Reading Beyond One & Zero - Politics | PoFo

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Layered meaning, involved reading for dummies, and surface tips for sleep-walkers.
Chinamen said that there were double meanings in the Necronomicon
(7)host Connexion: The United Verse

Ghost Connection: The Universe, connecting with the author (host) through the writing while connecting with the universe through the words. The author as a microcosm of the universe. Reference to client/host information loop.


Shhh...Eternal silence or eternal secret, 888 as hhh. Listen to the creative process, hear the universe.
Shells dwell in a swollen nebulous ocean, souls share sand and (d)eath (r)ules (e)very (a)ctive (m)elody, for eternity l(earn)ed how to t(urn) the Mother’s cheek.
The condition of 'being.' Incarnate beings inside the universe share material reality and learn how to dream their dreams. Dancing toward death we earn our death. One must learn to turn the other cheek, all things resist death and participate in the infinite primordial emanation or 'mother' of all 'things.'
π-anno keys O’ Morpheus mummery rouse a-muse to sing-Kronos symphony as reciprocus Sol rays reach out and touch each r.i.p.ple ringed tone recited by terpsichorean bell-o-buoy; moreover, tender terra-firma dependent stalwart neuronauts tinker with their tactful techno-tools inside an pneumato-systolic astral-ship, reverberating like one pendulous whiff-bound tintinnabulum surfing the sea-change vortex.
Piano keys play year after year after year... forever. π as pi or 3.14 and anno as year/age in Latin. Songs of the dreamer excite the music of the spheres, father time is a synchronous (sing-Kronos) tome or symphony, sun rays touch souls (existential motility) and the soul rays ripple as they rest in peace, using the 'mother' of all 'things' or mother earth to discover technology/invent purpose, floating through space like a bell or buoy being blown bout by directionless wind. Sea-change vortex as cosmological Shakespearean transformation and (r)evolutionary imagery, reflecting the swirling galaxy of universal 'being.'

Verbal vertebrae observe and venerate my do-re-mi dead letter’s deed so-fa-la-t cross over Krishna crucible and prune Fishnu’s ficus.
Letters come together to crucify our struggle or the process of our understanding/enlightenment. Krishna, Vishnu, Christ/fish (the fish knew), cut from where the Buddha found/communed with the sacred tree/source of 'being.'
Ornate reincarnation, (r)evolution’s resonance, preserve das tesseract’s sanctity- conservation of energy, zero multiplied by one.
Patterns of evolution, continuous cycle establishing sacred dimensional entanglement. All things must be recycled, all figures must be (re)absorbed by the ground (anyTHINGX0 will always equal 0- All things belong to the whole).
Enter hour playground organism through its binary opposition, consume this (cog)nitive (con)figuration, watch entangled quanta quaff sonic tincture, focus on the formula fountain, cultivate kranion crux, enfold fluid fusion, produce perpetual figure ignition and who-what-where-why-how religion.
The interplay/process of being human.
Diluvian poet, the ancient and accepted maelstrom maestro, croon ozonic pabulum, ooze Orphic odyssey fraught with zound.
The eclectic flood or sea-change environment/vortex of perception created through words, the author writes edible symbols for the other end of intelligence.

See what you can abstract, viewtopic.php?f=23&t=170332
You may find/infer double/triple entendre, parallelism, symbolism, metaphysics, metaphor, physics, consciousness, ciphers, anagrams, exotericism, esotericism, lyricism, ologies, self-realization, etc.

Happy hunting, reader!

Who am I, are we I? Yes, we’re 1, and thus I am the sum of all consent, each relatively independent sub-totality of information, one translation of every thing-in-itself, old and new adage (add-age), one word willed upon the united verses infinite page.
We're letters, creating words, forming paragraphs, writing human literature. Notable footnotes found within the Book of Life (past-present-future), sub-genre of the Universe.

Some people enjoy the fruit of humanity, but despise being human.
We need each other. Irony in the flesh. Living absolution.

“I wyth aooa nuv te-fiw ano ir td hs.”

I want you to have faith in words.

