Oliver Stone: The Putin Interviews - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Rugoz wrote:Stone has long been known for being a sucker to authoritarian assholes. After all he put Chavez on a pedestal when it was still opportune to do so. Look at where Venezuela is now.
The interview will air on a Russian state channel. That says it all.

The worst thing about Oliver Stone is that he mentioned the 900-pound-gorilla in American politics, wich is an absolute taboo.

He should have repeated the BS about "Russia hacked/destabilised the USA", instead of mentioning the Israel Lobby, that de facto controls the USA (read "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy", a book by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, they are professors of Political Science).

Now he has been labelled with the usual label "Anti-Semite", which will at some point become a "badge of honour", if the tend continues.


On Monday, Stone appeared on the CBS show to promote his new Showtime miniseries featuring Russian President Vladimir Putin, called The Putin Interviews. When host Stephen Colbert confronted the Oscar winner about his alleged sympathies for Putin despite the county’s reported meddling in the United States election, Stone redirected the conversation to Israel, a source told Page Six:

The source said they “watched from behind [their] hands” as Stone said words to the effect of: “Israel had far more involvement in the US election than Russia.”

The “Platoon” director further challenged Colbert by saying, “Why don’t you ask me about that?” — but we’re told that the host shot back, “I’ll ask you about that when you make a documentary about Israel!”

The source categorized Stone’s Israel rant “a classic anti-Semitic canard.”

https://www.pjtn.org/director-oliver-st ... -censored/

Oliver Stone gave an interview on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert in which he was reluctant to say anything negative about Vladimir Putin. Strangely, Oliver Stone and I share the same worldview. Stone also said in another interview that there is no evidence that Putin "hacked" the U.S. election, criticizing three intelligence agencies - the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.
Igor Antunov wrote:My review to those who haven't seen it yet;

I will state an interesting observation; what rustles Putin's jimmies the most is the topic of NATO encroachment toward Russia's borders, and the US administration's stationing of ABM systems in eastern Europe. The only time during the interviews you can see Putin's expression change to one of barely veiled annoyance is when the conversation veers in this direction.
It becomes patently obvious as to why Russians would express such far ranging support toward Putin. He's very convincing and obsessed with practicalities. But of course; you be the judge. It's a very informative, revealing 4 hours and definitely worth your time.

I have watched all his interviews in Russian language with English subs.

Yes, Putin is a very intelligent person, and a very pragmatic, because he adopted the philosophy of Judo.

Yes, the western powers promised that NATO will not expand, but there was no official agreement, no signed paper.

German politicians even hinted, that there must be a signed agreement, but Gorbachev just could not imagine that Western leaders are such shameless liars.

But the crucial point is, that Western leaders are not the real rulers, Western countries are ruled by the "deep state".

As Putin pointed out, it does not matter, who is elected, the foreign policy of the Western countries does not change.

Gorbachev believed that words are enough, but it turned out that Western leaders cannot be trusted.

As Putin pointed out, a signed agreement would not be a guarantee, either.
You just cannot trust western leaders, and not only because they are dishonest people, but because they just are puppets without real power.

But Putin, in my opinion, made a very huge mistake.

He reanimated the Soviet Mythology about WWII to boost the moral of Russians. I cannot imagine that a KGB-Agent does not know the real history of WWII, the plans of Stalin to spread the GULAG-System across the entire Europe, and this plan would have been achieved, if Hitler did not launch the first strike.

Stalin's Missed Chance

Meltyukhov concurs with Suvorov's claim that Stalin and the Soviet military leadership had planned an offensive against Nazi Germany in 1941. Meltyukhov suggests that, while both Soviet and German leaders were preparing covertly to attack each other, neither believed that the other side would strike first.

Unlike many of Suvorov's books, such as Icebreaker (1987), Meltyukhov's book is based on materiel recovered from the archives of the Soviet Union, some of which remained classified for more than 50 years.

What did Putin do after he came to power?

