Star Wars' "Solo" is Tanking at the Box Office - Politics | PoFo

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I've said since The Last Jedi, that they had ruined the Star Wars franchise just like the had ruined Mad Max with the pro-Hillary feminist stuff weaved into everything. It is clear that left wing politics is killing the Star Wars franchise (I root for the Empire now).

Box Office: ‘Solo’ Is Officially a Disaster as Media Cover Up Why
As far as I know, and I have given it a good faith perusal, no one, not a single member of the establishment media — even as commenters fill their sites with complaints about how the infusion of Kennedy’s obnoxious politics have ruined the franchise for countless fans — has shown the moral courage to even raise the idea that this might, maybe, could conceivably, possibly, be, perhaps, part of the perchance problem.

This cowardice is a sign, not only of how useless the entertainment media are, but how owned they are by big corporations, how they do not even have the integrity to tell a truth, to report the truth about Mizzz Kathleen’s disastrous arrogance, her bubbled provincialism, her strident scolding and preaching (and all at the expense of story logic and what the fans hold most dear), and how it is murdering the most iconic film franchise in history.

Kennedy is a literal book burner when it comes to Star Wars, and to protect their access and their own delusional need to never acknowledge that left-wing politics equals box office death, these moral cowards are intentionally ignoring one of the biggest entertainment stories of the year.

Awesome! It's great to see it crash and burn like the Death Star that mindless left wing politics represents.
blackjack21 wrote:I've said since The Last Jedi, that they had ruined the Star Wars franchise just like the had ruined Mad Max with the pro-Hillary feminist stuff weaved into everything. It is clear that left wing politics is killing the Star Wars franchise (I root for the Empire now).

Box Office: ‘Solo’ Is Officially a Disaster as Media Cover Up Why

Awesome! It's great to see it crash and burn like the Death Star that mindless left wing politics represents.

Last Jedi was fine :hmm: What are you on about, you stupid women-hating twat? :lol:

"My games/movies are ruined by feminism, sjws, insert any political movement or idea you don't like here, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" :D
JohnRawls wrote:Last Jedi was fine :hmm: What are you on about, you stupid women-hating twat? :lol:

"My games/movies are ruined by feminism, sjws, insert any political movement or idea you don't like here, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" :D

The Last Jedi was one long infomercial for Hillary Clinton. Here's what happened to Mad Max for those of you wise enough not to bother.

Freaking breast milk. Can you believe it?

It doesn't matter. It didn't work. Trump won. Hillary lost, and the fucktards are in a circular firing squad taking down Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, et. al. Even Bill Clinton is taking heat on his book tour.

Kathleen Kennedy will probably get canned. There's one thing liberals cannot get enough of, and that is other people's money. Losing money on Solo is going to make heads roll.
blackjack21 wrote:The Last Jedi was one long infomercial for Hillary Clinton. Here's what happened to Mad Max for those of you wise enough not to bother.

Freaking breast milk. Can you believe it?

It doesn't matter. It didn't work. Trump won. Hillary lost, and the fucktards are in a circular firing squad taking down Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, et. al. Even Bill Clinton is taking heat on his book tour.

Kathleen Kennedy will probably get canned. There's one thing liberals cannot get enough of, and that is other people's money. Losing money on Solo is going to make heads roll.

Sorry to disappoint you skipper. There is no "liberal" conspiracy against you. Also Trump got elected more than a year ago so this so called "circular firing squad" that you are talking about is nonsense. Most people do not care any more, that is how people are. On the other hand, it is fun that you have to find conspiracies and "Liberal" plots in movies/games etc. Yeah, it is not you being a stupid twat, it is obviously a conspiracy theory of liberal deep state poisoning your movies to brainwash you.

Also Harvey Weinstein probably did rape women and Spacey probably did pedo stuff. It is not much of a "liberal" plot that you have to answer in court if you do pedo stuff or rape women. It is sad with Spacey though, I wish they would let him continue making movies/series.
Mad Max was fine. Have nothing against Charlize Theron in that.

The film was just an amazing action film. Tom Hardy's Max was great. Max was never the "true lead" in the 80s sequels either. In the first sequel the Community living on the Oil Reserve are the main heroes with the Adult Narrator being revealed as the Kid. In the next sequel it's the lost Children.

