Israel will pay civilians $9,000 to capture African migrants - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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The genious of German propaganda. This story is fake news spread by German owned (with Nazi history), "Israeli" newspaper, Haaretz. It's now a German own (DuMont Schauberg) paper, with historical ties to Nazim, serving German and Arab interests. From there the OP took its agitation.

Haaretz's 'Nazi problem'
Eldad Beck

The publishing group's owner at the time, Kurt Neven DuMont – the current owner's father – was reportedly a member of the Nazi party, while his newspapers advanced Nazi ideology. As a result, the publishing house was among the only private ones in Germany whose operations were never outlawed by Hitler. In 1944, he received a prestigious decoration – the same kind also awarded to Gestapo Chief Heinrich Himmler – because he continued to publish newspapers despite heavy allied bombings.,734 ... 89,00.html

The American Nazi leader, David Duke (former Grand Wizard of KKK) is fan


In response the American editor of Atlantic is canceling his subscription to Haaretz


This is well known German propaganda tactic. In 1944, they hired Jewish prisoner filmmaker (the famous German-Jewish filmmaker Kurt Gerron was forced to create the Nazi propaganda film,"The Führer Gives a City to the Jews") to produce a propaganda film portraying life at Theresienstadt concentration camp as comfortable and enjoyable before killing them all. They believe propaganda coming from the Jews themselves have more merit. Nazis remain Nazis
Atlantis wrote:The hunt for African refugees is on. Anne Frank must be turning in her grave.

Anne Frank was a legal immigrant. It was the Nazis who were the illegal immigrants. Now of course there were some Dutch who sought to collaborate with the illegals and make Holland a sanctuary country for the Nazis.
Rich wrote:Anne Frank was a legal immigrant. It was the Nazis who were the illegal immigrants. Now of course there were some Dutch who sought to collaborate with the illegals and make Holland a sanctuary country for the Nazis.

The Israeli psychoanalyst Zvi Rex once said ironic, "the Germans will never forgive us for Auschwitz".
By noir
Amos Schocken, the editor in chief of Haaretz admits reluctantly that the Haarez headline ("Israel will pay civilians $9,000 to capture African migrants") is wrong

Nazis remain Nazis. Left Israeli knesset members (Meterz) fly to Rwanda to convince the authorities there not to receive illegal immigrants from Israel.
Who paid for MPs tickets? The Rosa Luxembourg Foundation. Who finances this foundation? The German authorities with taxpayers' money. This means that we have to do with pure German interference in Israeli internal affairs.
This is neo-colonialism.

Hong Wu wrote:OP doesn't make a good analogy since weren't the German Jews citizens of Germany?

There were a lot of Jews in Germany before WWII who were not German citizens, but they were reluctant to go home, like the Polish Jews.

I wonder why there is no translation of this Wiki-Article into English.
Polish Jews were reluctant to go home in October 1938, they had to be deported. Most of 17 000 managed to hide in Germany.
According to Wiki, this action was racism!
But when Israel deports refugees or native Semites, it is OK, Jews have the right to live in a Jewish state.
Diversity is good for Goyim - Countries, but not for Israel.
redcarpet wrote:Correct. A person isn't a refugee if they have not been granted asylum. Many of those people haven't even applied, the rest did & were rejected.

Ultimately most are economic migrants. They did not leave their country for political purposes

Last I read Israel had offer 11 people out of 40,000 applicants, Asylum status despite having signed on to UN requirements. Israel is not abiding by her commitments, but then when does she ever.?
Looks like Israel's courts still have some clout as she nosedives into fascism

[quote]A Justice Ministry appeals tribunal last week handed down what many are hoping will be a groundbreaking ruling for Eritrean asylum seekers in Israel. A judge ruled that desertion from the Eritrean army, which forms at least part of the basis of a great number of Eritrean nationals’ asylum applications, is a valid basis for refugee status. Up until now, the Interior Ministry has refused to recognize desertion as a basis for refugee status in asylum claims.

Under the ministry’s existing policy, Israel has rejected thousands of Eritrean asylum seekers’ requests for refugee status. According to the Migration Policy Institute, 91.4 percent of Eritreans are recognized as refugees in Europe. Israel, in comparison, has granted refugee status to just 11 Eritreans — including the man whose application was validated in court last week.[quote] ... el/133270/
Sivad wrote:Image

Obviously when assessing how important a person's view has to their Country it helps to look at their position and how their view is seen by those with power. With Shaked clearly her view was well received as shortly after making it she was made into Justice Minister.