He revived the old and discredited mythology about the "вероломный удар Гитлера" (of Hitler's treacherous blow), about the brave Soviet soldiers that rescued German children, about the wicked Ukrainians, Estonians, etc, that were not eager to fight on the side of Stalin, and so on.

The conflict with Ukraine began after Putin pushed Ukrainians to reject their own national heroes, like Stepan Bandera, and tried to force upon them the old discredited Soviet WWII-Mythology. The same can be said about the Baltic States.

The former Soviet Republics have their own national heroes, their own national mythology, and they were insulted by Putin's attempts, to force upon them the old Soviet mythology.

Was Putin really so stupid that he could not understand, that the old Soviet mythology about WWII cannot be a basis for good relations between the RF and the former Soviet republics?

The other things that are disturbing about Putin - he signed laws that prohibit any historical research, and it is an absolute taboo in the Russian Federation to talk about the Israel/Zionist Lobby.

The Soviet Union was not a friend of Israel, they talked a lot about the International Zionism in Communist papers.

Today the RF tries to be even more subservient to Israel, than the Western powers are.

You can be sued in the RF, if you are accused of "Anti-Semitism" (speak if you are not pro-Zionist), but Russophobia seems to be OK in the RF.

I checked all interviews with Oliver Stone: when Putin talks about the USA, he never mentions the Israel Lobby there.

So how can Putin understand what happens in the World, when he has such a big blind spot?

If Putin is sincere in his interviews, then he is doomed.

ThirdTerm wrote:
Oliver Stone gave an interview on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert in which he was reluctant to say anything negative about Vladimir Putin. Strangely, Oliver Stone and I share the same worldview. Stone also said in another interview that there is no evidence that Putin "hacked" the U.S. election, criticizing three intelligence agencies - the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.

Stephen Colbert is a hypocrite.

He talks about the "freedom of speech", but they censored the part of the interview where Stone talked about Israel's influence on American politics.

This part of the "so free" interview was cut out.
Since I don't have access to showtime, I became a temporary leftist and did what communism teaches us is perfectly ethical to do.

If you can get access to showtime or wait for it to come to a free to air channel, then do so. I'm sure people are putting it up on youtube too, might be able to catch it before it gets removed.
MB. wrote:Can the full video interview be posted here, from youtube or something? or is it still payware only?

Here is the Russian version with English subs.

I watched the first part of the interview and it was quite interesting to hear his perspective about events in recent Russian history.

I also saw this and good god, what a jackass this Kelly woman is. I was amused at Putin's responses and mockery at those who believe the retarded hacking allegations.

Another interview on the Russiagate nonsense that's very good.
Let's be honest here: Igor would probably be angrier if I said I owned a Switch but had no plans to buy the new Legends of the Triangles game or whatever it's called.

*Watches a Useful Idiot toss softball questions at a dictator*

I'm so informed now!
Fox is trash too. American/western media is trash across the board in 99.9% of cases. Putin is a better source on Russia and russian policies than all the western media combined. Which is why SO is boycotting to his detriment. To defeat your enemies, you must understand them. Which is consequently why Russia/China/Islam etc have already won.
skinster wrote:I watched the first part of the interview and it was quite interesting to hear his perspective about events in recent Russian history.

I also saw this and good god, what a jackass this Kelly woman is. I was amused at Putin's responses and mockery at those who believe the retarded hacking allegations.

Another interview on the Russiagate nonsense that's very good.

How retarded and ignorant must a MSM-talking-head be, if she calls Saint Petersburg (a mega-city) a town!?
Igor Antunov wrote:Doubly so when that one city has more high art and cultural history than the entirety of the US combined.

This new/second capital of Russia was established in 1703.

USA emerged as an independent country in 1776. Russian Tsars watched the process from their Palaces in Sankt Petersburg in 1770, and they decided that the independence of American colonies will weaken the Great Britain, that is why they supported Separatists.

They could not imagine that USA will become a Superpower without brains and culture!

