Germany: Refugees blamed for sexual assaults on NYE - Page 10 - Politics | PoFo

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Rei Murasame wrote:Basically I do not seek the permission of Pants-of-Dog or any liberal man when it comes to defending myself. I'm a tribalist, a racist, and a right-socialist, and if any Arab man attacks me, I will beat such a would-be attacker to death with a blunt object.

The attacks in the OP involved gangs of men who would presumably target vulnerable people and avoid groups of women open carrying. If 5 men attacked you at once, an attack they planned and you were caught surprise by, the odds are in their favour.

Rei wrote:That's the problem with getting caught, but if you cultivate a proper gang mentality then no one should be able to find out who actually struck the killing blow or who was even there, and besides, no one should be hanging around the scene for long enough to get arrested anyway.

Just leave them in the street and don't even bother calling the ambulance.

In a country full of CCTV?

Also if you use a weapon in self defense the police can prosecute you for possession. Self defense classes often teach people how to use everyday objects like pens and keys as weapons.

maz wrote:Couldn't you say that about any minority though, even whites? You get a sizable number of white males, especially servicemen, in say, the Philippines, white on Philippina rapes are likely to be reported. Put some low income blacks in a upper class white area, you can bet the majority of the rapes won't be white on black.

White guys fuck prostitutes if they can't be bothered with or capable of romance. If someone is in the habit of walking away without paying he'll get the shit kicked out of him soon enough.

I've seen idiots refuse to pay a motorcycle taxi fare because the guy charged him double. In a city where there a 10 taxi drivers on every street corner.

I've never seen or heard of gangs of whites who believe they're entitled to random brown people's bodies.

Pants-of-dog wrote:So if you want to prevent more immigrants in the future, then you should stop the military involvement that creates refugees.

Or you could militarise the borders and shoot all illegals on sight. India kills thousands of Bangladeshis every year, some are migrants some are cattle smugglers, some are committing other crimes. There are plans to build a fence to keep them from fleeing the rising seas that will flood much of the productive land they have access to.

You should think outside of the pacifist box occasionally, Pants.

Frollein wrote:Add to that the cultural dimension, and the end result is that these "refugees" are nothing but an economical drag and a social timebomb.
Conscript wrote:But we can be a beacon for humanity

I know you're joking but I find it peculiar that people think encouraging people to risk drowning in the Mediterranean is better than contributing to the running of refugee camps or transferring people from the camps to other countries in a controlled, secure manner.
This is fundamentally a Muslim problem, although vile attitudes to women pervade all the Judaic religions. This is primarily a problem with Muslim cultures and Muslim infected cultures like Ethiopia and Hinduism. A Zulu man can see a girls breasts without having to rape her.

Do you support a complete ban on net Muslim immigration? Personally I propose a ten for one rule. Ten Muslims must leave for every one that enters. I'm a great believer in multiculturalism and diversity, but 0.2% is quite sufficient for a Muslim population in majority Infidel countries.

A complete ban on net Muslim immigration, in my book that differentiates the serious from the jokers. If you don't fine, just don't come running to me if you get murdered, raped, robbed or molested. Many of those killed in Paris will have supported net Muslim immigration, they only have themselves to blame.
Individuals from arab social media can admit to the cultural dimension in this even if certain multiculturalists cannot. The difference is this women blogger has lived it ...

Commenting on the arrest of an Iraqi and a Palestinian in relation to sexual harassment allegations on New Year's Even in Berlin, Deutsche Welle Arabic journalist Nahla Elhenawy voices the opinion that such incidents are symptomatic of wider problems relating the treatment of women in the Middle East and some Muslim-majority countries.

"The ugliness of our region is reaching Germany," she tweets

If you want to fight patriarchy, but stop short of criticizing religion -- you're not fighting patriarchy. Period. ... 66571.html

Note the vast majority of migrants are coming from countrys that rank in the bottom 20 of places to be a women. Perhaps, just perhaps, this is something to do with the men who live there. Importing these men on mass may just be problematic for women here .......

