The Baneful Apocalyptic Triad of USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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It's not ad-hominem-discussion just to show how the postwar German politics evolved. Now they call the Islamist Arab Palestinian cause "progressive" and liberal. But they fought for this cause even when they were Fascists and Nazis. "Nazi Germany presented itself both as an ally of Arab anti-imperialism and as a soul mate of the religion of Islam as it understood it. " What changed? ... 0300168055

In Europe in the early years of the cold war, opposition to Communism offered an umbrella under which some former fascist and Nazi sympathizers succeeded in changing political colors by obscuring details of their biographies in order to be born again as Western democrats. (Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World by Jeffrey C. Herf)

Nazi propaganda also accused the Jews on... racism. They were not "racists" apparently. They were cutting edge anti imperialists. Nothing really changed in the German postwar political culture. It's important because after the war many fundamental truths were blurred.

Chapter: 4. Propaganda and Warfighting in North Africa and the Middle East in 1941,

On November 20,1941, von Neurath sent the Foreign Ministry in Berlin a draft of a leaflet entitled "War and Starvation," suggesting it be distributed in North Africa. The text was probably written by Winkler. Its purpose was to challenge the view that National Socialist anti-Jewish policy entailed an "antiSemitic" hatred and contempt for non-Jewish Semites. Its first paragraph mimicked the themes of British political warfare: the war in Europe had been "unleashed by Nazi race hatred, which regards everything that is not German or Germanic as inferior and animal-like and treats it accordingly." Although Hitler's war machine had overrun many countries, hope for resistance lay with Russia, which had formed an alliance with Britain "in order to stop the flood of barbaric Nazism." If Germany were to win this battle, "it would not only mis treat Europe. First it would oppress the Oriental peoples! The Germans still regard the Europeans as their neighbors with whom they want to remain in good standing and as human partners. However, woe to the Oriental people if they should come under the Nazis' thumb. The Germans would treat them as born slaves, according to the incredible German madness of anti-Semitism which Hitler, Himmler, and Rosenberg swear by.

The leaflet then abruptly changed tone.
The Jews' path is always crooked. Now, son of the Arabs, you are in its path. Egyptians, Syrians, and Iraqis! Now they are lying to you about Nazi race hatred and anti-Semitism. They want to capture you for their front against the enemies of the Jews. They want to separate you from those who are also fighting in your interest against the holy alliance of the English and the Bolsheviks. "Anti-Semitism," yes, it's true that this expression comes from Germany. But it comes from a time in which the Jews hid behind their "Semitic" language and had not yet been clearly recognized as the general enemy of the peoples. How stupid it is to claim that Germany today directs this concept [anti-Semitism] against the Arabs. As every child in the world knows, Jews and Arabs have no cultural traditions in common. Indeed, by instinct and history, they are separate from one another at their very core!
The German racial idea, which the Jews are trying to turn upside down, strives to advance the racially superior, that is, the genuine and true component of a people. This does not only apply to the Germans. It recognizes that every people is God given, except for the corrupt, parasitic Jewish people. It is precisely those volkisch values which lead the Arab peoples to such heights that the Germans know how to appreciate, as is demonstrated by the scholarly writings of the young German generation who feel drawn to the Arabs....

... When the young people of Egypt, Syria, or Iraq have had the opportunity to spend time in Germany as students, business people, engineers, and civil servants, they found a welcome which demolished the Jewish lie about "racism." Ah, if only all of you could be guests in this Germany! One day, Arab youth, you will face the question of your nation's essence [Volkstums] just as we have. It is up to you to decide if, in light of your national pride, you want to remain free from alien blood.... In any case, Germany will not adopt any prejudices toward you as a result of Jewish lies! Rather, Germany takes part in your struggle against the English and the Jews with warm sympathy and, God willing, soon with more than that.

Herf sums up his study of the diffusion of ideology

The German officials who had worked with the pro-Nazi exiles in Berlin did not do too badly after the war. Indeed, they played key roles in the reconstruction of the West German diplomatic corps dealing with the Middle East.

These shared "affinities" was called after the war, "liberals". Remember Merkel and her advisors who let in Muslims hordes are not "left". The sympathy for Muslim cause is fundamental and is the legacy of Nazi era propaganda. After the war diplomats, professors and journalists still held their posts.
Last edited by noir on 29 May 2017 11:51, edited 2 times in total.
noir wrote:
Favorite Nazi .....

