Sweden: Tunisian asylum seeker being deported to Denmark - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Don't try to twist it Rugoz, my poor choice of words but the conversation I believe has made it clear with what I meant and that is the fact that men in europe would not defend themselves or women in need even if their lives depended on it and all their macho grand-standing is coming out of an arm-chair and against people in need.

We can't tow their boats back to Turkey, because Turkey will not take them just like that. But merely towing them away is not what has been argued, the intentional drowning of these people or leaving them to drown by 'towing them away to an undefined unsafe imaginary place' has been shamelesly proposed as a preventive method.

There is no material for self-reflection here.

I disagree.
When did the modern Greeks start caring what the Turkish want? Tow the boats back to their territorial waters, inform the Turkish coast guard and let them solve the problem they created. Any attempts to drive the boats back to Greek territorial waters should be dealt with by means of violence and summary expulsion of the Turkish spies. The Greeks are obligated to protect their borders from Turkish attempts to destabilize their civil order.

Any resulting deaths can be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Turkish.

I disagree.

Macro-trends are not governed by micro-tragedy.
noemon wrote:But merely towing them away is not what has been argued, the intentional drowning of these people or leaving them to drown by 'towing them away to an undefined unsafe imaginary place' has been shamelesly proposed as a preventive method.

You can tow the boats to places where the Turkish coast is very close and the Greek coast far away. Of course there's the question of how the Turkish side would react to this. Another option is to create big, temporary refugee camps on European or other territory. Those camps would fulfill UNHCR standards, but not more.
Macro-trends are not governed by micro-tragedy.

Actions inform the character of a person, actions spoken, written and done.

When did the modern Greeks start caring what the Turkish want? Tow the boats back to their territorial waters, inform the Turkish coast guard and let them solve the problem they created.

It is not that simple because once on our custody they are ours otherwise we are directly threatening the very existence of our own sovereignty and the Turks will only get them back after they have been processed and returned through the normal channels. If we call the Turkish coast guard to deal with people in our territorial waters, that means we are giving the Turks sovereignty over our own borders. The Turks do not have any sovereignty in the Aegean sea except for 6 miles from their coasts, the rest is a Greek lake, which means 6 miles out of the Turkish coast and you are in Greece. 6 miles they need to cross and that's it.

Any resulting deaths can be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Turkish.

Out of the few friendly feelings that we have between us in here I will not attempt to analyze this sentence.
But we already know that the Turks won't take back the illegal interlopers, meaning the regular channels have been rendered ineffectual due to Turkish artifices. The Turkish are slowly destroying the Grecian nation by inundating it with illegal interlopers - who may as well be Turkish foot soldiers by proxy. Instead of using bullets, they're draining the public coffers even further.

Forget about the Grecian vendetta against the Northern Europeans countries. This is an existential crisis, and you guys are being trounced by your arch-enemy. Playing dirty is the lot you've been dealt.

And as I understand it, the EU is going to cut back its Mediterranean patrols (no more stranded ships left half-way across by the illegal human smuggling industry for the EU coastal units to pick up). Meaning the policy is to let these people drown. Just like they've been doing the last couple of years.

A standing policy to let these people drown. Let it sink in. In fact, they're not even people any more. They're budgetary statistics in Eurocrat understanding. They've always been. And they're the means by which to destroy the Grecian nation in Turkish understanding.
I don't care what men do at this point, because the problems of the future are going to have to be solved by women. In a thread where everyone is talking about how men are supposed to defend women, I want to point out that I don't want a man's help.

We as women are either going to have to learn to be tough by ourselves or suck dicks, one of the two.

100% of all of these problems, the mass migration, the lack of anyone doing anything when people are being attacked in the streets, and pretty much all reactionary manifestations of nonsense, stem from men worshipping their own dicks.

The moment that women stop joining them in that worship and try using the brains we were born with, is the moment that something might actually get done.
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 25 Jan 2016 22:19, edited 1 time in total.
Have you ever ordered men to their deaths, noemon? You've served in the military, but I take it you haven't seen active service. Still you must understand that sometimes it's necessary to sacrifice your men in order to achieve a military goal, a goal which benefits your nation.

We all know by now that most of the illegal interlopers were young men of military age.

Your nation is being flooded by those that in your masculine conceptualization of this world are fit to be sacrificed in military service and elsewhere: "women and children first!". These people are destroying the Grecian nation. How many more waves of illegal interlopers can the Greeks absorb? And we all know that the Northern European nations are going to hammer the Greeks into submission. Leaving you to deal with the fall-out of this Merkelian disaster and its Merkel immigrants.
My point is to tow the boats there.