Image ... e-a-woman/
Note the vast majority of illegal immigrants are coming from countrys that rank in the bottom 20 of places to be a women. Perhaps, just perhaps, this is something to do with the men who live there. Importing these men on mass may just be problematic for women here .......

Fixed it for you.
No huge numbers of Muslims and non Muslims from socially back war countries get in legally through family and marriage connections. Anchor babies are only part of the problem. Plus even a reasonable interpretation of the asylum laws enables hundred of millions across the planet to legitimately apply as asylum seekers.
Last edited by Rich on 09 Jan 2016 13:10, edited 2 times in total.
Even the guardian now stating the fucking obvious.

It is utterly unrealistic to expect all those brought up in fundamentalist religious cultures – conservative Islam being the largest, but by no means the only such culture – to be able suddenly and completely to ditch all aspects of the pervasive environment they were brought up in.

Men who have been raised to believe that only a worthless woman walks through the street alone – even when her head and body are covered – only come to an understanding that this is not the case through consistent intellectual effort. ... in-cologne

But that’s not quite why it has taken nearly a week to piece together the story of a spate of muggings and sexual attacks carried out that night by seemingly organised gangs of young men. Many Germans are asking why politicians, police and broadcasters seem so reluctant to discuss what happened under cover of the crowds (the state broadcaster EZF apologised for not covering the attacks until Tuesday), and whether it’s because the attackers are widely described as looking Arab or north African. Which is why, of course, liberals like me are reluctant to talk about it. ... -years-eve

Interesting anecdote regarding organization.

His enforced departure came as a witness to the violence told the Guardian the events appeared to have been coordinated. Lieli Shabani, 35, said she saw three Arabic speaking males who were “clearly giving instructions and directing a lot of the males”.
Last edited by layman on 09 Jan 2016 13:40, edited 1 time in total.
Yet those two retards still managed to produce these sentences within the same articles:
Guardian UK, 'Let’s not shy away from asking hard questions about the Cologne attacks', Gaby Hinsliff, 08 Jan 2016 seriously fucking wrote:[...] Young German women thankfully enjoy historically unprecedented economic and sexual freedom, with their expensive smartphones and their right to celebrate New Year’s Eve however they want. The same isn’t always true of young male migrants exchanging life under repressive regimes, where they may at least have enjoyed superiority over women, for scraping by at the bottom of Europe’s social and economic food chain. It is not madness to ask if this has anything to do with attacks that render confident, seemingly lucky young women humiliated and powerless.


And since that growth can’t be turned on and off like a tap, whatever some politicians say, the answer is for governments to do what we elect them to do: rise to the challenge, calm the fear that breeds extremism by demonstrating they can cope.

Which in this case means treating this crime wave exactly as they would any other: policing more effectively, with extra manpower if necessary, and being upfront at all times about doing so.

The takeaway from Gaby Hinsliff is 'poor darlings', but 'we can do this.'

Next emotional moron up:
Guardian UK, 'The left must admit the truth about the assaults on women in Cologne', Deborah Orr, 09 Jan 2016 seriously fucking wrote:[...]

Men who have been raised to believe that only a worthless woman walks through the street alone – even when her head and body are covered – only come to an understanding that this is not the case through consistent intellectual effort. There’s no excuse for not making this effort. But the fact is this: some people will heavily resist it. That, too, is human.

Consistent intellectual effort needs leadership. Unfortunately, help with such effort from secular and religious leaders in the Middle East and north Africa seems to be in very short supply. In Europe, the leader who both champions and embodies such efforts far better than anyone else is Angela Merkel. It’s sad that folk are willing to seize on the tawdry, cowardly actions of a bunch of destructive, selfish, dangerous sexual abusers to disparage and traduce her bravery, optimism and humanity. Merkel is the one to take guidance and inspiration from, not them.

