President Trump Pardoned Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio - Politics | PoFo

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President Trump on Friday pardoned Joe Arpaio, the former Arizona sheriff whose aggressive efforts to hunt down and detain undocumented immigrants made him a national symbol of the divisive politics of immigration and earned him a criminal contempt conviction.

In a two-paragraph statement, the White House said that Mr. Arpaio gave “years of admirable service to our nation” and called him a “worthy candidate for a presidential pardon.”

Mr. Trump called Mr. Arpaio “an American patriot” in a tweet later Friday. “He kept Arizona safe!” the president said. ... izona.html

Trump pardons controversial former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio ... d=49426093

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: My case is strictly a political hit

The Justice Department concluded in 2011 that the sheriff and his office engaged in systematic racial profiling of Latinos. The Department of Homeland Security, that once helped Arpaio in the early 2000s to arrest undocumented immigrants, removed the authority to enforce immigration for Arpaio’s office.

A federal judge ruled in 2013 that Arpaio’s officers racially profiled Latinos and his agency was ordered to stop. Arpaio defied the order and was charged and convicted of criminal contempt in July.

The Trump administration could choose to highlight Arpaio’s 50 years of service between the military and his role as Maricopa County sheriff, CNN reported. The White House would argue that the man convicted of pulling over Latinos and detaining them based on the belief that they were illegal —not that they committed a crime —should not be sentenced for "enforcing the law" and "working to keep people safe." ... fast-facts

I think a jail sentence for racial profiling is too much and Arpaio was politically persecuted by the Obama administration, which was justly reversed by the Trump administration. But Arpaio may have missed the fact that over 50% of Latinos are White Hispanics, who can blend in and avoid getting detected as illegals. Among Hispanic Americans, 26.7 million, or 53%, also identified as white in 2010. Law enforcement officers need to check their surnames from their identification papers and looks can be deceiving. For instance, a female border agent at Heathrow could not tell Hindus from Muslims and double-checked a respectable Hindu family unnecessarily.
ThirdTerm wrote:I think a jail sentence for racial profiling is too much and Arpaio was politically persecuted by the Obama administration, which was justly reversed by the Trump administration. But Arpaio may have missed the fact that over 50% of Latinos are White Hispanics, who can blend in and avoid getting detected as illegals. Among Hispanic Americans, 26.7 million, or 53%, also identified as white in 2010. Law enforcement officers need to check their surnames from their identification papers and looks can be deceiving. For instance, a female border agent at Heathrow could not tell Hindus from Muslims and double-checked a respectable Hindu family unnecessarily.

Joe Arpaio denied that any of his deputies were ordered to stop people on the basis of looks. He was just more aggressive in finding out the identities and legal immigration status of those that were stopped for any minor violation. The Obama administration did not like him taking such an aggressive approach to illegal immigration. So Obama got his Justice department to threaten and bully Arpaio into stopping. it could have been over then, however the Sheriff would not back down. There are other personal reasons that Obama did not like Arpaio, which I will not comment on here.
Ter wrote:It is in fact an interesting quid pro quo.
Some judges are obstructing Trump's immigration programme and now Trump blocks judges.
A (Mexican) stand off...

Funny. Good word play.
I think Trump is winning the stand off, or at least in the process of winning.
Praise the Lord. HalleluYah
I'm opposed to Presidential government. A parliament elected by proportional representation that can recall the prime minster at any time is the best check and balance against the concentration of power. Any way I have no sympathy for Americans, from either the right or left, who complain about these pardons, but defend America's constitution.
Rich wrote:I'm opposed to Presidential government. A parliament elected by proportional representation that can recall the prime minster at any time is the best check and balance against the concentration of power. Any way I have no sympathy for Americans, from either the right or left, who complain about these pardons, but defend America's constitution.

We are supposed to be a Representative Republic, with three branches of government to be used as checks and balances. It is not a presidential government, because the President is only head of the Executive Branch that is supposed to enforces laws to keep citizens safe.

The Judicial Branch is made up of a Supreme Court of 9 judges that is the final appeal process for court cases across the country, which have Federal Judges all over the country that decide appeal cases in their area of responsibility.

The Legislative Branch is controlled by the Congress made up of a Senate of two elected Senators from each of the 50 states and a House of Representatives elected by proportional representation, which like your parliament can impeach and remove the President from office for high crimes and misdemeanors. So there is really not as much concentration of power in our form of government as you seem to think. Actually the Congress has given more power to the President than was originally provided in the Constitution. But the Congress can also withdraw those powers, which were originally given to the Congress.

