UN Declares Israel As Having World’s Worst Human Rights - Page 7 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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The Zionists are unable to defend their brutal behaviour so they train and employ Israelis to propagate lies and propaganda. This is an advertisement for Hasbara.

Hasbara Fellowships is the largest and most comprehensive Israel education and activism program for North American university students. Founded in 2001, Hasbara Fellowships was the first formal program for students battling overwhelming anti-Israel propaganda on their campuses in the wake of the second Palestinian intifada. Fifteen years later, Hasbara Fellowships remains the largest program of this type. Hasbara Fellowships uniquely takes hundreds of students to Israel on a #HasbaraIsrael program for 16-days of pro-Israel education.
@Zionist Nationalist
Well, it depends on what you define as economic improvements.
Inflation sky rocketed in his time. Currency fell to the ground. He did nationalize many of the industries which made them grow naturally. However the general economy was suffering before, during and after his period.
Thus he was unsuccessfull in any actual economic improvement in the conditions of the population.

EDIT: Hitler was very focused on social engineering in his internal policies.
When you want to meassure how much the people benifited, you don't take the highest beneficiary but the smallest and weakest one.
anarchist23 wrote:What a country Israel is. You can't even celebrate Christmas. The Zionists say that Israel is all inclusive. What a blatant lie.

"One professor upset [Palestinian] students by taking to Facebook to say that the tree made him uncomfortable, and that those who wanted it should either put one up in their own home or go to Europe," he told Al Jazeera.
Tensions with Israel overshadow Christmas in Palestine
Mahajni added: "This is not really about a Christmas tree. It is about who the tree represents. It is a test of whether Jewish society is willing to accept an Arab minority and our symbols."

This in a country that was recognised under the condition of UN Resolution 181 that established Jerusalem as an International Area safeguarding the religious freedom of all its inhabitants as well as all previous agreements in force by the previous Muslim administrators which gave Christians more rights than Israel does.

The International Status of Jerusalem is the official position of the US, EU, Vatican and the UN and the one that Israel itself has signed up to in exchange for its recognition.
Nazareth - As tens of thousands of Christian pilgrims converge on the Holy Land this week to celebrate the birth of Jesus, senior Israeli rabbis have announced a war on the Christmas tree.

In Jerusalem, the rabbinate has issued a letter warning dozens of hotels in the city that it is "forbidden" by Jewish religious law to erect a tree or stage new year's parties.

Many hotel owners have taken the warning to heart, fearful that the rabbis may carry out previous threats to damage their businesses by denying them certificates declaring their premises to be "kosher".

In the coastal city of Haifa, in northern Israel, the rabbi of Israel's premier technology university has taken a similarly strict line. Elad Dokow, the Technion's rabbi, ordered that Jewish students boycott their students' union, after it installed for the first time a modest Christmas tree.

He called the tree "idolatry", warning that it was a "pagan" symbol that violated the kosher status of the building, including its food hall.

Al Jazeera

Last edited by anarchist23 on 23 Dec 2016 18:21, edited 3 times in total.
Christmas day is not a national holiday in Israel.

Disappearing Christmas trees
Netanyahu’s professions of tolerance would have come as news to Palestinian Christian students at Safad Academic College in the Galilee. There, students who could not get home for the holidays bought a Christmas tree and set it up outside their dorm.

But in the evening when they got back from class, they found the tree was gone, Israel’s Walla! News reported.

“This is the saddest Christmas,” said Gabriel Mansour, 24, a third-year political science student, identified by Walla! as a representative of Arab students. “All we wanted to do was provide some good cheer for all the students who remained alone in the dorms, and who were unable to go home to their families.”

When Mansour investigated, he was told by college officials that the tree had been hidden lest it spark riots among the Jewish students.

“I was angry to hear this,” said Mansour of the claim that the tree might spark riots among Jewish students and residents of Safad. “Unfortunately they don’t respect our holidays. We fully respect all Israeli holidays. Why can no one respect our traditions? Why can’t we put up a Christmas tree?”

“I do not think Christmas should be marked with such ostentation,” Walla! quoted an unnamed Jewish student saying. “The college has a distinctly Jewish character. It’s not healthy for anyone to be able to do whatever he wants.”

Silver10 wrote:Oh here we go...as usual the Holocaust gets trotted out. What is so difficult to understand? For over 2000 years Jews have been persecuted for just being jewish. Culminating in the Holocaust in which 6 million jews as we all as millions of others were gassed, murdered and brutalized on an industrial scale. How ever tough the Palestinians have it they arent being systematically gassed. They have it just as bad from their own leaders who live a pretty good life on the hand outs from the world.

i would imagine you are earning good money in your job as a comedian... their own leaders? watch the videos I posted, stop denying that youre supporting Nazism
Albert wrote:Anarchists you are a hethen athiest. Why the hell do you care about Christmas?

My kids celebrate Christmas.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:There is no problem Celebrating Christmas or even ramadan in Israel
anarchist is trying to make a story out of nothing

Israeli Occupiers [IOF] destroying the #Christmas tree in Occupied Jerusalem at dawn today, stealing pictures hung as decorations.

This is breaking news. It seems that the UN has had enough of Israel abusing the rights of Palestinian residents who live in the West Bank.

The UN Security Council has passed a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements, defying pressure from U.S. president-elect Donald Trump as well as Israel and several U.S. senators who urged Washington to use its veto.

The United States abstained Friday from voting on the resolution, which passed with 14 of 15 Security Council members in favour. This is a relatively rare step by Washington, which usually shields Israel from such action.

The resolution had been abruptly withdrawn by Egypt on Thursday but later presented by four other members.

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