U.S. to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital - Page 21 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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So an American writer traveled to Palestine in 1844, and he managed to observe that the Palestinians and the Syrians looks very simillar to each other ?
Wow, thats so amazing, I wonder how or why could that be ?!? hmmmm. I mean sure, The people of the Levant are essentially one race, one ethnicity, pretty much variants of the same culture, and shared the same history for the past 2000+ years and also not only intermarry with each other for centuries but also when ever a foreign group comes along it intermarries with all of them. But no, that couldn't possibly be why they look alike. It must be the Palestine was empty then all those Syrians moved in and settled in it. :knife:

Seriously, what type of retarded reasoning is that ?
anasawad wrote:So an American writer traveled to Palestine in 1844, and he managed to observe that the Palestinians and the Syrians looks very simillar to each other ?
Wow, thats so amazing, I wonder how or why could that be ?!? hmmmm. I mean sure, The people of the Levant are essentially one race, one ethnicity, pretty much variants of the same culture, and shared the same history for the past 2000+ years and also not only intermarry with each other for centuries but also when ever a foreign group comes along it intermarries with all of them. But no, that couldn't possibly be why they look alike. It must be the Palestine was empty then all those Syrians moved in and settled in it. :knife:

Seriously, what type of retarded reasoning is that ?

Actually, in 1844, scientific racism was respectable. I guess that's why noir likes what people were writing then.
With so many lies the "Palestinians" themselves don't know their history. This Hamas official says Saudi and Egypt, it's probably the case of the Arabs in Gaza.

In northern part of Palestine it's Syria


The Israeli Palestine conflict is dated one. We are living in the process (it may take 50 years to accomplish) where Europe will become Muslim. The Palestinians like other Arabs can and will emigrate to Europe. To hold the subjugation of the natives, Islam will need more foot soldiers, "Palestinians" (themselves mostly newcomers to "Palestine") are ready to made for this task.

This scenerio may sound lunatic to all those who subscribe the MSM narrative but it's the most realistic. All the fanfare and razzmatazz of this new Palestine crusade will not change the course of history. Good luck to Islam. It's a great achievement. Hope Britain will staty free but it's up to them.

Straight from the horse mouth

Egyptian Cleric Ali Abu Al-Hasan: In Several Decades, "Europe Will Become a Single Islamic State"

The true about the indigenous "Palestinians"

Straight from the horse's mouth


noir wrote:@Hindsite

Israel should deport all of them, but right now it doesn't have international backing to do it as was the case after WW2.

What do you say about the video? The provocation is beyond imagination. ”

In the USA, her parents would be ashamed of her, unless they are left-wing activist and law breakers
International Law is chrystal clear when it comes to Jerusalem. The occupations by Arab and Muslim terrorists in 638, 1187 and 1244 were illegal. The Muslims have no right to live in Jerusalem, no right what so ever. The Al Aqsa Mosque was a wicked and illegal construction and should be bull dozed. I would happily volunteer to drive one of the bulldozers myself for free.
Rich wrote:International Law is chrystal clear when it comes to Jerusalem. The occupations by Arab and Muslim terrorists in 638, 1187 and 1244 were illegal. The Muslims have no right to live in Jerusalem, no right what so ever. The Al Aqsa Mosque was a wicked and illegal construction and should be bull dozed. I would happily volunteer to drive one of the bulldozers myself for free.

In ideal world it had to be bulldozed. Removing this death cult from the Holy Land can bring peace to the region and to the world. But Israel has no guts to do it. So the war goes on.
noir wrote:In ideal world it had to be bulldozed. Removing this death cult from the Holy Land can bring peace to the region and to the world. But Israel has no guts to do it. So the war goes on.

I think Israel will ultimately throw the Palestinians out, in the process killing many but it won't bring peace to the region...
Expulsion the Sudeten German did brought peace to Czechoslovakia and Europe as a whole, which is holding till today

Edvard Beneš the Czech president offered to do it to Palestinians as well. Ss are two American president, Roosevelt and Hoover.