So Deborah Orr appeals to us to recognise that reactionaries are human beings too, as though that fucking means something, and that Angela Merkel is not the problem, she is apparently the solution, because apparently Merkel can teach them how to stop raping. Why has it not worked yet?! How long will it be before the raping stops?!

Furthermore, apparently we shouldn't let a little bit of rape ruin Merkel's really nice feelings that she was getting from inviting a whole fucking man-army of reactionary Arabs and North Africans into Europe.


Also, apparently, Merkel is 'brave'. Easy to be brave when she's not wagering the integrity of her shrivelled up old cunt, since none of the rapists want to fuck her anyway. If the crypt that she refers to as her vagina were in any way threatened by all this, she might come up with a different threat assessment and stop being 'brave' on everyone else's 'behalf'.

The time is coming within 10 years for those of us who define 'bravery' in a different way, to demonstrate what that word really means.
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 09 Jan 2016 13:52, edited 1 time in total.
Clearly I have to cherry pick the guardian to get any sense.

Point is though admitting these things is a big step for these people.

They are strategically stupid though. Migration could have carried on at a massive, but slower, pace without enraging the masses. This surge - that the guardian wrote 10 articles a day supporting - has a good chance of ruining things for them.

Heart over head ...
Yes, that is the upside to all this. They were so incredibly dumb to have ramped it up so quickly, since that made the issue unavoidable, the transformation into a backward hell hole started to happen so fast that the 'frog' became aware that it is being 'boiled'.

Hinsliff is upset that 'Christmas came late' for those who disagreed with the policy (who she inaccurately calls 'right wingers', at this stage it's actually just everyone who doesn't enjoy this bullshit), in the form of this story which erupted. Apparently we are not supposed to have 'late Christmas' when liberals fuck up their own narrative spectacularly.

I would say that first of all I'm not a 'right winger', and second of all I don't celebrate 'Christmas', but I will say it was definitely one hell of a New Year's Eve, since that's a holiday I do celebrate!

New Year's Eve happened neither early nor late, it happened on New Year's Eve, and the New Year's Day present was basically this story. It simply took five days to become available to everyone, since they tried to censor it, but this story will go on and on, like a Celine Dion song.
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 09 Jan 2016 14:02, edited 1 time in total.
Rei Murasame wrote:No, you just have to keep supplying them, so that we can complain about them and start (yes, start) fights with them in the street. You don't seem to understand that this is called symbiosis.

A new culture is going to be built in Europe, and it will arise through three-way street battles, most likely, between police, Muslims, and non-Muslims. By being such an ardent multiculturalist, you are helping to create those circumstances, by supplying us with lots of foreign enemies right here in our neighbourhoods.

No need for complex debates anymore, now we can have what we wanted all along, just fighting. Please keep importing them until it reaches saturation point. I will be glad to be able to move beyond intellectualising, since as you may have been able to tell, it was never really my forte anyway.

Please do not reply to my posts anymore, as your posts are devoid of any logic or evidence to support your racist and bigoted views.


AFAIK wrote:I think most people would make a distinction between paying a prostitute to hang out and have sex and molesting, raping and robbing people in the street.

I don't want to derail the thread with a discussion of coercion and trafficking within the sex industry.

I was soecifically discussing the conditions that lead to sexual assault. My post has nothing to do with sex work.

Or you could militarise the borders and shoot all illegals on sight. India kills thousands of Bangladeshis every year, some are migrants some are cattle smugglers, some are committing other crimes. There are plans to build a fence to keep them from fleeing the rising seas that will flood much of the productive land they have access to.

You should think outside of the pacifist box occasionally, Pants.

Shooting illegals on sight would mean changing your human rights laws. This usually happens after you vote in far right parties, and that usually happens after your economy has gone down the toilet.

