Reflections on 2016 US election - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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I do suspect Obama knew the 8 year rule meant Trump had the advantage. He seemed to immediately drop his own anti-Trump narrative upon the election results coming in.

Did he want Hillary to "be this years McCain", put her up, have her lose and wreck her political aspirations? Don't know, maybe. Maybe he genuinely thought she was the best chance to retain.

The vice president, in this case Biden, would have had the best chance of victory for the incumbents. Last two to run with a "continuation platform" were Bush and Gore. One won(because Reagan-cont was what America wanted), the other lost in the most famous knife edge result in recent memory.
I'm the bratty and entitled one for pushing back on pathological hatred, tweet spamming, and whining that someone wrote a book. :lol:

Also lol at shaun Kings "thoughtful criticism" of her "horrible new blame book" that hasn't been released and he hasn't read. :lol:


I would give most of the non-Trump credit for "getting rid of Hillary" to Julian Assange and his motley crew of WikiLeaks staff(Podesta emails wacked her for six as I predicted), but yeah this is one of the more memorable falls of the campaign.
You sound upset. Did I take you back to election night?

Considering everyone is saying the same bullshit and demanding Hillary shut up and sit down I'm transported!
The Bernie supporters hate Hillary more than we Trumpers do.....

Just a small singular sample of their ripping into her book....

There's alot more...

A heck of alot more.
Wow a non sequiter!

You guys can try and desperately have the last post even with the most idiotic Twitter and youtube criticisms and I'll still be here mocking you for being upset that the mean lady won't be a good girls and shut up to spare your precious feelings. :D
no u


I'm not asking that Clinton shut up, necessarily. But what we've seen so far - blame everyone else apart from herself - doesn't bode well, and fits perfectly in character. It's not like she responded to losing to Barack Obama with charm and grace - he chose to be the bigger man and give her the Secretary of State position that she felt she was entitled to. :lol:
That one's just silly skinster.

@Heisenberg the only excripts that anyone has seen have been the ones the news thinks will generate views.

By all accounts she talks about the email scandal and the Comey letter as the main driver of her loss, which is true enough.

She ran a pretty normal campaign. It wasn't extrodinarily but it wasn't bad either. She was attacked constantly with complete nonsense like the email thing and benghazi and all the rest of it. Every day, for months. After years of being attacked as a boogeywoman by the right.

There is plenty of blame to go around, no other politician has been so fervently followed by people barking at her to apologize for her failings, to not write a memoir, to not talk about anything but how horrible she is.

She gets to talk about other stuff that hurt her campaign to, and watching people flip out because she thinks stuff hurt her campaign is really funny.

People really want any excuse to hate her.
You're so melodramatic. :D

But Clinton was involved, with those - in that, they were allies and she was getting money from them - who were arming/funding/training ISIS in Syria. I know this stuff hurts those who act like Hillary is their god, but well, you happened. One of many reasons why she's hated. You shouldn't take this shit so personally, it's not as though she gave/gives a shit about people like you and I.

You didn't lose because of the things we have direct evidence of, you lost because my feelings say you are the most evil vile horrible person ever who likes and created ISIS. :lol:
Nobody's saying "most evil" or whatever it is you keep repeating. It's really weird you keep doing that.

And yes, Clinton did play a big part in destroying Libya and Syria and funding and arming terrorists in these countries, and generally voted for war whenever it was an option. You can look at her voting record or her own emails, if you think this is incorrect. Or you can then do that thing where you talk about American interests to justify her crimes since that's your usual go-to after it's clear the woman you think gives a shit about you - she doesn't - is corrupt as fuck, just like the rest of them.

Also, :lol at this:
Nobody's saying "most evil" or whatever it is you keep repeating. It's really weird you keep doing that.

It's weird that I mock peoples hyperbolic whinging about how horrible they think hillary is? It's weird that someone whos favorite pastime is mockery can't figure that much out. :lol:

People have been tweeting other bits, but "authoritarianism is what happens when you don't trust the fact that authority figures are good"

I feel like orwell would have strong feelings about someone decontextualizing a sentence from a book they don't like to smear it on a platform that limits your ability to communicate to a handful of characters or less. :lol:
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