We only kill black people. Racism in the US police force. Why? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Why do people think he was joking? He wasn't. It sounds like he was trying to ease her fear of being shot so that the situation didn't escalate, by going along with her as one would with a child or an incapacitated or delusional person. The only person who could possibly be offended by this is the women in the car because he treats her like an imbecile (although it seems not without reason).

I should hope the vast majority of people is able to comprehend what's actually going on in that video. To assume that this would undermine their trust in the police is to infantilise them and to suppose an emotional fragility and mental retardation that, if it was real, would lead our societies to break down.
One Degree wrote:What do the British have to do with anything then? Their situation has nothing in common with ours.

I grew up in Britain, so my experience is with British policing. That's all. And I don't think the two situations have "nothing" in common, other than the fact that US policing has gone down an increasingly ugly route since the "war on terror".

One Degree wrote:I just find it unbelievable people complain about the police being storm troopers and when one tries to lighten up, he gets fired.

"Lightening up" would be putting the public at ease and not taking himself too seriously. Making light of a string of innocent deaths at the hands of police is not the same thing.

One Degree wrote:What do you expect them to do? They are condemned no matter what they do.

Untrue. They are condemned for doing the wrong thing, whether that be killing innocent people, ridiculous heavy handedness with suspects, or in this case, making light of a string of murders by police officers.

One Degree wrote:How about treating them with the same understanding you would a neighbor? They are just people.

Because most of my neighbours don't have extremely broad powers over me, up to and including killing me.

Until police officers learn that (a) they have responsibilities and (b) they are not untouchable, no amount of "it's a tough job" will cut it.
Heisenberg wrote:I grew up in Britain, so my experience is with British policing. That's all. And I don't think the two situations have "nothing" in common, other than the fact that US policing has gone down an increasingly ugly route since the "war on terror".

"Lightening up" would be putting the public at ease and not taking himself too seriously. Making light of a string of innocent deaths at the hands of police is not the same thing.

Untrue. They are condemned for doing the wrong thing, whether that be killing innocent people, ridiculous heavy handedness with suspects, or in this case, making light of a string of murders by police officers.

Because most of my neighbours don't have extremely broad powers over me, up to and including killing me.

Until police officers learn that (a) they have responsibilities and (b) they are not untouchable, no amount of "it's a tough job" will cut it.

The problem has less to do with the police in general and a lot more to do with the public's lack of proportion.
Police misconduct is a rarity not the norm. We see lots of videos of the police maintaining their composure while people throw shit at them. There are a lot more stories of police officers doing all kinds of wonderful things. You are simply accepting media sensationalism as reality. You take extremely rare events and say that is the norm even though it has no basis at all in the reality of what the average police officer is.
I'm well aware of that, since as I said before, my father was a police officer in Britain for 20 years. I'm used to the police being given bad publicity.

The problem is that they don't help themselves when they refuse to do anything about the bad actors. It's irrelevant that 99% of police officers are good guys, when the 1% who aren't suffer no real consequences for their actions. So no, I am not "accepting media sensationalism as reality" - I'm pointing out that police departments are doing the wrong thing.
Heisenberg wrote:I'm well aware of that, since as I said before, my father was a police officer in Britain for 20 years. I'm used to the police being given bad publicity.

The problem is that they don't help themselves when they refuse to do anything about the bad actors. It's irrelevant that 99% of police officers are good guys, when the 1% who aren't suffer no real consequences for their actions. So no, I am not "accepting media sensationalism as reality" - I'm pointing out that police departments are doing the wrong thing.

I keep hearing this argument but it appears to me they lose their jobs. I have had this argument before and it is difficult to find many who were not punished. The examples usually brought up were officers found not guilty and even most of them have to quit.
One Degree wrote:I could not get the video to play, so I was speculating. I could not imagine him saying it without a wry sense of humor. I will try to find a version I can watch.

I don't hear any humour in his voice. As far as I can tell, he pretends to take her seriously to make her comply with his request.

Heisenberg wrote:... or in this case, making light of a string of murders by police officers.

