Roy Moore accused of sexual harassment for 1979 events - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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I think that is correct. I read an article that said that what he was alleged to do was a misdemeanor anyway.

These things have a way of blowing up though. Yesterday Roy Moore said he had "evidence of collusion" regarding these charges.

As I said. He will win by 10 points or so. The women of Alabama will choose to believe him over their fellow women.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:I was wondering about who is behind this. It could well be Republicans - maybe even more likely?

I think establishment Republicans are every bit as guilty as the Democrats on this stuff. It's not uncommon for someone like Thad Cochran to work with Chuck Schumer on a dirty trick or two. While I'm not really interested in people like Moore or Trump for that matter, I do think the establishment has been misruling the country for awhile now and need to be removed from power.
Drlee wrote:The women of Alabama will choose to believe him over their fellow women.

And this is what the large majority of women always do: side with their fellow tribe. The key point is that when the Swedish women and the like say we're not your women, when White western women come out to welcome the rapeugees (I'm not suggesting that every immigrant or even every Muslim immigrant is a rapist), they are just siding with another patriarchy.

Our society is co-created by men and women. It is the way it is because of the choices of women just as much as the choices of men.
Suntzu wrote:So we are going to crucify this guy based on an unsubstantiated statement about something that might have happened decades ago? :roll:

If memory serves me, wasn't Hillary crucified for running a child porn operation out of a pizza parlor?
The title of this thread is over the top because there is no allegation from anyone that any fucking of children took place, especially not from any of the women supposedly involved. But we all know that women are notorious for lying about sexual encounters, so we never know when they are telling the truth. Roy Moore says he doesn't remember any such encounters 40 years ago, but I know from experience that my wife has a much better memory for details that occurred many years ago than I do. So who knows?
Roy Moore is deffo gonna win but it's nice seeing that the right is morally bankrupt and that they're not hiding it anymore.

Frankly, I've come to believe that the AMERICAN right loves rape. And the only thing they love more than plain old rape is raping chuldren and then belittling them for being both whores and victims. Because, as evidenced by the right controlling all three branches of government, they don't care about providing solutions to AMERICA's citizenry. All they care about is spite, and rage, and electing the fucking nuttiest people they can into power.

The conservative mindset is basically the failson uncle who gets drunk and ruins every holiday family gathering they attend.

As evidence for my claim I put forward the posts of every virgin in this thread who can only dream that they will be accused of rape if they ever have sex.
Hindsite wrote:The title of this thread is over the top because there is no allegation from anyone that any fucking of children took place, especially not from any of the women supposedly involved.

SpecialOlympian's whole point is to get you to accept as fact something for which there is no reliable evidence.

Hindsite wrote:But we all know that women are notorious for lying about sexual encounters, so we never know when they are telling the truth.

Yes, but forensic analysis does work. That's why making a timely complaint is important. 30 years later against a political candidate 3 weeks before an election is far too late for legal redress, and apocryphal given the self-serving political interests that want to control a US Senate seat.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Roy Moore is deffo gonna win but it's nice seeing that the right is morally bankrupt and that they're not hiding it anymore.

We won't know until election day. There is nothing more unreliable than today's mainstream media. However, there is also know way that people can evaluate a charge of sexual impropriety from 30 years prior made 3 weeks before an election, obviously for political purposes. Even Tea Party people like Mike Lee have distanced themselves from Roy Moore. That may torpedo Moore, but it may backfire on Mike Lee. Republicans who thought Trump might step down after the "Grab 'em by the pussy" tape were mortified that not only he didn't step down, but he won.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Frankly, I've come to believe that the AMERICAN right loves rape.

It's what you'd like to believe to maintain epistemic closure.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Because, as evidenced by the right controlling all three branches of government, they don't care about providing solutions to AMERICA's citizenry.

The main failure of the Republican party right now is primarily in the US Senate.
The thread title is a testament to the bias of the forum. How long does anyone think that a totally uninstantiated allegation like that would last if the thread was about a Black person, a Muslim or a Jew. Part (not the whole, but a significant part) of the reason that Weinstein was so untouchable for so long was because he was jewish. Leftie Liberal / cuckservative logic springs in here.

1 The Nazis accused Jewish Movie moguls of using their power to abuse Gentile women.
2 The Nazis are evil.
3 Therefore Jewish Movie moguls never abuse gentile women.
4 Anyone who suggests otherwise is a Nazi.

Now i'm not suggesting for one moment that Jews have been able to get away with what Muslims can. in Britain Muslim gangs were given free licence for years to rape and prostitute our children. The police knew, the Crown Prosecutions Service knew, the Social Services knew, the local Health services knew, the local councils knew, you can be damn sure the government knew. After years and years of it through the actions of one or two courageous White women the authorities were finally forced to start prosecuting at least some of the gangs. Of the course their careers have been ruined. Its easy to be an internet warrior against Muslim rapists (at least for the moment), but you try and stand up to them and their cultural Marxist enablers in the real and world and the cost can be terrifying.
The single-cup coffee maker Keurig announced online over the weekend that it had pulled its advertisements from Hannity’s program after the Fox News anchor defended Moore against allegations that he initiated a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl when he was 32 years old and that he dated other high school-age girls in his 30s.

