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By colliric
4cal wrote:Equating CNN with the WWE just goes to illustrate the mental failings of trump supporters.

I accept your previous post. Ok you were a fan as a child.

Personally I loved Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, Jake The Snake Roberts, and Hulk Hogan because everyone did.

We didn't get WCW as much in Australia until the Sting era in the early nineties.
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By 4cal
Now that the crooked lawyer has come out and said he paid the hush money to the stripper/prostitute/pornstar, doesn't that void the agreement which was supposedly between our President and the stripper/prostitute/porn star?
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By Hong Wu
Well, she thought she'd get more attention this way. Although I'm personally disappointed that Trump got into this, there's a few things I would like to point out about it.

First, it has nothing to do with Russia.

Second, Democrats are poorly situated to criticize this since it appears to be a milder version of what they defended Bill Clinton over. I'm sure everyone will look like a hypocrite by the time this one blows over, life has a way of making that happen.

It seems unlikely that Pence did anything like this. Pence is so straight arrow they tried to make him take the Trump bullet and then Trump won. I might even like Pence more than Trump. Maybe they will somehow stretch Trump's unspecified indiscretion with this woman into impeachment and then Pence can ban porn or something.

Hey, maybe this finally gives a coherent rationale for their Trump hysteria. They don't want him gone, they just want to be able to hate him. That would actually make some sense.
4chan wrote:Now that the crooked lawyer has come out and said he paid the hush money to the stripper/prostitute/pornstar, doesn't that void the agreement which was supposedly between our President and the stripper/prostitute/porn star?

That depends upon the specifics of the agreement. I can tell you I am under a non-disclosure agreement. Some people who are under non-disclosure agreements cannot even say that. That's more typical in government work and military work. So if Flynn or Carter Page are working for Mueller now, they cannot even acknowledge the agreement unless Trump decides to waive the requirement in the interest of transparency. Revealing that there is a non-disclosure agreement doesn't necessarily relieve one of the parties, because consideration has been paid so performance is still required.

Hong Wu wrote:First, it has nothing to do with Russia.

More importantly, it's not a crime. That's why 4cal keeps scratching his head and saying, "Why do you still support him?" 4cal has not figured out yet that the establishment is hated. People like Drlee love the establishment, because they are the establishment. People like me used to support the establishment, but I no longer do after McCain-Kennedy and the employment of left wing propaganda by Republicans against their own base. I love it everytime Donald Trump tweaks either party with something politically incorrect. As much as the media calls it a fiasco or tries to make the argument Trump is unfit for office, the happier I am.

Hong Wu wrote:They don't want him gone, they just want to be able to hate him.

Well, this year, they are under the impression that Trump is going to help them. So don't look for him to be impeached this year. Just expect that he will be continuously assailed.
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By colliric
Hong Wu wrote:Well, she thought she'd get more attention this way. Although I'm personally disappointed that Trump got into this, there's a few things I would like to point out about it.

I still haven't seen any evidence of Donald Trump being involved with that woman.

He didn't make the payment.

To me it looks like the Lawyer, after hearing her allegation (whatever it is) payed her what she wanted to piss off and not waste anyone's time and money in court and/or in the news.

Not like "Go Away you idiot, we're too busy to even bother dealing with this right now... Give you what you want and you can piss off" settlements haven't been payed out by rich lawyers(against the will of clients sometimes) even to this value before.
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By colliric
4cal wrote:Now that the crooked lawyer has come out and said he paid the hush money to the stripper/prostitute/pornstar, doesn't that void the agreement which was supposedly between our President and the stripper/prostitute/porn star?

No he obviously payed her specifically "Go Away" money... slightly Different to Hush money.

He payed out just so Trump didn't have to waste his time in Court during the presidential campaign. Lawyers do that kind of thing all the time. Doesn't mean her alligation is true or not. Just means the Lawyer thought the timing was really bad and inconvenient for his client and so took the initiative and dug into his own pocket to get the woman to leave Trump alone.

The Republicans will simply say he choose to pay out because the timing was shit and the Lawyer didn't want Trump to be inconvenienced with a frivolous lawsuit.

Didn't pay Hush cash, payed the usual "go away you idiot, we can't be bothered fighting you, got better things to do" cash.
Why did (((they))) promote this silly narrative about "Trump is a puppet of Russia"?
Well, to deflect the attention from an obvious and observable fact:
The POTUS has to serve Israel.
Trump is not different from his predecessors, he has to bow to the power of the Israel Lobby, but that is not enough.

The POTUS has to cooperate in the dismantlement of ALL National States (except Israel), including the USA.

