We only kill black people. Racism in the US police force. Why? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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A Georgia police officer stands to lose his job after he was caught on dashcam footage telling a woman in a traffic stop, "We only kill black people."

A lawyer for Cobb County Police Lt. Greg Abbott said the comments from the traffic stop "must be observed in their entirety to understand their context."
Abbott, a 27-year veteran of the force, was attempting to de-escalate a situation involving an uncooperative passenger, lawyer Lance J. LoRusso said in a statement.
But police Chief Mike Register said that no matter the context, the statements were "inexcusable and inappropriate" and did not reflect the culture he's trying to build. The July 2016 video was first reported on Wednesday by CNN affiliate WSB-TV in response to an open records request. Register, who took over as chief of the suburban Atlanta force in June, said an internal review recommended terminating Abbott's employment.
"I've known Lt. Abbott for a number of years, and I've always perceived him to be an honorable man. He made a mistake. I don't know what's in his heart, but I certainly know what came out of his mouth. And, it's inexcusable and we have to take appropriate action."
Cobb County Police did not respond to multiple requests for information about the traffic stop. Abbott is currently on administrative duties, Register said Thursday.
A portion of the police dashcam video shows Abbott trying to talk a woman out of her vehicle so he can impound her car. Much of the conversation is inaudible. When he tells her to reach for her phone in her lap, she responds, "I just don't want to put my hands down."
"I've just seen way too many videos of cops..." she continues amid the garbled crosstalk, prompting his response.
"But you're not black. Remember? We only kill black people. Yeah. We only kill black people, right? All the videos you've seen, have you seen (inaudible) people get killed?"
The video caused widespread outcry after its release on Wednesday, leading to the department's recommendation to terminate Abbott's employment, Register said.
When viewed in context, Abbott's lawyer said the video showed that "his comments were clearly aimed at attempting to gain compliance by using the passenger's own statements and reasoning to avoid making an arrest."
Register acknowledged that the internal review suggested Abbott was attempting to invoke "a sarcastic standpoint" to handle the situation. However, such comments threaten to undermine the public's trust in law enforcement, he said.
"In my opinion, I feel that no matter what context you try to take those comments in, the statements were inexcusable and inappropriate and they're not indicative of the values that I'm trying to instill within the Cobb County Police Department and I believe that the county holds," he said.
"My staff's worked hard. Men and women who wear the Cobb County uniform have worked hard. And, I think that we have done some great things here in the last few months. And, it's sad to think that several seconds of video has the potential of tearing that apart."

http://edition.cnn.com/2017/08/31/us/ge ... index.html
No, I'm sorry, you just can't say shit like that. My dad was a police officer for 20 years, and if he'd ever said anything like this he'd have been sacked immediately. And given the environment in the USA at the moment - particularly in the South! - this guy is doubly stupid for saying it.

I'm going to go out on a limb here: police officers should be held to at least a minimal standard of professionalism. Sure, "it's a tough job", but that's why you need smart, sensible people doing it. This man is a fool.
One Degree wrote:Welcome to your totalitarian society where even a sense of humor can cost you your job.
Pathetic, ignorant cowards. Won't even support their own against the thought police.

Don't worry, I'm sure they'll continue to "support their own" every time they shoot an unarmed black person, instead of just joking about it.

I'm loving the ridiculous One Degree moral system though.

-Police officers kill hundreds of civilians a year without being held to account? Nothing to see here folks, move along.

-Police officer gets fired for an open-and-shut firing offence? Totalitarian society! We're all doomed!
Colbert, Oklahoma, interim police chief Bart Alsbrook is resigning after local news reporters linked him to two white supremacist organizations.

The websites for ISD Records and NS88 Videos, which both offer neo-Nazi materials, are registered to Alsbrook’s name and home address in internet domain records and public business records.

Alsbrook says he is not behind the pair of websites. Instead, he alleges that his name was used by members of the groups who bear him personal animus. But the just-appointed chief of the 1,140-person town is stepping down nonetheless.

https://thinkprogress.org/oklahoma-poli ... 14e03c929/

I think this is the main cause of racial bias in the police force in the US. Requiring mandatory classes in racial bias for police officers would not change anything, if some local police departments are run by this type of individuals.
Obama_Bin_Ladin wrote:He's a racist, just not overt. He's doing the southern strategy tactic. He prefers us lynched, but doesn't overly said it.