Nazi propaganda .....

Yeh, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi....
What about arguments?

noir wrote:Remember Merkel and her advisors who let in Muslims hordes are not "left".

Among Merkel's top advisors are Jews, and leftists in Germany believe that Merkel should accept even more Muslims, and they are against any quotas.

noir wrote:The sympathy for Muslim cause is fundamental and is the legacy of Nazi era propaganda. After the war diplomats, professors and journalists still held their posts.

Do not watch Alex Jones!


According to your weird logic the Jewish lobby in Germany is subverted by "crypto-Nazis".

Why do German Jews Support Absorbing Syrian Refugees?

“From the very beginning of the current wave, we said that the Jewish community strongly supports a policy of open borders and the intake of refugees,” Lehrer said.

“And we’re still in favor of open borders. It can’t be that [refugees are being rejected] like in the Third Reich, where Jews were refused entry to other countries and were killed because of that. That’s out of the question.”

The council’s president, Joseph Schuster, caused a little scandal recently when he spoke of the need for a “ceiling” or limit to the number of refugees. But all he meant to say was that while borders should remain open, at some point in the future the country will reach the point where it will be unable to accommodate additional refugees, Lehrer said.

Funded by the American Jewish Committee and the ZWST, Germany’s main Jewish charity organization, the new group seeks to improve care for refugees. “It’s a wonderful sign for German-Israeli partnership when German and Israelis provide psychosocial assistance for the mainly Muslim refugees in Germany,” said Deidre Berger, director of the AJC Institute for German-Jewish Relations.
... ... and-worry/

As we see, the Jewish leaders in Germany fully support "open boarders" for Germany ( but not for Israel).

Some of them think that quotes are needed, because you cannot teach the Muslims "western values" in a short time without quotas.

Some Jewish Normies in Germany are afraid that too much Muslims is not good for Jews, living in Germany, because there is not enough policemen to protect every single Jew in Germany, and the police has somehow to try to protect non-Jews in Germany, too.

So the solution will probably be that Jews in Germany will be protected by Israeli services, and Jews will get the exceptional right to carry weapons in Germany.

German Normies are not permitted to carry weapons, but who cares?



If she was a "Nazi", she would push for an amendment, to abolish any restriction for Germans to carry guns.

The 1938 revisions completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, and the possession of ammunition.[8]
The legal age at which guns could be purchased was lowered from 20 to 18.[9]

Permits were valid for three years, rather than one year.[9]

After 1945, even German police officers were initially not allowed to carry firearms. Private ownership of firearms was not allowed until 1956. The legal status returned essentially to that of the Law on Firearms and Ammunition of 1928. ... in_Germany

Why does the Jewish Lobby in Germany support open boarders for Germany and a wall for Israel?

As you can find out from the quoted article, they only talk about what is good for Jews who live in Germany, and how Jews can be protected!!!

BTW, in Israel Jews can carry weapons, non-Jews are not permitted to carry weapons there.

In Germany Germans are not permitted to carry weapons, they cannot protect themselves, and the German police seems to have more important priorities, than to protect German Normies from terrorism.

Cui bono?

Who have German politicians to protect in the first place?
Trump hates all Muslim countries but he is kissing Saudi Arabia's ass because the country is very wealthy. Money talks to him.
If SA was poor, he would not be kissing dirty rings or playing nice with Saudi royals. :)

I do not think he cares about Israel either, but he knows that there is much money to be made by selling weapons to Israel. If he could get away with it and no one would find out, he would be making deals to sell weapons to the Russians. :D
Beren wrote:If there is a country Trump cares about, it's Israel then. I'm sure he cares more about Israel than California.

Why? Because Ivanka and Jared subscribe to the Jewish faith? I doubt that Trump understands Israel or its beef with Palestine and other Islamic countries. He probably thinks that like the Civil War, it is pointless and why is no one stopping it or asking why it happened? :lol:
noir wrote:@ArtAllm it's not on Jewish interest. They are fool and short sighted.

Well, the official representatives of Jews in the USA and in Germany believe that this is in the best interests of Jews.

It is possible, that these official representatives are fools, who naively believe that you can just replace the native Germans with Muslims, teach these Muslims "western values" (like the "Holocaust guilt"), and these new "Germans" will be good workers and Germany will still be able to support Israel with money, but this is a different question.