The pardon of that sheriff by President Trump was good, because the Sheriff was enforcing the laws. Obama and his administration did not want to strictly enforce immigration laws and Sheriff Joe Arpaio was doing just that. Obama got his AG to take action to stop the Sheriff and it turned into a political prosecution, which is contrary to the intent of our Constitution. The Sheriff was still in his appeal process in the Judicial system, when President Trump decided to end this injustice.

Luckily, we now have a law and order President that believes in strict enforcement of the law and rightly pardoned the former sheriff. Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord.

Are you praising the Lord because you believe Trump is the Antichrist and your apocalyptic 'end of days' fantasy is about to be fulfilled?

Hindsite wrote:I thought I already told you he is the Trump of God, sounding the warning to the people. Those that hear the warning sound and heed it will be saved and those that ignore it will be damned.

Last edited by ingliz on 26 Aug 2017 21:19, edited 2 times in total.
ingliz wrote:Are you praising the Lord because you believe Trump is the Antichrist and your apocalyptic 'end of days' fantasy is about to be fulfilled?


I praise the Lord, because I believe Donald J. Trump is being used as an instrument of God, i.e. The Trump of God. HalleluYah
Stormsmith wrote:About 1/2 of Christ's miracles were related to health improvement.

Trump is trying to knock 20,000,000 people off of health care.

You sure Trump wasn't aided by the guy down stairs?

Trump on Healthcare Plan: "I am going to take care of everybody!"

Pardons of criminals by Obama:
Hindsite wrote:Trump on Healthcare Plan: "I am going to take care of everybody!"

Does Trump understand what the term everybody includes? It includes citizens, illegals, immigrants, racists, LGBT, poor, veterans including McCain....alll the groups that he dislikes and those he likes. So excuse me if I call bullshit on that statement. I bet McConnell would say he is bluffing too.
Hindsite wrote:Trump on Healthcare Plan: "I am going to take care of everybody

So where is his plan? All he's got is a repeal and replace plan he can't get the Republicans to endorse, and he's said more than once he'd be happy to let Obamacare to die.

This twit is going to put a lot of people at risk. This is not God's plan.
MistyTiger wrote:Does Trump understand what the term everybody includes? It includes citizens, illegals, immigrants, racists, LGBT, poor, veterans including McCain....alll the groups that he dislikes and those he likes. So excuse me if I call bullshit on that statement. I bet McConnell would say he is bluffing too.

You leftist have a different meaning for "everybody" than Trump does when it comes to healthcare. You must understand how healthcare is supposed to work under Capitalism. You leftist only understand things through a communist and socialist point of view.

Suntzu wrote:If God wanted folks to have free healthcare he would furnish it. :lol:

That is more like it. The idea is to provide access to healthcare for everybody at an affordable price, but he certainly doesn't mean to provide "free" healthcare to "everybody" as the communist and socialist would have it.
By the end of his presidency on January 20, 2017, Barack Obama had exercised his constitutional power to grant executive clemency—that is, "pardon, commutation of sentence, remission of fine or restitution, and reprieve"—to 1,927 individuals convicted of federal crimes.
List of people granted executive clemency by Barack Obama - ...
Wikipedia › wiki › List_of_people_grant...

1927 to 1 and you are calling Trump names for it. :knife:
Trump pardoned a racist who broke the law by being racist.

Obama commuted (not entirely pardoned) the sentences of a bunch of non violent drug offenders because our drug laws are a ridiculous mess.

Whataboutism is a stupid argument. What Obama did in no way changes the nature of what Trump has just done.
Hindsite wrote:You leftist have a different meaning for "everybody" than Trump does when it comes to healthcare. You must understand how healthcare is supposed to work under Capitalism. You leftist only understand things through a communist and socialist point of view.

Then what does "everybody" mean to the average conservative/neo-con/extreme rightist? If it only is about the privileged, then obviously "everybody" does not fit into that category.

That is more like it. The idea is to provide access to healthcare for everybody at an affordable price, but he certainly doesn't mean to provide "free" healthcare to "everybody" as the communist and socialist would have it.

I thought suntzu was being facetious. Everyone having access to healthcare is a socialist idea. Conservatives just want to keep insurance companies fat and rich and if that means screwing over most people...then they will do just that. :)
mikema63 wrote:Trump pardoned a racist who broke the law by being racist.

Obama commuted (not entirely pardoned) the sentences of a bunch of non violent drug offenders because our drug laws are a ridiculous mess.

Whataboutism is a stupid argument. What Obama did in no way changes the nature of what Trump has just done.

Brilliant. :( Just say it was racist and that justifies everything. Pathetic.

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