Tom Hardy fans wanting to see him dominate a film have only to look at The Dark Knight Rises and the upcoming Venom(which has his character as a dark-Heroic character setting up a heel turn in a future MCU Spiderman).
Last edited by colliric on 07 Jun 2018 07:44, edited 1 time in total.
colliric wrote:Mad Max was fine. Have nothing against Charlize Theron in that.

The film was just an amazing action film. Tom Hardy's Max was great. Max was never the "true lead" in the 80s sequels either. In the first sequel the Community living on the Oil Reserve are the main heroes with the Adult Narrator being revealed as the Kid. In the sequel it's the lost Children.

Tom Hardy fans wanting to see him dominate a film have only to look at The Dark Knight Rises and the upcoming Venom(which has his character as a dark-Heroic character setting up a heel turn in a future MCU Spiderman).

How dare you colliric, it must be a SJW/Liberal plot by Soros to brainwash us. Movies with white males as leads are obviously also "liberals" trying to fool us in to thinking that it is not a trap. :excited:
Hong Wu wrote:By Star Wars standards, Last Jedi wasn't strong enough to sustain the franchise. Solo bombing suggests that observation was correct.

JJ Abrams will probably make a good 9th Episode (and frankly undo some of the storyline universe damage Rian Johnson inflicted on Star Wars, fuck you Johnson, Rey was called to Anakin's Lightsaber because she is a fucken Skywalker, she has the traits passed on to her.... Fuck you Johnson!) but a "Good" 9th main entry might not be enough to save it.

I think it should be pushed back to May 4th, 2020 too. Worst Kennedy idea was to break that 3 year tradition.
It had nothing to do with feminism, race or any of that other BS. It had to do with a crappy story.

Rei not being a Skywalker?? WTF were they thinking? Maybe it'll just be forgotten... like midichlorines.

This should not be in the Literature & Art section...
The more you think about it, the more angry you get about how TLJ broke established canon.

Lucas' PT makes it crystal clear "Lightsabers must be crafted by Jedi from scratch to match their identity, force powers and force sensitivity, if they change and turn to the Darkside they need to make a second one". Luke loses this lightsaber in ESB, so in Jedi needed to finally craft his own Green one and complete his Jedi training. The saber can only be used by that Jedi and possibly any Jedi closely related to them.

It only makes sense that Anakin's Lightsaber would "call to another Skywalker"... First Luke then Luke's progeny. Most likely this was the original canon-respecting storyline plan by Abrams (who frankly should have just fucken made all three).

Fuck that bastard Rian Johnson. Fuck him.
fuser wrote:Mad Max Fury Road was an amazing movie, probably the best of the year. Keep your dirty hands away from it, you unwashed uncultured savages.

I know right.
I love that people think left-wing politics is somehow new to Star Wars, when the original trilogy was a not-at-all-subtle allegory for the Vietnam war told from the perspective of the Vietcong. :lol:

As for Solo, I don't know if I'll bother watching it, but that's mainly because of "Star Wars fatigue" and the fact that it just looks like a badly made, unnecessary film. They've got the casting wrong (the lead should have been Anthony Ingruber), and the whole appeal of Han Solo is that you don't know his background.
JohnRawls wrote:Sorry to disappoint you skipper. There is no "liberal" conspiracy against you.

You are yet another person who doesn't understand the meaning of the term "conspiracy."

Clearly, there has been an effort in Hollywood to push feminist themes over at least the last four years in an effort to propel Hillary Clinton's assumed presidency. It failed. It has another odd effect though. Traditionally, politics has been downstream from culture. So the political left thought that by pushing feminist memes years in advance, that would saturate the electorate and they would vote in droves for Hillary Clinton. It did not work.

Plenty of critics saw the feminist themes, which you obviously missed.

Here's what the Guardian had to say about The Last Jedi.
A Force for good: why the Last Jedi is the most triumphantly feminist Star Wars movie yet

Writer-director Rian Johnson has delivered a film that’s funny, exciting, spiritual and true to the original essence of the series while also having well-rounded female characters who actually interact with one another. Both in terms of women and non-white characters, there’s a celebratory inclusiveness that seems entirely in the Jedi spirit.