Nationalism is good for Israel, but the diversity of Goyim-Countris is the strength of Globalists.

Trump cannot understand that if a wall and Jews-only migration laws are good for Israel, then it does not mean that USA can have laws and boarders, similar to Israel.

And that is the reason why Trump is hated so much by people who claim to be "anti-racist", but do not have any problems with supporting Israel.
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By 4cal
colliric wrote:No he obviously payed her specifically "Go Away" money... slightly Different to Hush money.

He payed out just so Trump didn't have to waste his time in Court during the presidential campaign. Lawyers do that kind of thing all the time. Doesn't mean her alligation is true or not. Just means the Lawyer thought the timing was really bad and inconvenient for his client and so took the initiative and dug into his own pocket to get the woman to leave Trump alone.

The Republicans will simply say he choose to pay out because the timing was shit and the Lawyer didn't want Trump to be inconvenienced with a frivolous lawsuit.

Didn't pay Hush cash, payed the usual "go away you idiot, we can't be bothered fighting you, got better things to do" cash.

The old definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and expecting different results.
The new definition of insanity is believing 1/10th of the bullsh*t you just posted.
4cal wrote:The new definition of insanity is believing 1/10th of the bullsh*t you just posted.

The new definition of insanity is having it revealed that the Trump Russiagate bullshit was financed by Hillary Clinton and helped along by the FBI and CIA, and then deflecting with some rubbish about a porn star who claims to have had sex with president Trump.

If gay people can get married, a straight guy can have sex with a pornstar. There is no more ability on the political left to try to shock the political right with cries of immorality. We simply don't care anymore. As I write this, my company stock has gone up $10 in two days. I like making $10k in two days with a president that likes to fuck porn stars and cut my taxes. It's totally awesome!
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By 4cal
The new definition of insanity is having it revealed that the Trump Russiagate bullshit was financed by Hillary Clinton and helped along by the FBI and CIA,
Yeah…the KGB and Russia are the good guys, the FBI and the CIA are our enemies. If you could only listen to how bat-shit crazy you sound.

and then deflecting with some rubbish about a porn star who claims to have had sex with president Trump.
So if you think it is rubbish…that means that this attorney (allegedly a bright guy) gave this porn star $130K for nothing…

What are the odds of that happening?

If gay people can get married, a straight guy can have sex with a pornstar. There is no more ability on the political left to try to shock the political right with cries of immorality. We simply don't care anymore. As I write this, my company stock has gone up $10 in two days. I like making $10k in two days with a president that likes to fuck porn stars and cut my taxes. It's totally awesome![/quote]

Meanwhile the investigations into the multiple scandals spawned by Donald Trump continues unabated. Cash out while you still can. :lol:
4cal wrote:Yeah…the KGB and Russia are the good guys, the FBI and the CIA are our enemies.

I didn't say Russians were good guys, and I didn't say the FBI and CIA were America's enemies.

4cal wrote:If you could only listen to how bat-shit crazy you sound.

That's what you said. That's not what I said. So it would be you who sounds bat-shit crazy.

4cal wrote:So if you think it is rubbish…that means that this attorney (allegedly a bright guy) gave this porn star $130K for nothing…

He apparently gave her money so she stopped spewing rubbish.

4cal wrote:Meanwhile the investigations into the multiple scandals spawned by Donald Trump continues unabated.

Yeah, Mueller has indicted a bunch of Russians he'll never be able to put to trial, while at the same time incorporating into the indictment that there is no evidence that the campaign wittingly colluded with any Russians. Rosenstein announced this, so it looks like Rosenstein is trying to keep his job even though he signed off on warrants to spy on Trump associates.

4cal wrote:Cash out while you still can. :lol:

I'd prefer to wait a little longer so that I can get more favorable treatment with the long-term capital gains tax rate.
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By 4cal
[quote=“blackjack21"]I didn't say Russians were good guys, and I didn't say the FBI and CIA were America's enemies.
You trotted out that obviously false, totally lame story about the FBI and CIA being in cahoots with the Clintons. As if the former Secretary of State, the FBI, and the world’s leading spy agency were all in congress together to make sure she won and the best thing they could come up with was a memo… Really. Do you rehearse the crap you try to sell here?

He apparently gave her money so she stopped spewing rubbish.
Gee, that is good to know. I guess in 2020, all I have to do is make up a story and I’ll get $130,000 from one of Trump’s lawyers?

