State of emergency is declared in Charlottesville, USA. Why? - Politics | PoFo

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Officials in Charlottesville in the US state of Virginia have declared a state of emergency ahead of a large march by white nationalists.
Thousands of people are expected to join the "Unite the Right" rally against plans to remove a statue of a pro-slavery US Civil War general.
Violent clashes between far-right groups and counter-protesters have left at least two injured, police say.
President Donald Trump has condemned the violence.
On Twitter, he said: "We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!"
After the clashes subsided, a car rammed into a crowd of counter-protesters. It was not immediately clear how many people had been injured.
Earlier, police fired tear gas against demonstrators and said that arrests had been made after a declaration of unlawful assembly at Emancipation Park.
The state of emergency allows local authorities to request additional resources if needed, the police department said.
Members of a white nationalist group were armed and wearing militia uniforms
The far-right protesters, some waving Confederate flags, carrying shields and wearing helmets, are angry about the planned removal of a statue of Gen Robert E Lee from Charlottesville. Gen Lee commanded the Confederate forces in the US Civil War of 1861-65.
The New York Times reports that some of them were chanting "You will not replace us," and "Jew will not replace us."
Anti-racism organisations such as Black Lives Matter have also held marches.
There were very violent scenes at Emancipation Park and it took some time for the police to intervene.
Both sides were throwing bottles and rocks and using pepper spray.
The far-right protesters were a mix of different groups with shields and batons and the declaration of a state of emergency seemed to have had a significant impact on them, as they started to dissipate.
Riot police have been deployed, but tensions remain high, with people screaming at each other and demonstrators still out on the streets.
Shiquan Rah, a 21-year-old demonstrator who had joined the counter-protest said about the far-right groups: "These people don't have a message, their message is hate and violence. This is a spiritual war we're in.
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe urged calm tweeting: "The acts and rhetoric in #Charlottesville over past 24 hours are unacceptable [and] must stop. A right to speech is not a right to violence."
At least two people have been injured in the clashes, police say
First Lady Melania Trump also condemned the violence, saying on Twitter: "Our country encourages freedom of speech, but let's communicate [without] hate in our hearts. No good comes from violence."
Charlottesville mayor Mike Signer had earlier called the rally a "parade of hatred, bigotry, racism and intolerance".
I have so many questions about this article I don't know where to begin.
Did the counter protestors have a permit?
It mentions those in the rally 'dissipated ' when the police told them to. Why is it specific? Does this mean the counter protestors did not ?
The mayor calling those with a permit to march racist and intolerant? :?: wanting to take down a statue of Lee seems intolerant also.

Several people were injured after a car plowed into a group of left-wing protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, who were still marching in the streets after the Unite the Right rally was earlier shut down by police.

A video posted to Periscope (the accident starts around the 7:30 mark, be warned, it is graphic) shows a car plowing through a crowd of people, who appear to be anti-fascist protesters.

Several cars are in the street, with marchers walking around them, when one car accelerates and runs into cars ahead of them and the crowd of protesters.

One marcher can be seen flipped onto the hood of another car.

The crowd screams, and people try to run away from the car.

The car then accelerates and reverses away.

On the Periscope video, the person who is recording it says: "That Nazi just drove into people."

It is not yet known who the driver of the car was.

"People are badly hurt, oh my god, people are badly hurt," adds Rebelutionary Z in the video.

See, this joke we have about anime fascism/alt-right shit here actually kills people.
CHARLOTTESVILLE — A car crashed into a crowd of peaceful protesters here Saturday after police in riot gear dispersed crowds at the "Unite the Right" rally following bottle-throwing clashes between alt-right demonstrators, counter-protesters, white nationalists, neo-Nazis and supporters of Black Lives Matter.

It appears only two people were hurt, so apparently both sides showed some common sense. The media will make it much more dramatic of course.
This group had to go to court to win the right to march, and it appears they were prevented from completing a march the courts agreed to.
The media portraying them as the aggressor is biased reporting since they were the only ones who had a legal right to be there. I doubt BLM had a permit for a counter protest.

Edit: Don't people realize how much more effective it would have been for no one to show up except the marchers? :lol:
KKK: rams car into counter racist protestors.

