20 Quick Facts about Latin America you might not have previously known - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties from Mexico to Argentina.

Moderator: PoFo Latin America Mods

Forum rules: No one line posts please. This is an international political discussion forum, so please post in English only.

Ping me please. Based on your previous posts you know exactly how to ping so why not do us all a favor and ping people when you talk to them?

As I have said before, Chiapas and Tamaulipas are irrespective of the entirety of Mexico. It's like me taking Detroit and Oakland and stating that because Detroit and Oakland are shitholes, the entirety of America is a shithole. Of course that is ridiculous. A high murder rate does not mean the entire country is dangerous. For example, in the US, high murder rates cannot be found in the country overall but rather can be found in certain areas (such as urban areas or places of poverty) and the same is for Mexico.

Mexico overall is not dangerous rather it has a high murder rate because certain areas within it (just like the US) have high murder rates. That doesn't mean Mexico isn't safe. Furthermore the article you referred to is not talking about Mexico overall, it's only talking about the border which I think is the reason why you didn't link it in the first place.

Your very cautious towards confrontation aren't you Suntzu? Almost afraid. This is why you refused to link me to the article, not because out of ignorance, but because you identified that linking to the article would be a weakness in your argument. This is why you don't ping me, because you don't want to confront me anymore, it makes you stressed out or nervous and depletes your energy. You seem to dislike fighting fights that you can't win yet you gravitate towards these sorts of debates. You are also very self-aware and this self-awareness leads to very low self-esteem (which you often disguise with confidence). In real life you would be a very charismatic or confident fellow yet on the internet those insecurities are magnified.

If you think the description above is wrong, then that isn't my fault, it's yours for portraying such a meek persona. If you want to stop this, then debate properly.

Well I know one thing's for sure, that's bullshit. Unless your unemployed and depressed with life, you will never have the time to go through all of Mexico. Motocycling from El Paso to Tuxtla would take 137 hours and that's just cutting through Mexico at the fastest speed possible, it's not even close to being "all over Mexico".

Also the second sentence is completely bluff. You're becoming very nervous if you're resulting to death threats. Given how quickly you switched from your previously "chill" persona to an inherently aggressive one it seems that you been aggressive before. At one point of your life, maybe when you were once a child, you were very aggressive with others even resulting to physical violence. Maybe during that time you felt a complete lack of control over yourself and your surroundings which lead you to act that way. You felt very bad and horrible for your actions during that time and often felt sorry for yourself and complained about how others simply wouldn't understand. You hate debating me right now, it brings out the worst in you, yet you cannot resist.

I wouldn't know, I have no clue who the fuck you are and even if I did, I wouldn't care either.
While it's obvious SunTzu is just talking about things he hasn't seen, Tijuana is the grossest city I've ever seen or smelled. The TJ river is an open sewer, people live down there, and the streets are filthy. However, plenty of Mexico looks nice, and Costa Rica is a beautiful place.
It would seem that Tijuana, and other places along the border, are the filthiest and most crime ridden.

Is it just a coincidence that these same places are also focused on US business and attracting US tourists?

Edit: now that I think about it, the situation is more complicated than that. Oaxaca, for example, has tons of tourists from the US.

Now I am thinking it also depends on what the tourist is specifically looking for.
It's also not as if Latin America and places outside the 1st world are unique with problems like that. In the big cities in the US, and smaller places, there's plenty of filth and crime. I've seen used needles lying on the sidewalk in Portland, and I've seen human waste on the sidewalks in some big cities. In a number of small towns I've seen pretty gross things too. As far as Latin America goes, my only negative experience was with the city of TJ. It's not a pleasant place. But as with any country, there are impoverished cities and slums. You take touristy locations across Mexico and within several miles is probably a hauntingly depressing slum.

Still, SZ is just talking about stuff he's read, since it's readily apparent from his posts and language use that he's probably never been to Latin America, except for maybe a border town or two.
Bulaba Jones wrote:While it's obvious SunTzu is just talking about things he hasn't seen, Tijuana is the grossest city I've ever seen or smelled. The TJ river is an open sewer, people live down there, and the streets are filthy. However, plenty of Mexico looks nice, and Costa Rica is a beautiful place.

I've never been to Tijuana, well maybe only a half a dozen times. The only time I have been hassled by the police was in Tijuana, cop stopped us while we were on our way to Baja 1000, he stopped us, kicked the trailer light connection loose then tried to ticket up for no trailer lights. He supervisor showed up and rescued us. They don't like folks fuckin' with Baja 1000 teams. Drove in the Baja 1000 that year. You should try it.
Suntzu wrote:Yep, Tamaulipas. When I was in Chiapas (San Christobal de las Casas) last year the rebels were holding several of the toll stations. The murder rate in Mexico is more than three time what it is in the U.S.

Drugs. Americans and drug wars and consumption that doesn't go anywhere. Pill addicts dying like flies in Ohio. Why? Why do Americans get so addicted to drugs? Why do they continue to want illegal drugs?

