Man charged with sexual impropriety; presumed guilty. - Politics | PoFo

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In the interest of levity and consolidation, whereas there have been an almost unending series of allegations of sexual impropriety almost exclusively against men, I propose we have a general thread for the almost certainly upcoming allegations against many a man of sexual impropriety, whereby we are supposed to find them guilty.

We have already seen a slew of accusations against men, including:

- Harvey Weinstein
- Kevin Spacey
- Roy Moore
- Al Franken
- Charlie Rose
- Charlie Sheen
- Sylvester Stallone
- Russell Simmons
- Louis CK

The above are some interesting stories, but this one is feminism as self-parody in my opinion: Inside Ron Jeremy Sexual Misconduct Allegations

I suggest we kick off a general discussion for all of the above and those to come, but with the almost certainly knee-slapping funny debates about whether Ron Jeremy--a porn star--has sexually harassed other porn stars.

In the 10-minute clip – which amassed more than 50,000 views – Banks compiles allegations against Jeremy from all corners of the adult-industry Internet, including stories of everything from indecent exposure, nonconsensual digital penetration and rape. "He tried to forcefully kiss me on the lips and he grabbed my ass," one woman wrote on Twitter. "He slipped his fingers into my panties under my panties and into my vagina #notokay," another tweeted.

A 40-year porn veteran, Jeremy, 64, did not achieve fame due to his good looks; with his hirsute, fleshy physique, stringy hair and unkempt mustache, he easily earned his nickname, the Hedgehog. He immediately achieved notoriety for his stamina, his ability to perform on command, and not least of all his prodigious, nine and three-quarter-inch member.

How does one porn star accuse another porn star of indecent exposure? :lol: This has to be the funniest story I've heard so far.

Rolling Stone spoke with more than a dozen women both on and off the record who made such claims against Jeremy, alleging that the famous porn star violated their boundaries, taking advantage of both his status as an industry legend and their status as sex workers as grounds to flout the basic rules of consent.

OMG... Can you imagine being on a jury for something like this? "Your honor, even porn stars deserve respect!" "Objection your honor!" "Overuled." What a fucking cuckoos nest this country has become.

Jeremy refutes these accusations, claiming that all the interactions he's had have been consensual. "These allegations are pure lies or buyers remorse," Jeremy told Rolling Stone in an emailed statement. "I have never and would never rape anyone. All serious allegations have been investigated by police and dismissed by judges, as have most of the accusations of 'groping.' I have never been charged nor spent one day in court for any of this." (Jeremy's full statement has been appended to the end of this article.)

The injustice of it all!
It didn't take long to find another one. Melissa Gilbert (Little House on the Prairie) says Oliver Stone was a very bad boy.

Melissa Gilbert Accuses Oliver Stone Of Sexual Harassment: “It Was Humiliating And Horrid”

Gilbert says the role she was auditioning for was the Meg Ryan’s character. She goes into detail about the scene she [he] had him[her] read — a scene he said he wrote especially for her. The scene had her on her hands and knees saying, “Do me, baby.” Gilbert said that Stone asked her to stage it and she refused and left the audition crying.

So now, a scene in a screen play can be sexual harassment? Well, I guess we'll be seeing a lot more clean living movies in the future...

Former Playboy model Carrie Stevens claimed that the director groped her during a party. Stone has yet to respond these allegations.

Playboy models are next!
I don't know. I think this is too much, that I'm having a hard time taking it seriously. My gut tells me that the powers behind what would have been the Hillary Clinton throne are pissed off. Some aspect of this seems like lashing out; some of it seems like house cleaning; and, some of it seems like some sort of prelude to an attack on Trump that has nothing to do with Russia, since obviously that's going nowhere.

One aspect of this seems to be that the offenders are all of a certain age and more or less past their prime as far as celebrity goes. If we look at the Charlie Rose case for example: is this some organic swell of people complaining, or is it an orchestrated event where they no longer need Charlie Rose--he's 70-something--and so he's falling on his sword to continue this "war on women" meme that was the underlying theme of the Hillary Clinton campaign? So far, the whole thing seems to be escaping the Millennials--it's all about the bad oldies.

The latest newcomer on the list is Jon Conyers, a black Democrat Congressmen. While I don't think anyone cares that much about his case, it is revealing that Congress uses taxpayer funds to hide the misbehavior of its members. That creates an institutional incentive for people who are sex addicts or are otherwise constitutionally incapable of self-control. For me, personally I'm always leery when the establishment suborns me to attack a black man.

In the Sylvester Stallone case, his then wife Brigitte Neilsen says that there is no way the allegations could have happened, because she was with him the whole time. She has given Stallone a rock-solid alibi. Nevertheless, the story was recirculated.

