Thailand's Child Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Problems - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Godstud wrote:No, @blackjack21, I am just sick of Ignorami who pretend to know a fucking thing about a place they actually know nothing about.

Well, just because we don't live in Thailand doesn't mean we can't talk about Thailand. You don't live in America, and you seem to talk about America a lot, as if you had an expert opinion.

Godstud wrote:If you don't like that, well... suck it.

Suck what? Why would I suck something I don't like?

Godstud wrote:I don't know about the place YOU come from.

I come from the California Republic in the United States of America.

Godstud wrote: Incidentally, 14 is the age Roy Moore was accused to fiddling with, but I don't expect you to know that, since you don't engage people in discussion.

Well, in the foregoing example, I would pick apart the grammar because you deliberately used passive voice. So it appears as though Moore was accused by the State. Moore was accused by a woman who has accused many people of sexual interactions with her, none of them have been proven, she had motive to dislike Moore because he gave her an unfavorable divorce ruling, and the "signature" in her year book appears to have been lifted and replicated from a court document instead of Moore's own hand.

Godstud wrote:You mean an irrelevant statistic. I don't expect you to understand much, though. You're rather uneducated on worldy issues, and more interested on making personal attacks, as is evidenced by this statement.

Well it is interesting, because you tend to engage some personal attacks at times. That is allowed against public figures, but even some people here find your attacks on public figures puzzling. For example, you tend to rail against conservative sexual mores, but then you lambaste Donald Trump as "Putin's cock holster" as if Trump and/or Putin should be ashamed of homosexual tendencies. Do you think we should be ashamed of Trump if he is a homosexual with a strong sexual attraction to Vladimir Putin? Should we slut shame other homosexuals? Sometimes its difficult to understand where you are coming from.
Godstud wrote: Well, in Canada, 16 years old is still considered a minor,

But in Thailand the age of consent is 15. According to your logic rape of children is legal in Thailand, but you seem much more concerned about accusations of far less serious crimes from decades ago in the United States.
Again, someone who knows roughly half of something makes a statement. Age of 15 is only applicable if MARRIED, and this is becoming extremely unpopular, and uncommon amongst, Thai people. Usually it's only done when two young people around that age have a baby.
Godstud wrote:Again, someone who knows roughly half of something makes a statement. Age of 15 is only applicable if MARRIED, and this is becoming extremely unpopular, and uncommon amongst, Thai people. Usually it's only done when two young people around that age have a baby.

:roll: oh good grief.

Title IX section 277 wrote:Section 277. Rape – Girl Under 15

Whoever, has sexual intercourse with a girl not yet over fifteen years of age and not being his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four to twenty years and fined of eight thousand to forty thousand Baht. If the commission of the offence according to the first paragraph is committed against a girl not yet over thirteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of seven to twenty years and fined of fourteen thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life.

If the commission of the offence according to the first or second paragraph is committed by participation of persons in the nature for destroying a girl and such girl is not consent, or by carrying the gun or explosive, or by using the arms, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment for life.

The offence as provided in the first paragraph, if the offender being the man commits against the girl over thirteen years but not yet over fifteen years of age with her consent and the Court grants such man and girl to marry together afterwards, the offender shall not be punished for such offence. If the Court grants them to marry together during the offender be still inflicted with the punishment, the Court shall release such offender.
No link? What is enforced, and what is a cultural norm, are two entirely different things. I don't expect you to understand that, though, since you have your preconceived notions, and ethnocentricity to guide you. Sex is pretty open in Thailand and at the same time rape is 1/18th that of the USA.

Thailand has prostitution as being illegal, and yet the age of consent, when funds are exchanged(for sex), is 20. Contradiction?

I've seen the police checking IDs of the women working in the lady bars in Bangkok to ensure they are at least 19 years old. They are well aware of what the women are going to do. Are you going to tell me more about Thailand, Sport?