Where? International water in the Aegean are of the order of 500 sq metres here and 200 sq metres there if any at all.

These people are destroying the Grecian nation.

The Grecian nation I assure you is capable to tame Albanians who are far worse than Syrians. I wouldn't be scared of the Grecian nation which has huge reflexes and historical memory. I would be more terrified for the effeminate Northern European populations. But then again I would wish that they developed social reflexes than simply trying to buy Greek or Turkish bouncers to do the dirty work for them.

The Grecian nation Sab is the one that had its banks closed by the EU in order to change the outcome of a referendum and the Grecian nation still gave them their middle-finger. The Grecian nation has had capital controls for the past 8 months and a ban on paying money in foreign accounts which disrupts trade supplies as Greek importers cannot import anything by paying money to suppliers through a bank and on top of that the Grecian nation is the only nation in Europe that is excluded from quantitative easing, the only nation in need of it is the only one excluded from it and the Grecian nation still produces a primary surplus.

I hope you understand that the Grecian nation is not that keen to receive instructions about its survival from the people that are primarily responsible for its ruin.
^ I think you're overestimating the modern Greeks.

When I saw videos of them marching through the streets against austerity, they were wearing the insignia of the modern consumer, not the ancient Greeks. These people have been ravaged by modern consumer society. This coupled with the far left (almost Swedish) signature of the last couple of Greek governments, it really is no wonder why the Turkish are using the liberal masochism of the Greeks against them.

All these immigrants arrive with their "white devils, you are to blame for my misfortune" complexes to match the "if only we could solve all the problems of the world, I feel so guilty" complex of the majority of the Greeks .
A 22-year-old woman who worked at refugees center "died after an argument involving a knife" on Monday morning, at an accommodation for unaccompanied young asylum seekers or refugees in Mölndal, south of Sweden

Löfven: Mölndal stabbing "a tragedy" - Radio Sweden

Updated, måndag 25 januari kl 19.53

At a press conference in Mölndal on Monday evening, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said that it was with sorrow and rage that he had received the news of the woman's death. "It is a terrible crime," Löfven said, adding that his thoughts went to the woman's family, friends and colleagues.

A 15-year-old resident of the home, is suspected of killing the woman, who worked at the center. After the attack, she was brought to hospital with life threatening injuries, but her life could not be saved, news agency TT reports.

"I believe that there are quite many people in Sweden who feel a lot of concern that there can be more cases of this kind, when Sweden receives so many children and youth, who come alone (to seek asylum)," said Löfven.
Löfven also promised that ahead of the government's next budget proposal, authorities that have had more work to do on account of the refugee situation, for example, the police, will get enough resources to carry out their work.

The 15-year-old was arrested after the attack, on suspicion of murder or manslaughter, reports Swedish Radio News.
"It was messy, a crime scene with a lot of blood. The perpetrator had been overpowered by other residents, people were down and upset," said the police press spokesperson Thomas Fuxborg, in describing what the police officers met when they arrived at the scene in the morning.

A knife that is believed to be the one used in the attack has been recovered, police say.

Thomas Fuxborg tells TT that he welcomes the demand for more resources made by the National Police commissioner this morning.

"Of course we have had more to do, among others with these kinds of problems. You could say that since this autumn, we have been called out several times per week to different kinds of arguments at different types of accommodation (for asylum seekers) that we did not have before, so it has given us a lot of work," he told TT.

Swedish Radio Göteborg reports that the residents at the home will be moved to a new accommodation for tonight. They are aged between 14 and 17 years old.

http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.as ... el=6353027
Rei Murasame wrote:100% of all of these problems, the mass migration, the lack of anyone doing anything when people are being attacked in the streets, and pretty much all reactionary manifestations of nonsense, stem from men worshipping their own dicks.
Two words: Angela Merkel.

@Sab: noemon doesn't give a shit about cute Syrian babies. Greece is waving through the masses to Germany as an act of revenge because we dared to put conditions on our loans to their shitty, corrupt, nepotist joke of a government. How are those reforms coming along? Not too fast, or so I've heard.

All this humanitarian bullshit talk will be coming to a screeching halt once Macedonia closes the last gap on its borders. Once these poor little Syrian (et al) babies pile up inside Greece, they'll change their tune, and noemon with them.

@ Pongo: well, that's cultural enrichment, what are they complaining about? Everybody who works there is infinitely morally superior to us haters, a shortened lifespan is a cheap price to pay for that privilege.

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