2 Minnesota lawmakers to resign amid misconduct allegations

We can add two Minnesota lawmakers to the list. One Democrat, One Republican. I've heard people in the media echoing what I hear Godstud saying: "this is a bi-partisan issue." I find that suspicious. What I'm saying is that they have nothing on Trump with regard to Russia, but they had the quote of Trump on the tape, "grab 'em by the pussy." So this is where they are going now.

Trump sexual misconduct allegations 'remain very disturbing': Republican senator
Parkinson's addled Susan Collins is attacking Trump, which I suspect is meant to inspire Republicans to reject Trump. Personally, I'd rather see Susan Collins tried for witchcraft (i.e., suspiciously failing to vote for a repeal of ObamaCare).

There's this Russell Simmons guy--I have no idea who he is.

UN hopes sex misconduct cases buoy efforts to help women
This all seems to go right back to Hillary Clinton and her backers.

Anyway, there is one article that seems to echo my registering of the sheer number of complaints: Weinstein’s Impact: List of men accused of sexual misconduct

— Producer Harvey Weinstein— Accused by dozens of women of sexual harassment or sexual assaults, including rape. Fired by The Weinstein Co. and expelled from various professional guilds. Under investigation by police departments in New York, London, Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. Weinstein denies all allegations of non-consensual sex, but he has apologized for causing “a lot of pain” with “the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past.”

— Celebrity chef John Besh — Accused by 25 women of sexual harassment. He has stepped down from the company he founded.

— Comedian Louis C.K. — Accused by five women of sexual misconduct. Planned release of film “I Love You, Daddy” halted. Netflix special canceled. He says the allegations are true and has apologized.

— Cinefamily executives Hadrian Belove and Shadie Elnashai — Accused of sexual misconduct. Movie theater shut down in the wake of allegations due to crippling debt.

— Actor Richard Dreyfuss — One woman alleges sexual harassment. He denies the allegation.

— Director-producer Gary Goddard — Accused by one man of sexually molesting him when the man was 12. He denies the allegation.

—Casting employee Andy Henry — Admitted to urging women to take off their clothes during coaching sessions in 2008 while working on the “CSI” series. He was fired by his current employer.

— Actor Dustin Hoffman — Accused by woman of sexual harassing when she was 17. He has apologized for his behavior.

— Actor Robert Knepper — Accused by one woman of sexual assault. He denies the allegations.

— Showrunner Andrew Kreisberg — Accused by 19 women of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching. The “Supergirl” and “Arrow” showrunner has been suspended by Warner Bros. Television Group. He told Variety he has made comments on women’s appearances and clothes “but they were not sexualized.”

— Actor Jeremy Piven — Accused by three women of sexual misconduct. He denies all allegations.

— Filmmaker Brett Ratner — Accused by at least six women of sexual harassment. Playboy shelved projects with Ratner and Ratner stepped away from Warner Bros. related activities. He denies the allegations.

— Comedy festival organizer Gilbert Rozon — Accused by at least nine women of sexually harassing or sexually assaulting them. Rozon stepped down as president of Montreal’s renowned “Just for Laughs” festival and apologized “to all those I have offended during my life.”

— Producer Chris Savino — Accused of harassing up to 12 women. Fired from Nickelodeon. He has apologized for his behavior.

— Actor Steven Seagal — Accused by two women of rape. He denies the allegations.

— Actor Tom Sizemore — Accused of groping an 11-year-old actress in 2003. Utah prosecutors declined to file charges, citing witness and evidence problems. He denies the allegation.

— Actor Kevin Spacey — Accused by at least 24 men of sexual misconduct or assault. London police reportedly investigating a sexual assault. Fired from “House of Cards” and replaced in Ridley Scott’s completed film “All the Money in the World.” Massachusetts prosecutors are investigating one allegation. His former publicist has said he is seeking unspecified treatment.

— Actor Jeffrey Tambor — Two women — an actress on his show “Transparent” and his assistant — allege sexual misconduct. He denies the allegation, saying in a statement that he has “never been a predator — ever.”

— Actor George Takei — One man alleges sexual assault. He denies the allegation.

— Writer-director James Toback — Accused by hundreds of women of sexual harassment. Beverly Hills police investigating complaints. He has denied the allegations to the Los Angeles Times.

— “Mad Men” creator Matthew Weiner — Accused by one woman of sexual harassment. He denies the allegation.

— Actor Ed Westwick — Accused by two women of sexual assault. The BBC pulled an Agatha Christie adaptation from its television schedule and halted production on a second sitcom starring the former “Gossip Girl’ actor. Los Angeles police are investigating. He denies the allegations.

— Billboard magazine executive Stephen Blackwell — Accused of sexual harassment by one woman. He has resigned from the magazine.

