back to Saudi Arabia tomorrow. What do you guys think? Should I do it? I am scared. Not so much of my government, but more of my dad. I worry there is gonna be a lot of fighting.
I just hope I don't lose my passport.
alithinker2 wrote:If any of you guys know of a job opening let me know. I am good at teaching math.

Most countries only accept economic immigrants for a few selected professions, or who have demonstrated excellence in their field. A maths degree is not one of those and would not open you any gate in most of European countries or the USA.

Also, there is one thing that I am concerned about. I have a debt to a bank here. It is not a huge debt, I could effectively pay it off as part of my monthly salary wherever that I work. But I wonder if any country would grant me visa if they know I have a bank loan. What do you guys think?

Countries are not interested in your debts. However...

a) If you want to enter without a job they will ask you to prove that you will have enough money for your expenses. Logically you should take this loan's paybacks into account in your financial declaration. If you choose to not mention it this may initially work. But if they ever learn about it (for example if the bank sues you) they may consider that you lied to them and declare you persona non grata.

b) Some countries ask immigrants their criminal record. Which means that if you are sued or have been sentenced, then you may be bared to immigrate or later expelled.

alithinker2 wrote:How about I just apply for funding online?

If we are talking about a loan, I do not think someone is allowed to lend you money unless they have a legal persona in your country. This may be a foreign entity with a Saudi branch however. You should verify but I think this is also true for charities.

If we are talking about crowdfunding, you will almost always be asked to have a legal persona in a country where the website has a legal persona. For Kickstarter this means a corporation in a western country.

If we are talking about investors or business angels, they almost always want to meet you in person. This means a Saudi or someone who has connexions with Saudi Arabia.

If we are talking about patronizing, this may work. However you will meet fiscal problems if you give something in exchange (considered to be a sale, so you need information about the backer's country for VAT and such).

There are lots of charity organizations out there that fund people who don't have access to funding. Do you think I qualify? I think it doesn't hurt to try.

I never heard of a charity financing a start-up, or maybe a Saudi charity dedicated to innovation. Besides you do not have the capita, you do not have the experience, you do not have the product and you do not seem prepared. At best you may have charisma and skills to convince a business angel. Finally know that mobile apps became a hard business and a lot of marketing spendings are needed to acquire customers. And I bet your app rely on a network effect, which means you need a critical mass?

Being someone in the software business, I think you are dangerously overlooking how hard it is to convince people to give them their time or money. Customers or investors.

Should I do it? I am scared. Not so much of my government, but more of my dad. I worry there is gonna be a lot of fighting. I just hope I don't lose my passport.

No one but you can know the risks. As for your passport you could hide it. But some justice sentences could render you unable to emigrate to many countries.
alithinker2 wrote:I hate to do this, but I think I am going back to Saudi Arabia tomorrow. What do you guys think? Should I do it? I am scared. Not so much of my government, but more of my dad. I worry there is gonna be a lot of fighting.
I just hope I don't lose my passport.

Yes, you should go back. You have no chance of claiming funding for a business venture in a foreign state.

You need money first. Lots of money.
Dear Harmattan, Snapdragon, and Godstud, thank you for your support. I am back in Saudi now. I arrived yesterday.
I was so frightened of confronting my dad. But then I realized that I was being mean to him. I was like, I have to confront this fear.
So I did go to meet him last night in order to talk to him about my old job. I just wanted him to let out his anger and frustration in order to confront him and tell him that I am not going back. But guess what happened?
I tried to be nice and respectful in dealing with him. I was afraid he was gonna get angry at me and shout or threaten me. None of that happened. He simply accepted my new situation.
I told him I am not going back to that job, and that I have plenty of other job opportunities out there if I want to work. I told him that I had just gotten a job offer from a company recently before I travel to Malaysia (which is true) but I rejected it. And I told him that I am going to seek a new job soon.
He accepted the new situation. He didn't try to resist, like he used to before. I don't know why, but maybe it is just because I don't live in his house anymore (this is my hypothesis). And so I don't owe him anymore. Back then, when I used to live with him, he used to pressure me a lot about what I wanted to do in my life. But now, is it suddenly different? (I have just moved to this new apartment around a month and a half ago. I quit my job right after I moved here. I also started writing on this forum right after I moved here )
I didn't know this was going to be his reaction; I am quite surprised. I think I was drawing on my past experiences when I used to live in his house, and thought he was gonna treat me the same. I didn't know that now that I am living on my own, that he would suddenly respect my independence.
This is AMAZING! And I hope this lasts. (I am still paranoid that this was just a one in a life time incidence. I am afraid he might have been nice to me last night just because he was just feeling good or something. But I am willing to bet on the hypothesis that our relationship has changed because I have just moved out of his house.)
I was soooooooo terrified of him. I wanted to seek asylum in another country because I was afraid of my dad. But now I am glad they didn't grant me asylum. Maybe I can survive here the way I am without any asylum or anything.

p.s. my situation with my dad is very similar to the American War of Independence I became independent now. So now my dad is going to respect my independence now, I guess. :P
It is true that I still need to find a source of funding for my mobile app. But it feels great to feel threatened in your way of life by your dad.
snapdragon wrote:Good. Your adventure could have ended very badly.

I am not sure what you are referring to exactly but I am glad about how it ended. It can always get worse in life but that is why you have to keep trying your best. But yeah, it can always get worse for anybody. Life is not about me alone, and so yes it can always get worse.
snapdragon wrote:Good. Your adventure could have ended very badly.

alithinker2 wrote:I am not sure what you are referring to exactly but I am glad about how it ended. It can always get worse in life but that is why you have to keep trying your best. But yeah, it can always get worse for anybody. Life is not about me alone, and so yes it can always get worse.

You seemed to think you were in danger of persecution at home. A failed attempt at seeking asylum in a foreign country may not have gone down well with the authorities. As it is, no real harm done.
snapdragon wrote:You seemed to think you were in danger of persecution at home. A failed attempt at seeking asylum in a foreign country may not have gone down well with the authorities. As it is, no real harm done.

That is true. Thankfully.

Saeko wrote:I think alithinker2 is a con artist. A bad one.

LOL exactly. I am a con artist. But the only fooled by me is myself.

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