Facebook screwed up. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By One Degree

It will be fun watching Zuckerman double talk this one.
Yes, it is a Fox story, but I will be surprised if it shows up anywhere in the Liberal media.
He got off easily. Soft-balled with the politicians asking baby questions like how Facebook finances itself with him answering easily "Simple. We run ads."

The U.S Congress reminded us all what a joke they are. If they were so serious about this sort of thing, they'd end the warrantless surveillance they granted Bush jr. & repealed the PATRIOT Act!
We're not too far behind. If you go on a site like spokeo, you can find practically anyone on there. I was amazed that even a cousin of mine was only in the states for one year to study and he was listed. I removed him and I hope they didn't put him back on.
By skinster
redcarpet wrote:He got off easily. Soft-balled with the politicians asking baby questions like how Facebook finances itself with him answering easily "Simple. We run ads."

The U.S Congress reminded us all what a joke they are.

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Did anyone question why he allowed the US Army to harvest data from facebook users who played their Independence Day tie-in game? Or were they incapable of even recognising that as propaganda?

AFAIK wrote:Did anyone question why he allowed the US Army to harvest data from facebook users who played their Independence Day tie-in game? Or were they incapable of even recognising that as propaganda?

Probably not, because I would assume the personal info is provided as part of the EULA. The Cambridge-Analytica scandal is because CA didn't just mine data from people who downloaded their personality quiz app, but from people on their friend's list who did not agree to any EULA.

This whole Diamond & Silk shit is as dumb as you would expect anything coming from people grifting Trump supporters, the stupidest motherfuckers to ever walk the earth.
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Didn't Obama supporters allow their friends' data to be harvested in 2008?
Also I don't understand your last sentence.
AFAIK wrote:Didn't Obama supporters allow their friends' data to be harvested in 2008?
Also I don't understand your last sentence.

I didn’t understand his last sentence either, but I ignored it because of his bravery. No one was going to touch defending Facebook so @SpecialOlympian made a lame attempt to do so.
AFAIK wrote:Didn't Obama supporters allow their friends' data to be harvested in 2008?
Also I don't understand your last sentence.

Facebook allowed people to do so at the time, they changed the rules about what data their clients could collect after that election.

What part don't you understand? Diamond and Silk are chud grifters. Their FB viewership dropped because FB altered their algorithm to show less click bait bullshit in people's feeds. Because they are bullshit grifters who produce nothing but conspiracy mongering click bait bullshit they claimed they are victims of censorship. Only retards watch them, them being censored would not be a tragedy and FB should deplatform them.
All politicians pages would need to be removed based upon your reasoning. Their entire purpose is to cheat you out of your money.
How about you explain that because lol. I always enjoy 1° explanations. Their page was never deleted, btw.

Zuckerberg should respond to any questions about banning them by saying, "Yes, our team screwed up because we have billions of accounts and accidents happen, but after personally reviewing the situation I decided to delete their page along with Alex Jones, Breitbart, etc."
By skinster
Most people don't pay to use Facebook, One Degree.

But, the point of this censorship at play is to make alternative media harder to come by, since it was causing many to understand the world from a non-corporate-media perspective, and our owners don't like that.
SpecialOlympian wrote:How about you explain that because lol. I always enjoy 1° explanations. Their page was never deleted, btw.

Zuckerberg should respond to any questions about banning them by saying, "Yes, our team screwed up because we have billions of accounts and accidents happen, but after personally reviewing the situation I decided to delete their page along with Alex Jones, Breitbart, etc."

You said they should be deplatformed because they were grifters. So are politicians. The liberal sites are just as biased.

@skinster I was referring to his ‘grifter’ accusation.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Cool, your explanation was as dumb and hackneyed as I predicted it would be. Nailed it.

Hey, when you called them ‘chud grifters’, I refrained from asking why you were accusing them of stealing people’s chewing gum.
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To be fair to facebook, data mining and targeted advertising is an inevitable development on a free to access website. We should have designed the net with user fees and subscriptions, instead. When I call someone on the phone I don't have to listen to annoying ads before, during and after the call.

Facebook should be hit with some anti-trust. Z-Berg shouldn't be allowed to buy up every competitor that pops up i.e Instagram.
Facebook and the ‘bakery owner’ are the same question. Can business discriminate or not? When we decided the solution was to decide WHO they could not discriminate against, we turned them into political tools.
Facebook and others will remain political weapons until we change our solution to this basic question. If we decide they can discriminate, then they should be required to list their ideology.

Edit: No one is saying it, but everyone knows the problem Facebook has with ‘Diamond and Silk’ is liberals can not have POC not ‘towing the line’. They must be silenced.
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By Crantag
It was wrong to transmute laws intended to provide equality to blacks to undo segregation to transexuals and gay folk. I'll be a biggot on that one in the eyes of some if that's what It makes me. I think the bakery lawsuit was frivolous. That It succeeded is because of the status quot which I first mentioned.
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