Google Fires Engineer Who Wrote Memo Questioning Women in Tech - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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Beren wrote:I actually believe more men should be elementary school teachers and teachers in general.

When I started teaching in 1970, teacher pay was comparable to police and firemen. The gap started widening quickly and men left as it did. This was perhaps one of the more obvious economic results of more women in the workforce and getting degrees. Men simply left for better pay. I don't even know if the statistics support this, but it was definitely what happened in the district I was in.
Theres a difference between in principle accepting differences between the sexes and in practice advocating for misogynists to get special treatment in employment and that women are just genetically inferior in doing my job where I sit on my ass all day and code.
Not to mention that he's emailing ~biotruths~ to people at a single Google campus. Which would be, what? Maybe 5,000 people tops?

He's applying society level norms and trends to a small population, and one that has been screened by Google's hiring processes at that. Having discussions about subjects like "Which gender is better at coding and why?" when you've already been screened for your ability to code is dumb as fuck and unproductive. It only opens doors to critiquing someone based on their physicality which, again, is pointless because you wouldn't be at a Google coding job if you couldn't code.
One Degree wrote:When I started teaching in 1970, teacher pay was comparable to police and firemen. The gap started widening quickly and men left as it did. This was perhaps one of the more obvious economic results of more women in the workforce and getting degrees. Men simply left for better pay. I don't even know if the statistics support this, but it was definitely what happened in the district I was in.

There were hardly any male teachers when I was in primary school, and that was many years ago.
About the same as there were when my children at primary school. ... ill-needed

So, Hong Wu, yes you do read about more men being needed as teachers.
but somehow it never happens vice versa, so no one's like "more men should be elementary school teachers" etc.


Loads of people moan about that, lack of male role models in schools etc. You live in a fantasy world and not the real existing world, just like all right wingers you see the world as you imagine it not as it is.
There are plenty of male teachers in Britain for children of secondary school age and upwards ( from 11 years old), but much fewer for primary school aged children. Virtually none for the really young ones from 4 to 7 years old.

This is changing, albeit very slowly.
Every single teacher I had from grade K - 5 were female. Only started to see male teachers from grade 6 -12.

It's simple, dudes just don't feel like dealing with whiny kids. If I ever became a teacher (not that I would because the pay cut I would have to take is rediculous), I would choose to teach high school.
I would choose to teach high school

This really is the only option. Kids get blasted with hormones that mess up their anti-depression and ADD medications in middle school and that only get's resolved when they start smoking weed and drinking bad liquor in highschool. Children can generally pay attention for the number of minutes that equates to their age, but by highschool their parents have usually terrified them into paying attention for the duration of lectures and such.

That said, some men are interested in children's education and they do work in middle and elementary schools. I'm sure there are male childcare specialists in the public sector.
The another reason why men are scared to teach younger students is the fear of being labeled a pedophile.

Adults are raised to fear any man at the playground that is getting "too friendly." When I take my kids to the park for example, I am deathly scared to say anything to children that are not my own. I actively avoid looking in the direction of any specific child that is not my own. I fear people will think that being friendly with a kid means you're a pedophile. I fear that even looking at a kid will get you labeled as "weird, maybe a pedophile, etc. etc."

There is a male teacher in my son's old elementary school, and a parent off hand randomly suggested "I wonder if he's a pedophile" with no fucking evidence at all. Nothing.
I thought about mentioning this also, but did not because people go nuts when they see the word.
I smiled at a cute little girl at Walmart and her mother gave me a very questioning look. :*(
More evidence for how disadvantaged and oppressed females are:

Women earned majority of doctoral degrees in 2016 for 8th straight year and outnumber men in grad school 135 to 100


Why oh why do men make women go into Health, Education and Public Administration at such a high rate when it's glaringly obvious that women don't like to work in those fields? What they really want is work in Engineering, don't you know?

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