U.S. to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Rancid wrote:This is high school shit basically, just trying to stick it to Palestinians and the Muslim world, just because. Just because. No other reason, there is no American interest served here, other than to make the president and moronic evangelicals ...

Couldn't agree more with those who say this is a stupid move. But the evangelicals are not the only ones Trump made this nutty campaign promise to. Over the years, the primarily jewish, pro-Israel lobby has wielded excessive influence on capital hill. More than anyone else, they're at fault for this.

This president and his moronic voters have just sealed a higher level of terrorist attacks on US soil.

I think far and away the main consequences will be felt in the Mideast itself. More will happen than just damage to our relations with KSA, Egypt, Turkey etc. You know, this will actually have a redeeming feature. It may induce muslims to stop their internecine fighting and turn their attention back where it belongs--the Israeli enemy.

The level of stupidity on display in our government has reached levels that are incomprehensible.

I agree absolutely. And I think this is an indictment, not just of the current administration but the whole system which enabled AIPAC and ZOA etc to become so powerful (can you believe congress is all for this??!).
Blackjack21 asked: Why do you think that is stupid. Clinton, Bush and Obama all promised to do the same thing. Only Trump followed through on his promise.

Three reasons. #3 particularly important.

1. This will give every radical wannabee in the world an excuse to terrorize the US.

2. It is counter to our interests in the region.

3. It was our most powerful (in fact pretty much only) bargaining chip with Israel for peace process in the so-called Palestine.

Usualy the local terrorist groups attack Israel, and not the global. The local terrorist groups who attacked Israel are both Sunnis, Shiites and atheist (baathists).

It matters whether the attackers are "global" who carry the (pan) Islamic will or "local", brought up by Western Palestine obsession. The hatred against Israel is not what it was. The ones that still attack Israel are brought up by EU and UN funds, either at school (UNRWA) or front organizations (the so called Human Rights) agitators. It's extension of European antisemitism.

Last edited by noir on 07 Dec 2017 16:37, edited 2 times in total.
Just like the tax cut, this move will create thousands of good-paying jobs.

The tax cut will provide jobs in the fast-food and prostitution sectors, while this political move will lead to many high-paying jobs in the career mercenary sector.

Meanwhile, China and Bangladesh will continue manufacturing useful things with slave-like work conditions. :lol:

You happen to realize that the discussion and people's perspective of you doesn't just end when you're in a new thread right?

Your reputation and your views continue to be the subject of criticism and ridicule regardless of whether or not you said so or not. Given your previous remarks and even the remarks in this thread you continue to discriminate against to Muslims to such a point that they might as well be called inhuman. I simply took your remarks to their logical conclusion.

Still, this is great news, now more people who hate Trump will oppose it simply for that reason alone, even though Dems also support this idea that obviously came from AIPAC, the organization that plays American politicians like out-of-tune violins.

Also, this will feed the BDS movement very well and continue to make Israel look like the pariah state it is.

International law is something that'll need to be considered here too, since this idea by the US is a violation of that.

The sad part of it is that it is going to cause much more violence in the region, but hopefully more of that is directed at the settlers.

There've been many protests in the region already and I see many are planned in cities all over the West.

LehmanB wrote:I think Isis did shot missiles on Israel from Sinai and Gaza, but indeed it was minor.

Yes that's right ISIS attacked the IDF and subsequently apologized for that bit of 'friendly fire'. :D

Drlee wrote:3. It was our most powerful (in fact pretty much only) bargaining chip with Israel for peace process in the so-called Palestine.

There is no peace process unless you'd like to explain what that is. And, yes, the land is called Palestine and she will be free. So-called "Israel" was created in your lifetime and it's not legit and it's obvious it's not legit since it spends a godawful amount of time begging the people it is living on top of to recognize its legitimacy. You have everything upside down but MSM programming does that to many, so don't feel bad.

Also, it's weird seeing Christians support this since they along with Muslims would be getting jacked by this move. :eh:
Garsh I can't even imagine, maybe when the settlements are gone and Israel stops doing the weird ethnic apartheid?

Also maybe relax on the violence and cultural acceptability in Israel to shoot innocent people.

I have more suggestions if you like?
Finally the Holy Land shall be free! :excited:

BBC wrote:Trump Jerusalem move sparks Israeli-Palestinian clashes

At least 31 Palestinians have been wounded in clashes in the Gaza Strip and across the occupied West Bank, during protests against US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

One person is in a critical condition.

Mr Trump's announcement - met with worldwide dismay - reversed decades of US policy on the sensitive issue. Israel deployed hundreds of extra troops in the West Bank as Palestinians went on strike and took to the streets. Protesters set tires alight and threw stones, and Israeli troops fired tear gas, rubber bullets and live bullets. One rocket fired from the Gaza Strip exploded inside southern Israel while others fell short, Israel's army said. In response, an Israeli tank and an aircraft targeted "two terror posts" in Gaza, the army said without giving further details.