It was a huge plug for feminism and multiculturalism. The irony is that it isn't downstream from culture, because what's happening in culture is Middle Eastern Muslims raping European women, blacks engaged in knive murders (in the UK) and gun murders (in the US) and many other dystopian scenes which inspire the political class but horrify the population at large.

Rey’s character is as developed as any in the series, and bears no relation to her gender.

Right. It bears no relation to her gender, which is what makes it weird. She behaves like the men in Star Wars, not the women. The name is "Rey," which is pronounced like "Ray"--typically a short form of Raymond. I suppose you could characterize that as trans-gender, but again it doesn't seem to have a place in Star Wars.

The Last Jedi also contains what Ophelian says is the “first truly Bechdel Test passing scene” in the history of the franchise. ... Other commentators think the Star Wars series has always been ahead of the curve. “The franchise has been a trailblazer for women in command,” says Beth Webb, a film journalist and programmer for the Bechdel Test Fest, an ongoing celebration of women in film.

Here’s hoping the post-Weinstein era is finally ushering in the changes so many feminists have been campaigning for in film. Says Webb: “We’re already seeing it in next year’s big releases, from A Wrinkle in Time to Lady Bird to Ocean’s Eight, and we’ve got solid proof in record-breaking box office figures and Metacritic scores to back us up. Wonder Woman was one of the highest-grossing superhero origin films of all time. Girls Trip was the first comedy of the year to cross the $1m mark. Lady Bird broke the Rotten Tomatoes record. And television is already light years ahead.”

There you have it @JohnRawls. They make these movies with an eye to the "Bechdel Test." Consequently, they tend to have feminist themes--in other words, they put feminist politics ahead of a storyline that makes sense.

But both Webb and Ophelian have one more new hope for Star Wars. ‘The next step is a female director, which I’m hoping the rapidly expanding franchise will allow,” says Webb.

Star Wars was never sexist. It just depicted traditional gender roles. In the original trilogy, Princess Leia had men fighting for her naturally, not as part of some sort of feminist power trip.

Mad Max: Fury Road was also replete with feminism--I can't say I saw all of it, because I walked out. Here's a review of that: Mayim Bialik: My Feminist Review of ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’

ANTI-FEMINISTS: OK, men. I get it. I can see how you see this movie as a “women taking the reins” kind of movie. It features some women who choose to live without men, eventually fighting those men they chose to live away from. It highlights most men as villains complicit in the manufacturing of women designed to be breeders. (Reminding you again that none of this is depicted, it’s simply spoken about, or rather shouted about over the sound of cars and trucks racing at 90 mph.) Ultimately, the film is very light on any plot, and there is no true message of any kind that women or men should have a problem with.

Whether this film is anti-male or not is kind of a non-issue for me. Eve Ensler (of “The Vagina Monologues”) was involved in teaching the actresses playing the abused women what it’s like to be abused to help with their performances. But to be brutally honest, these women and their acting chops were not that big of a part of the movie, and none of the actresses seemed like they had enough material to even incorporate deeper issues.

Mad Max was never about feminism. These stories are not meant to "incorporate deeper issues" of the political left. It ruins the story when it becomes propaganda.

JohnRawls wrote:Also Trump got elected more than a year ago so this so called "circular firing squad" that you are talking about is nonsense.

The points you obviously missed are:

1.) Politics is downstream from culture
2.) So, the political left tried to shape culture, so that they could shape politics.
3.) Their effort failed miserably; and,
4.) As a result, we have a lot of movies that don't make sense, because they were supposed to be released with Hillary Clinton as president.

Even U2 shelved their new album, because it wasn't music from the heart. It was feminist propaganda that made no sense with Trump as president of the US and Britain moving toward Brexit.

JohnRawls wrote:On the other hand, it is fun that you have to find conspiracies and "Liberal" plots in movies/games etc.

Movies don't get made by themselves. Every movie is a conspiracy of sorts. There isn't even a problem with overt liberal movies. The problem is that the political left is trying to inject itself like a parasite into stories that have nothing to do with the political left. Like parasites, the political left is draining these stories of their life force.