If your economy has already done that, then you do not have to worry about illegal immigrants.
Rei Murasame wrote:Yes, that is the upside to all this. They were so incredibly dumb to have ramped it up so quickly, since that made the issue unavoidable, the transformation into a backward hell hole started to happen so fast that the 'frog' became aware that it is being 'boiled'.
A brilliant turn of phrase. Thanks! That is our hope that the liberal frog will realise that it is boiling itself. That's why I loved Paris. For me it was like Christmas come early. Its a shame the Jihadists are so incompetent. If only they could pull off a Paris in America, that'd light a fire under "the progressives" feet and their business friendly immigration binging friends.
Europe trying to be America but a shitter version again. We saw their ethnic ghettos and became jealous. Not only would we get own cute ethnic diversity to show off but we would stick one to the yanks. We would show them how multiculturism is done.

That's why I loved Paris. For me it was like Christmas come early. Its a shame the Jihadists are so incompetent. If only they could pull off a Paris in America, that'd light a fire under "the progressives feet".

These NY events have depressed me. I was in cologne in 2000 and around the cathedral at night. They say it is a dangerous place now most nights and has been for some time.
Rich wrote:A brilliant turn of phrase. Thanks! That is our hope that the liberal frog will realise that it is boiling itself. That's why I loved Paris. For me it was like Christmas come early. Its a shame the Jihadists are so incompetent. If only they could pull off a Paris in America, that'd light a fire under "the progressives" feet and their business friendly immigration binging friends.

Exactly, when the next attack comes (about four attacks were avoided over the holiday season, so close), because there is no way for the security services to seriously stop all of these idiots, there are simply too many to keep tabs on, one of them will eventually make it through, we will get to hear all of the exact same things being repeated again. All the same talking points. Maybe it will be literally in Paris all over again, and liberals will defend reactionary Arab men over basically any woman that stands in their way, because, well, because.

And we'll see ridiculous articles again with people who think as I do, being called every bad word in the dictionary, because we won't worship at the altar of the erect Arab phallus.

And that's why I feel like 'Fuck Paris'. Yes. When everything goes 'wrong' and liberals look at me on the next terrorist attack, I'm going to say "Fuck Paris". Even if it didn't happen in Paris.
layman wrote:These NY events have depressed me.
Yeah well this frog has been aware that we're all being boiled together for a long time, so these events are a tonic to my fatalistic pessimism.

Plus Islam is not objectively bad, God sent it to keep life interesting. People say they want peace but they don't really. Send people to a monastery / silent retreat centre, after a few hours most people are delirious for some distraction.
Last edited by Rich on 09 Jan 2016 14:30, edited 2 times in total.
You basically have to look to the horizon and know that the sacrifices that are made now, are going to make it possible for the fight to be renewed in the future.

To utter a phrase like "Fuck Paris", creates a violent rift between [1]the stillness of the time after the deaths occurred, and [2]the liberal narrative that was laid over their bodies as though to put it to rest.

The narrative is not yet complete, and it won't be complete for many years yet.

In the longrun, their lives will not have gone to waste. So when I utter that phrase, that's the power and meaning behind it. It forces the human brain to go back to #1 and declare the conflict as being 'still open', much like all the other sites of attacks. Fully expanded it would be "fuck the narrative of closure that came to be associated with the word 'Paris' after the attacks took place".
So now they claim that they couldn't get any more policemen during NYE because most of them were needed at the border for policing the illegal immigrant stream. But as soon as Pegida shows up they manage to rustle up a task force of 1700.

Behold, the 'right wing extremists' (according to German media):


Clearly racists, and I hope Antifa bashes their brains in.

Also, here is another protester - Milo Moire (NSFW):

Spoiler: show

It's a nice picture with the three-point perspective of the Cathedral. The placard says: "Respect us! We are not wild animals, even if we're walking naked through the streets!!!"
Die Welt wrote:CDU calls Cologne attacks a "turning point"

Chancellor Angela Merkel considers stricter laws necessary after the Cologne attacks on women. "What has happened on New Year's Eve are repugnant criminal acts which require decisive answers", the CDU leader said on Saturday after a two-day meeting of the party leadership in Mainz. Changes were "in the interest of citizens, but also in the interests of the vast majority of the refugees". The right to asylum procedures could be forfeited in case of convictions - even convictions on probation. The CDU leadership decided on a statement to that effect in this election year.