It is sad that you continue to repeat such garbage as if “Yeah, he just gave her $130K” like it’s a daily occurrence. Can you give us another example of any lawyer, anywhere, at any time, coughing up $100K+ of his own money to silence someone who didn’t have a leg to stand on?

Yeah, Mueller has indicted a bunch of Russians he'll never be able to put to trial, while at the same time incorporating into the indictment that there is no evidence that the campaign wittingly colluded with any Russians. Rosenstein announced this, so it looks like Rosenstein is trying to keep his job even though he signed off on warrants to spy on Trump associates.
Roger Stone, Trump advisor, admitted that he was well aware of Russian hacker activity via twitter.
Russian intelligence and allied groups have done a wonderful job at playing American media and political establishment like a fiddle. Backed both sides of the schism, and simply watched them run at each other and fall into the dividing abyss. A few more polarized elections and the dismemberment can begin. Poor Trump - too little too late. The swamp will drown the entire country until there is no country. Then western Europe will fall into further turmoil as a consequence.

Seems all the celebration of the post-cold war 90's was premature. Putin and his Chinese counterparts will bury the west.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote: As I write this, my company stock has gone up $10 in two days. I like making $10k in two days with a president that likes to fuck porn stars and cut my taxes. It's totally awesome!

Post your tax returns or it didn't happen. :|
4cal wrote:You trotted out that obviously false, totally lame story about the FBI and CIA being in cahoots with the Clintons.

It is clear that the DNC and Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to manufacture the dossier. It is clear it was furnished to the FBI. It is clear that the FBI used it as a basis for FISA warrants. It is clear that Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr were anti-Trump and pro-Hillary. There is very little to debate about that now.

4cal wrote:As if the former Secretary of State, the FBI, and the world’s leading spy agency were all in congress together to make sure she won and the best thing they could come up with was a memo…

Opposition research isn't the only thing Hillary Clinton sucked at--and I'm not just referring to IT security, but her whole presidential campaign. It was a fiasco.

4cal wrote:I guess in 2020, all I have to do is make up a story and I’ll get $130,000 from one of Trump’s lawyers?

It might help if you were a woman.

4cal wrote:It is sad that you continue to repeat such garbage as if “Yeah, he just gave her $130K” like it’s a daily occurrence. Can you give us another example of any lawyer, anywhere, at any time, coughing up $100K+ of his own money to silence someone who didn’t have a leg to stand on?

Again, you are missing the point. Let's say she "has a leg to stand on." So what? It's not a prosecutable offense. Maybe Trump stole a candy bar from a convenience store when he was a little boy. So what?

4cal wrote:Roger Stone, Trump advisor, admitted that he was well aware of Russian hacker activity via twitter.

I've admitted that I was well aware of Russian hacker activity too. They have been hacking US banks and bilking US citizens of billions of dollars each year for some time.

jimjam wrote:Post your tax returns or it didn't happen. :|

Ah, but it did. 8) Unfortunately, it turns out I only made $9, as it pulled back a bit in late trading today. :hmm: Not to worry. Nomura has a target price of $152, and I think we're headed there. As for posting my tax returns, why the hell would I do that?

Stormsmith wrote:@blackjack21 Should post his earnings statement complete with the legitimate letterhead or he's bluffing. :)

Paper profits are unrealized. I need to hold it until at least July in order to get long term capital gains treatment. Otherwise, I'll have to pay 31% tax on the profits. Hopefully, the Fed doesn't jack rates up too high by then.

Trump is super awesome!
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By Hong Wu
So yeah, Mueller has basically said now that there's no evidence of collusion. Although a Bloomberg article I read said that there might be "unwitting collusion". If we're lowering the bar to unwitting collusion that's probably not criminally punishable. Does this mean that it's over? It usually takes 48 hours for new narrative orders to come out...
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By colliric
Hong Wu wrote:So yeah, Mueller has basically said now that there's no evidence of collusion. Although a Bloomberg article I said that there might be "unwitting collusion". If we're lowering the bar to unwitting collusion that's probably not criminally punishable. Does this mean that it's over? It usually takes 48 hours for new narrative orders to come out...

No... the Democrats have been playing the "keep digging until we find something, anything at all, even though we probably never will" game for a while. So I'm afraid it just the beginning of either Act 2 or Act 3.... Hopefully Act 3 so we can finally get away from it soon....
Igor Antunov wrote:Seems all the celebration of the post-cold war 90's was premature. Putin and his Chinese counterparts will bury the west.

"we slaughtered the wrong pig" - Winston Churchill. I like how at one point you were defending America in a fools attempt of white unity, now you're speaking like a Islamist. You took the Black pill.
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