Roy Moore accused of sexual harassment for 1979 events - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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blackjack21 wrote:Dumped by whom?

By Roy The Alabama Groper Moore

blackjack21 wrote: You are about trying to find a way to get people to drop their support for Trump and the anti-establishment candidates. Otherwise, you'd be writing threads about getting Menendez to drop out of the Senate

You are half correct. I am very interested in anti-establishment candidates. That is why I am rabidly anti Trump. Your "establishment" is limited to elected officials. My "establishment" contains, in addition to elected officials, the good ole boy behind the scenes billionaire plutocracy that owns the elected officials .... which Trump is doing his best to divert ever more money from the have nots to the haves up to a point where they will all be able to afford multiple gold toilet bowls. Follow the money :lol: . Additionally, I cannot overlook the fact that Trump is an incompetent liar.

I care not about Menendez. No doubt he is a corrupt scumbag. But I tend to prioritize and Trump is way in first place on my prioritizing scale of corrupt assholes.
Conservatives, Don’t Dismiss the Sexual Misconduct Claims Against Roy Moore
First, these women didn’t seek out the press. According to the Post report, its reporters reached out to them after hearing that “Moore allegedly had sought relationships with teenage girls.” So far as we know, they weren’t put forward by the opposing campaign, and the woman who made the most serious allegations against Moore says that she voted for Trump in 2016. None of the women have donated to Moore’s primary or general-election opponent.

Second, if you read the report, it includes validation from a number of witnesses who say that they were aware of the relationships at the time. While this isn’t proof of guilt of course, it bolsters the credibility of the accusers.

Third, the youngest accuser’s explanation for her decision not to come forward earlier rings tragically true. She told the Post that “she did not share her story about Moore partly because of the trouble in her life. She has had three divorces and financial problems.” It’s a sad and terrible truth that childhood abuse can have catastrophic effects on young lives — effects that last for years.

We are in the midst of a unique and important national moment. Each day seems to bring a new story of yet another powerful person facing a string of accusations. While there is a danger of a witch hunt, the presence of multiple claims of misconduct from multiple sources should always make us pause — regardless of whether the alleged abuser comes from the Left or the Right. It’s a moral imperative that we not determine the veracity of the allegations by the ideology of the accused.

Roy Moore is a dangerous man who never should have received the GOP nomination. Republican primary voters selected as their champion a person who seeks to suppress the civil rights of his fellow citizens and defies the law whenever it suits his ideological and political purposes. Even before today’s allegations, he was unfit to be a United States senator. Now the question is whether he’s dangerous, unfit, and vile. ... servatives
jimjam wrote:The single-cup coffee maker Keurig announced online over the weekend that it had pulled its advertisements from Hannity’s program after the Fox News anchor defended Moore against allegations that he initiated a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl when he was 32 years old and that he dated other high school-age girls in his 30s.

On his own Twitter account, Hannity wrote that he was "humbled and speechless and frankly laughing my ass off" at his supporters vehement reaction to Keurig's decision. He shared a link to videos of Hannity fans destroying Keurig machines.

Fox Fake News' #1 pompous blowhard Hannity continues to regurgitate simple things for simple minds.

You apparently do not watch Hanity, and are content in regurgitating misrepresentations of stories put out by the left wing Fake News MSM.

Godstud wrote:Conservatives, Don’t Dismiss the Sexual Misconduct Claims Against Roy Moore

There are many Conservatives that are asking Moore to step aside for the good of the party. But others that don't want to rush to judgment and condemn and ruin a man's career on allegations alone. Many have said that the people should have listened to President Trump and voted for his candidate and there would not be this problem for the GOP. However, it does seem strange that it was only after Moore got the nomination by the voters of Alabama that the Washington Post brought forward these allegations. Why couldn't they have done it a couple months earlier? There are still many questions to be answered, before we rush to judgment.
Last edited by Hindsite on 14 Nov 2017 05:56, edited 1 time in total.
You want to talk about fake news and you mention Hannity. :lol: He's the worst! How gullible are you?