In the the face of growing concerns on the party basis, the CDU leadership had met for a hours-long briefing about ways out of the crisis the night before. According to participants, board members painted a dramatic picture of the situation for Chancellor Angela Merkel at the board meeting in Mainz on Friday night. "The mood at the base is abysmal," said the head of the Union's Middleclass organisation (MIT), Carsten Linnemann. If the influx of refugees remained as before, the integration would not succeed in Germany.

A good two months before important regional elections, Merkel called the events of Cologne a "bang", according to participants. The top candidate of the CDU Baden-Württemberg in the state elections in March, Guido Wolf, spoke of a new era. Prime Minister of Hesse Volker Bouffier said, Köln had changed everything, people were doubtful now.

In the CDU, there is concern that many citizens are losing confidence in the rule of law. For the party, internal security is a core brand. There was strong support for Merkel's demand to name the problems with integration more clearly.

The leaders of the grand coalition are open to a rapid tightening of asylum law. "I think there are signs that we have to make changes," Chancellor Angela Merkel said at the beginning of a two-day meeting of the party leadership in Mainz. She wants to examine the legal possibilities for faster deportations of rejected asylum seekers in the election year 2016. SPD leader and vice-chancellor Sigmar Gabriel signaled support. It is still unclear whether the SPD-Left will cooperate.

Around half of recently asylum decisions were negative, said Merkel in Mainz. "Nevertheless, we did not succeed in the past to enact the deportations. I believe that the citizens expect of us that what we want as a constitutional state, that which is our political will, is then also enforced in practice. " One must ponder: "When does someone forfeit their right to hospitality with us?"

Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) seeks a speedy communication within the federal government. "We intend to agree quickly," he told the ARD about his talks with Minister of Justice Heiko Maas (SPD).

The CDU demands in a statement, to be adopted this Saturday by the Board, to withdraw the right of residence persons entitled to asylum and asylum seekers if they have been sentenced to imprisonment without parole. The CDU also wants to allow more video surveillance and introduce random police checks. In the draft, the leading CDU also demands, "that remand is placed immediately against potential perpetrators if there is reasonable suspicion".

Union parliamentary leader Volker Kauder (CDU) proposes even sharper deportation laws than proposed in the paper. "I think that foreigners might already be deported for intentional crimes that lead to a conviction of less than one year on probation," he told the "Rhein-Zeitung".

Gabriel said on the sidelines of his trip to Cuba: "If it is necessary to change laws, we will also do that." In the "Bild" newspaper, he urged that deportations should be enacted more quickly and efficiently. It is still unclear how the strong SPD-Left is positioning itself. They usually are critical to such tightening of laws.

Can you fucking believe this? Our chancellor was enlightened to the fact - after fucking ten years in office!!! - that the people expect the state to uphold and enforce the fucking law!

What. The. Fucking. Fuck!

Excuse me. I need to jog around the block.

Edit: Sab, Freiwild is Fair Game, not wild animals.
I told you, I told you 'bout constitutional liberal states!

They are going to try to pretend like they are doing something now, but nothing will change. All of the talk that they are having now, is just steamvalving to take the pressure off. Everyone ought to ignore anything coming out of the CDU, basically anything they say is either [1]a surrealist mosaic of nonsense, or [2]a lie.

There is nothing else.
Yeah, but the comments section is full of people telling them exactly that. That's the beauty of Cologne, nobody believes them anything anymore (except for the left-liberal waste, but who gives a damn about them now? Their narrative is destroyed, their stranglehold on public consensus is broken).
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