U.S. to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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U.S. to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital, Trump Says, Alarming Middle East Leaders

More significantly, Mr. Trump is to announce his formal recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital in a formal speech at the White House on Wednesday, when he will become the first American president to take that step since the founding of Israel in 1948.

Is this the beginning of the storm Trump predicted two months ago?
Here is a monumental piece of stupidity. The entire rest of the world does not want this. All but a few American evangelicals who believe that the temple in Jerusalem has to be rebuilt do not want it. Just another attempt by the Administration to raise the bullshit level to try to drown out the fact that impeachment is right around the corner.
Drlee wrote:Here is a monumental piece of stupidity. The entire rest of the world does not want this. All but a few American evangelicals who believe that the temple in Jerusalem has to be rebuilt do not want it. Just another attempt by the Administration to raise the bullshit level to try to drown out the fact that impeachment is right around the corner.
I think there are many people who want this..... in many parts of the world. This is one solution, (from few), to the whole "Palestinian Conflict". As with this act I believe it is hoped that recognising Israel as the sole entity in Palestine will settle the conflict politically. The only thing at this point that will hold Israel back is the UN resolution for partitioning Palestine (2-State Solution) after British Mandate.

This seemed to be US foreign policy regarding the region prior to Trump. Now what Trump seems to be doing is abandoning 2-State policy by fully supporting Israel's cause. As Israel is against 2-State Solution and partitioning of Palestine and wish to annex Palestine fully for themselves (1-State Solution). They have the means to do so for decades now, but have been stopped political from doing so.
This is high school shit basically, just trying to stick it to Palestinians and the Muslim world, just because. Just because. No other reason, there is no American interest served here, other than to make the president and moronic evangelicals feel like they have a bigger penis.

This president and his moronic voters have just sealed a higher level of terrorist attacks on US soil.

The level of stupidity on display in our government has reached levels that are incomprehensible.

This is a fucking shame, a god damn shame.
Drlee wrote:Here is a monumental piece of stupidity. The entire rest of the world does not want this. All but a few American evangelicals who believe that the temple in Jerusalem has to be rebuilt do not want it. Just another attempt by the Administration to raise the bullshit level to try to drown out the fact that impeachment is right around the corner.

Yes, but on the other hand, it's only appropriate that the USA recognizes the continuing expansion of other ethnic-cleansing-based capitalist states.

I think you're intentionally ignoring the important link between racism and wealth concentration.
QatzelOk wrote:Yes, but on the other hand, it's only appropriate that the USA recognizes the continuing expansion of other ethnic-cleansing-based capitalist states.

I think you're intentionally ignoring the important link between racism and wealth concentration.

10/10 new sig would stare again
I like how it wouldn't be internet troll's problems if Israel lost the former Palestinian lands, was 9 miles wide at some points, then the country was militarily destroyed and all of a sudden an entire nation worth of Jews become refugees. I am beginning to suspect that western Europeans prefer gang-raping Muslims and blacks over Jews, that's how they act over this.
History has been made: Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital - Muslims all over the world are outraged

Giving Jerusalem to Palestinian Muslims is like giving the Vatican to the Islamic state.
Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop joined the France President, Turkey's President, Hamas, Palestinian Authority, the Islamic Jihad and ISIS,calling on Trump not to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel without the approval of the Muslim world...

See more:
https://freespeechtime.blogspot.com/201 ... nized.html
Libertarian353 wrote:Is it really? Do you even care about Black people? If not why should they care about you? I mean they should just support white genocide, cause you're oppressing them and making their lives miserable.

Your ability to turn literally anything into a whites/blacks issue is pretty cringeworthy. Like in the other thread you're rambling about how Trump doesn't care about whites because some of the waiters are presumably white but what if the dish washers are also white? Does he care and not care at the same time?
maz wrote:Well he said he was going to do it, but how is this MAGA?

Not taking any shit from primitive heathens is what made America great to begin with. Telling all those dirty Islamics how it's gonna be with our big swinging dick is hardcore MAGA. If it ain't senselessly belligerent it ain't MAGA.

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