Because American society SUCKS with keeping people engaged without drugs. Work on your OWN society and the first step is to spend some money on rehab for drug addicts.....the Trump administration promised to deal with drug problems and instead? Inadequate bullshit promises that don't follow through.

Why? Because you want what from Mexico? Drugs. Profit. Exports that are cheap to buy. Unfair trade. Solve it with your policies that work. But you don't. You continue with stupid politics and bad policies.

No, Suntzu the majority of Mexicans in the USA are not rapists, or drug dealers. And I am sorry to inform you that Trump is not going to get a damn thing done. He is in it to make money for himself and doesn't care much for real accomplishments. Most Mexicans are working. Paying rent and keeping a low profile. They got kids in school and if you send 11 million parents out of the country you are looking at 22 million kids in foster care or on state care who you can't legally send back to Mexico or Latin America because they are USA citizens. Sorry too little and too late. Too many young people are not white or middle class. The white folks did not have enough children to replace themselves with. So? The supposedly useless workers who are poor and Latino and had the kids for the USA are your future. If you don't educate them and keep the families together? There won't be enough young people paying taxes for all the gray haired American retirees. Collapsed economy.

You can judge Mexico as the murder capital of the world. You got a bunch of shithole cities in the USA that no one wants to live there because they are collapsed economies. Detroit, Memphis, and the entire list of places I just posted above as a response to you.

If you want to think of Mexico as violent and without a damn thing to offer? Go ahead. I don't give a shit. Lol. You are not there. That is a point in their favor. I lived there for years and been in almost every state. I never got held up, murdered, raped, or nothing. Why? Not into drugs, drinking, spring break dumbness from the USA crowd who lose their minds in Mexico and violate every kind of decent behavior and create issues with many. That is not my scene. My scene is Latin American academic scene. So what do I worry about? Latin American society as a whole.

Gee, never had an issue with Mexicans. Why? Because I don't see them with your eyes. It is that simple. If you see them as murderers, inferiors, drug dealers and whatever? That is all you are gonna find. If you respect them and treat them as your friends and equals. Have good life habits like not being into drugs and misbehavior? You are going to get along. It is that simple. Now? The topic is not about drugs. It is about things you might have not known previously about Latin America. Is that all you know Suntzu?

I definitely appreciate you making a thread in spite of people saying dumb, ignorant stuff about all of Latin America. One of these days I'll upload photos I took in Costa Rica back in '02. It was the most stunningly beautiful place I've ever visited. Sweden and Germany are beautiful, but CR is a gem. That, and I loved the old Spanish ruins and surviving architecture.
I just saw the movie "Coco" with the family. Oh, it made me cry. It made my husband cry too. And it made my baby comment loudly in the middle of an important scene. We had to tell him to tone it down.

That movie is the epitome of Mexican culture. I wish anyone who loves to know what makes a Mexican family what it is to see it.

It doesn't hurt that it has beautiful colors either.

Anyway, tomorrow I hope to post different fun facts about different Latin American countries. For example that the nation who is the one responsible for so many Irish, English, Russians, Greeks, Africans and Asians eating potatoes is none other than the nation of Peru. The birthplace of all potatoes.

Peru has the most variety of original potato variations. Let me see if I can find some images for you to see?

http://www.limaeasy.com/peruvian-food-g ... l-potatoes

If you scroll down that link that I posted? You shall see a good description of many varieties. I love the purple potatoes, they come out with mashed potatoes a lovely lavender color. They taste great. The purple phytochemicals are good for your body. There are so many varieties of potatoes. It is important to not eat just one type and to vary. There is a deep orange variety that is so good. I ate it with fish. Delicious.

The ancient Incans used to freeze dry the potato. It is called chuno. With a squiggly over the n. It is great.
I definitely don't appreciate El Rancido's disparagement of Mexico and Latin American culture! Why does he feel the need to insult Mexico and make fun of Latin Americans? :?:
Suntzu wrote:Mexican culture is great, it is what makes Mexico what it is! :lol:

You are so wrong. I find American culture what? What is authentically "American"? It is the place with almost no tradition to speak of. It is composed mostly of marketing and money. That is the culture. Money and money worship and consuming and credit cards. If that is 'culture' for you? I feel sorry for you.

You only respect people with what? Money. Well, I have news for you Suntzu, most immigrants that arrived in the USA were dirt poor. If poor people don't have culture? Then America never had it either. The vast majority of the world's people are not rich. Not in Thailand, China, India, Nigeria, Mexico, and the list goes on all over the world. Culture=rich people. That doesn't exist. :D
Rancid wrote:Wait wait wait, so all of you assholes make fun of me, call me Mexican and shit. Now we're all suddenly in love with Mexico? :?: :?: :?: :knife:

Hee hee, you fail at being Mexican. We all know that. You are not a Haitian adoptee. We also know that. So what are you? You are a 'Charytin' follower Rancid!

Last edited by Tainari88 on 27 Nov 2017 17:29, edited 1 time in total.

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