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By jimjam
James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, on Russian interference in America's election process: “Of course the Russian efforts affected the outcome,” he wrote. “Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. When I looked at the evidence, the massive effort the Russians made and the multi-dimensional aspects of it — the number of people that the Russians reached, in many cases who were unknowing, and the fact that the election turned on less than 80,000 votes in three states — it just stretches logic and credulity to think that it didn't have impact.”
jimjam wrote:James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, on Russian interference in America's election process: “Of course the Russian efforts affected the outcome,” he wrote. “Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. When I looked at the evidence, the massive effort the Russians made and the multi-dimensional aspects of it — the number of people that the Russians reached, in many cases who were unknowing, and the fact that the election turned on less than 80,000 votes in three states — it just stretches logic and credulity to think that it didn't have impact.”

Verbiage devoid of anything substantial. He offers not a single fact, just meaningless words.
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By Crantag
jimjam wrote:James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, on Russian interference in America's election process: “Of course the Russian efforts affected the outcome,” he wrote. “Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. When I looked at the evidence, the massive effort the Russians made and the multi-dimensional aspects of it — the number of people that the Russians reached, in many cases who were unknowing, and the fact that the election turned on less than 80,000 votes in three states — it just stretches logic and credulity to think that it didn't have impact.”

The odds makers had Trump winning as a very improbable outcome up to the end. The best proxy of this was the greatest casino of all, Wall Street, which reacted to Trump's election with a wild swing upward (which was due to expectations of the tax cut for billionaires and corporations). The wild swing was a function of the improbability aspect. The Wallstreet gambling houses can make a hedge on anything, and had a Trump victory been relatively more probable, the swing would not have been as wild because there would have been more hedging in the direction of a Trump victory. The reason is that it is by getting ahead of the pack in Wall Street gambling that one can achieve the highest profits, so the consensus on Wall Street up to the election was that Trump wasn't going to win. This is consistent with the perspective that a fly was in the ointment.

One Degree wrote:Verbiage devoid of anything substantial. He offers not a single fact, just meaningless words.

You are categorically wrong. There was a quantitative fact in the statement, namely that the election hinged on 80,000 votes across three states.

You only make yourself look foolish with such reactionary false accusations.
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By jimjam
One Degree wrote:Verbiage devoid of anything substantial. He offers not a single fact, just meaningless words.

Meaningless words? I suggest that you stay tuned to your man Donald for meaningless words. In the meantime permit me to assign meaning to words spoken by a man with the rather impressive resume noted below:

James Robert Clapper Jr. is a retired lieutenant general in the United States Air Force and is the former Director of National Intelligence.

Previous offices: Director of National Intelligence (2010–2017), Director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (1991–1995)
Stormsmith wrote:I wonder if you caught James Clapper, former director of National Intelligence (DNI) plugging his new book, "Facts and Fears"? As DNI, he/they hadn't advanced a cause/effect effect on Russian activities, but noted the Russians had acted. Later, after retirement, more became clear, and he said it was patently obvious

In other words, Clapper is saying that the Russians got the better of the United States on his watch. It's not exactly a great way to toot your own horn...

Zamuel wrote:He just wants the Muslims that work at his resorts you mean ...

Well, Cohen needs drivers for his cabs too, you know...

Zamuel wrote:They tell him what he can and cannot do … and they have the power to "Fire" him.

The courts can issue rulings, and he can uphold them or not uphold them. Andrew Jackson didn't always take the Supreme Court too seriously. As for impeachment, they need two thirds of the Senate to remove him from office. It ain't gonna happen. 8)

jimjam wrote:James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, on Russian interference in America's election process: “Of course the Russian efforts affected the outcome,” he wrote.

Obama said such a thing was ludicrous. So Clapper is disagreeing with Obama while stating that he failed at his job.

One Degree wrote:Verbiage devoid of anything substantial. He offers not a single fact, just meaningless words.

He's also claiming that he failed to stop them. He's saying he was incompetent.

Crantag wrote:There was a quantitative fact in the statement, namely that the election hinged on 80,000 votes across three states.

