Is Contraception Murder? - Page 22 - Politics | PoFo

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Suntzu wrote:I don't think one can depend on anything in the Bible being accurate starting with a flood the covered Mt. Everest. :lol:

Well, Mt. Everest did not exist at the time of the flood of Noah's day. The very high mountains rose up after the worldwide flood.
Praise the Lord for that bit of education.
Hindsite wrote:Well, Mt. Everest did not exist at the time of the flood of Noah's day. The very high mountains rose up after the worldwide flood.
Praise the Lord for that bit of education.
You mean religious misinformation, and idiocy. Geological science is quite definitive, and your suggestion that Mount Everest is 4,500 years old, is beyond stupid.
Suntzu wrote:Mt. Everest is 4,500 years old, BWAHAHAHA!!!

How do you account for sea animals and sea shells being found on top of Mt. Everest?

Fossilized sea life lies atop every major mountain range on earth—far above sea level and usually far from the nearest body of water. Attempts to explain “seashells on mountaintops” have generated controversy for centuries.

An early explanation was that a global flood covered these mountains, allowing clams and other sea life to “crawl” far and high. However, as Leonardo da Vinci wrote, under the best conditions, clams move too slowly to reach such heights, even if the flood lasted centuries. Also, the earth does not have enough water to cover these mountains, so others said that some sea bottoms sank, leaving adjacent seafloors (loaded with sea creatures) relatively high—what we today call mountains. How such large subterranean voids formed to allow this sinking was never explained.

Still others proposed that sea bottoms rose to become mountains. The mechanisms, forces, and energy required to push up mountains were also never explained. Because elevations on earth change slowly, some wondered if sea bottoms could rise miles into the air, perhaps over millions of years. However, mountaintops, which experience destructive freezing and thawing cycles, erode relatively rapidly—and so should fossils slowly lifted by them. Also, mountaintops accumulate few sediments that might blanket and protect such fossils. Some early authorities, in frustration, said the animals and shells grew inside rocks —or the rocks simply look like clams, corals, fish, and ammonites. Others denied the evidence even existed. Today, geologists rarely acknowledge all the seashells on mountaintops.

The means by which mountains were pushed up in hours during a global flood will soon be presented. The mechanism is simple, the energy and forces are sufficient, and supporting evidence (pages 112–441) is voluminous—not just seashells on mountaintops. ... ces16.html
:lol: Those fossils aren't from thousands of years, but from millions of years ago. Your moronic pseudoscience is just that. Making up shit to support your retarded religious dogma? Check.

Creationism page as your source? :moron:

Real science, and not your fucked up religious idiocy:

At the tops of the highest peaks, like Mount Everest, it is possible to find 400-million-year-old fossils of sea creatures and shells that were deposited at the bottoms of shallow tropical seas. Now they are exposed on the roof of the world, over 25,000 feet above sea level. ... est-755308
Godstud wrote::lol: Those fossils aren't from thousands of years, but from millions of years ago. Your moronic pseudoscience is just that. Making up shit to support your retarded religious dogma? Check.

Creationism page as your source? :moron:

Real science, and not your fucked up religious idiocy:

At the tops of the highest peaks, like Mount Everest, it is possible to find 400-million-year-old fossils of sea creatures and shells that were deposited at the bottoms of shallow tropical seas. Now they are exposed on the roof of the world, over 25,000 feet above sea level. ... est-755308

Here you go again, claiming everyone that has a different opinion than you and your ilk are idiots and morons.
Sure I am a Christian that believes in the Holy Bible. So why wouldn't I agree with the Creationist view of history?
You are an atheist, so you obviously would agree with those that claim the evolutionary fairy tale over billions of years. That is not real science, but a belief based only on conjecture and imagination. It is no better than believing a kiss turned a frog into a prince by replacing the kiss with millions of years.
Hindsite wrote:Here you go again, claiming everyone that has a different opinion than you and your ilk are idiots and morons.
It's not opinion. This is science and FACTS. Noemon Edit: Rule 2

Hindsite wrote:So why wouldn't I agree with the Creationist view of history?
Noemon Edit: Rule 2

My religion, or lack thereof, means nothing. I look at science. You dismiss it at the drop of the hat if it doesn't agree with your beliefs. I almost expect that you going to tell me that water doesn't boil next, because it says so in your holy book.

Hindsite wrote:It is stupid to believe that fossils can be dated to 400 million years.
That is an impossibility.
No. It's science. It is stupid not to understand that. It's only impossible if you don't understand anything.
Godstud wrote:It's not opinion. This is science and FACTS. Noemon Edit: Rule 2

Noemon Edit: Rule 2

My religion, or lack thereof, means nothing. I look at science. You dismiss it at the drop of the hat if it doesn't agree with your beliefs. I almost expect that you going to tell me that water doesn't boil next, because it says so in your holy book.

No. It's science. It is stupid not to understand that. It's only impossible if you don't understand anything.

There is no point in trying to reason with someone that only wants to call names.
Anyway, this thread is not the place to do that.
My apologies for the name-calling(generalizing) but I am most passionate on this topic. I despise willful ignorance. We are lucky to have great technology and knowledge. When people throw that away in favour of the dogma of a book written and re-written over 1000 years ago, I tend to get a little, testy.

Your holy book does not dismiss science. You merely have to understand that the science isn't there to disprove the bible and that it can co-exist with modern science as long as you don't seek to corrupt modern science with it's primitive dogma.

The bible is full of stories and metaphors. Jonah was not actually swallowed by a whale. A great flood did happen, but it happened in THEIR small part of the world, and not everywhere.

The bible is neither a history, nor a science text. It was never made as such. It's a book about how to live your life, and not a book to explain the world around us. Take it in the right context and it doesn't come off as looking stupid.
We have actual, written history that goes back more the 4,500 years. About 4,500 years ago the Egyptians were building the pyramids. They neglected to mention the great flood. 8)
The Flood is mentioned in Mesopotamian text (Epic of Gilgamesh), also The Book of Job can also be found in their traditional folklore (The Poem of the Righteous Sufferer). Jews being geographically in around Mesopotamia, perhaps it could be argued that Jewish people are part of Mesopotamia, would share in traditions and customs with other cultures around them.
The pyramids were not built until after 2630 BC, but there are historical records going back to around 3000 BC.

You can say anything in the bible, as there is no DATE for the biblical flood. Any dating of such a thing is pure guesswork on the part of religious people.

Also, there is absolutely no evidence that such a flood was on a global scale.

Now, as for a real flood...

This quote from the Book of Genesis is part of a familiar tale — the story of Noah’s flood. Scholars have known for a long time that the Bible isn’t the only place this story is found — in fact, the biblical story is similar to a much older Mesopotamian flood story in the epic of Gilgamesh. Scholars usually attribute things like the worldwide occurrence of flood stories to common human experiences and our love of repeating good stories, but recently scientists have started to uncover evidence that Noah’s flood may have a basis in some rather astonishing events that took place around the Black Sea some 7,500 years ago.

The scientific version of Noah’s flood actually starts long before that, back during the last great glaciation some 20,000 years ago. ... 102813115/
I do not worship a false god. so I am set.

Praise Rancid!! Halleluyah!
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