— Penguin Random House art director Giuseppe Castellano — Accused by one woman of sexual harassment. Penguin Random House is investigating. Castellano has not commented.

— New Republic publisher Hamilton Fish— Multiple sexual harassment allegations. He has resigned from the magazine.

— Journalist Mark Halperin — Accused of harassing about 12 women while at ABC News. Book contract terminated. Fired from job at NBC News. He has denied some of the allegations.

— Artforum publisher Knight Landesman — Accused by multiple women of sexual harassment and sued by one woman. He has resigned from the magazine.

— NPR news chief Michael Oreskes — Accused of inappropriate behavior or sexual harassment by at least four women while at The New York Times, NPR and The Associated Press. He has been ousted from NPR.

— Amazon executive Roy Price — Accused by one woman of sexual harassment. He resigned from Amazon.

— Webster Public Relations CEO Kirt Webster — Accused of sexual assault by one woman. Firm renamed and Webster is “taking time away.”

— Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner — Accused by one man of sexual harassment. He says he did not intend to make the accuser uncomfortable.

— New Republic editor Leon Wieseltier — Accused of sexually harassing numerous women. Removed from the masthead of The Atlantic magazine. He has apologized for his behavior.

— NBC News booker Matt Zimmerman — Accused of inappropriate conduct by multiple women at the network. He was fired from NBC.

— U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) — Accused of forcibly kissing a woman while rehearsing for a 2006 USO tour; Franken also was photographed with his hands over her breasts as she slept. Franken has apologized, while maintaining that he remembered the rehearsal differently. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has called for an ethics investigation of Franken.

— U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore (R.-Ala.) —Accused of sexually assaulting two women decades ago when they were teenagers; about a half-dozen other women have accused Moore of inappropriate conduct. The former state Supreme Court chief justice denies the allegations. He has rebuffed pressure from national Republican leaders to step aside; the state GOP is standing by him.

— Former President George H.W. Bush — Accused of patting seven women below the waist while posing for photos with them in recent years, well after he left office. The 93-year-old Republican has issued repeated apologies through a spokesman “to anyone he has offended,” with the spokesman noting that the former president uses a wheelchair and that his arm sinks below people’s waists when they take photos with him.

— Florida Democratic Party Chairman Stephen Bittel — Accused of sexually inappropriate comments and behavior toward a number of women, Bittel resigned. Meanwhile, Democratic state Sen. Jeff Clemens resigned after a report that he had an extramarital affair with a lobbyist, and Republican state Sen. Jack Latvala is being investigated by the Senate over allegations of harassment and groping. Latvala has denied the allegations.

— Kentucky House Speaker Jeff Hoover — Stepped down as speaker this month after news surfaced that the Republican had settled a sexual harassment claim from a GOP caucus staffer. Hoover denied the harassment allegation but said he sent consensual yet inappropriate text messages. He remains in the Legislature.

— British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon — Accused of inappropriate advances on two women, the Conservative resigned. Sexual harassment and assault allegations have also emerged against a number of other U.K. political figures. Labour Party legislator Carl Sargeant is believed to have taken his own life after harassment allegations cost him his post as the Welsh government’s Cabinet secretary for communities and children. He had asked for an independent inquiry to clear his name.

— International Olympic Committee member Alex Gilady — Accused by two women of rape and by two others of inappropriate conduct. Gilady denied the rape accusations, said he didn’t recall one of the other allegations, but acknowledged a claim he’d propositioned a woman during a job interview 25 years ago was “mainly correct.” He stepped down as president of an Israeli broadcasting company he founded. The IOC has said it is looking into the allegations.

— Former South African soccer association president Danny Jordaan — Accused by former member of parliament Jennifer Ferguson of raping her in 1993. Jordaan denies the accusation.

The media is just all over this, and we know how they collude with the Democratic Party. I figure for every Democrat that steps down, there will be another to take his place.

Here's another article echoing my point: Since Weinstein, here’s a growing list of men accused of sexual misconduct

Here's one that's got some keen insight, but with a tone of derision: Why evangelicals are again backing a Republican despite allegations of sexual misconduct
blackjack21 wrote:In the interest of levity and consolidation, whereas there have been an almost unending series of allegations of sexual impropriety almost exclusively against men, I propose we have a general thread for the almost certainly upcoming allegations against many a man of sexual impropriety, whereby we are supposed to find them guilty.

But you still believe they are innocent until proven guilty, right?
Hindsite wrote:But you still believe they are innocent until proven guilty, right?
Yes, you will not go to jail if you didn't do it.

I am going to report this from another thread, because it addresses this quite easilty.