Clapper knows what each one of them was thinking when they pulled the lever for Trump. Ha ha. He couldn't do anything to stop Putin, even though Trump was screaming the whole time that the system was rigged.

jimjam wrote:James Robert Clapper Jr. is a retired lieutenant general in the United States Air Force and is the former Director of National Intelligence.

Previous offices: Director of National Intelligence (2010–2017), Director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (1991–1995)

And he impressively failed to stop Putin from screwing up Hillary Clinton's game...

MAGA :rockon:

p.s. I wonder if he feels bad about getting beat by Putin...
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By Hong Wu
People are claiming that Mueller's investigation will end by September, which is essentially not enough time to charge Trump with anything (most likely). This would mean that Russiagate ends a couple months before the midterms but Spygate will still be going. Combined with good economic and foreign policy news, Dems will probably get burned in the midterms.
You are categorically wrong. There was a quantitative fact in the statement, namely that the election hinged on 80,000 votes across three states.

You only make yourself look foolish with such reactionary false accusations.

The only fact you provide is it was a close election. Your omission of anything else is an admission his comments were worthless verbiage. Your belief this makes me look foolish demonstrates how easily you allow emotional propaganda to cloud your reasoning. He gave zero facts and neither did you.
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By Crantag
One Degree wrote:Your belief this makes me look foolish demonstrates how easily you allow emotional propaganda to cloud your reasoning.

This is an asinine comment and nothing else. You are no heavyweight with respect to logic. Your biases are plastered to your forehead (specifically with respect to your personal allegiance to Trump) and they inform the contents of your posts. Everyone can see that.
Crantag wrote:This is an asinine comment and nothing else. You are no heavyweight with respect to logic. Your biases are plastered to your forehead (specifically with respect to your personal allegiance to Trump) and they inform the contents of your posts. Everyone can see that.

So just more verbiage? Everyone can also see you are attacking the poster as a distraction from your complete lack of an argument. He presented no facts, therefore you can not present them. This does not require a ‘heavyweight in logic’, it is quite simple.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:He couldn't do anything to stop Putin,

So ............. Russia did interfere with America's 2016 presidential election :eek: . Let's see ........ there were two candidates running. I wonder who's side the Russian interference was rooting for? Clinton or Trump? My best guess is ........ Clinton :lol: .
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By jimjam
Trump is now taking his usual unbridled umbrage at comments by former National Intelligence Director James Clapper, which the president then misquoted ( what a surprise :lol: ), that he should be glad the F.B.I. was looking into potential Russian infiltration of his campaign. Of course he should be glad: The Bureau has now twice rescued him, first by reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails on the eve of the election, and then by clearing out the Russian stooges in his employ.

That Trump won’t acknowledge this means he’s either profoundly foolish or, in ways we don’t yet understand, or dangerously complicit. I still lean, hopefully, to the former.
jimjam wrote:So ............. Russia did interfere with America's 2016 presidential election :eek: . Let's see ........ there were two candidates running. I wonder who's side the Russian interference was rooting for? Clinton or Trump? My best guess is ........ Clinton :lol: .

According to the Clapper... Who failed to stop it. It's interesting that they saw fit to put spies into Trump's campaign, but left Hillary virtually undefended so that her emails, John Podesta's emails and the DNC server's emails were all hacked. He also failed to stop Putin from calling up Hillary and ringing a little bell so that she would call working class whites "Deplorable." It worked much better than even the Russians believed it would. Poor JC. He failed to protect the United States from backwater Russia.

jimjam wrote:Of course he should be glad: The Bureau has now twice rescued him, first by reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails on the eve of the election, and then by clearing out the Russian stooges in his employ.

They didn't reopen the investigation to thwart Hillary. They did it to protect themselves from later charges that they hid the info to influence the election, which is more or less why Rosenstein recommended that Comey be fired and then used his firing as a pretext for a special counsel.

jimjam wrote:That Trump won’t acknowledge this means he’s either profoundly foolish or, in ways we don’t yet understand, or dangerously complicit.