On his own Twitter account, Hannity wrote that he was "humbled and speechless and frankly laughing my ass off" at his supporters vehement reaction to Keurig's decision. He shared a link to videos of Hannity fans destroying Keurig machines.

Fox Fake News' #1 pompous blowhard Hannity continues to regurgitate simple things for simple minds.
But we all know that women are notorious for lying about sexual encounters, so we never know when they are telling the truth.

No we don't. But that is a convenient excuse for people like you to vote for this guy anyway.

What is really sad though is that a great many republican women will vote for him anyway. How would I, a republican, vote? I would err on the side of caution and vote against him. I do not believe the option of not voting at all is reasonable. We are called upon to make a choice and like it or not we have to live with that choice.

I hate moral equivalency arguments and this is not one. I note that when Bill Clinton got a blowjob from an adult in the Oval Office, the right came unstuck. Long before the allegations were proved true they were calling for his impeachment. But they can't simply give Moore a pass for the time being.

Now remember that Moore is the guy who brandished a firearm at a political rally. He ran on an openly racialist agenda. The same people who whine about immigrants imposing Sharia law on the poor defenseless US are embracing a judge who was found in contempt for failing to remove a religious monument from his court room.

But in the end it will be white women who disappoint us again. They will do what their husbands tell them to do and vote for this guy. When they are back in the house with their retirement plundered or working and find their pay still a fraction of what men make these same women will be content. That is the cool thing about being a so-called Christian white woman in the South. You can do it with half your brain tied behind you back. Just be sure to do what your husband tells you to do.
Rich wrote:The thread title is a testament to the bias of the forum. How long does anyone think that a totally uninstantiated allegation like that would last if the thread was about a Black person, a Muslim or a Jew.

Forget that. What if it was about a Democratic Senator?

Menendez trial: Judge tells jury to start deliberations over again
Four jurors and three alternates at the corruption trial of U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez told a federal judge Monday that they had read or heard something about the case over the weekend, prompting the judge to interview them one-by-one in his chambers.

The "corruption trial"? He's accused of trafficking in underage prostitutes, it has passed the stage of probable cause, he's being tried and the jury is deliberating--with some obvious political fanfare from some of the jurors.

Dems mum on whether Menendez should step down if convicted
See? There are no standards. Any Republican running away from Judge Moore is doing so strictly because they disagree with his politics, but want us to evaluate the charges as though they were meritorious and somehow strike a moral pose. I cannot be relied upon to do that, because the establishment is what's wrong with this country.

Rich wrote:Part (not the whole, but a significant part) of the reason that Weinstein was so untouchable for so long was because he was jewish. Leftie Liberal / cuckservative logic springs in here.

Well we are finding out about a lot more people than just Weinstein now, which I think is telling in the wake of Hillary Clinton's defeat.

Rich wrote: in Britain Muslim gangs were given free licence for years to rape and prostitute our children. The police knew, the Crown Prosecutions Service knew, the Social Services knew, the local Health services knew, the local councils knew, you can be damn sure the government knew.

We should take the establishment at its word that Islam is not the enemy. That leaves one possibility left: it's the establishment itself.

jimjam wrote:On his own Twitter account, Hannity wrote that he was "humbled and speechless and frankly laughing my ass off" at his supporters vehement reaction to Keurig's decision. He shared a link to videos of Hannity fans destroying Keurig machines.

It wouldn't surprise me a bit if their sales fall. I don't think it will be as bad as the NFL, but I think Trump supporters--and Trump isn't a Moore guy--hate the establishment more than anything anymore, and the lack of action by the House and Senate is only fueling their rage. Trump's approval numbers have risen, while Congress' ratings have fallen.

jimjam wrote:Fox Fake News' #1 pompous blowhard Hannity continues to regurgitate simple things for simple minds.

Tell me Mr. follow-the-money jimjam, is Keurig pulling their lobbying dollars from the Democrats for supporting Menendez's trafficking in underage prostitutes?

Drlee wrote:What is really sad though is that a great many republican women will vote for him anyway. How would I, a republican, vote? I would err on the side of caution and vote against him.

You never tire of that shtick do you? You voted for Hillary even though she stood by a rapist politician. That didn't bother you, and it didn't bother her either. Why the caution? Why not a belief in the justice system? If Moore could be convicted--and I know you know he can't be--he could be removed from the Senate. Yet, the Menendez story is buried in the back pages of the newspapers even though it met the threshold of probable cause.

Drlee wrote:I note that when Bill Clinton got a blowjob from an adult in the Oval Office, the right came unstuck. Long before the allegations were proved true they were calling for his impeachment.

