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By 4cal
jimjam wrote:Russian trolls were ineffective? I guess i'll believe that when I see it but, in the meantime, let us pretend it is true.
"Oh, the trolls were ineffective so ..... what's the big deal. We'll do nothing until they are effective and, in the process remain the world's laughingstock. "

Look Junior, when the very foundation of America's government is under attack I'm OK with erroring on the safe side. And,hey, this has nothing to do with Trumpie. Hopefully America will be doing well long after he is rotting in his solid gold coffin.

You needn’t err on the safe side; Mueller’s spokesman never said anything close to what was reported by wrong fu
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By colliric
jimjam wrote:No comment on the far more important conclusion that America is UNDER ATTACK by a foreign enemy and no leadership whatsoever as how to respond to this attack. Could it be , in Donald's addled mind, that his personal well being trumps ( :lol: ) the well being of the nation? Donald's dereliction of duty to America is astounding and mind boggling.

The CIA is already actively responding for you...... Everyone knows this already....

Your country is just as notorious for hacking and attacking others elections and trying to get a favourable result. Heck Barack Obama tried to bully Britain into staying in the EU.

There is no need to "respond" when you did it first and they are the ones responding to you.....

You are responding dumbasses, this a Tech-War or an Infowars(as Alex Jones would call it) not some prissy Gentlemen 18th century "You insulted my wife, I challenge you to a Duel!" Andrew Jackson type thing.
4cal wrote:Can you imagine how the pervert's family feels? Either the porn star's accusations were true or false. If's confirmed that the cheeto is a piece of shit. However even if it was all made up, he's sleazy enough on his own to give the story plausibility and hush money had to be paid. :eek:

You really need to open your mind and get passed all that heterophobic hate. There's nothing wrong with men who want to have sex with women. It's totally natural. If he was trying to put his member into some dude's ass, then you'd have a story. All you have is heterosexuality, and you seem to have a problem with it.

4cal wrote:The investigation into the many scandals of the pervert continue. Have a nice weekend

That's just your bigoted heterophobia rearing its ugly head. We're not ashamed of our heterosexuality and cisgender nature. We're straight and we're proud of it.

jimjam wrote:After more than a dozen Russians and three companies were indicted on Friday for interfering in the 2016 elections, President Trump’s first reaction was to claim personal vindication: “The Trump campaign did nothing wrong — no collusion!” he wrote on Twitter.

Well, there is no reason for an independent counsel to investigate it now. It should just be handled as a regular counter-intelligence case.

jimjam wrote:No comment on the far more important conclusion that America is UNDER ATTACK by a foreign enemy and no leadership whatsoever as how to respond to this attack.

We have literally millions of people here illegally, many of whom are voting in our elections, etc. 16 jerk offs from Russia isn't really anything to be afraid of. It's also very unlikely that any of them will actually be prosecuted.

jimjam wrote:Could it be , in Donald's addled mind, that his personal well being trumps ( :lol: ) the well being of the nation? Donald's dereliction of duty to America is astounding and mind boggling.

If you mean that he hasn't fired every single holdover from previous administrations and deported millions of illegal aliens, I would have to agree. He really needs to start throwing the illegal aliens out of here.

Stormsmith wrote:It blows me away how these Trump supporters can still support blowing away over a billion dollars plus maintenance on a wall over top 750 tunnels to stop a declining number of undocumented, lawn mower wannabes and ignore cyber security that isn't limited by passport to Russians, but includes Chinese, probably ISIS and others who are growing more sophisticated by the day.

What I find interesting is that all this happened under Obama's watch. Furthermore, the DoJ gave an immigration parole to Nataliya Veselnitskaya to use her in a counter-intelligence op against Donald Trump Jr. to further this Russiagate story that was clearly manufactured from whole cloth.

Hong Wu wrote:Apparently the strategy is to ignore the part where Mueller's spokesman said that the Russian trolls were ineffective, then act wounded that Trump isn't doing more against Russia.

Trump's administration took out a T-72 tank in Syria, killing some Russian mercenaries. 16 trolls are obviously not going to swing an election. I guess Robert Mueller is just trying to show that he's actually doing something for all the money he's spending.

Hong Wu wrote:Like I've been saying, the only explanation for this inanity that makes sense is that powerful people in the DNC are worried about that FISA wiretap thing and won't let people move on from the Russian scare to real issues no matter how lame it gets.

Well, undoubtedly they've seen the polls that most Americans don't believe the story. It's obviously a manufactured story. The 16 Russian nationals story is probably not going to go anywhere either for a few reasons: first, like nuclear reactor meltdowns, everytime there is a shooting with an AR-15, the media goes into overdrive spewing propaganda in hopes that there will finally be a sea change of attitudes; second, it was Russian nationals, not the Russian government. As I said since 2016, the Russian government itself wouldn't do that, but very wealthy Russians would do it--probably to get back at the Obama administration for attacking them individually.