Cultural norms often trump letter of law, especially if no one is making complaints about it to the police.

Note: Are you going to charge two 14 years olds with rape? Even in Canada we have a rule where it's not rape if they are within 2 years of age(to avoid exploitation). Charges have to be laid in order for this to even appear in court, and this is extremely uncommon when both participants are young.

Because there is no close-in-age exemption in Thailand, it is possible for two individuals both under the age of 15 who willingly engage in intercourse to both be prosecuted for statutory rape, although this is rare.
I see the children are out to make a personal attach on Godstud again. There is no reason for this thread. It is simple trolling. No less.

But let's go with it. Thailand is beautiful, friendly and comfortable place to live. Is prostitution a "problem" in Thailand? Prostitution "may" be a problem anywhere. Why aren't we discussing the blowjob bars in Japan? This is a good one. In Japan oral sex and anal sex is not "sex" for the purpose of defining prostitution. The age of consent in parts of Japan is 13. In Nigeria it is 11. Brazil is 14.

I know of not a single nation that does not have a "prostitution problem". I have traveled pretty much all over the world and have been propositioned by prostitutes in most of them. I was hit on by a 15 year old hooker in Las Vegas. She ran away when I told her I would call a cop.

This thread is childish. Good for Godstud for standing up for his beautiful country.
I'm sat in a hotel in China, where my employer put me up for some nights until I get into a new apartment which they are also footing the bill for.

In this particular hotel, there are condoms and panties for sale by the bed, and a phone number on the wall for a callgirl service.

Not exactly planning to call or nothing. But it really is a bit different in Asia from what Americans (at least) are typically use to.
Drlee wrote:This thread is childish. Good for Godstud for standing up for his beautiful country.

I believe the thread was started because Godstud sits in a military dictatorship, where criticising the King can get you in jail, that's been a decades long holy centre for prostitution and paedophilia, that allows sex with 15 years olds, picking on the United States for every imagined imperfection in human rights.
Rich wrote:I believe the thread was started because Godstud sits in a military dictatorship, where criticising the King can get you in jail, that's been a decades long holy centre for prostitution and paedophilia, that allows sex with 15 years olds, picking on the United States for every imagined imperfection in human rights.
I do not attack the US for "imperfections in human rights". You're being deliberately untruthful. You only did this and other posts because where I live seems to be of big importance to you, and others, because you cannot address the topics at hand. Where I live, despite the government status, crime rates, etc. is of no consequence, and irrelevant to my arguments.

The US, and many countries have far greater problems than Thailand, and a person who lives in a country(US of A) where rape is 18x that of Thailand, per 100,000 is a person living in a glass house, throwing stones. No, they do not "allow" pedophilia. That's the US that allows its elected officials to do that.

Yes, prostitution is a problem in a great many countries. Yes, Thailand has its problems, and it's injustices. Feel free to discuss it, but at the same time, you haven't so much as visited the country, let alone know anything beyond what you read in blogs. You won't know much about a country if that's your source material.

Also, you are applying your cultural bias to a country that does not share the same cultural values as the one you reside in, and so you exhibit extreme ethnocentrism on every level. Thailand does not have Christian values, but Buddhist ones, and I don't expect you to understand that, seeing as they don't hold the same puritanical Christian values as the USA, where violence is condoned, but sex is dirty.

Thailand is the opposite. Violence and nudity are censored in their media, to the point where a gun or knife is purposefully blurred out if it is aimed at person). They do not allow product placement in movies, and American movies shown here have all product placements blurred out.

Once you leave the touristy areas, clothing is quite modest, and public displays of affection are discouraged. That would seem to contradict this impression of Thailand being some den of iniquity, but there it is.

If you want to actually learn anything about Thailand, and not just lambaste it without an real knowledge, then ask away. I've only been here 6 years, but most of that time was not spent in tourist traps.
Last edited by Godstud on 06 Mar 2018 12:53, edited 1 time in total.

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