One degree: the media's probably going to blow this out of proportion.

Right winger when a Muslim rams a car into someone: we must deport all Muslims from the west and bomb their countries more.
One Degree wrote:I have so many questions about this article I don't know where to begin.
Did the counter protestors have a permit?

Did they need one?

It mentions those in the rally 'dissipated ' when the police told them to. Why is it specific?

Maybe because those are the facts?

Does this mean the counter protestors did not ?

Maybe. Or it could mean that the police never told the counter protestors to dissipate.

The mayor calling those with a permit to march racist and intolerant? :?:

Yes, because having a permit does not magically make you not racist and tolerant.

wanting to take down a statue of Lee seems intolerant also.

Yes, but not nearly as racist and intolerant as celebrating people who championed racist slavery.
One Degree wrote:It appears only two people were hurt

I have no idea where you pulled that from - it's looked far more serious than that from the moment any video came out, and they said "multiple injuries" very quickly. They've now said one person is dead.

One person is dead in Charlottesville, Virginia, after a white nationalist rally and counterprotest turned violent and were called off by police, and later a car plowed into a crowd of demonstrators marching down a street, causing injuries.

Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer tweeted Saturday afternoon ET that "a life has been lost."

Video taken earlier in the afternoon show crowds walking down a street as several cars move slowly along the same avenue. Abruptly, a silver or gray vehicle rams into the back of another vehicle, slamming one or more cars ahead of it amid the crowd of protesters. The driver backs up and rapidly flees the scene. ... d=49179590

There's clear video of the car before it hits the others, speeding on purpose.

At least a half-dozen others were also wounded, suffering minor to life-threatening injuries, authorities said Saturday. ... e-updates/
How many people do you think have any idea what Lee thought about slavery?
Of course, a person would have to be knowledgeable of the times to truly understand where he was coming from.

Edit: I was speaking about the confrontation of the demonstrators, not the car incident.
At least seven people were hurt when a speeding car slammed into another car that was navigating through a throng of counterprotesters in Charlottesville, where a "Unite the Right" rally of white nationalist and other right-wing groups was to take place.

Video of the incident shows a gray Dodge Challenger driving quickly down a narrow side street lined with walking protesters. The sports car rams into the back of a silver convertible, which hits the van in front of it. Soon the Dodge driver slams the car in reverse, going back up the street at a high rate of speed, dragging its front bumper. Several people chase the car. As the sports car retreats, a red athletic shoe falls off the bumper. ... index.html

It was a three-vehicle crash, in which seven people were injured. The best thing came out of the rally is this Trump tweet condemning hatred and violence.

More proof that the alt right is a terrorist movement, members of the alt right should imprisoned and have their citizenships revoked, alt right leaders should be in Guantanamo bay. The alt right are just jihadists with paler skins, their methods are the same and their goals are the same. Any alt right leaders who can not be easily arrested should be targeted with drones.

The alt right claim to love their country but they seem more interested in driving cars into crowds of their countrymen to take away their democratic right to protest than doing anything for their country, they are not patriots, they are traitors. In the 40s the US government sent its troops to kill fascists, it is time to see those policies revived for the modern day.
You are just becoming a good Leninist B0ycey. Humanity beat the alt right in 1939-45, we can beat them again. Ultimately they are cowards, they are good at driving cars into protests and gassing civilians in death camps and at beating the French "army" but they are no good at fighting armed working class men, we saw it in Stalingrad, we saw it in alamein and we will see it today.
One Degree wrote:@Pants-of-dog
How many people do you think have any idea what Lee thought about slavery?
Of course, a person would have to be knowledgeable of the times to truly understand where he was coming from.

If you have a point, please make it.

Edit: I was speaking about the confrontation of the demonstrators, not the car incident.

Can't help but notice you did not answer my questions.
Clearly, the attack had nothing to do with the man's ideology. It's because society doesn't give enough time, tax money, and free hugs to make him feel welcome. We should all try to be even more inclusive towards people like him!
No surprise to see Frollein siding with terrorism just like the right always do. Remember Germany was allied to the Ottoman empire (the ISIS of its time) during the first world war. All right wingers are the same under the mask.
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