Ignorance is bliss...
jimjam wrote:So ............. Russia did interfere with America's 2016 presidential election :eek: . Let's see ........ there were two candidates running. I wonder who's side the Russian interference was rooting for? Clinton or Trump? My best guess is ........ Clinton :lol: .

Considering Poroshenko and the Ukraine... Hmm, maybe just maybe there is a Ukrainian interference angle to all this?
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:According to the Clapper... Who failed to stop it.

Whoa .......... hold the phone. This completely mystifies me ( :lol: ). I think "according to Clapper" insinuates that Russia did not interfere in the election and then, in the same sentence, "who failed to stop it", which insinuates that Russia did interfere in the election. :?:

I suspect that if you deign to rebut this, you will bring up Hillary's emails or how Obama ..... (fill in the blank). Maybe even how Bill "didn't inhale".

You know #21, you and I actually have a very similar opinion on American politicians. I feel they are way way out of touch with the lives of the "common people". They lie about how they are and then go about the business they are really interested in ........ passing out as much money as they can to their friends and themselves. Where we differ is that I feel that Donald is just the same old shit with a new wrapping.

How's the weight loss program coming? It's a beautiful sunny day here and, after a nap, I plan to go jogging next to the ocean. Let me tell you ... it is absolutely humbling how weak old age renders your body.
blackjack21 wrote:In other words, Clapper is saying that the Russians got the better of the United States on his watch. It's not exactly a great way to toot your own horn...

Oh for the days when criminals had the great good grace to announce their nefarious intentions and goals before the fact.

To Clapper's credit, he found the problems, and figured them out, despite the number of players and countries involved before the election. To me, I wondered why Putin gave refuge to Snowden. I think that may have worried others as well. By the time of the election, you had the usual GOP shenanigans, cutting back polls, gerrymandering, etc., Comey, and now this nonsense. As a result, you surrendered your sovereignty to an ancient cheater and liar who has stolen your healthcare, your resources, is putting your environment @risk, and has stuffed your cabinet with utter vipers all because morons were manipulated into electing this illiterate, self serving twat.

It is the Trump followers who are the losers, and the insane thing is, rather than seeking solutions to America 's problems, they openly claim their intention, their game plan if you will, was to elect a moron who would leave Washington in ashes. Well done, you. What a game plan for the ages.

p.s. I wonder if he feels bad about getting beat by Putin...

He's a pragmatist. My guess is he deeply regrets Trump's 16 or so months of complete lack of action far more.

PS just hope Mueller is draining the swamp.
Last edited by Stormsmith on 24 May 2018 21:06, edited 1 time in total.
jimjam wrote:Whoa .......... hold the phone. This completely mystifies me ( :lol: ). I think "according to Clapper" insinuates that Russia did not interfere in the election and then, in the same sentence, "who failed to stop it", which insinuates that Russia did interfere in the election. :?:

Are you really going to hold that the US can do things like invade Iraq to change its government, take sides in a civil war in Libya, oust a democratically elected but pro-Russian leader in Ukraine, and then say that if some other country does the same sort of thing in the US that it is utterly unprecedented in all of human civilization? We interfere in the politics of other countries constantly. It should not come as a surprise if other countries interfere in ours as well. However, if you wanted to address Russia interfering in US politics, you really need to be investigating Hillary Clinton and her husband rather than Donald Trump. That's something anyone with any degree of sense can figure out.

jimjam wrote:I suspect that if you deign to rebut this, you will bring up Hillary's emails or how Obama ..... (fill in the blank).

Hillary's emails were about her own disregard of reasonable security precautions, especially if you are representing the most powerful country in the world. There is no question she was hacked, and that has much more to do with Hillary than with the Russians. It's one thing if someone breaks a window on your car and hot wires your ignition to steal your car. It's another thing if you leave the car unlocked with the keys in the ignition, which is more or less the analogy that applies to Hillary Clinton and her devil-may-care attitude about security. As for Obama, I don't think he matters much in the equation, since I think he was easily outmatched by Putin every time. I figure Obama for a cocaine head--someone who thinks he's much smarter than he really is because of the drugs he's on.

jimjam wrote:How's the weight loss program coming?

