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By anasawad
1-islam is peacefull abd teaches peace, tolerance and harmony. How ever. In case of being attacked, it wont stop before destroying the aggressors. Think of it as a hornet nest. If you poked it. You get stinged but of you hit it with a rock and waited to see what happens,you probably wont reach the hospital.
2-islam is all about science and progress. However. Survival is above all.
3-does islam allow and tolerate religions and religious freedoms? Yes, in every possible aspect of it.simply as long as its people are peaceful towards it.
4-did islam contribute to the world and science and civilization? Yes, unless you think it ruled half the world for nearly a millenia and still present everywhere by just sitting there.
5-will this conflict ever end? Probably but no time soon. The aggressionwitnessed cant pass off of memory.
6-will the violence escalate ?, in every possible scenario yes.islam has what you can call a liquid form. It will direct people to fullfill the present needs of the nation.thus islam will keep spawning generations of fighters to fight for it, with every generation much more in number and violence than that before it. And in 50 years from now youll be saying good old ISIS. Abd it will only stop when the threats are neutrulized.
7-as unlikely for this to come from me.but, never the less.all those concepts of supremacy, inferiority, slavery, brutalization and torture. Theyre not of islam. See, persians did have a large impact on the islamic world since we greatly helped in spreading it. So, welcome to the dark side of the persian culture. Dont get me wrong, we have religious freedoms, tolerance, multiculturalism, etc. But you dont think we've been building empire after anther for 4000 years by handing flowers, do you ?.
8-when comparing cultures and claiming whatever culture is superior to those within islam. Remember, those who think they're most free are the ones most enslaved.
9-all those remarks about sects and who is better is not needed. When brothers fight, dont go around starting to take sides. It wont do you any good.
10-the fashion of quoting verses and cherry picking from the quran, it only works on ignorent people. If anyone wants to discuss the quran, understand it first, and take things out of its context to claim a point. Because while some would think they're smart and they beat us and we're angry about it. They're not. They didn't. And we're laughing.
11-to understand islam. Read some books by muslims about islam. Dont read from someine god knows from where has to say about explaining islam. Thats just stupid.
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By Nets
1-islam is peacefull abd teaches peace, tolerance and harmony. How ever. In case of being attacked, it wont stop before destroying the aggressors.

When did the Byzantines or Sassanids attack the Muslims?

3-does islam allow and tolerate religions and religious freedoms? Yes, in every possible aspect of it.simply as long as its people are peaceful towards it.

In every possible aspect? Will normative Islam tolerate pagan religions in its territory? What about idol worship?

But you dont think we've been building empire after anther for 4000 years by handing flowers, do you ?.

Haha, no, I don't think that.
By anasawad
Well.the romans. Or the byzatines sent an army of 200 thousand soldiers as far as i recall just when islam was still in medina. And the sassanid empire declared war on islamic nation also when it was in medina. By killing its messanger. Which was considered a declarence of war back then. And i beleive until now.
For pagans. Zoroastrians. For idol worshipping. Some Christians sects in the region. Will some groups attack them .yes.but we're the ones fighting to protect them from those groups. Samecapplies for jews living with muslims. And m saying muslims not arabs.
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By Harmattan
anasawad wrote:1-islam is peacefull abd teaches peace, tolerance and harmony.

Really? Yet at its very birth Islam attempted to forcefully colonize the whole world, and it later tried to colonized Europe once again. It was just a misunderstanding?

3-does islam allow and tolerate religions and religious freedoms? Yes, in every possible aspect of it.simply as long as its people are peaceful towards it.

Excepted, of course, that you are banned to befriend non-Muslims and that they must pay specific taxes that have been more often than not very prohibitive in order to push people to conversion.

5-will this conflict ever end? Probably but no time soon. The aggressionwitnessed cant pass off of memory.

So if Muslims are so busy killing Muslims all over the Middle East, it is in order to take revenge against westerners?

6-will the violence escalate ?, in every possible scenario yes.islam has what you can call a liquid form. It will direct people to fullfill the present needs of the nation.thus islam will keep spawning generations of fighters to fight for it, with every generation much more in number and violence than that before it. And in 50 years from now youll be saying good old ISIS. Abd it will only stop when the threats are neutrulized.

Why does it sound like a promise to kill us all?

all those concepts of supremacy, inferiority, slavery, brutalization and torture. Theyre not of islam.

Really? Because Muhammad had slaves, he preached stoning and lapidations, and he claimed that you are superior "the best nation produced for Mankind".

8-when comparing cultures and claiming whatever culture is superior to those within islam. Remember, those who think they're most free are the ones most enslaved.

Islam means "submission" and you want to make us believe that it brings freedom? Priceless!

11-to understand islam. Read some books by muslims about islam. Dont read from someine god knows from where has to say about explaining islam. Thats just stupid.

Understanding Islam and understanding Muslims are two different things, only the latter is of interest to us.
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By fuser
After first hundred year or so, Islam was not an uniform thing, depending on time and place, it was variety of things rather than some fixed things. Safavids, Ottomans, Mughals, Mamluks were wildly different in their following of Islam.

anasawad wrote:In case of being attacked, it wont stop before destroying the aggressors. Think of it as a hornet nest. If you poked it. You get stinged but of you hit it with a rock and waited to see what happens,you probably wont reach the hospital.