People were calling for his impeachment for crooked financial dealing regarding White Water. Starr was not able to substantiate charges against the Clintons themselves, but was able to convict the likes of Web Hubbell. Starr also investigated orthogonol matters, like the rumors that Clinton had an affair with Monica Lewinsky--something he directly denied while under oath in the Paula Corbin Jones sexual harassment suit. Keep in mind, Hillary Clinton was all about trashing the female plaintiffs alleging sexual misconduct at that time. Well, they could have gotten away with it had Clinton not lied, but once the semen-stained dress was admitted into evidence, it was all but over other than the Senate wasn't going to convict him. This is why it's pointless to take sexual scandals seriously anymore. They have no moral bearing whatsoever.

Drlee wrote:Now remember that Moore is the guy who brandished a firearm at a political rally.

Are you campaigning for him or against him? Remember, his supporters love that about him.

Drlee wrote:He ran on an openly racialist agenda.

Hillary Clinton ran on an openly sexualist agenda. Welcome to identity politics, where white people aren't a majority and many of them aren't interested in playing the PC game anymore.

Drlee wrote:But in the end it will be white women who disappoint us again.

White women like Hillary Clinton who didn't take her husband's political advice and lost an easily winnable presidential election?
Looks like Roy "The Alabama Groper" Moore now has gropee #5 to contend with.

“I tried fighting him off, while yelling at him to stop, but instead of stopping, he began squeezing my neck attempting to force my head onto his crotch,” Ms. Beverly Nelson said in a statement she issued at the news conference. She said Mr. Moore warned her that “no one will believe you” if she told anyone about the encounter in his car.

Roy, it seems, was a good ole boy sex machine with a strong appetite for high school girls. I wonder how many more gopees will step forward before this latest holier than thou Bible thumping hypocrite is dumped into histories dust bin.

His defenders claim lack of poof :lol: . WTF do they want, a movie? Sorry boys, this is politics. Poof is optional.
:eek: :lol: :lol:
blackjack21 wrote:I'm not Rich, and I'm basically not at all interested in any salacious story that comes out three weeks before an election. It's an obvious fake based on the timing alone.

Were you interested in this............?

Hillary Clinton would probably be president if FBI Director James Comey had not sent a letter to Congress on Oct. 28. The letter, which said the FBI had “learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation” into the private email server that Clinton used as secretary of state, upended the news cycle and soon halved Clinton’s lead in the polls, imperiling her position in the Electoral College.
Beren wrote:McConnell says he believes the women.

He also said he was going to repeal ObamaCare...

jimjam wrote:Roy, it seems, was a good ole boy sex machine with a strong appetite for high school girls. I wonder how many more gopees will step forward before this latest holier than thou Bible thumping hypocrite is dumped into histories dust bin.

Dumped by whom?

mikema63 wrote:Moral majority my left nut.

It has nothing to do with morality. It has to do with making the establishment lose.

mikema63 wrote:This has been the biggest display of sheer hypocrisy from the Evangelical right yet.

This is a display that they are no longer falling for establishment dirty tricks.

SpecialOlympian wrote:I'm liking how Bannon's first steps into setting himself up as a kingmaker are: "Lets back the child fucker."

Bannon has already got Jeff Flake to drop out.

jimjam wrote:not sure what all this has to do with the Alabama Groper?

It has to do with the fact that you aren't about following the money, etc. You are about trying to find a way to get people to drop their support for Trump and the anti-establishment candidates. Otherwise, you'd be writing threads about getting Menendez to drop out of the Senate, but you really don't care about sex with underaged people even when it actually rises to the threshold of probable cause and institutes a criminal proceeding. If you don't care about that, why should I care about it?

jimjam wrote:Hillary Clinton would probably be president if FBI Director James Comey had not sent a letter to Congress on Oct. 28.

I don't think Comey was instrumental in Pennsylvania, Wisonsin, Ohio and Michigan. Hillary did herself in by letting Putin tell her to call them all "deplorables." At any rate, Comey had to go. He was part of the swamp.
Polls seem to be all over the place; some say Moore is ahead by +10, others say his opponent is ahead by +4.

Do I believe an accuser from 40 years ago who is a well documented Hillary supporter, Democrat and Trump hater, who waited until the window for the Republicans to replace their candidate had passed to make her accusation? I personally don't believe her.

There is also audio of a Washington Post reporter offering a woman $1,000 to accuse Roy Moore of sexual assault. Roy Moore says he is going to sue the Washington Post. The legal term for this is called libel per se and the press does not have an exemption to liability for this kind of thing.

After the first accuser's credibility collapsed, a second accuser has appeared, also from a few decades ago. She said that she is a Trump supporter and voted for Trump but an analysis of voter rolls found that she is registered as "inactive" and didn't vote in the last election.

I get the impression that the D's will do anything to win and that it is not working.
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