California has become a third world renter state - Politics | PoFo

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California has failed

California has become a third world renter state filled with urban ghettos and toilet bowls.

Orange County’s largest homeless camp

Here's What Happens When Democrats Run Your State Government. Examining How the Left ruined California

Anaheim California Jan. 17, 2017 Homeless raid

Maria shares with us what a day is like being homeless and pregnant

Moving out of California

Two dozen companies commit to leaving California

California on the Brink of Pension Crisis
The Urban-Rural problem in California is a long standing one. When San Francisco is referred to as 'Northern California', they have a problem.

The State of Jefferson movement which has encompassed North California and South Oregon isn't directly related to this, but I could see how there might be similar grievances.
Even for a Hindsite post, this is pretty dumb. Sadly, there's homeless in every state in the US. There are homeless camps in every state in the US. Here in the Portland area, it is common to see lines of tents on the sidewalks downtown, along parking lots, parks, spaces between highways and roads, etc.

Conditions in California are far better than poor "red" states. If sensationalist idiots on YouTube think California is a failed state, they haven't been to some of the Appalachian states.
B0ycey wrote:One way California could solve their shanky town problem is secede from the US and instead of financing the poor red states, they could spend it on their poor. Would that make you happy @Hindsite?

Many of those poor are a result of their open border and sanctuary state policy. Seceding from the USA will not solve that problem. It is nice that they do have some Christians in the state that try to at least feed and clothe these poor people living in "shit holes" in California and elsewhere, but they need to listen to the Trump of God. HalleluYah
Rancid wrote:Austin has a lot of homeless. Largely because Austin in the only city in the state that offers a lot of support for homeless folks. Thus all the homeless people across the state travel here.

That includes the illegal immigrants that come across the border with Mexico, too. And many of those people move there from California, too.

See the video moving out of California. 52,000 migrants from other countries are moving into California, while 22,000 people are moving out. Austin, Texas is one of the three most popular places the Californians move too.
Last edited by Hindsite on 17 Jan 2018 19:59, edited 1 time in total.
Rancid wrote:oddly enough, the homeless that i see on a regular basis during my commute to and from work, do not appear latino.

Maybe, that is because they are Mexican or have lost their jobs from the Californians moving in.
Hindsite wrote:Maybe, that is because they are Mexican or have lost their jobs from the Californians moving in.

It's possible. Austin has been losing it's black population. Precisely because people are pushing them out.

Contrary to popular belief, migration to Texas is mostly coming from neighboring states. Louisiana and Oklahoma. Also, more people move to Texas from Florida than California.
You should really do everything you can to get rid of Failing California, Euthanasia'n Oregon, and Homeless Washington. You can save the Union by encouraging these states to leave the Union.

You will have a guaranteed Republican majority for a century, and they won't drag America down.

Please, do what you can to cut these parasites out!*

(Sorry East Coast, you're on your own with these whining children)
Hindsite wrote:That includes the illegal immigrants that come across the border with Mexico, too. And many of those people move there from California, too.

Hindsite, I used to work for homeless shelters. The laws are against helping illegal immigrants. The homeless shelter programs almost all don't help undocumented immigrants. The food stamp program will not feed people without papers. Period.

No subsidies for electricity, water, rent for people who are not legal residents. Period. You think there is help for free for them? You are wrong. I worked in that profession and they have hard rules against helping them. You might think they are helped? They are not.

They get jobs that pay under the table and they work many jobs that are black market jobs. Almost all of them pay very low, and you are subject to unscrupulous people who will work Mexicans and others for months and keep withholding checks and finally kick them out of jobs without paying them a dime. I got five families like that....with little kids. And they were from your religion Hindsite. Protestants. Latino protestants who worked hard and did not get a paycheck for their work. Because they are here without papers. Why are they here? Come from small town Mexico. They worked in small family farms in Mexico. They marijuana and cocaine narcos came to town and said you either work the weed fields and give the majority of the profits to us? Or we will kill you or mow you down....they fled. To the states. Because the cities in Mexico are filled with high school graduate college graduate Mexicans with the skills to get jobs in cities. The rural Mexicans are severely limited in opportunities and they have low level educations. Most small towns in Mexico don't have free high schools.