JohnRawls wrote:Yeah, it is not you being a stupid twat, it is obviously a conspiracy theory of liberal deep state poisoning your movies to brainwash you.

Personally, I think the rules on this forum and the moderators can be a little overbearing, because it stifles what you are actually expressing. For example, in this Rule #2 violation, you attack me personally. However, you use the term "twat," which is a derisive slang for the female reproductive organ. Your Rule #2 violation illustrates your embedded sexism and your use of a misogynistic term against a man--obviously, thinking it has greater effect in this way. For someone who refers to himself as JohnRawls, how does that work with your "veil of ignorance"?

Godstud wrote:This should not be in the Literature & Art section...

Where would you put it? Nothing else seemed appropriate.

Heisenberg wrote:I love that people think left-wing politics is somehow new to Star Wars, when the original trilogy was a not-at-all-subtle allegory for the Vietnam war told from the perspective of the Vietcong. :lol:

I'm all for a thread about Apocalypse Now versus Platoon, We Were Soldiers, Full Metal Jacket, etc. Star Wars wasn't about Vietnam at all.

If you want to take the storyline somewhat seriously, consider Lucas as an early filmmaker. He says himself that the Empire was in many ways the Hollywood movie establishment. The story itself is Republic vs. Empire. The dynamics are that a gaggle of people with varying individual identities that otherwise would never know each other find common cause against an individualist destroying Empire. Most of the Empire's characters are masked or cloaked in some way. Vadar's face isn't seen until the end of The Return of the Jedi. The Storm Troopers are faceless--and use a term from Nazi storm troopers.

The irony is that the political left thinks it can use the powers of "the Empire" as it were, but employ those powers for their idea of "good." The problem with the modern left in a democracy is that the modern left has no faith in freedom. That's why its parasitic injections into long running stories doesn't work.
blackjack21 wrote:Star Wars wasn't about Vietnam at all.

George Lucas on Star Wars:
"It was really about the Vietnam War, and that was the period where Nixon was trying to run for a [second] term, which got me to thinking historically about how do democracies get turned into dictatorships?"

The Ewoks' primitive weapons are explicitly based on the Vietcong's booby traps in Vietnam.
Feminism on the screen is supposed to be profitable I guess. The young Princess Leia was a feminist character too, she even turned out to be a potential Jedi as well, so there's nothing new here. And how about Ellen Ripley always being the last man standing and finishing off the monster? It was highly profitable too and had nothing to do with Hillary's presidential bid, although feminism on the screen is pro-Hillary rather than pro-Trump in general indeed. :lol:
All this thread has proved is that, nearly two years after the election, Republicans are still absolutely obsessed with Hillary Clinton.

(On a side note, given Hillary's role in helping to discredit and intimidate Bill Clinton's various accusers over the years, I'd say it's time we retired the idea that "pro-Hillary" and "feminist" go hand in hand ;) )
Heisenberg wrote:George Lucas on Star Wars:
"It was really about the Vietnam War, and that was the period where Nixon was trying to run for a [second] term, which got me to thinking historically about how do democracies get turned into dictatorships?"

The Ewoks' primitive weapons are explicitly based on the Vietcong's booby traps in Vietnam.

That's the Empire Strikes Back. Star Wars "A New Hope" was not based on Vietnam at all.

George Lucas

Beren wrote:The young Princess Leia was a feminist character too, she even turned out to be a potential Jedi as well, so there's nothing new here.

Yes, but she was not a campaign commercial for a DNC political candidate.

To put it in Star Wars context, the establishment is the Empire, but they are trying to make Empire acceptable by putting a compassion-loving female face on it. The big problem is that they chose Hillary Clinton who isn't even as lovable as the Emperor in The Empire Strikes Back. In today's cynical Disney fashion, they tried to turn it into a meansingless profit-making enterprise while injecting DNC politics into it; thus ruining the franchise. Now Star Wars is blowing up like the Death Star.

Sad for George Lucas that it ended up this way. In the end, he sold out and this is what's left...
blackjack21 wrote:Yes, but she was not a campaign commercial for a DNC political candidate.

So Disney failed abysmally, right? They should have rather made a remake with Leia as the main protagonist and an emphasis on the fact that she is a mature and full-grown character whose male partners like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo have to live up to. :lol:

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