I recognized you with your first post racist. :D
@Heisenberg Joking is an 'open and shut firing offense ' in your distorted world? Just really sad that people regurgitate this nonsensical idea of equality. :*( Even 5 minutes of actual thinking should show you the world you want is evil.
One Degree wrote:Joking is an 'open and shut firing offense ' in your distorted world?

Yes. This officer's joke demonstrated a ridiculous lack of professional judgement and common sense, and undermined public trust in the police. Police officers are supposed to be public servants who do their jobs with the consent of the public. Joking about "only killing black people" demonstrates tone-deafness towards a very serious, live issue in US policing, and raises questions about this officer's ability to be impartial and fair when dealing with black members of the public.

Any British police officer who did the same would be sacked immediately.
Heisenberg wrote:Yes. This officer's joke demonstrated a ridiculous lack of professional judgement and common sense, and undermined public trust in the police. Police officers are supposed to be public servants who do their jobs with the consent of the public. Joking about "only killing black people" demonstrates tone-deafness towards a very serious, live issue in US policing, and raises questions about this officer's ability to be impartial and fair when dealing with black members of the public.

Any British police officer who did the same would be sacked immediately.

The British are devoid of a sense of humor so Americans should be? Gotcha. :lol:
Your 'group think ' ignores the humanity in individuals. The best thing to do with a 'serious ' situation is to have a sense of humor. The cop sounds like a good guy. Being serious about political correctness is for uptight morons with no idea what treating another as an equal means. You don't put equals on pedestals.
One Degree wrote:The British are devoid of a sense of humor so Americans should be? Gotcha.

The British are devoid of weekly headlines about the police shooting innocent people and getting away with it. So, while we're far from perfect, I'll take my country's approach over yours. I don't much like the idea of a country where civilians are terrified of coming into contact with the police in case they get shot. Even ignoring the officer's stupid behaviour in this incident, it's pretty damning that the woman in the car was scared to take out her licence in case he shot her.

One Degree wrote:Your 'group think ' ignores the humanity in individuals.

This is meaningless drivel. I accept that people are human. I do not accept that police officers should have no minimum standard of professional conduct.

One Degree wrote:The best thing to do with a 'serious ' situation is to have a sense of humor.

TIG has explained repeatedly why "right wing humour" is not funny. Punch up, not down.

One Degree wrote:The cop sounds like a good guy.

I'm sure he is in his personal life. But he failed to live up to the professional standard that should be required of a police officer, and paid the price for it.

One Degree wrote:Being serious about political correctness is for uptight morons with no idea what treating another as an equal means. You don't put equals on pedestals.

I literally have no idea what this is supposed to mean.
Heisenberg wrote:Yes. This officer's joke demonstrated a ridiculous lack of professional judgement and common sense, and undermined public trust in the police. Police officers are supposed to be public servants who do their jobs with the consent of the public. Joking about "only killing black people" demonstrates tone-deafness towards a very serious, live issue in US policing, and raises questions about this officer's ability to be impartial and fair when dealing with black members of the public.

Any British police officer who did the same would be sacked immediately.

It may just in fact demonstrate his complete frustration with the fake news and social media mob negatively focusing only on the small minority of bad behavior. Which has done much to the degradation of the 99.9 % of officers who do the right thing.
You have never been to the US, have you? Your view is strictly the media view which has nothing to do with reality.
I am sure you did not understand what I was saying. If I view someone as my equal, then I don't get overly concerned with their feelings. Friends insult one another. They make fun of one another. Over emphasis on Political correctness actually prevents people from becoming closer. I can't be 'real ' with someone if I have to watch everything I say. Political correctness is not natural communication between equals.
Heisenberg wrote:I live in the US.

What do the British have to do with anything then? :?: Their situation has nothing in common with ours.
I just find it unbelievable people complain about the police being storm troopers and when one tries to lighten up, he gets fired. What do you expect them to do? They are condemned no matter what they do. How about treating them with the same understanding you would a neighbor? They are just people.

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