Dr. Eduard Benes was President of Czechoslovakia from 1935--38. In 1938 the Germans occupied the country, and in 1940 he organised a government-in-exile in London. After Czechoslovakia was liberated in 1945, he returned to the presidency. Soon after the
termination of the Second World War, the Sudeten Germans living in Czechoslovakia were transferred to Germany.
In August 1946, Benes had a meting with Eliahu Ben-Horin and the latter reported on this meeting in his unpublished autobiography. According to Ben-Horin, "President Benes said that there was something he could not understand about Zionist policies. He felt that the transfer of the Palestinian Arabs to Iraq or some other underpopulated Arab country could have provided the soundest solution for the Palestine problem. 'Indeed,' Dr. Benes went on, 'I spoke about it several times to Dr. Weizmann ... in London, but he had not been receptive at all to this idea. We are now transferring the Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia to Germany, and their number is twice the number of the Arabs you have in Palestine.'" We should add that this transfer of Sudeten Germans was a compulsory transfer approved by the Great Powers.
Ben-Horin answered Benes that he did "not have to sell me on the transfer idea, because I have advocated this solution for several years." He then pointed out that whereas President Hoover "also favors the transfer idea", Weizmann and other Zionist leaders "may
not be far-sighted enough in this respect". He also felt that one could not bring a parallel with the Sudeten Germans, since whereas Benes and his government were masters of Czechoslovakia, this was not the case with the Jews of Palestine.

Same offer by the British philosopher, Bertrand Russell


Bertrand Russell was an English philosopher and mathematician. In his later years, Russell was actively engaged in the campaign for nuclear disarmament. For his numerous writings, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

In 1943, Bertrand Russell wrote about his views regarding a future Jewish State. With regard to the Arab question, he distinguished between the theoretical solution and the practical realities.

For the theoretical solution, he put forward the idea of transfer. He wrote that “it should be possible to offer adequate compensation for any disturbance, and to cause the Arabs voluntarily to surrender inconvenient rights in return for perhaps more valuable concessions elsewhere.”

However, in practical terms, he concluded that the problem was much more complex. This was not because he felt transfer was unethical or wrong, but because “the question is inflamed by the very general rise of Asiatic self-consciousness, and a determination to assert the rights of Asia as against the white man.” Even in the eyes of the most enlightened Indian inhabitants, Russell considered that Zionism appeared as an ally of British imperialism. He did not feel that there was “the faintist justification for this view”; however since it was widely held, it was politically important.(167)
starman2003 wrote:I think Israel will ultimately throw the Palestinians out, in the process killing many but it won't bring peace to the region...

If all the jews left Israel it wouldn't bring peace to the Islamic Middle East any more than our withdrawal from Communist contested territories brought peace to the Communist world.
noir wrote:Expulsion the Sudeten German did brought peace to Czechoslovakia and Europe as a whole, which is holding till today

But there hadn't, to my knowledge, been conflict in Czechoslovakia prior to the reich stirring it up. But heck, if Israelis want to kick the Palestinians out and kill many, let them do it. We'll see what happens then. :D

On second thought, you are're right. It won't bring peace to the region because they are first and foremost at war with each other. Mosts of the deads by Muslims are Muslims themselves.

Though, removing this death cult from the region can pacify somehow the Islamic world. This fire is inciting many Muslims around the world.
noir wrote:On second thought, you are're right. It won't bring peace to the region because they are first and foremost at war with each other. Mosts of the deads by Muslims are Muslims themselves.

Though, removing this death cult from the region can pacify somehow the Islamic world. This fire is inciting many Muslims around the world.

The virtual destruction of ISIS should mean greater internal stability in arab states. Killing and expelling Palestinians will inflame new passions. But, hey don't let that stop you. Go right ahead. :D
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