Russian Tsars even sold California and Alaska to the USA, because they could not imagine that USA will become a headache for the Third Rome, that celebrated its 1000 university in 1862.

What to the good looking American women: I do not mind if they are ignorant and stupid, you do not have to have a high IQ to have sex, to raise children and be a good wife.

The problems begins when these stupid women are encouraged to make a career, when they are told by their employers/owners that they are smart when they talk nonsense about Russia, and that they are brave and edgy, when they insult Putin with their stupidity.

It is very bizarre to see arrogant low-IQ-people, this unnatural phenomenon was artificially created. Normally stupid people do not act arrogant, because they know that they are stupid.

But the even bigger problem of the USA is the geriatric problem of American elite.

We saw the ancient Politburo in the former Soviet Union, and we asked ourselves if this state would die together with their ageing elite. Now they have a young elite in the RF, and we see old senile faces in the USA. Clinton still dreams to become President, and so does Sanders. Young candidates do not have any chance in the USA, because the MSM and the Deep State there are ageing, too.

Soros is senile, and so are the other money lenders in the USA, who make the MSM to spew out fake news, and make the puppets (speak politicians, including Presidents) move.

It seems that this senile elite hopes that the wold will die together with them, that is why they are pushing for a nuclear war.

They use every trick in the book to stampede the gullible Americans into another fratricidal war with Europeans.

James Clapper even made repeated plain statements about Russians being "genetically evil", and nobody called him a racists.
The MSM went into an endless loop about "Russian hacking", and nobody dares to call this stupid conspiracy theory what it really is.

As Putin pointed out, it does not matter whom they elect into the office of President in the USA, the old policy does not change, because the President is just a puppet. USA is run by the "Deep State" (financial Lobbies etc). So there is no motive for Russia to influence the American elections.

It seems that Russians have a better knowledge of American classics, than Americans do:

"If Voting Made a Difference, They Wouldn't Let Us Do It"
(Mark Twain)

It is obvious that the Globalist agenda is driven by the global financial elite, and it is obvious that the usury system is a flawed system, that collapses.... without wars.

It is no secret that the global financial system is now on the brink of collapse.
The banksters have to press the "reset button", speak they have to start WWIII, to write off their failures on a big war. After the WWIII you can start a new circle of this global usury system.

So the globalists do not have any choice: they have to start WWIII, and Putin was earmarked as the "New Hitler".

And if you play the "Hitler/Nazis/Holocaust"-Card, there cannot be any contradiction any more, any counter-arguments will be silenced with the "Anti-Semitism-Cudgel".

It is encouraging to see that Jewish intellectuals, like Stephen Frand Cohen, Oliver Stone, Guilad Atzmon and many others are not afraid to talk about the absolute taboo: they point their fingers to the JQ.

Mr Cohen, who fluently speaks Russians and is an expert on Russia, pointed out that James Clapper would never dare to say that "Jews are genetically evil", he would be immediately fired for such a remark.

Oliver Stone pointed out that the MSM never talks about the Israeli hacking of American political process, this is an absolute taboo, and the stupid editors of this interview proved with their actions that Stone was right.

Though the pathetic "shabbat goy" Stephen Colbert (who talked about the "freedom of American MSM) had to acccept the "castrated" version of his interview (the censors cut out the mentioning of the Israel Lobby by Oliver Stone) the message still got out.

You you can easily finish any non-Jewish intellectual, who calls a spade a spade, but you cannot silence the decent and brave Jewish intellectuals with this powerful "Anti-Semitism-Cudgel".

I hope that there will be more and more brave and decent Jewish intellectuals who call a spade a spade, and that they will stop the madness.

If this is not the case, the nuclear WWIII will become inevitable.
Last edited by ArtAllm on 22 Jun 2017 14:17, edited 1 time in total.
How retarded and ignorant must a MSM-talking-head be, if she calls Saint Petersburg (a mega-city) a town!?

She was probably thinking of the St Petersburg in the USA - you know, the important St Petersburg. :excited:

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