Sean Hannity apologizes for using fake news story to attack Obama ... s-story-to

Don't be so abysmally ignorant. Everything is not fake news simply because you don't like it. Fake news is actually pretty rare.
MSM putting "spin" on things isn't new, but this "Fake news" stuff, is mostly bullshit put out there by people(like Trump), who don't like what the facts are saying.

MSM prints retractions when they print fake stuff. Fox had to do this recently in Canada, and Hannity had to apologize for his "fake news". Pretending all news is like that, though, is ridiculous, and not supported by facts.

Fake news from Fox:
Fox News forced to delete 'false and misleading' Quebec mosque attack tweet after Justin Trudeau intevenes ... 57766.html

Mistakes happen, however, and saying there's all this "fake news" is simply a way to ignore facts you don't like.
Hong Wu wrote:Polls seem to be all over the place; some say Moore is ahead by +10, others say his opponent is ahead by +4.

The "undecided" or "fuck you, I'm not telling you" vote is something like 10%, so there's really no way to know by the polls. Chances are it breaks Moore's way.

Hong Wu wrote:Do I believe an accuser from 40 years ago who is a well documented Hillary supporter, Democrat and Trump hater, who waited until the window for the Republicans to replace their candidate had passed to make her accusation? I personally don't believe her.

Right. It's a little far fetched. Sex crime victims aren't going to be supporting the Clintons, ever. Coming up with this story three weeks before an election? Why not when he got into the race? Why not when he was a judge? I find these things basically unbelievable.

Hong Wu wrote:There is also audio of a Washington Post reporter offering a woman $1,000 to accuse Roy Moore of sexual assault. Roy Moore says he is going to sue the Washington Post. The legal term for this is called libel per se and the press does not have an exemption to liability for this kind of thing.

It will be interesting. The Washington Post used to be the Harriman outlet, but now it's owned by Jeff Bezos.

Hong Wu wrote:After the first accuser's credibility collapsed, a second accuser has appeared, also from a few decades ago. She said that she is a Trump supporter and voted for Trump but an analysis of voter rolls found that she is registered as "inactive" and didn't vote in the last election.

I get the impression that the D's will do anything to win and that it is not working.

It's not just them. The establishment Republicans are in on this stuff too. What I find amusing is the latest accusations that George H.W. Bush was a groper. I wonder if Jeb will disown his father in the name of decency. :lol:

Godstud wrote:Another woman came forward. He'll be too busy making license plates in jail, to be running for fucking anything.

Spoken like someone who's never heard of the statute of limitations. :roll:

jimjam wrote:By Roy The Alabama Groper Moore

You really thing he's going to quit? That seems unlikely. We shall see.

jimjam wrote:Additionally, I cannot overlook the fact that Trump is an incompetent liar.

Would you prefer to be hoodwinked by a competent liar?

Godstud's NatRev Link wrote:First, these women didn’t seek out the press. According to the Post report, its reporters reached out to them after hearing that “Moore allegedly had sought relationships with teenage girls.”

Really? You don't say Wapo. Where did they hear this from? Did Hillary and Fusion GPS create another dossier?

Godstud's NatRev Link wrote:Each day seems to bring a new story of yet another powerful person facing a string of accusations.

Indeed that is the case. I think it is rather peculiar. It seems that the Hildebeast is still stamping mad about losing to Trump; that is, a man...

Godstud's NatRev Link wrote:It’s a moral imperative that we not determine the veracity of the allegations by the ideology of the accused.

Roy Moore is a dangerous man who never should have received the GOP nomination.

Man, can these people string completely contradictory sentences together.

Godstud's NatRev Link wrote:Now the question is whether he’s dangerous, unfit, and vile.

If he is, that makes him more appealing to me. I hope he crushes Mitch McConnell's balls in his hands. :lol:

Hindsite wrote:There are many Conservatives that are asking Moore to step aside for the good of the party.

If the good of the party mattered, we'd be asking John McCain, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, etc. to step down so we can get rid of ObamaCare.

Hindsite wrote:However, it does seem strange that it was only after Moore got the nomination by the voters of Alabama that the Washington Post brought forward these allegations. Why couldn't they have done it a couple months earlier?