Many of Washington's closest allies have said they disagree with the move, and both the UN Security Council and the Arab League will meet in the coming days to decide their response. There are fears the announcement could lead to a renewed outbreak of violence. The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas has already called for a new intifada, or uprising.

Why did Trump reverse US policy?

Mr Trump announced the move on Wednesday. The US president said: "I've judged this course of action to be in the best interests of the United States of America and the pursuit of peace between Israel and the Palestinians." He said he was directing the US state department to begin preparations to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Despite warnings of regional unrest over any such move, the decision fulfils a campaign promise and appeals to Mr Trump's right-wing base. Recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital was "nothing more or less than a recognition of reality", he added. "It is also the right thing to do."

Mr Trump said the US would support a two-state solution - shorthand for a final settlement that would see the creation of an independent Palestinian state within pre-1967 ceasefire lines in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, living peacefully alongside Israel - "if agreed to by both sides". The president also refrained from using Israel's description of Jerusalem as its "eternal and undivided capital". The Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be the capital of any future Palestinian state.

What has been the reaction?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was profoundly grateful to Mr Trump, who had "bound himself forever with the history of the capital". He also said Israel was "in touch with other countries to follow suit". He did not name any of these countries, although the Philippines and the Czech Republic have been mentioned in Israeli media. The White House said it was not aware of any countries planning to follow Mr Trump's lead. The mood has been very different on the Palestinian side.

The leader of Hamas, which dominates the Gaza Strip, has called for a "day of rage" on Friday and said it should "be the first day of the intifada against the occupier". Hamas members would be "fully ready" to "confront this strategic danger", Ismail Haniya said in a speech in Gaza.

Meanwhile, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's rival Fatah movement is seeking to protest through diplomatic means, by filing a complaint to the UN Security Council and pushing for a strong stance by the Arab League. "We are going to declare the United States disqualified as co-sponsor of any peace process or political process," spokesman Dr Nasser Al-Kidwa said. "In our mind, it has lost its ability to do or perform any efforts in this regard."

There has also been widespread condemnation across the Arab and wider Muslim world, with Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warning Mr Trump that he was "throwing the region into a ring of fire". The leaders of the UK, France and Germany have all said they disagree with the US announcement.

Jerusalem is of huge importance to both Israel and the Palestinians. It contains sites sacred to the three major monotheistic faiths - Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem has never been recognised internationally, and all countries maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv.

East Jerusalem, which includes the Old City, was annexed by Israel after the Six Day War of 1967, but before now it has not been internationally recognised as part of Israel. According to the 1993 Israel-Palestinian peace accords, the final status of Jerusalem is meant to be discussed in the latter stages of peace talks.

Last edited by Albert on 08 Dec 2017 00:03, edited 1 time in total.

I think that the mods should limit the amount of tweets a poster can make per thread. Tweets tend to hamper discourse since you can simply respond with a tweet instead of properly debating.


You know you're America-centric if you think that America acknowledging Jerusalem as Israel's capital is "freeing" it. Israel has already had Jerusalem in their grasps for decades. It was one of the top priorities of Zionists to obtain Jerusalem from the beginning of the Jewish homeland project. In a nutshell, you're way, way too late in the game to be making a statement such as that one.
Drlee wrote:Three reasons. #3 particularly important.

1. This will give every radical wannabee in the world an excuse to terrorize the US.

2. It is counter to our interests in the region.

3. It was our most powerful (in fact pretty much only) bargaining chip with Israel for peace process in the so-called Palestine.
If you have not noticed, but Muslim terrorist have already been terrorizing USA and Europe, for a long time.

Oxymandias wrote:@Rugoz

I think that the mods should limit the amount of tweets a poster can make per thread. Tweets tend to hamper discourse since you can simply respond with a tweet instead of properly debating.


You know you're America-centric if you think that America acknowledging Jerusalem as Israel's capital is "freeing" it. Israel has already had Jerusalem in their grasps for decades. It was one of the top priorities of Zionists to obtain Jerusalem from the beginning of the Jewish homeland project. In a nutshell, you're way, way too late in the game to be making a statement such as that one.
Well yes, but this decision by USA further moves the Zionist project to completion.
skinster wrote:https://twitter.com/JamalDajani/status/938497893576556544
Image Such good Christian folk used to live in the Roman named province of Palestine, under the Byzantine rule. Until Arab Muslims invaded and displaced them. And converted beautiful churches into mosques.

Neither Jamal or any other twitterati can erase our history with a push of a button.
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