Where do they go? To the states to take low paying jobs. It is the most feasible alternative for them. The American economy relies on them a lot. I had to go to almost every service industry place in this state and thousands upon thousands of people here who speak only Spanish and are Mexican and work here in jobs that the employers refuse to hire white Americans for.....the excuses they gave me for not hiring white Americans, "The white Americans are lazy. They don't show up for dishwashing jobs consistently. They are on drugs, don't want to do the job, for long. You got to pay them more. The Mexicans show up and are dependable and accept my wages and no benefits. You don't need English and skills. You need work ethic....etc. etc." They exploit them. Let us be honest.

The people who you should try to punish Hindsite are the employers. But they won't listen. The white workers who are 'available' don't want those jobs. They don't.

I don't care what your reply might be. I know how you are already. I thought I would write this for the benefit of people who might genuinely believe that the problem lies with the Mexicans being some criminal, monsters and etc. They are not. They are good, humble, hard working, sweet, rural, down to earth people. Whom I have had dinner with, gotten to know well and who's children played with my child too. I know them by name, learned their histories, their lives, and worked and helped them.

They are my people. Mi gente.

That is all I will say on the subject to you Hindsite.
So easy to blame illegal migrants but someone has to pay them to work. They don't cross over the border for nothing.

There are a number of issues at play in America in terms of poverty, but you'll find they all stem from greed from the Capitalists or the GOP. Low pay, unfair taxes, subsidies, minimum wage, easy credit. America is a mountain of debt, and when it topples the fatcats on top are going to fall the furthest. The irony Hindsite is you are so blinded by the lies of the GOP and the Trumpanze that you promote their lies rather than condemn their actions. They could tell you anything and you would believe it. You are gullible. And the fact to question one of America's richest states in being a failure says it all for your sanity.
@ Tainari88
Maybe that is why they have miles of tent cities in California. The Christians in California help them out. They even bring them pizzas to eat. The reason they get paid under the table and take black market jobs is because it is illegal to hire them without a government work permit for farming jobs, etc. They are not supposed to be here. Noemon Edit: Rule 2 Violation

Yeah, most of the white and black workers in California are on drugs because the Mexicans bring them into the state to sell them. And the California government has decided to make weed legal to combat that issue. Now they will show up to work stoned on weed. Good luck with that.

@ B0ycey
Employers break the law because the liberal California politicians let them get away with it. Are you really that gullible that you don't understand that. Trump is the solution. Your sanctuary cities are just making it worse. You are promoting the lies of Fake News.
Hindsite wrote:@ B0ycey
Employers break the law because the liberal California politicians let them get away with it. Are you really that gullible that you don't understand that. Trump is the solution. Your sanctuary cities are just making it worse. You are promoting the lies of Fake News.

Employers break the law to save on Labour costs. Trump built his tower with illegal migrants BTW. Your faith that he will solve the problem has no foundation - because he is the problem.
The Sabbaticus wrote:It always surprises me just how bloody awful California looks. Not to mention the people.

It was very nice the first time I went, nearly 50 years ago. The last time, 30 years ago, it was already showing signs of decline.

CA committed suicide when it passed Proposition 13 in 1978, because since then, the state constitution forces CA's state, county, and local governments to give exorbitant and relentlessly increasing subsidies to landowners. Everyone in the state will ultimately be sacrificed on the altar of landowner greed, privilege and parasitism. In the 40 years since Prop 13, CA has become dramatically worse in virtually every measure of good government. And it is guaranteed to keep getting worse. The forced monotonic increase in the subsidization of landowning means that everything in CA will relentlessly regress lower and lower, except one thing and one thing only: land value. That will keep going up, because it is NOTHING BUT the market's estimate of the future subsidy to the landowner, and Prop 13 FORCES all CA governments to keep increasing it, no matter what.
B0ycey wrote:Employers break the law to save on Labour costs.

That does not make it right.

B0ycey wrote:Trump built his tower with illegal migrants BTW.

As I recall, Trump said that was the fault of a contractor that he used.

B0ycey wrote:Your faith that he will solve the problem has no foundation - because he is the problem.

Trump has solved many building problems in the past.

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