They could have done that with Trump too. I think it's great that a lot of people are no longer manipulated by this stuff. It's old hat.

Godstud wrote:You want to talk about fake news and you mention Hannity. :lol: He's the worst! How gullible are you?

Hannity isn't news. He's a commentator.
Godstud wrote:Mistakes happen, however, and saying there's all this "fake news" is simply a way to ignore facts you don't like.

Mistakes happen in science too. However, when "fake science" and "fake news" are presented to people like you, they are regurgitated by you and your liberal buddies as facts. That is what I don't like. The truth shall set you free. Praise the Lord.
"Fake" things are easily exposed for what they are, especially in science. Your argument is nonsense.

Facts are objective. Truth is subjective. I see you still can't tell the difference between the two.

objective: not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Subjective: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
Godstud wrote:"Fake" things are easily exposed for what they are, especially in science. Your argument is nonsense.

Facts are objective. Truth is subjective. I see you still can't tell the difference between the two.

objective: not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Subjective: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions

Unsurprisingly, you've got this backwards.

A fact is generally defined as something which is "known" to be true but people's knowledge can be wrong. For example, there is no evidence that the Hillary supporter who accused Roy Moore of making out with her 40 years ago is telling the truth but here you are treating it as a fact.

Truth is the reality of something. So if Roy Moore really did make out with this woman when she was 14 and he was 20 or whatever it was, it would be true that he did it. If he didn't do it, it would be true that he didn't do it. Someone's personal feelings, tastes or opinions as you put it don't change this which is to say that truth is not subjective.
Godstud wrote:"Fake" things are easily exposed for what they are, especially in science. Your argument is nonsense.

Facts are objective. Truth is subjective. I see you still can't tell the difference between the two.

I'm not defending Mr Moore, in fact I agree with SO. If he is guilty deserves jail, etc.

But Fake things are not easily exposed. Especially if deliberately crafted by a master counterfeiter who knows his trade. Take fake licences and IDS for instance, fakes are fucking hard as hell to spot these days. Recently instructed to ignore IDs and have all customers vetted first by RSA security officers and given "age wristbands" prior to ordering drinks in my last Alcohol related job. Reason? Fakes are too hard to spot these days.
blackjack21 wrote:You really thing he's going to quit? That seems unlikely. We shall see.

You said that,not I. He is such a disgusting fuck up that he will be dumped one way or the other.

blackjack21 wrote:Would you prefer to be hoodwinked by a competent liar?

Once again,you said that, not I. I prefer someone with competence who only lies once in awhile ... not mostly.
Hindsite wrote:You apparently do not watch Hanity, and are content in regurgitating misrepresentations of stories put out by the left wing Fake News MSM.

I watched Hanity a couple of times ...... enough to see that he is a highly paid carnival barker who adheres to the script he is given by his handlers. Zero original thinking. Also, I don't like his hair.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Please, post the audio Hong Wu.

Why do you continually post Fake News? Now you are claiming that Roy Moore and Trump fucks children.

jimjam wrote:I watched Hanity a couple of times ...... enough to see that he is a highly paid carnival barker who adheres to the script he is given by his handlers. Zero original thinking. Also, I don't like his hair.

I think you are just jealous.

Beren wrote:I wonder whether which scenario would be more detrimental to the GOP, if they lost an Alabama Senate seat due to Bannon or if Moore became a well-known iconic figure of the Republican Party as senator.

I think McConnell would rather choose the first one. :lol:

Now it seems clear that Bannon is against McConnell and Trump. But Bannon's goal is not clear.
Beren wrote:I wonder whether which scenario would be more detrimental to the GOP, if they lost an Alabama Senate seat due to Bannon or if Moore became a well-known iconic figure of the Republican Party as senator.

I think McConnell would rather choose the first one. :lol:

Well spotted Beran, well spotted. And they are right.: the timing of these allegations is extremely suspicious, not to stop Moore becoming a Senator, but to conveniently distract from the scandal of the homosexual Liberal Hollywood pederast.
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