Hong Wu wrote:You can't tell from PoFo but the saturation some of these terrible arguments are getting on Reddit gives me the impression that domestic troll farms like Shareblue predicted this and had already decided to keep moving forward with the Russian thing despite everything. Sad!

The story is patently ludicrous compared to the tens of millions of Hispanics here illegally, which the Democrats want here precisely to tip elections in their favor.

jimjam wrote:Russian trolls were ineffective? I guess i'll believe that when I see it but, in the meantime, let us pretend it is true.

Mueller says they were ineffective. Why should we pretend that 16 Russians can overthrow the US electoral system with $1M? If that were true, America would deserve to be overthrown.

jimjam wrote:Look Junior, when the very foundation of America's government is under attack I'm OK with erroring on the safe side.

Ok, so when 10-15% of the population of the nations to our South are illegally living within our borders and mucking about in our politics and our elections, why is it you are afraid of 16 Russians?

annatar1914 wrote:The foundation of America's government isn't ''under attack'', it's rotting from within because of the contradictions of a Capitalist society and disguised rule by the Rich through a managerial technocratic elite, an elite that pays more or less lip service to liberty and the rule of law, but denudes it of meaning.

If the rule of law meant anything, we'd be solve the housing shortage very quickly by throwing out illegal aliens.

Igor Antunov wrote:13 Rooskies bought 100K in Bernie Facebook Covfefe while a couple of Saudi officials plunked down $120 million for Crooked Hillary. And the media focus is on...

It is pretty astounding what makes the Democrats afraid. As I said before, it wasn't the Russian government. It was oligarchs who got sanctioned by Obama. Whether Putin knew about it or not is essentially irrelevant. We know now--and I've said it since 2016--that this would have likely been payback for putting sanctions on individuals. Turns out--ONCE AGAIN--I was right.

Igor Antunov wrote:This is a feeble coup attempt, but it will weaken the country.

The neoconservatives have lost face as the East Asians would say. Nobody believes the neoconservatives anymore. There is no lie they won't tell. The problem, to use one of their own favorite words, is that they have "discredited" themselves. How can you seriously run with a story that 16 Russian punks are a substantial threat to your electoral system and ignore then millions of illegal aliens here. There are oceans between us and Russia. There is no way we can invade and hold Russia, and absolutely no fucking way they could do that to us. Russia has a GDP less than Mexico for god sake.

annatar1914 wrote:Indeed the hypocrisy is sickening. Israel and the Oil Sheikdoms among others do far more, while a Russia ( that is directly on the trajectory of a new Cold War by ''Neoconservative'' warmongers and Liberal Chickenhawks,) acting to preserve it's national security and indeed the interest of America itself as a bastion of world order, is subject to witch hunt.

The Clintons got tens of millions of dollars for the Uranium One deal pumped right into their Clinton Foundation. We're supposed to be afraid of 16 Russian nationals overstaying their visa and stirring up shit during our elections? (not forgetting that this happened under Obama's watch)

colliric wrote:Your country is just as notorious for hacking and attacking others elections and trying to get a favourable result. Heck Barack Obama tried to bully Britain into staying in the EU.

True. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Obama loyalists are the ones trying to take out Bibi Netanyahu right now.
skinster wrote:What We’ve Learned in Year 1 of Russiagate

There was no collusion between Trump and Russia to affect the 2016 election.
Praise the Lord.
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By Godstud
Hindsite said it, so it must be true.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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By Hindsite
Robert Mueller has indicted 13 Russians for interfering in our elections. They indicted 13 trolls who operate out of Russia, and live in Russia, so how are they going to get jurisdiction there. We will never get our hands on them as they are in Russia and this is just a press release, that’s all.
- Mark Levin says
It's a political stunt meant to undermine republicans in midterms. They will keep coming up with these fake scandals but it won't work because all free thinking folk already know the truth regarding the Soros cartel and his dogs, the Clintons and Obama.
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By Hong Wu
So the Russians did something. Rather than talking about how all countries are trying to do something to all other countries' political processes, I found the tweets from the Facebook guy to be really interesting. Considering the scope, budget, potential challenges and potential consequences, it seems likely that the goal of whatever the Russians were doing was not actually to influence or swing the election. There is no reason for them to believe they could succeed in this to a meaningful degree, or that it would be worth the costs and potential consequences. So what were they actually trying to accomplish? Aside from wargaming as the most likely explanation, it would be really interesting if Mueller ever puts forward a theory in that regard.

This is assuming of course that these guys have an actual connection to the Russian government as opposed to only being Russian nationals, something that seemingly hasn't been established yet.
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By ArtAllm
Igor Antunov wrote: Putin and his Chinese counterparts will bury the west.

And what are they going to do with Africans? They will have to feed the rest of the world!