May this faith based celestial cipher stimulate the concurrent happening or singularity as we utilize the implicit (LAN)gauge behind quantum reason and exploit the logic beyond our local area network gauge, so we can be in a state of super symmetrical interplay with this naturally unfolding mind/matter interface.

Faith in existence.
For I had created this word shavings account (alternating current, numerical deposit) in order to charge each line of currency with source code current so it may collect interest in the noosphere bank.

Creative savings account, rich words for the reader.
(I’m)mortal and erect, phallic-shaped Faust, fertile forbearers joust.

The struggle of life is a Faustian bargain, mortals promised immortality. The dialectic of trying to achieve immortality vs being mortal, the paradox of existence, the self-consuming ouroboros of 'being.'
Inspecting multiplex messages.

'Being' always & all-ways, self-aware examination.
Pure human experience (ape app peer) appearing in front (get behind me, Saturn) of thy mind’s eye (naught nigh naïve), sense we share the ‘password,’ I’m ashing an entry, adding information to our Akashic records.
Human bias, eye of the beholder, burning sensation of NOW (logging into the moment)- we're like cigars puffed by the universe. The past is our ashtray, NOW is fuel, and our future is hidden within the SP(ARK).

Ego equals generative operation times itself, E=go2. I (monad man and the fivefold inception) accumulated ‘Born Classified: A Poverty of the Visible Spectrum,’ in order (ordo ab chao) to illuminate a morsel of the infinite mosaic. Media morphology (law of form, musica universalis, cosmological cymatics, logistic semantic resonance) controls my diction, as diligent digits dance, I’m merely an integral vessel or mathematical instrument keeping score. The title- ‘Born Classified: A Poverty of the Visible Spectrum,’ may be known as one mathematical proof, for I can-can prove it, foreword and backward, we’re born classified due to a poverty of the visible spectrum, sense we perceive one limited spectrum (of electromagnetic invigoration) we must compartmentalize (keyword- mentalize) the human experience and (re)invent our purpose (materiam superabat opus) in our own image (perpetuate the human bias).
By RhetoricThug

RhetoricThug wrote:(7)host Connexion: The United Verse

S∞∞∞… Shells dwell in a swollen nebulous ocean, souls share sand and (d)eath (r)ules (e)very (a)ctive (m)elody, for eternity l(earn)ed how to t(urn) the Mother’s cheek. π-anno keys O’ Morpheus mummery rouse a-muse to sing-Kronos symphony as reciprocus Sol rays
:eek: Wow, this is a fully charged opening, rich with etymological devices! The united verse invokes the idea of cosmic 'scripture,' and verse is an anagram for serve. The eternal silence of a 'life sentence' is in service to the infinite universe or 'united verse,' since each verse or lifetime will serve its purpose in the evolutionary scheme of things. This is a complex piece, I like the use of mother, since matrix and matter come from the Sanskrit word matri, so you have matrix, mother, mummery, as etymological devices- alluding to the idea that the universe is a womb of matter (mater) where individual verses serve the 'dream frequencies of father time' as sensual stimuli reverberates throughout the inner/outer expression of physical reality. Mummery- as in mum/mother, and mum as 'to be silent,' the silent state of the listener living out a dream melody. Furthermore, the idea that physical beings can 'turn the other cheek' inside the dream plays out with 'turn the mothers cheek,' because eternity is capable of recovering from any physical activity which occurs inside the womb of 'being.' Matrix as the mother's womb. I see you move away from feminine imagery and balance your paragraph with masculine energy (the arrow of time represents the penis or spine, state of impregnation/destruction of information, each monad a nomad within the feedback loop, the second law of thermo mother-dynamics). The idea that time is the father of modification, because it nurtures the dancing dreamers (silent sleepers), personified entities that serve the united verse and live out a life sentence in the matrix of all 'things.'

You really know how to 'spell' the ouroboros season, RT... And as you know, to live is to die, and when you're running a marathon/race, the finish line will always be at the starting line. ;) Keep up the Great Work.
"That's the meta-physical space an artist occupies, because artists aren't really in a hierarchy, they're outside of hierarchies."
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