Israel is not the only 'Western' country moving toward fascism but she is its vanguard.
Some of the asylum seekers are now on hunger strike after seven of them have been put in jail for refusing to join in Israel's scheme. Two of these men had been tortured in the Sinai torture camps. Israel had made assurances such people would not be deported.

Israeli authorities sent seven Eritrean asylum seekers to prison on Tuesday, after they refused to be sent to Rwanda as part of a “voluntary” deportation program. Israel is giving Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers an impossible choice: leave for a third country where they are not guaranteed any legal status, or be imprisoned in Israel — indefinitely.


Earlier this year, asylum seekers Israeli Interior Ministry officials began handing out deportation notices promising that an unnamed country will take them in, give them some kind of legal residency status, and the ability to work.

However, as +972 Magazine reported from Rwanda recently, what asylum seekers find in that country is entirely different than what Israeli authorities promise them. Those who have already been pushed to leave Israel receive no legal status, and the overwhelming majority are pushed out of Rwanda in a matter of days. Of the thousands of asylum seekers who have left Israel for Rwanda, a minuscule number remain in that country.


Two of those asylum seekers pushed out by Israel who managed to stay in Rwanda had a message for those being offered imprisonment or deportation: “Do not agree to come here, go to jail,” said one 32-year-old Eritrean man who left Israel in 2015. He said he has been unable to find work, and only manages to survive with the help of friends.

The asylum seekers, who asked not to be named, said they once lived in south Tel Aviv. All still speak Hebrew. “We didn’t receive status, the refugee camps didn’t accept us here, there’s no work, no food. There is no reason anyone should come here. It is better to stay and struggle for status in Israel, even from Holot.” ... ne/133310/

I never thought I would live in a time when so many in the West would support this behaviour. Research has been done on the people who left voluntarily before believing that they were going to be safe, get jobs and be able to get on with their lives. As well as what is said above there are far worse stories including robbery, abandonment and for a lot of them death.

Israel is also helping Rwanda to rewrite its history of genocide ... de/133246/
Suntzu wrote:An Israeli prison is probably better than most shithole African countries.

These folks are economic refugees.

No they are not and are well known to not be so. However we find ourselves now with people of the mentality of the 30's particularly that of Nazi Germany and we find them just like the civilians of Nazi Germany prone to believe all kinds of lies which their government tells them. You may find it a surprise to learn that the Israelis originally welcomed these people. It was not until their fascist government like of course fascism in the US went on about how they were rapists and infiltrators economic migrants that they started to believe it. The Israeli Government uses the same words to describe people fleeing from death and torture as they do for the Palestinians. In both cases to gain the approval of their population to treat them against International Law. However the world now in the West knows the worst racism it has since the 1930's and many in the US are of course strongly so, many white working class who see their rights as the majority about to disappear. We have the same situation as the 1930'- concerns over globalisation, long term recession, mistrust of the political elete, massive influx of refugees - in this case caused by the US wars to destroy the ME known as clean break and in the US the propaganda that they are all in danger either from the mexican's or terrorism. That is what fascism always does. It refuses to recognise that there are problems which need to be addressed and instead puts a face on them making them in the US for instance both Mexicans and Muslims. The US is also highly involved in supporting everything Israel does until they get their Armageddon due to them having an extreme religious right numbering overall around 80 million people and at its most extreme level 20 million and they are now in Government. They are pushing for fascism throughout Europe, created the transatlantic extreme hatred of Muslims and hence is fascism of the Nazi kind using the 'other' for its gain. People learned nothing from WW2. They did indeed forget.

In the rest of the world over 90% of these people you are calling 'economic migrants' are recognised as what they are - people fleeing torture and death and receive Asylum and nowhere now does anyone get Asylum easily. Yes, you are right they are better living in Israeli jails than going back to what you call 'shithole' African countries where Israel pretends they will be safe, gain citizenship and get a job but where it is known they are more likely to meet their death, so yes you are right and they agree that they are better in jail than in Israel. However only people who have dehumanised them and who no longer believe in the rule of law but rather believe in ethnic nationalist states and White or Jewish Supremacy would be promoting the lie that the are economic migrants and of course rapists and infiltrators.

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