From any big-picture perspective, these population dynamics will have an influence on global demography in the 21st century. Of the 2.37 billion increase in population expected worldwide by 2050, Africa alone will contribute 54%. By 2100, Africa will contribute 82% of total growth: 3.2 billion of the overall increase of 3.8 billion people. Under some projections, Nigeria will add more people to the world’s population by 2050 than any other country. ... -challenge
Igor Antunov wrote:Poking Russia is not the greatest idea... I wish our government would quit doing so.
Says the guy with the Russian name who doesn't want Russia sanctioned for tampering with the US electoral system.

US can poke Russia all it wants. Russia is not the superpower it once was, and pretending that it is, is a romantic notion, held only by Russian migrants to USA.
What's sad here, Godstud, is that foreigners in general oughtnt to be arising about in computer systems. Some PoFoian readers are blowing off this election systems as being no big deal. It is a big deal when it's happening in most if not all western societies. It is a bigger deal if thesee foreigners start mucking around with other systems eg airports which could make 9/11 look like a minor event, stock markets, flow of electricity and so on

Keeping one's citizens safe should be priority 1 to governments. By blowing it off, Russia, China, ISIS etc gain another day, week, year's familiarity with America's computer systems, putting Americans further away from defeating these interlopers all because they don't want to make Trump look bad. This utterly phuckwittian thinking could be their undoing
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By jimjam
:lol: :lol: :lol: .....^..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Donald, of course, has never had the guts to ever take responsibility for anything that has gone wrong. He, however, quickly takes responsibility for all real and imagined things that go right, whether or not he had anything to do with them. Above is a photo of Donald blaming the Russian cyber attack on America on Democrats. This, presumably, is his complete response to the Russian mess. It is pretty much a forgone conclusion that he lacks the guts to do anything that may anger his BFF Vladimir.
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By 4cal
blackjack21 wrote:You really need to open your mind and get passed all that heterophobic hate. There's nothing wrong with men who want to have sex with women. It's totally natural. If he was trying to put his member into some dude's ass, then you'd have a story. All you have is heterosexuality, and you seem to have a problem with it.

That's just your bigoted heterophobia rearing its ugly head. We're not ashamed of our heterosexuality and cisgender nature. We're straight and we're proud of it.

Trump supporters remind us all that there is no bottom to the barrel
By Rich
Please lets remember that Trump started as a Clinton spoiler. Even the "Obama was born in Kenya" meme was originally planted by the Clinton's. Now when Trump entered the nomination no one, absolutely no one thought he was going to win the nomination. I'm not suggesting that there was some giant conspiracy here. The liberal media didn't need to be told that Trump was a spoiler for Hilary it was obvious. They knew their task was to big Trump up at every opportunity.

So when Trump made his disgustingly racist comments against Mexican immigrants the media loved it.They absolutely lapped it up. When Trump made his appalling misogynistic comments to Megan Kelly the media loved it. Humiliating the disabled - fantastic. This was alienating key voter constituents from the GOP and would all be votes for Hilary in November 2016. BTW this is part of the reason why the Clinton's were so enraged with Sanders. Part of the plan was that with the nomination sown up early, the nod and the wink would be given for the Clinton hard core to cross primary in states that allowed it and vote for Trump.

But then Trump went rogue. he made some mild, oblique criticisms of Muslim. And then the whole Liberal world, across the world exploded. Blacks, Mexicans. Gays, Lesbians, the disabled, they were all fair game, if it helped Clinton win. But Jews and Muslims, you don't criticise them ever, under any circumstances no matter, no not even for Hilary. Of course by this time, a lot of liberals were starting to get a bit worried by Trump.

I wouldn't trust a word that comes out of the HBI, but even if Russia did give a bit of support to Trump, it was nothing compared to the early support, that Trump got from the Clinton media.
Rich wrote:Even the "Obama was born in Kenya" meme was originally planted by the Clinton's.

Right, and Trump was a friend of the Clintons. You really can't point out enough that the birther movement had its roots with Hillary Clinton. She was no good, and we're all so much better off without her in politics.

Hillary Clinton lost, because she deserved to. "Dewey Defeats Truman" wasn't in my lifetime, but I have never seen a candidate for president so sure of a victory. It was such a wonderful thing to see her lose. I don't think I've ever seen such bizarre devotion to such a flawed person. The Democrats can do better than Hillary Clinton. Yet, they do not seem interested in winning without the identity politics that currently defines the party.
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By Beren
Rich wrote:I'm not suggesting that there was some giant conspiracy here.

I actually thought there was, I really believed Trump's bid was Bill Clinton's idea. That thing must be much more complicated and the rabbit hole is much deeper than any of us would ever imagine. The Clintons must have been happy when Trump got the Republican nomination, and they must have been enjoying as he destroyed the others.

Rich wrote:even if Russia did give a bit of support to Trump, it was nothing compared to the early support, that Trump got from the Clinton media.

They gave him momentum for sure.
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