The crucial point is that Jewish officials BELIEVE that the "partial" or "gradual" replacement of native Germans with Muslims will be good for Jews. Maybe they are just blinded by their "anti-racist-ideology" and really believe that genes and culture do not matter, that just anybody, without any German culture, can be as effective, as Germans were.

Well, if they are REALLY blinded by their ideology, if they really believe that "all goys are equal, and you can just replace and mix them", and they try this experiment with good intentions for themselves, then they may be cutting the branch they are sitting on, just because of their foolishness.


Jews always promoted the narrative that they have a higher IQ, than the goyim, look at all these Nobel Prizes, at all these Jews in key position, all this is explained with the higher IQ of Jews.

But this narrative may be just another fake news. Nepotism and tribalism may be a better explanation.

MistyTiger wrote:Trump hates all Muslim countries but he is kissing Saudi Arabia's ass because the country is very wealthy. Money talks to him.
If SA was poor, he would not be kissing dirty rings or playing nice with Saudi royals. :)

I do not think he cares about Israel either, but he knows that there is much money to be made by selling weapons to Israel. If he could get away with it and no one would find out, he would be making deals to sell weapons to the Russians. :D

You basically admit that Jews control the USA.
Neither Trump not any American businessmen or politician can get away with promoting the interests of Americans.

You can only sell weapons to Israel or to countries that are friends of Israel.

American businessmen and Normies would do better, if there were good relations between the
Russians and the Americans.

Russia was never a threat to the USA, in fact the Russian Tsars helped American rebels to get their independence from the British Empire.

But today these two Christians Nations are forced to be enemies.
Cui Bono?

The same with Iran, Iran did not attack any of its neighbours in the last 300 years, but Americans are forced to support the Saudis, who finance ISIS, because this is in the interests of Israel: ISIS fights against the perceived enemies of Israel, like Iran or Syria.

On the other hand, Israel attacked an American ship, USS liberty on June 8, 1967, but Israel ist still the best friend of the USA, that is what the MSM tell to the American Normies.

Remembering USS Liberty: When Israel attacked America
Thirty-four died and over 170 were injured in Israeli attack on US warship during 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War.
I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: “When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So it’s not an apology. Not as far as I’m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. “Someone is lying here,” says Gallo, “and it isn’t us”.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know it’s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary. ... 15123.html

I think that it is unlikely, that Trump has the balls to start a real investigation into this attack, the 50th anniversary of this attack will be marked with another silence and cover up, American presidents always betrayed brave and honest Americans, and Trump will be no difference.

Trump is just a piece of shit, because he fooled his voters even more, that Hillary did.

In a nutshell:

USA foreign policy is not guided by what is good for the USA, it is guided by what is good for Israel, and the interests of Israel and the USA are sometimes diametrically opposed. The American political system is basically like a mafia, they have a system of a legalised bribery, politicians have to serve their financiers, who at the same time control the MSM, the voters are basically irrelevant.
Last edited by ArtAllm on 29 May 2017 21:57, edited 5 times in total.
noir wrote:All of these NGO's are financed by Germany or German led EU.

If Germany is an independent country, why there are still foreign troops on German territory, and Germans are not even allowed to enter these territories?


And why can German politicians not keep any secrets from their American masters?
Their communications are routinely hacked, and they cannot even protest against it.

We know that the Americans monitored the mobile phone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and we know that there are listening posts in the US Embassy in Berlin and in the Consulate General in Frankfurt.

But much remains in the dark.
German Left Party politician Jan Korte recently asked just how much the German government knows about American spying activities in Germany. The answer: Nothing. The NSA's promise to send a package including all relevant documents to re-establish transparency between the two governments has been quietly forgotten by the Americans.
According to Paragraph 99 of Germany's criminal code, spying is illegal on German territory, yet German officials would seem to know next to nothing about the NSA's activity in their country. For quite some time, it appears, they didn't even want to know. ... 75441.html

German politicians, including Merkel, do not want to know anything about American hacking and spying because they know that they themselves are just pathetic puppets who pretend to be the representatives of the German people and protect their interests.

They get their money for their job, like a prostitute does.
message from a mod: stay on topic in future. Since the thread hijack about Germany was a few days ago, I'm not going to bother splitting it off, but don't try to resurrect the squabble about Germany unless you show it's directly on topic (and saying a PoFoer sounds like a typical German is most definitely off-topic). If you do, your entire reply will probably disappear, and maybe earlier ones too.

I've also deleted several one-line replies, though I've been generous with several I've let remain.
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