- Only about 40% of all sexual assaults are every reported to the police. This is partly because victims know that if their claim becomes public, their every behavior will be scrutinized, they will be shamed for their sexual history, and they will be labeled as lunatic, psychotic, paranoid, and manipulative. Just because someone does not report their crime does not mean it did not happen. Furthermore, only one in two claims lead to prosecution, so if the DA decides not to prosecute, that says nothing about whether or not it happened.

- Only about 2% of all rape and related sex charges are determined to be false, the same percentage as for other felonies (FBI). So while they do happen, and they are very problematic when they do, people claim that allegations are false far more frequently than they are and far more frequently than for other crimes. Put another way, we are much more likely to disbelieve a woman if she says she was raped than if she says she was robbed, but for no good reason. ... ice-system
Godstud wrote:Pretending that the perpetrators of sex crimes are victims is ridiculous.

I am not pretending perpetrators of sex crimes are victims. However, you are pretending that accusations make them perpetrators of sex crimes. That could make them victims.
Most people charged with sexual crimes are guilty of them. That's simply fact. That an exceptionally few also become victims(at a rate comparable to other crimes, due to false charges), is just sad, but the reality.

Also this, just for you Hindsite:
Godstud wrote: Yes, you will not go to jail if you didn't do it.

I am going to report this from another thread, because it addresses this quite easilty.

- Only about 40% of all sexual assaults are every reported to the police. This is partly because victims know that if their claim becomes public, their every behavior will be scrutinized, they will be shamed for their sexual history, and they will be labeled as lunatic, psychotic, paranoid, and manipulative. Just because someone does not report their crime does not mean it did not happen. Furthermore, only one in two claims lead to prosecution, so if the DA decides not to prosecute, that says nothing about whether or not it happened.

- Only about 2% of all rape and related sex charges are determined to be false, the same percentage as for other felonies (FBI). So while they do happen, and they are very problematic when they do, people claim that allegations are false far more frequently than they are and far more frequently than for other crimes. Put another way, we are much more likely to disbelieve a woman if she says she was raped than if she says she was robbed, but for no good reason. ... ice-system

You cannot really compare previous statistics with what is happening now. The dynamics and incentives are completely different and a part of the cause of this is political expediency, the other part being social justice which posits that if you don't believe the victim you are harming her or are perpetrating violence against her. It's a toxic combination.
Godstud wrote:Most people charged with sexual crimes are guilty of them. That's simply fact. That an exceptionally few also become victims(at a rate comparable to other crimes, due to false charges), is just sad, but the reality.

That is true because they have sufficient evidence to charge them with sexual crimes. In the case of Roy Moore, there are only accusatations, so he has yet to be charged with sexual crimes.

Godstud wrote:Also this, just for you Hindsite:

This image is clearly false and a result of radical left-wing liberal thinking.
In the case of Roy Moore, there are only accusatations, so he has yet to be charged with sexual crimes.
How do you think these things start? You think evidence magically appears and makes people make accusations, or do the accusations comes first?

Roy Moore is also lucky that the statue of limitation in Alabama cam in AFTER he did his kiddy-fiddling.

You still didn't answer my question about leaving your 14 year old daughter in a room with Roy Moore, unsupervised. Would you really be that confident that so many people have made these accusations against him that you'd bet your daughter on it?
Godstud wrote:How do you think these things start? You think evidence magically appears and makes people make accusations, or do the accusations comes first?

You must think the evidence magically appears just because of the accusations. I don't.

Godstud wrote:Roy Moore is also lucky that the statue of limitation in Alabama cam in AFTER he did his kiddy-fiddling.

No evidence of kiddy-fiddling, anyway.

Godstud wrote:You still didn't answer my question about leaving your 14 year old daughter in a room with Roy Moore, unsupervised. Would you really be that confident that so many people have made these accusations against him that you'd bet your daughter on it?

I don't have a 14 year old daughter and I don't personally Know Roy Moore. So I am not into answering hypothetical questions of this kind.
Hindsite wrote:You must think the evidence magically appears just because of the accusations. I don't.
Are you daft? unless there are accusation no one goes looking for evidence.

Hindsite wrote:No evidence of kiddy-fiddling, anyway.
YET. Just The word of 12 women over his...

Hindsite wrote:I don't have a 14 year old daughter and I don't personally Know Roy Moore. So I am not into answering hypothetical questions of this kind.
Even hypothetically you don't answer, because you know the answer would be, "No.". :lol:
Godstud wrote:Are you daft? unless there are accusation no one goes looking for evidence.

Well, they haven't found any evidence other than to disprove them.

Godstud wrote: YET. Just The word of 12 women over his...

Eight women, and only two accused him of anything close to a sexual assault. And their stories have been found to be full of holes. In another word, lies.
When numerous women are coming forward it puts a ring of truth. I know protecting sexual predators is your 'thing', but have some common sense about this. When a lot of people come forward it means that it's extremely likely that this person is a scumbag.
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