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Israeli court suspends case of Mohammed Abu Khdeir’s murderer

The court accepted the Jew's insanity plea.

On Monday, the court accepted a late insanity plea by Yosef Haim Ben-David’s lawyers and set a new sentencing hearing for January 2016.

During the hearing, the court acknowledged that the 31-year-old Israeli had committed the violent crimes but could not be presently convicted due to his mental state.
The verdict has sparked claims that Israel courts are too lenient with Jewish assailants.

Shocked about the ruling, mother of the victim, Suha Abu Khdeir, 45, said, “I hoped they all would get a punishment… It’s like they burned him again. This court is worthless. At the least they should be in jail until they die.”

The victim’s father, present in all the hearings, denounced the verdict, saying it was all a “lie” and a trick by the murder’s lawyers.

“If they were Arabs, their homes would have been demolished immediately,” he said. “I am afraid that the court will release them in the end.”

Sounds about right. If one Jew had been beaten and burned alive, there might not even be a Gaza left.
PressTV is clearly incorrect on this one. The Court simply left the hearing on Ben David's insanity plea for December 20:

ABC Australia wrote:Sentencing for the two who were convicted was set for January 13, while a hearing was scheduled for December 20 for the third defendant, Yosef Haim Ben-David, from the Adam settlement in the West Bank.

The 31-year-old, viewed as the ringleader, was found to have committed the crime, but the court held off on convicting him after his lawyers submitted a report in recent days arguing his mental state meant he was not responsible for his actions.

The Jerusalem Post has a few more details on the delay. There's a chance that the court will not even consider the new assessment:

Jerusalem Post wrote:...

Throughout a year-long trial, Ben-David claimed insanity, but never filed a psychiatric report which could give his plea a chance.

Coming into Monday’s verdict, therefore, there was little doubt that Ben-David would be convicted by the three-man panel of Judges Jacob Zavan, Rivkah Friedman-Feldman and Rafi Carmel, with the insanity plea having nothing legal to stand on.

But right before the verdict, Ben-David’s lawyer, Asher Ohayon, shocked the courtroom, having quietly (without notice to the public) produced to the court on Thursday an insanity plea based on a psychiatric opinion just in time for the verdict.

Although such conduct is not allowed according to legal procedure, because Ben-David was not yet convicted, the court decided it will review the opinion.

With major judicial rulings like this one often mostly finished several days or even weeks in advance, the court likely had to make last-minute major revisions to its ruling.

Prosecutor Uri Korb, famous for being the prosecutor who took on former prime minister Ehud Olmert, jumped out of his chair objecting to the opinion being considered.

Korb’s position was that he was in favor of reviewing the issue at any earlier stage, but that once the trial was closed, the court drafted its verdict and it was only days before announcing it, that the court should not even review the opinion.

The court will now decide whether the opinion is significant enough to do a full review, in which case the trial for Ben-David will be reopened for the prosecutor to attack the opinion, or whether to disregard it as too little too late. In that context, Korb did not object to the opinion being considered as part of Ben-David’s sentence.

That decision is expected at or soon after the next hearing on December 20. Sentencing is scheduled nominally for January 13, but with the outcome of Ben-David’s psychiatric situation still up in the air, it is possible that there could be further delay.

Maybe the Court will just ignore the assessment produced by the defense.

Then, the real issue will be how much does everyone get
wat0n wrote:That's not what the news reports say, sly guy.

Insanity plea means he'll do a few years in prison at most. We'll see no execution of this scum bag.
wat0n wrote:The plea hasn't even been accepted by the court. It will hold a hearing on it on December 20.

Time will tell.
Red Skull wrote:Actually, the settlers were only missing at the point of when this kid was burned alive. The settlers were killed pretty quickly after they disappeared but this info was known to Israeli authorities only, who kept it secret in order to cause hysteria in Israel and incite Israelis to attack Palestinians. And to get them to support the vicious at
Judaism and Zionism are one in the same with the Talmud as its root. They're indistinguishable from each other.

Have you read the writings of many prominent Rabbis? I have.

Israel is an incredibly secular society, no true Jew would ever be a supremacist.
skinster wrote:
Yah, they just kill people regularly without courts or whatnot.

In related news, it turns out one of the suspects who burned down the 1-year-old and his parents in the West Bank this year is an American kid.

American Jews who became settlers in Occupied Palestine are among the most terrorist elements. They have absolutely nothing to fear from Israeli courts.
skinster wrote:Yup.

David Sheen talks about the likes of these terrorists here:

No. This Sheen guy could be classified as a conspiracy theorist and in general a shit talker. Just more libel to justify hate of entire groups. Chabad has some ridiculous constituents, sure, but as a propagandist, Sheen does his homework well.

Yah, they just kill people regularly without courts or whatnot.

Yeah, and with a stamp of approval by Chabad, of course. What more?
danholo wrote: ]
No. This Sheen guy could be classified as a conspiracy theorist and in general a shit talker. Just more libel to justify hate of entire groups. Chabad has some ridiculous constituents, sure, but as a propagandist, Sheen does his homework well.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. What is Sheen talking shit about?

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