He wasn't making light of it. He tried to convince the person in the car, a white women, that she was in no danger of being shot, apparently by using her own logic. His lawyer said he was repeating back to her what she said earlier, which would agree with the "remember?" in the quote.

He could have also said:
"But you're not male. Remember? We only kill men. Yeah. We only kill men, right? All the videos you've seen, have you seen (inaudible) people get killed?"

And that would almost certainly not have been perceived as making light of police officers killing men or controversial. It would be taken for what it is: a police officer dealing with an anxious person and trying to get on with his job.
This guy, at worst, was being sarcastic and making a joke in poor taste. I would agree with Kaiserschmarrn that the police officer was just trying to use the driver's logic to get her out of the car.

How about this guy doesn't get fired, but we do fire cops who actually shoot black people?
Pants-of-dog wrote:This guy, at worst, was being sarcastic and making a joke in poor taste. I would agree with Kaiserschmarrn that the police officer was just trying to use the driver's logic to get her out of the car.

How about this guy doesn't get fired, but we do fire cops who actually shoot black people?

Freudian slip? Why not say innocent Black people? Or better yet, why not say innocent people?
Such preferential treatment indicated, but yet you did not even capitalize Black. :lol:
We don't need you to Sidetrack to this issue again.
One Degree wrote:Freudian slip? Why not say innocent Black people? Or better yet, why not say innocent people?
Such preferential treatment indicated, but yet you did not even capitalize Black. :lol:
We don't need you to Sidetrack to this issue again.

Not now. The adults are talking.


The thing about firing his guy and not firing police who actually shoot unarmed blacks is that it gives the message that you care about what it looks like, but you don't actually care about stopping the violence.
I understand what the cop was doing, and yes, it's very easy to take such things out of context.

But still, some things you just don't say, particularly in times such as these. That was pretty careless on the part of the cop. It demonstrates, if nothing else, a lack of wisdom. Wisdom is important for people who carry guns and police society, methinks.
This Cop is being witch hunted for exposing the lie of the anti WIG (White Infidel Gentile) hate campaign. White men are far more likely to be killed by a police officer than Black women. But that doesn't fit with Black lies matter's narrative. When people allude to the hypocrisies of cultural Marxism they must be stamped on immediately and mercilessly. Like when people mention the Jewish pay gap. The asshole cop in the other thread who arrested the nurse and flagrantly abused his powers is not such a problem because he nicely conforms to Cultural Marxist stereotypes.

Black men are killed more often than White men for the simple reason that are on average more criminally violent (although they are not anywhere near as criminally violent as Muslims). Men are killed by Cops because they are on average more criminally violent than women.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:He wasn't making light of it. He tried to convince the person in the car, a white women, that she was in no danger of being shot, apparently by using her own logic. His lawyer said he was repeating back to her what she said earlier, which would agree with the "remember?" in the quote.

You know what, I think you have a point - I spoke too soon. All I had seen was the ~30 second clip shown on the BBC site.

I still think it was a careless thing to say, and would likely come back to bite him when it came to interactions with black suspects/members of the public. It's the sort of thing that would be perfect ammunition for official complaints and accusations of bias, and would probably make his job untenable in the long run.

But you're right - the context you provided suggests it wasn't malicious, or making light of police shootings.
Heisenberg wrote:No, I'm sorry, you just can't say shit like that. My dad was a police officer for 20 years, and if he'd ever said anything like this he'd have been sacked immediately.

In what country? In the United States, we have freedom of speech.

One Degree wrote:Welcome to your totalitarian society where even a sense of humor can cost you your job.
Pathetic, ignorant cowards. Won't even support their own against the thought police. :*(

Yea. It's just gone too far.

Heisenberg wrote:-Police officer gets fired for an open-and-shut firing offence? Totalitarian society! We're all doomed!

Saying something dumb isn't typically a firing offense. The chief of police is black and wants to reform the department, so the former cop in question is something of a sacrificial lamb.

Heisenberg wrote:This officer's joke demonstrated a ridiculous lack of professional judgement and common sense, and undermined public trust in the police.

What's undermined trust in the police is Barack Obama, Black Lives Matter and the media.