15 pounds off, 8 pounds right back on again. Better than I was, but man do I have an efficient metabolism.

Stormsmith wrote:To me, I wondered why Putin gave refuge to Snowden.

To embarrass Obama, who took it in the ass like that was a good thing. Putin knew Obama was a twink, and did his anti-gay propaganda thing just to piss Obama off.

Stormsmith wrote:As a result, you surrendered your sovereignty to an ancient cheater and liar who has stolen your healthcare, your resources, is putting your environment @risk, and has stuffed your cabinet with utter vipers all because morons were manipulated into electing this illiterate, self serving twat.

Trump has done almost nothing to ObamaCare. The mandate will expire in a few years, but the rest of its bloated corpse remains. He hasn't stolen any resources. He is allowing industry to explore energy. He's unshackled the coal industry. We have 3 consecutive quarters of 3%+ GDP growth, which is better than the entire Obama presidency and the last few years of Bush's.

Stormsmith wrote:It is the Trump followers who are the losers, and the insane thing is, rather than seeking solutions to America 's problems, they openly claim their intention, their game plan if you will, was to elect a moron who would leave Washington in ashes.

I'm at least $100k+ richer than I would have been without Trump. So I'm just fine thanks. However, putting Washington cronies on the ash heap of history where they belong is a good thing. I find it amusing that people like you lament America, but then defend its establishment with aplomb. That's why I get such a kick out of jimjam defending Jeff Bezos--the richest man in the world.

Stormsmith wrote:My guess is he deeply regrets Trump's 16 or so months of complete lack of action far more.

Trump shut down the Russian consulates in San Francisco and Seattle, which is where they used to steal our high tech secrets. It's more than Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama did--even Reagan for that matter.

Stormsmith wrote:PS just hope Mueller is draining the swamp.

He is the swamp. The irony of it is that he signed off on the Russians acquiring US uranium stocks, as if that is somehow less of a risk than a bunch of idiots protesting in front of Trump tower.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:15 pounds off, 8 pounds right back on again. Better than I was, but man do I have an efficient metabolism.

I,too, fight this battle. I have 3 things I do to maintain a "normal" BMI. Weigh myself 2X daily and if I gain 1 or 2 pounds, I , quite simple, eat less. When in the super market I try (not always successfully) not to put sweet tasting shit into my basket. And, finally, hard sweaty exercise (jogging) 5 days a week. Stay with it. jj
blackjack21 wrote:To embarrass Obama, who took it in the ass like that was a good thing. Putin knew Obama was a twink, and did his anti-gay propaganda thing just to piss Obama off.

In no way is this a rebuttal. It's just you being a vulgarian.

Trump has done almost nothing to ObamaCare. The mandate will expire in a few years, but the rest of its bloated corpse remains.

He's done nothing to give you an improved health care system, as he promised. Everything he has done is to reduce it to nothing. People's lives here....sad

I'm at least $100k+ richer than I would have been without Trump. So I'm just fine thanks.

Everyone who had money before Trump probably has more today, but we're not the point. Those without money before, but who had healthcare are. In addition these people will suffer as they age towards 65, and their taxes increase.

Trump shut down the Russian consulates in San Francisco and Seattle, which is where they used to steal our high tech secrets. It's more than Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama did--even Reagan for that matter.

He had no choice. He endured so many blistering attacks for his reversal of punitive actions
jimjam wrote:James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, on Russian interference in America's election process: “Of course the Russian efforts affected the outcome,” he wrote. “Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. When I looked at the evidence, the massive effort the Russians made and the multi-dimensional aspects of it — the number of people that the Russians reached, in many cases who were unknowing, and the fact that the election turned on less than 80,000 votes in three states — it just stretches logic and credulity to think that it didn't have impact.”

LOL You know this thread is spiraling like a toilet bowl flush when James Klaper's quotes are considered sanguine and factual. :lol:
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