Nonsense. Many cultures claim this (for example Chinese) but its pure propagandist bs. Note I am not saying that all wars fought by Islamic empires were religious but that even when most of them were not religious, its nonsense to say that Islamic empires only fought defensive wars, the list will be too long to post here.

to understand islam. Read some books by muslims about islam. Dont read from someine god knows from where has to say about explaining islam. Thats just stupid.

A fine advice but you must listen to an advice too, avoid reading obvious propagandist books. Your post is such simplistic "Islam awesome" that it reminds me of speeches I used to prepare for Independence day in my school when I was 10-12, seriously.
By anasawad
islamic empires were actually not really fully islamic. Thus the invasions and conquests.
It is not a promise to kill everyone. No. Its just a clear fact that the current conditions are fertile environment for violence and expanding rapidly.
Neutralizing threats doesnt not mean total destruction or genocide. It means pushing off aggression.
M married to a christian. And all religions live by our side normally. The prophet married both a jew and a christian. How does it trabslate to dont befriend non muslims. The order in quran says dont go into a relation where you are subserviant to non muslims. All while it said that do grow relations and respect other cultures.
The conflict in the region is one of proxies. While sects are living just fine everywhere else. Its a problem of arab nationalism mixed with occupations and aggressions and wirh a flavor of oppression pushing many to a fanatical rage.
The prophet said muslims are finest in faith. While said there is no difference between people arabs or foreigns. Black or white. Etc.Only their faith when theyre judged by allah. And clearly stated everywhere no one what so ever can judge people only god does have that right.
Islam means submission to god which means following the path pf rightous.
And understanding islam is the first step to understand muslims.
FOr the example the 7 readings of quran is the first step tp understand diversity in islam.
I do believe islam is great. Though i never said so about some muslims and their actions.
The notes above is better considered to be from a bystander.
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By fuser
anaswaad wrote:islamic empires were actually not really fully islamic. Thus the invasions and conquests.

No true Scotsman?

Christian empires were actually not really fully Christian. Same for Buddhist, Capitalist, Communism and everything else.
By anasawad
Not that. Just the fact that theyre empires and dynasty rule makes them break the first rule about islamic political system.
Saying empires are islamic is like saying absolute monarchies are democratic. There is a fundemental contradiction.
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By Nets
I don't get it, were these empires Islamic or not?

anasawad wrote:4-did islam contribute to the world and science and civilization? Yes, unless you think it ruled half the world for nearly a millenia and still present everywhere by just sitting there.

anasawad wrote:islamic empires were actually not really fully islamic. Thus the invasions and conquests.

You can't have it both ways man.
By anasawad
Islam covers multiple sides. The political system and the rules in it were not applied. Only for 30 years in the entire history. Meaning the empires. Politically speaking were not islamic. How ever. Muslim scoieties did exist all over within and outside those empires. And they contributed to the advancement of the world.
Look at it this way. If a some group was leading the discovery of an entire new generation of energy then this group has contributed to the field. Yet this group political stances might be entirely different from that of the political system of the country they are in . So the group did contribute to this field but that does not mean the group is the one controling how things work in their country.
By GandalfTheGrey
Nets wrote:In every possible aspect? Will normative Islam tolerate pagan religions in its territory? What about idol worship?

Hindus are basically pagans/idol worshipers in the eyes of Islam - and yet the Moghuls ruled over the hindus for hundreds of years in relative peace - emphasis on the relative of course. The point is though there was no systematic attempt by the moghuls to stamp out paganism in India - an issue of practicality you might say given the massive population.

I've been thinking a lot about the issue of paganism and Islam. Whats interesting is that after the conquest of Mecca and its "dead-enders" (almost all pagans in Arabia converted and joined the muslims after the conquest of Mecca), we really didn't get to see how the expanding Caliphate would have treated conquered pagans, since there pretty much wasn't any pagan areas left in the areas the Caliphate expanded into - the Christians had already wiped them all out. Even the Persian Zoroastrians were categorised as "people of the book".

So really the only benchmark we have is Muhammad and his conquest of the idol worshipers in Arabia. And here there is good reason to believe that Muhammad wasn't interested in a wholesale cleansing of paganism, or probably more accurately to say - not until the pagans forced his hand by constant attacks and breaking of treaties. Take the treaty of hudaibiya for example - Muhammad even with a clear military upper hand was willing to throw all his lot into a peace with the Quraysh - when by that stage he could easily have just taken the city by force (which he did after the treaty was broken by the Quraysh). There is another important factor here too - at this time the pagans were crossing over to Muhammad literally in droves - the Quraysh were a shell of its former glory. Its my view that Muhammad could see the writing on the wall - paganism in Arabia would simply die a natural death, whether or not he forced the issue militarily.
By EU rope
Islam is a religion of peace - the goal is that all infidels rest in peace.

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