Heisenberg wrote:Any British police officer who did the same would be sacked immediately.

Well, Brits are notorious for enforcing decorum. Americans are not.

Heisenberg wrote:The British are devoid of weekly headlines about the police shooting innocent people and getting away with it.

That's because most British police officers don't have guns, and neither do most Brits. Americans have the right to keep and bear arms too.

Finfinder wrote:It may just in fact demonstrate his complete frustration with the fake news and social media mob negatively focusing only on the small minority of bad behavior. Which has done much to the degradation of the 99.9 % of officers who do the right thing.

That's exactly it.

Heisenberg wrote:They are condemned for doing the wrong thing, whether that be killing innocent people, ridiculous heavy handedness with suspects, or in this case, making light of a string of murders by police officers.

There are very few cases where "innocent" people are killed by police officers, and there are very few where the police are charged with murder. Murder is the unlawful killing of another; homicide is just killing.

Pants-of-dog wrote:The thing about firing his guy and not firing police who actually shoot unarmed blacks is that it gives the message that you care about what it looks like, but you don't actually care about stopping the violence.

Well, that's essentially what political correctness is anyway.
Heisenberg wrote:Yes. This officer's joke demonstrated a ridiculous lack of professional judgement and common sense, and undermined public trust in the police. Police officers are supposed to be public servants who do their jobs with the consent of the public. Joking about "only killing black people" demonstrates tone-deafness towards a very serious, live issue in US policing, and raises questions about this officer's ability to be impartial and fair when dealing with black members of the public.

Any British police officer who did the same would be sacked immediately.

No, Brits are becoming as humorless as North Americans but they still not there yet. African Americans and Libtards need to learn math, percentage, facts and most of all learn sarcasm. The fact the majority of Americans can't understand sarcasm, irony or have a sense of dark humor is amuses me.
The gist of this whole situation to me is that how come this has come to this point in USA, that civilians are so scared of police that they will shoot them. This is a country which screams "Freedom" at the top of its lung and its civilians live in such fear of police, are we talking about a democratic first world nation or some third world dictatorship?
Last edited by fuser on 04 Sep 2017 16:55, edited 1 time in total.
The 'fear' of the police is only by irrational people who believe media hype. You will notice all these people, who are supposedly afraid of the police, are refusing to do what the police tell them to do. :?:
If you are truly afraid, do you argue with them? Lies.
The US was born as a multi racial, multi cultural, multi religious society. Violence rage and strife are the result. The Civil war, Jim Crow, lynchings, prohibition, the ensuing rise of the Mafia and the inevitable ensuing corruption and criminalisation of political life, the Black Ghetto riots of the sixties, the huge levels of violence and massive prison population together with an endless raging political reaction from both left and right are the inevitable result.

I get it, I get it. Some want a multi racial, multi cultural, multi religious society, some people desire a multi racial, multi cultural, multi religious society above all else. Just don't whine like bitches when you get the inevitable result. Citizens killing police and police killing citizens is another inevitable result.

White women kill very few police, hence police are not fearful of them and very few White women get killed by police. I've had it to my back teeth with all the lefties complaining about policing. Why don't these arrogant, sanctimonious moralisers join the police force and go out and police the Black ghettos, and then they can come back and tell us how its done. The fact is that White (and Black) police officers make huge sacrifices trying to police poor Black neighbourhoods, where they are trying to help the majority of Black people from the criminal scum that are running riot.
blackjack21 wrote:In what country? In the United States, we have freedom of speech.
Next time you catch a flight tell the security staff to be careful with your bag because it has a bomb in it and then tell me that you have freedom of speech.

Not a perfect analogy since the cop appeared to be using logic rather than humour to coax the woman to move her hands into the death zone. Since he wasn't able to think 5 minutes ahead and understand how this would sound to anyone who wasn't there I'd say it was a logic fail.
How many White women are intentionally shot at by police in America? I bet the figure is tiny. The police officer was doing his best dealing with this hysterical demented woman. His job is not to pander to the cultural Marxist thought police, who will always find an excuse to attack our societies.

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